Compute > Image > API v2 Guide

To use the API, API endpoint and token are required. Refer to API usage preparations to prepare the information required to use the API.

Image API uses the image type endpoint. Refer to the serviceCatalog in the token issuance response for the valid endpoint.

Type Region Endpoint
image Korea (Pangyo) Region
Korea (Pyeongchon) Region
Japan Region
US (California) Region

In API response, you may find fields that are not specified in the guide. These fields are only for the internal use by NHN Cloud and are subject to change without prior notice, so we advise you not to use them.


List Images

GET /v2/images
X-Auth-Token: {tokenId}


This API does not require a request body.

Name Type Format Required Description
tokenId Header String O Token ID
limit Query Integer - Image count to return (default is 25)
marker Query UUID - ID of the first image on the list to query
Query as much as the limit after image specified as the marker according to the sorting order
name Query String - Name of image to query
visibility Query Enum - Visibility attribute of the image to query
Select only one of public, private, and shared
If left blank, list of all types of images are returned.
owner Query String - ID of the tenant to which the image to query belongs
status Query Enum - Image status to query
queued: Converting image
saving: Uploading image
active: Normal
killed: Deleting image from system
deleted: Image deleted
pending_delete: Delete Image is pending
size_min Query Integer - Minimum size of image to query (bytes)
size_max Query Integer - Maximum size of image to query (bytes)
nhncloud_product Query Enum - Infrastructure service type of image to query
compute: Instance service image
gpu: GPU Instance service image
container: NHN Kubernetes service image
sort_key Query String - Attribute to use when sorting the image list
All attributes of image can be specified, default is created_at
sort_dir Query Enum - Sorting direction of the image list
Select only one of asc (ascending order) or desc (descending order)
member_status Query Enum - For shared images, a list of images are retrieved according to their member status
Only one of the following values can be selected: accepted, pending, rejected, or all.
default is accepted


Name Type Format Description
images Body Array Image list object
images.status Body String Image status
One of queued, saving, active, killed, deleted, and pending_delete Body String Image name
images.tags Body Array Image tag list
images.container_format Body String Image container format
images.created_at Body Datetime Creation time
images.disk_format Body String Image disk format
images.updated_at Body Datetime Modification time
images.min_disk Body Integer Minimum required disk size of image (GB)
Available only for block storage that are larger than min_disk
images.protected Body Boolean Protect image or not
Cannot be modified or deleted when protected=true Body UUID Image ID
images.min_ram Body Integer Minimum required memory size of image (MB)
Available only for instances that are larger than min_disk
images.checksum Body String Hash for image content
Used internally for image validation
images.owner Body String ID of the tenant to which the image belongs
images.visibility Body Enum Image visibility
One of public, private, and shared
images.virtual_size Body Integer Virtual size of the image
images.size Body Integer Real size of the image (bytes) Body Object Image properties object
Describes user-specified properties for each image in the key-value pair format
images.self Body URI Image path
images.file Body String File path of image
images.schema Body URI Schema path of image
schema Body URI Schema path of image list
first Body URI Path of the first page of image list
next Body URI Path of the next page of image list

  "images": [
      "container_format": "bare",
      "min_ram": 0,
      "updated_at": "2018-12-11T01:01:35Z",
      "login_username": "centos",
      "file": "/v2/images/1c868787-6207-4ff2-a1e7-ae1331d6829b/file",
      "owner": "c289b99209ca4e189095cdecebbd092d",
      "id": "1c868787-6207-4ff2-a1e7-ae1331d6829b",
      "size": 1778843648,
      "os_distro": "CentOS",
      "self": "/v2/images/1c868787-6207-4ff2-a1e7-ae1331d6829b",
      "disk_format": "qcow2",
      "os_version": "6.10",
      "schema": "/v2/schemas/image",
      "status": "active",
      "description": "CentOS 6.10 (2018.10.23)",
      "tags": [],
      "visibility": "public",
      "os_architecture": "amd64",
      "min_disk": 20,
      "virtual_size": null,
      "name": "CentOS 6.10 (2018.10.23)",
      "hypervisor_type": "qemu",
      "created_at": "2018-10-23T02:17:43Z",
      "protected": true,
      "checksum": "f803c5c15bcf9a75935980a900a04584",
      "os_type": "linux"
  "schema": "/v2/schemas/images",
  "first": "/v2/images",
  "next": "/v2/images?marker=057f9a69-4e4c-4025-8a69-fa248cd9db94"

Get Image

GET /v2/images/{imageId}
X-Auth-Token: {tokenId}


This API does not require a request body.

Name Type Format Required Description
imageId URL UUID O Image ID to query
tokenId Header String O Token ID


Name Type Format Description
status Body String Image status
name Body String Image name
tags Body Array Image tag list
container_format Body String Image container format
created_at Body Datetime Creation time
disk_format Body String Image disk format
updated_at Body Datetime Modification time
min_disk Body Integer Minimum required disk size of image (GB)
Available only for block storage that are larger than min_disk
protected Body Boolean Protect image or not
Cannot be modified or deleted when protected=true
id Body UUID Image ID
min_ram Body Integer Minimum required memory size of image (MB)
Available only for instances that are larger than min_disk
checksum Body String Hash for image content
Used internally for image validation
owner Body String ID of the tenant to which the image belongs
visibility Body Enum Image visibility
One of public, private, and shared
virtual_size Body Integer Virtual size of the image
size Body Integer Real size of the image (bytes)
properties Body Object Image properties object
Describes user-specified properties for each image in the key-value pair format
self Body URI Image path
file Body String File path of image
schema Body URI Schema path of image

  "container_format": "bare",
  "min_ram": 0,
  "updated_at": "2018-12-11T01:01:35Z",
  "login_username": "centos",
  "file": "/v2/images/1c868787-6207-4ff2-a1e7-ae1331d6829b/file",
  "owner": "c289b99209ca4e189095cdecebbd092d",
  "id": "1c868787-6207-4ff2-a1e7-ae1331d6829b",
  "size": 1778843648,
  "os_distro": "CentOS",
  "self": "/v2/images/1c868787-6207-4ff2-a1e7-ae1331d6829b",
  "disk_format": "qcow2",
  "os_version": "6.10",
  "schema": "/v2/schemas/image",
  "status": "active",
  "description": "CentOS 6.10 (2018.10.23)",
  "tags": [],
  "visibility": "public",
  "os_architecture": "amd64",
  "min_disk": 20,
  "virtual_size": null,
  "name": "CentOS 6.10 (2018.10.23)",
  "hypervisor_type": "qemu",
  "created_at": "2018-10-23T02:17:43Z",
  "protected": true,
  "checksum": "f803c5c15bcf9a75935980a900a04584",
  "os_type": "linux"

Create Image

Create an empty image. To use the image in NHN Cloud, you must upload the actual file using the Upload Image API after creating an image.

POST /v2/images
X-Auth-Token: {tokenId}


Name Type Format Required Description
tokenId Header String O Token ID
name Body String O Image name
container_format Body String - Image container format
disk_format Body String - Image disk format
min_disk Body Integer - Minimum required disk size of image (GB)
min_ram Body Integer - Minimum required memory size of image (MB)
protected Body Boolean - Whether to protect image, true or false
tags Body Array - Image tag list
visibility Body String - Image visibility
private or shared
os_type Body String O OS type
windows or linux
os_distro Body String - OS distribution
os_version Body String - OS version

    "name": "Ubuntu Image",
    "container_format": "bare",
    "disk_format": "qcow2",
    "os_type": "linux",
    "os_distro": "ubuntu",
    "os_version": "Server 22.04 LTS"


Name Type Format Description
status Body String Image status
One of queued, saving, active, killed, deleted, and pending_delete
name Body String Image name
tags Body String Image tag list
container_format Body String Image container format
created_at Body Datetime Creation time
disk_format Body String Image disk format
updated_at Body Datetime Modification time
min_disk Body Integer Minimum required disk size of image (GB)
Available only for block storage that are larger than min_disk
protected Body Boolean Protect image or not
Cannot be modified or deleted when protected=true
id Body UUID Image ID
min_ram Body Integer Minimum required memory size of image (MB)
Available only for instances that are larger than min_disk
checksum Body String Hash for image content
Used internally for image validation
owner Body String ID of the tenant to which the image belongs
visibility Body Enum Image visibility
private or shared
virtual_size Body Integer Virtual size of the image
size Body Integer Real size of the image (bytes)
properties Body Object Image properties object
Describes user-specified properties for each image in the key-value pair format
self Body URI Image path
file Body String File path of image
schema Body URI Schema path of image
os_type Body String OS type
windows or linux
os_distro Body String OS distribution
os_version Body String OS version

    "status": "queued",
    "name": "Ubuntu Image",
    "tags": [],
    "container_format": "bare",
    "created_at": "2015-11-29T22:21:42Z",
    "size": null,
    "disk_format": "qcow2",
    "updated_at": "2015-11-29T22:21:42Z",
    "visibility": "private",
    "locations": [],
    "self": "/v2/images/b2173dd3-7ad6-4362-baa6-a68bce3565cb",
    "min_disk": 0,
    "protected": false,
    "id": "b2173dd3-7ad6-4362-baa6-a68bce3565cb",
    "file": "/v2/images/b2173dd3-7ad6-4362-baa6-a68bce3565cb/file",
    "checksum": null,
    "os_hash_algo": null,
    "os_hash_value": null,
    "os_hidden": false,
    "owner": "bab7d5c60cd041a0a36f7c4b6e1dd978",
    "virtual_size": null,
    "min_ram": 0,
    "schema": "/v2/schemas/image",
    "os_type": "linux",
    "os_distro": "ubuntu",
    "os_version": "Server 22.04 LTS"

Upload Image

Uploads the actual image file to the created image.

PUT /v2/images/{imageId}/file
X-Auth-Token: {tokenId}
Content-Type: application/octet-stream


For a request, the content type for the header must be set to application/octet-stream.

Name Type Format Required Description
imageId URL UUID O Image ID
tokenId Header String O Token ID
- Body Binary O The binary data of the image file to be uploaded


This API does not return request body. When the request is appropriate, return status code 204.

Download Image

Downloads the binary data of the specified image.

GET /v2/images/{imageId}/file
X-Auth-Token: {tokenId}


Name Type Format Required Description
imageId URL UUID O Image ID
tokenId Header String O Token ID


The binary data for the image is returned. For a valid request, return status code 200.

Modify Image

Modifies image properties through modification.

PATCH /v2/images/{imageId}
X-Auth-Token: {tokenId}
Content-Type: application/openstack-images-v2.1-json-patch


For a request, the content type for the header must be set to application/openstack-images-v2.1-json-patch.

Name Type Format Required Description
imageId URL UUID O Image ID to modify
tokenId Header String O Token ID
op Body Enum O Type of task to modify
add: Add a property
replace: Modify a property value
remove: Delete a property
path Body String O Property to modify
/{path} format
value Body String - The value of the property to modify

// Add a property
        "op": "add",
        "path": "/metadata1",
        "value": "value1"
        "op": "add",
        "path": "/metadata2",
        "value": "1"

// Modify property value.
        "op": "replace",
        "path": "/metadata1",
        "value": "value2"

// delete property
        "op": "remove",
        "path": "/metadata1"


Returns the same response as Get Image.

Delete Image

Images with public visibility cannot be deleted.

DELETE /v2/images/{imageId}
X-Auth-Token: {tokenId}


This API does not require a request body.

Name Type Format Required Description
imageId URL String O Image ID to delete
tokenId Header String O Token ID


This API does not return a response body.

Image Tag

Add Tag

Adds a tag to the specified image.

PUT /v2/images/{imageId}/tags/{tag}
X-Auth-Token: {tokenId}


This API does not require a request body.

Name Type Format Required Description
imageId URL UUID O ID of the image to add a tag
tag URL String O Name of the tag to add (no more than 255 letters in English)
(Caution) Tags starting with _ are not allowed
tokenId Header String O Token ID


This API does not return a response body.

Remove Tag

Removes a tag from the specified image.

DELETE /v2/images/{imageId}/tags/{tag}
X-Auth-Token: {tokenId}


This API does not require a request body.

Name Type Format Required Description
imageId URL UUID O ID of the image to remove the tag
tag URL String O Name of the tag to remove
tokenId Header String O Token ID


This API does not return a response body.

Image Sharing

Image sharing allows you to share images belonging to your tenant with other tenants. You can share your images as follows:

  1. Change the image visibility to shared.
  2. Register the tenant to share the image with as a member of the image.

The shared image becomes immediately available to the target tenant, but is not displayed in the image list query. To retrieve shared images from a shared tenant, change the member status to accepted in the shared tenant or set member_status in the query parameter to all when retrieving the image list.

Change Visibility

PATCH /v2/images/{imageId}
X-Auth-Token: {tokenId}
Content-Type: application/openstack-images-v2.1-json-patch


Name Type Format Required Description
imageId URL UUID O ID of the image to share
tokenId Header String O Token ID
op Body String O Specify as replace
path Body String O Specify as /visibility
value Body String O Visibility value to change, private or shared

        "op" : "replace",
        "path" : "/visibility",
        "value" : "shared"


Returns the same response as Get Image.

Add Member

Registers the tenant to share the image with as a member of the specified image.

POST /v2/images/{imageId}/members
X-Auth-Token: {tokenId}


Name Type Format Required Description
imageId URL UUID O ID of the image to share
tokenId Header String O Token ID
member Body String O Tenant ID to share the image with

    "member": "8989447062e04a818baf9e073fd04fa7"


Name Type Format Description
created_at Body Datetime Member creation time
In YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ format
image_id Body UUID ID of shared image
member_id Body String ID of the target tenant for image sharing
schema Body URI Schema path of the image member
status Body Enum Status of the image member
Either pending or accepted

    "created_at": "2013-09-20T19:22:19Z",
    "image_id": "a96be11e-8536-4910-92cb-de50aa19dfe6",
    "member_id": "8989447062e04a818baf9e073fd04fa7",
    "schema": "/v2/schemas/member",
    "status": "pending",
    "updated_at": "2013-09-20T19:25:31Z"

List Members

Retrieves the list of tenants that the specified image has been shared with. The request must be made with the token of the tenant to which the image belongs or the target tenant of the image sharing.

GET /v2/images/{imageId}/members
X-Auth-Token: {tokenId}


This API does not require a request body.

Name Type Format Required Description
imageId URL UUID O Image ID
tokenId Header String O Token ID


Name Type Format Description
members Body Object List of member objects
members.created_at Body Datetime Member creation time, in YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ format
members.image_id Body UUID ID of shared image
members.member_id Body String ID of the target tenant for image sharing
members.schema Body URI Schema path of the image member
members.status Body Enum Status of the image member
Either pending or accepted
schema Body URI Schema path for the list of image members

    "members": [
            "created_at": "2013-10-07T17:58:03Z",
            "image_id": "dbc999e3-c52f-4200-bedd-3b18fe7f87fe",
            "member_id": "123456789",
            "schema": "/v2/schemas/member",
            "status": "pending",
            "updated_at": "2013-10-07T17:58:03Z"
            "created_at": "2013-10-07T17:58:55Z",
            "image_id": "dbc999e3-c52f-4200-bedd-3b18fe7f87fe",
            "member_id": "987654321",
            "schema": "/v2/schemas/member",
            "status": "accepted",
            "updated_at": "2013-10-08T12:08:55Z"
    "schema": "/v2/schemas/members"

Get Member Details

Returns details of a particular member of specified image. The request must be made with the token of the tenant to which the image belongs or the target tenant of the image sharing.

GET /v2/images/{imageId}/members/{memberId}
X-Auth-Token: {tokenId}


This API does not require a request body.

Name Type Format Required Description
imageId URL UUID O Image ID
memberId URL String O Member ID
tokenId Header String O Token ID


Name Type Format Description
created_at Body Datetime Member creation time, in YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ format
image_id Body UUID ID of shared image
member_id Body String ID of the target tenant for image sharing
schema Body URI Schema path of the image member
status Body Enum Status of the image member
Either pending or accepted

    "status": "pending",
    "created_at": "2013-11-26T07:21:21Z",
    "updated_at": "2013-11-26T07:21:21Z",
    "image_id": "0ae74cc5-5147-4239-9ce2-b0c580f7067e",
    "member_id": "8989447062e04a818baf9e073fd04fa7",
    "schema": "/v2/schemas/member"

Change Member Status

The shared image is approved by the sharing target tenant. If the image sharing is approved, the image can be queried in the image list query. The request must be made with the sharing target tenant's token.

PUT /v2/images/{imageId}/members/{memberId}
X-Auth-Token: {tokenId}


Name Type Format Required Description
imageId URL UUID O Image ID
memberId URL String O Member ID
tokenId Header String O Token ID
status Body Enum O One of accepted, pending, or rejected

    "status": "accepted"


Name Type Format Description
created_at Body Datetime Member creation time
In YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ format
image_id Body UUID ID of the shared image
member_id Body String ID of the target tenant for image sharing
schema Body URI Schema path of the image member
status Body Enum Status of the image member
One of accepted,pending, or rejected
updated_at Body Datetime Member status modification time
In YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ format

    "created_at": "2013-09-20T19:22:19Z",
    "image_id": "a96be11e-8536-4910-92cb-de50aa19dfe6",
    "member_id": "8989447062e04a818baf9e073fd04fa7",
    "schema": "/v2/schemas/member",
    "status": "accepted",
    "updated_at": "2013-09-20T20:15:31Z"

Delete Member

Deletes a member of the specified image. This is used to cancel sharing. The request must be made with the token of the tenant to which the specified image belongs.

DELETE /v2/images/{imageId}/members/{memberId}
X-Auth-Token: {tokenId}


This API does not require a request body.

Name Type Format Required Description
imageId URL UUID O Image ID
memberId URL String O Member ID
tokenId Header String O Token ID


This API does not return a response body.