AI Service > OCR > Document OCR > Console User Guide

You can get the analysis results by uploading image files of business registration certificates, credit cards, and IDs to the console.

Business Registration Certificate Analysis

Upload an Image for Analysis

Upload an image of the business registration certificate to analyze.

  • Images can be uploaded in the following two methods:
    1. Click the Upload Image button
    2. Drag and drop the image


After uploading the image, click the Analyze button and the analysis results will appear on the right side of the screen.

Business Registration

  • [Text (Key Value)] Displays the analyzed contents of the business registration certificate in the form of Key/Value.
  • [JSON] Displays the analysis results in JSON format.
    • [success] Analysis success/failure
    • [fileType] File extension (.pdf, .jpg, .png)
    • [keyValues] Analysis results
      • [key] Value corresponding to the key in the business registration certificate (classification, shop name, address, etc.)
      • [value] Value corresponding to a specific key
      • [conf] Confidence of an analysis result
    • [resolution] normal: the resolution is the recommended resolution (HD 1280*720px) or above, low: the resolution is below the recommended resolution
    • [unitType] Coordinate unit for boxes (pixel by default, point for PDF)
    • [boxes] Coordinate values of the recognized area on the image ({x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, x4, y4} format for each box) bbox
    • [JSON Sample]
  "fileType": "jpg",
  "unitType": "pixel",
  "keyValues": [
          "value":" 간이과세자",
  "boxes": [
          "x1": 340,
          "y1": 3231,
          "x2": 523,
          "y2": 3231,
          "x3": 523,
          "y3": 3297,
          "x4": 340,
          "y4": 3297
  "resolution": "normal"
  • Provides the feature to copy or download analysis results (Excel, JSON).


You can modify the content of the business registration certificate after analysis. Click Modify to modify the content.

Retrieve Stoppage/Closure

After analyzing the business registration certificate, you can search whether the business is stopped or closed by the contents of the analysis result. Click Search for Stoppage/Clousre to display the search results on the right side of the button.

Credit Card Analysis

Upload an Image for Analysis

Upload an image of the credit card to analyze.

  • Images can be uploaded in the following two methods:
    1. Click the Upload Image button
    2. Drag and drop the image


After uploading the image, click the Analyze button and the analysis results will appear on the right side of the screen.

Credit Card

  • [Text (Key Value)] Displays the analyzed contents of the credit card in the form of Key/Value.
  • [JSON] Displays the analysis results in JSON format.
    • [fileType] File extension (.jpg, .png)
    • [resolution] normal: the resolution is the recommended resolution (760*480px) or above, low: the resolution is below the recommended resolution
    • [cardNums] List of card number analysis results
      • [value] Card number recognition result
      • [conf] Confidence of card number recognition result
    • [totalCardNum] Full card number recognition result
    • [validThru] Expiration date recognition content
      • [value] Expiration date recognition result
      • [conf] Confidence of expiration date recognition result
    • [cardNumBoxes] Coordinate values of the card number recognition area on the image ({x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, x4, y4} format for each box)
    • [validThruBox] Coordinate values of the expiration date recognition area on the image bbox
    • [JSON Sample]
  "fileType": "jpg",
  "resolution": "low",
  "cardNums": [
      "value": "1111",
      "conf": 0.67
      "value": "2222",
      "conf": 0.66
      "value": "3333",
      "conf": 0.67
      "value": "4444",
      "conf": 0.34
  "totalCardNum": "4330288628448618",
  "cardNumBoxes": [
      "x1": 62,
      "y1": 256,
      "x2": 192,
      "y2": 256,
      "x3": 192,
      "y3": 301,
      "x4": 62,
      "y4": 301
  "validThru": {
    "value": "04/19",
    "conf": 0.53
  "validThruBox": {
    "x1": 316,
    "y1": 315,
    "x2": 426,
    "y2": 315,
    "x3": 426,
    "y3": 347,
    "x4": 316,
    "y4": 347
  • Provides the feature to copy or download analysis results (JSON).

Analyze ID Card

Upload an Image for Analysis

Upload an image of an ID card to analyze.

  • Images can be uploaded in the following two methods:
    1. Click the Upload Image button
    2. Drag and drop the image


After uploading the image, click the Analyze button and the analysis results will appear on the right side of the screen.

ID Card

  • [Text (Key Value)] Displays the analyzed contents of the credit card in the form of Key/Value.
  • [JSON] Displays the analysis results in JSON format.
    • [fileType] File extension (.jpg, .png)
    • [resolution] normal: the resolution is the recommended resolution (760*480px) or above, low: the resolution is below the recommended resolution
    • [idType] resident for resident registration certificate, driver for driver's license, passport for passport
    • [keyValues] Analysis results
      • [key] Value corresponding to the key in the ID card (name, resident registration number, etc.)
      • [value] Value corresponding to a specific key
      • [conf] Confidence of an analysis result
    • [boxes] Coordinate values of the recognized area on the image ({x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, x4, y4} format for each box) bbox
    • [JSON Sample]
  "fileType": "png",
  "resolution": "low",
  "idType": "driver",
  "keyValues": [
      "key": "driverLicenseNumber",
      "value": "12-34-567890-01",
      "conf": 0.91
      "key": "licenseType",
      "value": "1종대형/1종보통/1종소형/특수(대형견인,/소형견인,/구난)/2종보통,/2종/소형/원동기",
      "conf": 0.51
      "key": "name",
      "value": "홍길순",
      "conf": 0.94
  "boxes": [
      "x1": 23,
      "y1": 15,
      "x2": 65,
      "y2": 15,
      "x3": 65,
      "y3": 28,
      "x4": 23,
      "y4": 28
      "x1": 69,
      "y1": 15,
      "x2": 112,
      "y2": 15,
      "x3": 112,
      "y3": 28,
      "x4": 69,
      "y4": 28
  • Provides the feature to copy or download analysis results (JSON).


You can modify the content of the ID card after analysis. ClickModifyto modify the content.

Verify Authenticity

You can verify the authenticity of the ID card after analysis. Click Verify authenticity and the result appears at the right of the button.