AI Service > OCR > Document OCR > API v2.0 Guide

Overview of v2.0 API

Changes from v1.0

  • Enhanced security with the electronic envelope method.


Name Domain
OCR Public API Domain

Prerequisites (AppKey, SecretKey)

  • AppKey and SecretKey are required to use the API.
  • You can find the {appKey} and {secretKey} in the URL & Appkey menu at the top of the console.


  • Check whether the request or response is Base64 encoded.
  • Check the detailed mode of encryption and decryption (eg AES-256/CBC/PKCS7Padding).
  • The symmetric key used for encryption must be generated as a 32 byte random number. For security, it is recommended to create and use a new symmetric key for each request.

Issue Public Key


  • You can find the {appKey} and {secretKey} in the URL & Appkey menu at the top of the console.


Method URI
GET /v2.0/appkeys/{appKey}/public-keys/{serviceName}

[Request Header]

Name Value Description
Authorization {secretKey} Security key issued from the console

[Path Variable]

Name Value Description
appKey {appKey} Integrated Appkey or Service Appkey
serviceName {serviceName} credit-card (when issuing the public key used for calling the credit card API),
id-card (when issuing the public key used for calling the ID card API)

[Request Body]

curl -X GET '{appKey}/public-keys/{serviceName}' \
-H 'Authorization: ${secretKey}'


[Response Body]

  "header": {
    "isSuccessful": true,
    "resultCode": 0,
    "resultMessage": "SUCCESS"
  "result": {
    "key": "String",
    "version": "0"


Name Type Description
isSuccessful Boolean API success or not
resultCode Integer Result code
resultMessage String Result message (success on success, error content on failure)


Name Type Description
result Object Public key required for encryption
result.key String Public key (Base64 encoded)
result.version String version of public key
  • The public key is Base64 encoded.

Credit Card API

Credit Card Analysis API


  • You can find the {appKey} and {secretKey} in the URL & Appkey menu at the top of the console.


Method URI
POST /v2.0/appkeys/{appKey}/credit-card

[Request Header]

Name Value Description
Authorization {secretKey} Security key issued from the console
X-Key-Version {x-key-version} Version of the public key issued
Symmetric-Key {symmetricKey} Symmetric key encrypted with the issued public key
  • {symmetricKey} must be created as a 32-byte random number.
  • {symmetricKey} must be encrypted with the RSA/ECB/PKCS1Padding method (using public key).

[Path Variable]

Name Value Description
appKey {appKey} Integrated Appkey or Service Appkey


Name Type Description Encryption Description
image multipart/form-data Image file Image encrypted with a symmetric key
  • Image files must be encrypted with the AES-256/CBC/PKCS7Padding method (using a symmetric key).
  • The initialization vector (IV) uses the first 16 bytes (i.e., bytes 0-15) of the symmetric key.

[Request Body]

curl -X POST '{appKey}/credit-card' \
-F 'image=@sample.png' \
-H 'Authorization: ${secretKey}' \
-H 'X-Key-Version: ${x-key-version}' \
-H 'Symmetric-Key: ${symmetricKey}'


[Response Body]

    "header": {
        "isSuccessful": true,
        "resultCode": 0,
        "resultMessage": "SUCCESS"
    "result": {
        "fileType": "png",
        "resolution": "low",
        "cardNums": [
                        "value": "1111",
                        "conf": 0.87
                        "value": "2222",
                        "conf": 0.99
                        "value": "3333",
                        "conf": 0.97
                        "value": "4444",
                        "conf": 0.89
        "totalCardNum": "111222233334444",
        "cardNumBoxes": [
                "x1": 62,
                "y1": 256,
                "x2": 192,
                "y2": 256,
                "x3": 192,
                "y3": 301,
                "x4": 62,
                "y4": 301
        "validThru": {
            "value": "04/19",
            "conf": 0.53
        "validThruBox": {
            "x1": 316,
            "y1": 315,
            "x2": 426,
            "y2": 315,
            "x3": 426,
            "y3": 347,
            "x4": 316,
            "y4": 347


Name Type Description
isSuccessful Boolean Analysis API success or not
resultCode Integer Result code
resultMessage String Result message (success on success, error content on failure)


Name Type Description Whether encrypted or not
fileType String File extension (.jpg, .png)
resolution String normal: the resolution is the recommended resolution (760*480px) or above, low: the resolution is below the recommended resolution
cardNums List List of card number recognition results
cardNums[0].value String Recognition result O
cardNums[0].conf Double Confidence of the recognition result
totalCardNum List Full card number recognition result O
cardNumBoxes List List of coordinates of the card number recognition area (bounding box)
cardNumBoxes[0] Object Coordinates of recognized area { x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, x4, y4 }
validThru.value String Expiration date recognition content O
validThru.conf Double Confidence of expiration date recognition result
validThruBox Object Coordinates of the expiration date recognition area { x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, x4, y4 }
  • Encrypted items (cardNums[0].value, totalCardNum, etc.) are encrypted with the AES-256/CBC/PKCS7Padding method (using symmetric key).

  • boxes[0] Bounding box

ID Card Analysis API


  • You can find the {appKey} and {secretKey} in the URL & Appkey menu at the top of the console.


Method URI
POST /v2.0/appkeys/{appKey}/id-card

[Request Header]

Name Value Description
Authorization {secretKey} Security key issued from the console
X-Key-Version {x-key-version} Version of the public key issued
Symmetric-Key {symmetricKey} Symmetric key encrypted with the issued public key
  • {symmetricKey} must be created as a 32-byte random number.
  • {symmetricKey} must be encrypted with the RSA/ECB/PKCS1Padding method (using public key).

[Path Variable]

Name Value Description
appKey {appKey} Integrated Appkey or Service Appkey


Name Type Description Encryption Description
image multipart/form-data Image file Image encrypted with a symmetric key
  • Image files must be encrypted with the AES-256/CBC/PKCS7Padding method (using a symmetric key).
  • The initialization vector (IV) uses the first 16 bytes (i.e., bytes 0-15) of the symmetric key.

[Request Body]

curl -X POST '{appKey}/id-card' \
-F 'image=@sample.png' \
-H 'Authorization: ${secretKey}' \
-H 'X-Key-Version: ${x-key-version}' \
-H 'Symmetric-Key: ${symmetricKey}'


[Response Header]

Name Description
Request-Key Request-Key to be used when calling the Verify Authenticity API
  • If you use the Request-Key to make a Authenticity API call and get a normal response, the Request-Key used cannot be reused.
  • Request-Key is valid for 1 hour after issuance and cannot be used after that.

[Response Body]

    "header": {
        "isSuccessful": true,
        "resultCode": 0,
        "resultMessage": "SUCCESS"
    "result": {
        "fileType": "png",
        "resolution": "low",
        "idType": "resident",
        "keyValues": [
                "key": "name",
                "value": "String",
                "conf": 0.67,
                "bbox": {
                    "x1": 191,
                    "y1": 75,
                    "x2": 240,
                    "y2": 75,
                    "x3": 240,
                    "y3": 95,
                    "x4": 191,
                    "y4": 95
                "key": "residentNumber",
                "value": "String",
                "conf": 0.91,
                "bbox": {
                    "x1": 190,
                    "y1": 43,
                    "x2": 382,
                    "y2": 43,
                    "x3": 382,
                    "y3": 64,
                    "x4": 190,
                    "y4": 64
                "key": "issueDate",
                "value": "String",
                "conf": 0.86,
                "bbox": {
                    "x1": 191,
                    "y1": 75,
                    "x2": 240,
                    "y2": 75,
                    "x3": 240,
                    "y3": 95,
                    "x4": 191,
                    "y4": 95
                "key": "issuer",
                "value": "String",
                "conf": 0.8,
                "bbox": {
                    "x1": 19,
                    "y1": 10,
                    "x2": 148,
                    "y2": 10,
                    "x3": 148,
                    "y3": 52,
                    "x4": 19,
                    "y4": 52
        "boxes": [
                "x1": 280,
                "y1": 271,
                "x2": 354,
                "y2": 271,
                "x3": 354,
                "y3": 305,
                "x4": 280,
                "y4": 305


Name Type Description
isSuccessful Boolean Analysis API success or not
resultCode Integer Result code
resultMessage String Result message (success on success, error content on failure)


Name Type Description Whether encrypted or not
fileType String File extension (.jpg, .png)
resolution String normal: the resolution is the recommended resolution (760*480px) or above, low: the resolution is below the recommended resolution
idType String resident(resident registration certificate), driver(driver license), passport (passport)
keyValues List
keyValues[0].key String
keyValues[0].value String O
keyValues[0].bbox Object Coordinates of recognized area { x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, x4, y4 }
keyValues[0].conf Double Confidence of the recognition result
boxes List List of bounding box coordinates
boxes[0] Object Coordinates of recognized area { x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, x4, y4 }
  • List included in KeyValues when "idType" is recognized as "resident"
key value type description
name string Recognized name
residentNumber string Recognized resident registration number
issueDate string Recognized issued date
issuer string Recognized issuer
  • List to be included in KeyValues when "idType" is recognized as "driver"
key value type description
driverLicenseNumber string Recognized driver license number
licenseType string Recognized driver license type (Class 1 Normal, etc.)
When the values are 2 or more, separate them with “/”
name string Recognized name
residentNumber string Recognized resident registration number
condition string Recognized driver license condition
(If the field does not exist according to the driver's license, the value of the field is none)
serialNum string Recognized serial number
issueDate string Recognized issued date
issuer string Recognized issuer
  • List included in KeyValues when "idType" is recognized as "passport"
key value type description
passportType string Recognized passport type
countryCode string Recognized country code
passportNo string Recognized passport number
surName string Recognized surname
givenName string Recognized name
nationality string Recognized nationality
dateOfBirth string Recognized birthdate
dateOfBirthYMD string Recognized birthdate
(YYYYMMDD 8 digits)
sex string Recognized gender
dateOfIssue string Recognized issue date
dateOfIssueYMD string Recognized issue date
(YYYYMMDD 8 digits)
dateOfExpiry string Recognized expiration date
dateOfExpiryYMD string Recognized expiration date
(YYYYMMDD 8 digits)
koreanName string Recognized Korean name
personalNo string Recognized resident registration number
MRZ1 string Machine readable zone 1
MRZ2 string Machine readable zone 2
  • Encrypted items (keyValues[0].value, etc.) are encrypted with the AES-256/CBC/PKCS7Padding method (using symmetric key).
  • boxes[0] Bounding box

Verify Authenticity API


  • You can find the {appKey} and {secretKey} in the URL & Appkey menu at the top of the console.


Method URI
POST /v2.0/appkeys/{appKey}/id-card/authenticity

[Request Header]

Name Value Description
Authorization {secretKey} Security key issued from the console
X-Key-Version {x-key-version} Version of the public key issued
Symmetric-Key {symmetricKey} Symmetric key encrypted with the issued public key
Request-Key {Request-Key} Request-Key issued after ID card analysis
  • {symmetricKey} must be created as a 32-byte random number.
  • {symmetricKey} must be encrypted with the RSA/ECB/PKCS1Padding method (using public key).

[Path Variable]

Name Value Description
appKey {appKey} Integrated Appkey or Service Appkey


Name Type Description idType Whether encrypted or not Required
idType String resident(resident registration certificate), driver(driver license), passport (passport) X O
name String Name O O
residentNumber String Resident registration number
- For resident (resident registration certificate), 13 digits of resident registration number
- For a driver (driver's license), 7 digits that comprise of the first 6 digits and the first 1 digit of resident registration number
resident, driver O O
issueDate String Issued date (YYYYMMDD) resident, passport O O
driverLicenseNumber String 12 digits of driver license number driver O O
serialNum String 5 and 6 digits of serial number driver O X
passportNumber String Passport number (9 digits in uppercase letters and numbers) passport O O
birthDate String Birthdate (YYYYMMDD) passport O O
expirationDate String Expiration date (YYYYMMDD) passport X O
  • A field that requires encryption must be encrypted with the AES-256/CBC/PKCS7Padding method (using a symmetric key).
  • The initialization vector (IV) uses the first 16 bytes (i.e., bytes 0-15) of the symmetric key.

[Request Body]

curl -X POST '{appKey}/id-card/authenticity' \
-H 'Authorization: ${secretKey}' \
-H 'X-Key-Version: ${x-key-version}' \
-H 'Symmetric-Key: ${symmetricKey}' \
-H 'Request-Key: ${Request-Key}' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
  "idType": "driver",
  "name": "J/MTycDJ...",
  "residentNumber": "P12ztmj...",
  "driverLicenseNumber": "OHjVJrUMh...",
  "serialNum": "7tnTOKuKGJ..."


[Response Body]

  "header": {
    "isSuccessful": true,
    "resultCode": 0,
    "resultMessage": "SUCCESS"
  "result": {
    "isAuthenticity": false


Name Type Description
isSuccessful Boolean Whether the Verify Authenticity API succeeds or not
resultCode Integer Result code
resultMessage String Result message (success on success, error content on failure)


Name Type Description
isAuthenticity Boolean Whether it is authentic or not

ID Card Analysis API (Stand alone)

Differences from the existing ID analysis API

  • It does not contain the Request-Key required for authenticity verification.
  • Authenticity cannot be verified, but a low fee is charged.


  • You can find the {appKey} and {secretKey} in the URL & Appkey menu at the top of the console.


Method URI
POST /v2.0/appkeys/{appKey}/id-card/stand-alone

[Request Header]

Name Value Description
Authorization {secretKey} Security key issued from the console
X-Key-Version {x-key-version} Version of the public key issued
Symmetric-Key {symmetricKey} Symmetric key encrypted with the issued public key
  • {symmetricKey} must be created as a 32- byte random number.
  • {symmetricKey} must be encrypted with theRSA/ECB/PKCS1Padding method (using public key).

[Path Variable]

Name Value Description
appKey {appKey} Integrated Appkey or Service Appkey


Name Type Description Encryption Description
image multipart/form-data Image file Image encrypted with a symmetric key
  • Image files must be encrypted with theAES-256/CBC/PKCS7Padding method (using a symmetric key).
  • The initialization vector (IV) uses the first 16 bytes (i.e., bytes 0-15) of the symmetric key.

[Request Body]

curl -X POST '{appKey}/id-card/stand-alone' \
-F 'image=@sample.png' \
-H 'Authorization: ${secretKey}' \
-H 'X-Key-Version: ${x-key-version}' \
-H 'Symmetric-Key: ${symmetricKey}'


[Response Body]

    "header": {
        "isSuccessful": true,
        "resultCode": 0,
        "resultMessage": "SUCCESS"
    "result": {
        "fileType": "png",
        "resolution": "low",
        "idType": "resident",
        "keyValues": [
                "key": "name",
                "value": "String",
                "conf": 0.67,
                "bbox": {
                    "x1": 191,
                    "y1": 75,
                    "x2": 240,
                    "y2": 75,
                    "x3": 240,
                    "y3": 95,
                    "x4": 191,
                    "y4": 95
                "key": "residentNumber",
                "value": "String",
                "conf": 0.91,
                "bbox": {
                    "x1": 190,
                    "y1": 43,
                    "x2": 382,
                    "y2": 43,
                    "x3": 382,
                    "y3": 64,
                    "x4": 190,
                    "y4": 64
                "key": "issueDate",
                "value": "String",
                "conf": 0.86,
                "bbox": {
                    "x1": 191,
                    "y1": 75,
                    "x2": 240,
                    "y2": 75,
                    "x3": 240,
                    "y3": 95,
                    "x4": 191,
                    "y4": 95
                "key": "issuer",
                "value": "String",
                "conf": 0.8,
                "bbox": {
                    "x1": 19,
                    "y1": 10,
                    "x2": 148,
                    "y2": 10,
                    "x3": 148,
                    "y3": 52,
                    "x4": 19,
                    "y4": 52
        "boxes": [
                "x1": 280,
                "y1": 271,
                "x2": 354,
                "y2": 271,
                "x3": 354,
                "y3": 305,
                "x4": 280,
                "y4": 305


Name Type Description
isSuccessful Boolean Analysis API success or not
resultCode Integer Result code
resultMessage String Result message (success on success, error content on failure)


Name Type Description Whether encrypted or not
fileType String File extension (.jpg, .png)
resolution String normal: the resolution is the recommended resolution (760*480px) or above, low: the resolution is below the recommended resolution
idType String resident(resident registration certificate), driver(driver license), passport (passport)
keyValues List
keyValues[0].key String
keyValues[0].value String O
keyValues[0].bbox Object Coordinates of recognized area { x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, x4, y4 }
keyValues[0].conf Double Confidence of the recognition result
boxes List List of bounding box coordinates
boxes[0] Object Coordinates of recognized area { x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, x4, y4 }
  • List included in KeyValues when "idType" is recognized as "resident"
key value type description
name string Recognized name
residentNumber string Recognized resident registration number
issueDate string Recognized issued date
issuer string Recognized issuer
  • List to be included in KeyValues when "idType" is recognized as "driver"
key value type description
driverLicenseNumber string Recognized driver license number
licenseType string Recognized driver license type (Class 1 Normal, etc.)
When the values are 2 or more, separate them with “/”
name string Recognized name
residentNumber string Recognized resident registration number
condition string Recognized driver license condition
(If the field does not exist according to the driver's license, the value of the field is none)
serialNum string Recognized serial number
issueDate string Recognized issued date
issuer string Recognized issuer
  • List included in KeyValues when "idType" is recognized as "passport"
key value type description
passportType string Recognized passport type
countryCode string Recognized country code
passportNo string Recognized passport number
surName string Recognized surname
givenName string Recognized name
nationality string Recognized nationality
dateOfBirth string Recognized birthdate
dateOfBirthYMD string Recognized birthdate
(YYYYMMDD 8 digits)
sex string Recognized gender
dateOfIssue string Recognized issue date
dateOfIssueYMD string Recognized issue date
(YYYYMMDD 8 digits)
dateOfExpiry string Recognized expiration date
dateOfExpiryYMD string Recognized expiration date
(YYYYMMDD 8 digits)
koreanName string Recognized Korean name
personalNo string Recognized resident registration number
MRZ1 string Machine readable zone 1
MRZ2 string Machine readable zone 2
  • Encrypted items (keyValues[0].value, etc.) are encrypted with the AES-256/CBC/PKCS7Padding method (using symmetric key).
  • boxes[0] Bounding box