Application Service > File Crafter > API Guide

API Overview

API Domain

AppKey & Secret

  • You must add AppKey and Secret Key to headers.
  • You can check or create them in CONSOLE > Application Service > File Crafter > URL & AppKey.

Export Request

After sending repetitive requests to the specified URL, the received response is saved as a file and uploaded to the specified storage. The specifications required by the Export callback URL can be found in the Callback API Guide.


  • [URL]
POST /file-crafter/v2.0/export/files 
Content-Type: appliction/json
  • [Header]
  "x-tc-app-key": "String",
  "x-secret-key": "String"
  • [Request body]
  "callback": {
    "url": "",
    "query": {
      "endOffset": 300,
      "pageSize": 50
  "exportedFile": {
    "extension": "xls",
    "maxRowCountPerFile": 1000,
    "password": "test",
    "fields": {
      "key": "headerName"
    "sheets": [
        "sheetName": "Sheet 1",
        "sheetQuery": "sheetQuery1"
  "storages": [
      "secretKey": "String",
      "bucketName": "String",
      "endPoint": "",
      "region": "KR1",
      "filePath": "String",
      "fileName": "String",
      "fileFullPath": "String",
      "used": true
  "searchKey": "localTestType"
Value Type Constraints Required Description
callback Object Not Null O Callback information for export
callback.url String Not Blank O URL to call by File Crafter for export
callback.query Object Query sent along when File Crafter calls the specified URL.
exportedFile Object Not Null O Information on export result file
exportedFile.extension String Not Null O [xls, xlsx, csv, json]
exportedFile.maxRowCountPerFile Integer 1000 ~ 1000000 Maximum row count per file
exportedFile.password String Password for result file (xls, xlsx formats supported)
exportedFile.fields Object Export target field, Item name
exportedFile.sheets Array Query key to distinguish sheets when multiple sheets are exported, Sheet name
storages Array Not Empty Information on storage where result file is uploaded. Up to 5 can be specified.
storages.accessKey String
storages.secretKey String
storages.bucketName String
storages.endPoint String
storages.region String
storages.filePath String
storages.fileName String
searchKey String Search key used to retrieve requests in the console
  • exportedFile.fields

    • Key is extracted from the export callback response and exported as a value.
  • ex) exportedFile.fields

     "name": "이름",
     "number": "연락처"

 - ex) export callback response

   {"name": "Jason", "number": "01012341234"}, 
   {"name":"Tim", "number": "01043214321"}
  • ex) export result
Name Contact
Jason 01012341234
Tim 01043214321
  • exportedFile.sheets

    • When requesting export callback, sheetQuery parameter is sent, and the response is exported to the sheetName sheet.
  • ex) exportedFile.fields

      "sheetQuery": "October",
      "sheetName": "10월"
  • ex) export callback request

Import Request

Parameterize the uploaded file and make repetitive requests to the specified URL. The specifications required by the import callback URL can be found in the Callback API Guide.


  • [URL]
POST /file-crafter/v2.0/import/files
  • [Header]
  "x-tc-app-key": "String",
  "x-secret-key": "String"
  • [Query parameter]
Value Type Constraints Required Description
importingCallbackUrl Object O URL to call by File Crafter for validation
validatingCallbackUrl String URL to call by File Crafter for export
isAutoImporting String When validation is included
dataStartRowNum String At least 2 Row number where actual data starts
searchKey String Search key used to retrieve requests in the console
password String File password when importing an encrypted excel file

Common response

Response commonly used by Export and Import requests.

  • [Response body]
  "header": {
    "resultCode": 0,
    "resultMessage": "success",
    "isSuccessful": true
  "fileId": "String"
Value Type Description
header Object
header.resultCode Integer Request result code
header.resultMessage String Request result message
header.isSuccessful Boolean Request success or not
fileId String Request ID