Compute > Instance > API v2 Guide

To use the APIs listed in this document, you will need the appropriate API endpoint and token. See API v2 Preparations to prepare the necessary information for using APIs.

The Instance API uses the compute type endpoint. For the exact endpoint, see serviceCatalog from the token issue response.

Type Region Endpoint
compute Korea (Pangyo) Region
Korea (Pyeongchon) Region
Japan Region
US (California) Region

In each API response, you may find fields that are not specified within this guide. Those fields are for NHN Cloud internal usage, and as such refrain from using them since they may be changed without prior notice.

Instance Flavors

List Flavors

GET /v2/{tenantId}/flavors
X-Auth-Token: {tokenId}


This API does not require a request body.

Name Type Format Required Description
tenantId URL String O Tenant ID
tokenId Header String O Token ID
minDisk Query Integer - Minimum block storage size (GB)
Returns only flavors with block storage sizes greater than specified value
minRam Query Integer - Minimum RAM Size (MB)
Returns only flavors with RAM sizes greater than specified value


Name Type Format Description
flavors Body Object Instance flavor list object Body UUID Instance flavor ID
flavors.links Body Object Instance flavor path object Body String Instance flavor name

  "flavors": [
      "id": "013bea75-8541-4c6f-9abe-a03fee3d74fe",
      "links": [
          "href": "",
          "rel": "self"
          "href": "",
          "rel": "bookmark"
      "name": "x1.c32m256"
      "id": "0f19a344-bc66-4228-8cb1-fb9ca82c54f5",
      "links": [
          "href": "",
          "rel": "self"
          "href": "",
          "rel": "bookmark"
      "name": "x1.c32m128"

List Flavors with Details

GET /v2/{tenantId}/flavors/detail
X-Auth-Token: {tokenId}


This API does not require a request body.

Name Type Format Required Description
tenantId URL String O Tenant ID
tokenId Header String O Token ID
minDisk Query Integer - Minimum block storage size (GB)
Returns only flavors with block storage sizes greater than specified value
minRam Query Integer - Minimum RAM Size (MB)
Returns only flavors with RAM sizes greater than specified value


Name Type Format Description
flavors Body Object Instance flavor list object Body UUID Instance flavor ID
flavors.links Body Object Instance flavor path object Body String Instance flavor name
flavors.ram Body Integer Memory size (MB)
flavors.OS-FLV-DISABLED:disabled Body Boolean Indicates whether the flavor is enabled
flavors.vcpus Body Integer Number of vCPUs
flavors.extra_specs Body Object Extra specifications object
flavors.swap Body Integer Swap space size (GB)
flavors.os-flavor-access:is_public Body Boolean Indicates whether the flavor is publicly visible
flavors.rxtx_factor Body Float Network transmission packet rate
flavors.OS-FLV-EXT-DATA:ephemeral Body Integer Temporary block storage size (GB)
flavors.disk Body Integer Root block storage size (GB)

  "flavors": [
      "name": "x1.c32m256",
      "links": [
          "href": "",
          "rel": "self"
          "href": "",
          "rel": "bookmark"
      "ram": 262144,
      "OS-FLV-DISABLED:disabled": false,
      "vcpus": 32,
      "extra_specs": {
        "flavor_type": "performance"
      "swap": "",
      "os-flavor-access:is_public": true,
      "rxtx_factor": 1.0,
      "OS-FLV-EXT-DATA:ephemeral": 0,
      "disk": 0,
      "id": "97604802-a090-43fa-a5ce-c7cfd737fbba"
      "name": "x1.c32m128",
      "links": [
          "href": "",
          "rel": "self"
          "href": "",
          "rel": "bookmark"
      "ram": 131072,
      "OS-FLV-DISABLED:disabled": false,
      "vcpus": 32,
      "extra_specs": {
        "flavor_type": "performance"
      "swap": "",
      "os-flavor-access:is_public": true,
      "rxtx_factor": 1.0,
      "OS-FLV-EXT-DATA:ephemeral": 0,
      "disk": 0,
      "id": "31fa632d-aeec-4f12-8a57-ce9d146228e5"

Availability Zones

List Availability Zones

GET /v2/{tenantId}/os-availability-zone
X-Auth-Token: {tokenId}


This API does not require a request body.

Name Type Format Required Description
tenantId URL String O Tenant ID
tokenId Header String O Token ID


Name Type Format Description
availabilityZoneInfo Body Object Availability zone info object
availabilityZoneInfo.zoneName Body String Availability zone name
availabilityZoneInfo.zoneState Body Object Availability zone state info object
availabilityZoneInfo.available Body Object Availability zone state

    "availabilityZoneInfo": [
        "zoneState": {
          "available": true
        "zoneName": "kr-pub-a"
        "zoneState": {
          "available": true
        "zoneName": "kr-pub-b"

Key Pairs

List Key Pairs

GET /v2/{tenantId}/os-keypairs
X-Auth-Token: {tokenId}


This API does not require a request body.

Name Type Format Required Description
tenantId URL String O Tenant ID
tokenId Header String O Token ID


Name Type Format Description
keypairs Body Array List of key pair objects
keypairs.keypair Body Object Key pair object Body String Key pair name
keypairs.keypair.public_key Body String Pubic key
keypairs.keypair.fingerprint Body String Key pair fingerprint

  "keypairs": [
      "keypair": {
        "public_key": "ssh-rsa ... Generated-by-Nova",
        "name": "keypair",
        "fingerprint": "SHA256:..."

Show Key Pair

GET /v2/{tenantId}/os-keypairs/{keypairName}
X-Auth-Token: {tokenId}


This API does not require a request body.

Name Type Format Required Description
tenantId URL String O Tenant ID
keypairName URL String O Key pair name
tokenId Header String O Token ID


Name Type Format Description
keypair Body Object List of key pair objects
keypair.public_key Body String Pulbic key
keypair.user_id Body String Key pair owner ID Body String Key pair name
keypair.deleted Body Boolean Indicates whether the key pair has been deleted
keypair.created_at Body Datetime Key pair created time
keypair.updated_at Body Datetime Key pair updated time
keypair.deleted_at Body Datetime Key pair deleted time
keypair.fingerprint Body String Key pair fingerprint Body Integer Key pair ID

  "keypair": {
    "public_key": "ssh-rsa ... Generated-by-Nova",
    "user_id": "826a1213b3f746829515486965690dfe",
    "name": "keypair",
    "deleted": false,
    "created_at": "2020-02-07T03:46:48.000000",
    "updated_at": null,
    "fingerprint": "SHA256:...",
    "deleted_at": null,
    "id": 51

Create/Register Key Pair

POST /v2/{tenantId}/os-keypairs
X-Auth-Token: {tokenId}


Name Type Format Required Description
tenantId URL String O Tenant ID
tokenId Header String O Token ID
keypair Body Object O Key pair object Body String O Key pair name to create or register
keypair.public_key Body String - Public key to register. If left blank, a new key pair is created.

    "keypair": {
        "name": "keypair-d20a3d59-9433-4b79-8726-20b431d89c78",
        "public_key": "ssh-rsa ... Generated-by-Nova"


Name Type Format Description
keypair Body Object Key pair object
keypair.public_key Body String Public key
keypair.private_key Body String Private key. Visible if a key pair has been newly generated.
keypair.user_id Body String Key pair owner ID Body String Key pair name
keypair.fingerprint Body String Key pair fingerprint

    "keypair": {
        "fingerprint": "SHA256:+EZoD ... /DKiGnY4zf5tYrcix0",
        "name": "keypair",
        "public_key": "ssh-rsa ... Generated-by-Nova",
        "user_id": "436f727b7c9142f896ddd56be591dd7f"

Delete Key Pair

DELETE /v2/{tenantId}/os-keypairs/{keypairName}
X-Auth-Token: {tokenId}


This API does not require a request body.

Name Type Format Required Description
tenantId URL String O Tenant ID
keypairName URL String O Key pair name
tokenId Header String O Token ID


This API does not return a response body.


Instance Status

Instances exist in various statuses, and each status defines its own set of permissible operations. See the following list of instance statuses.

Status Name Description
ACTIVE Instance is activated
BUILD Instance is building
DELETED Instance is deleted
ERROR Previous operation on the instance has failed
HARD_REBOOT Instance is forcefully rebooted
Same as turning the physical server's power switch off and back on again
MIGRATING Instance is migrating
This is caused by a real-time migration (moving active instances)
PASSWORD Password is being reset on instance
PAUSED Instance is paused
Paused instances are saved in hypervisor memory
REBOOT Instance is in a soft reboot state
Reboot command is passed to the virtual machine operating system
REBUILD Instance is rebuilt from the original image used for creation
RESCUE Instance is running in recovery mode
RESIZE Instance is changing flavors or migrating to another host
Instance is stopped and restarted
REVERT_RESIZE Instance is restored to its original state when a failure occurs while changing flavors or migrating to another host
VERIFY_RESIZE Instance is waiting for confirmation after changing flavors or migrating to another host
In NHN Cloud, the status is automatically changed to ACTIVE.
SHELVED_OFFLOADED Instance is terminated
SHUTOFF Instance is stopped
SUSPENDED Instance has entered maximum power saving mode by the administrator
UNKNOWN Instance status is unknown
Contact the administrator if the instance is in this status.

List Instances

GET /v2/{tenantId}/servers
X-Auth-Token: {tokenId}


This API does not require a request body.

Name Type Format Required Description
tenantId URL String O Tenant ID
tokenId Header String O Token ID
reservation_id Query String - Reservation ID for instance creation.
If specified, only returns list of instances that have been created simultaneously
changes-since Query Datetime - Returns list of instances changed since the specified time. YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss format.
image Query UUID - Image ID
Return list of instances with specified image
flavor Query UUID - Instance flavor ID
Return list of instances with specified flavor
name Query String - Instance name
Return list of instances with specified name, regex is supported
status Query Enum - Instance status
Return list of instances with specified status
limit Query Integer - Number of instances to query
Return list with up to specified number of instances
marker Query UUID - UUID of first instance in the list
Return list of up to limit instances from the instance specified as the marker, according to the sort order


Name Type Format Description
servers Body Object Instance list object
id Body UUID Instance UUID
links body Object Instance path object
name body String Instance name

  "servers": [
      "id": "aaf2778b-ea03-4ccc-8b1b-92f4b686c3ec",
      "links": [
          "href": "",
          "rel": "self"
          "href": "",
          "rel": "bookmark"
      "name": "Web-Server"

List Instances with Details

Return the list of instances created in the current tenant, same as List Instances. However, detailed instance information is returned.

GET /v2/{tenantId}/servers/detail
X-Auth-Token: {tokenId}


The request format is the same as List Instances.


Name Type Format Description
servers body Object Instance list object
status body Enum Instance Status Body UUID Instance ID Body String Instance name, max 255 characters
servers.updated Body Datetime Last updated time of instance in YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ format
servers.hostId Body String ID of host running instance
servers.addresses Body Object Instance IP list object.
The size of the list is the number of ports attached to the instance.
servers.addresses."Network Name" Body Object Port information of each network associated with instance
servers.addresses."Network Name".OS-EXT-IPS-MAC:mac_addr Body String MAC address of port associated with instance
servers.addresses."Network Name".version Body Integer IP version of port associated with instance
NHN Cloud supports only IPv4
servers.addresses."Network Name".addr Body String IP address of port associated with instance
servers.addresses."Network Name".OS-EXT-IPS:type Body Enum IP address type of port
Either fixed or floating
servers.links Body Object Instance path object
servers.key_name Body String Instance key pair name
servers.image Body Object Instance image object Body UUID Instance image ID
servers.image.links Body Object Instance image path object
servers.OS-EXT-STS:task_state Body String Instance task status
Shows the status of a task operating on an instance
servers.OS-EXT-STS:vm_state Body String Current instance status
servers.OS-SRV-USG:launched_at Body Datetime Last instance booted time
YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.ssssss format
servers.OS-SRV-USG:terminated_at Body Datetime Instance deleted time
YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ format
servers.flavor Body Object Instance flavor information object Body UUID Instance flavor ID
servers.flavor.links Body Object Instance flavor path object
servers.security_groups Body Object List object of security groups assigned to instance Body String Name of security group assigned to instance
servers.user_id Body String ID of user creating instance
servers.created Body Datetime Instance created time. YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ format
servers.tenant_id Body String Tenant ID that instance belongs to
servers.os-extended-volumes:volumes_attached Body Object List object of additional block storage attached to the instance Body UUID ID of additional block storage attached to the instance
servers.OS-EXT-STS:power_state Body Integer Power state of instance
- 1: On
- 4: Off
servers.metadata Body Object Instance metadata object
Stores instance metadata as key-value pairs

  "servers": [
      "status": "ACTIVE",
      "updated": "2020-02-25T01:22:24Z",
      "hostId": "078d06f898889699f8731d030812e43d2c417edb2cf641dda598c7bd",
      "addresses": {
        "vpc2": [
            "OS-EXT-IPS-MAC:mac_addr": "fa:16:3e:54:a7:64",
            "version": 4,
            "addr": "",
            "OS-EXT-IPS:type": "fixed"
      "links": [
          "href": "",
          "rel": "self"
          "href": "",
          "rel": "bookmark"
      "key_name": "access-key",
      "image": {
        "id": "8b9f8d47-b89b-45af-b1d6-3f7ce7e06a11",
        "links": [
            "href": "",
            "rel": "bookmark"
      "OS-EXT-STS:task_state": null,
      "OS-EXT-STS:vm_state": "active",
      "OS-SRV-USG:launched_at": "2020-02-25T01:22:23.000000",
      "flavor": {
        "id": "35a73b57-58a7-434d-aa08-5249aaa95b3e",
        "links": [
            "href": "",
            "rel": "bookmark"
      "id": "aaf2778b-ea03-4ccc-8b1b-92f4b686c3ec",
      "security_groups": [
          "name": "default"
      "OS-SRV-USG:terminated_at": null,
      "OS-EXT-AZ:availability_zone": "kr-pub-b",
      "user_id": "b6ab578c20c94306ac1f41ffc4415b29",
      "name": "Web-Server",
      "created": "2020-02-25T01:15:46Z",
      "tenant_id": "6cdebe3eb0094910bc41f1d42ebe4cb7",
      "os-extended-volumes:volumes_attached": [
          "id": "90712f4f-2faa-4e4f-8eb1-9313a8595570"
      "accessIPv4": "",
      "accessIPv6": "",
      "progress": 0,
      "OS-EXT-STS:power_state": 1,
      "config_drive": "",
      "metadata": {
        "os_distro": "Windows",
        "description": "Windows 2012 R2 STD (2020.02.18)",
        "os_version": "2012 R2 STD",
        "project_domain": "NORMAL",
        "hypervisor_type": "qemu",
        "monitoring_agent": "sysmon",
        "image_name": "Windows 2012 R2 STD (2020.02.18) EN",
        "volume_size": "50",
        "os_architecture": "amd64",
        "login_username": "Administrator",
        "os_type": "Windows",
        "tc_env": "sysmon"

Get Instance

GET /v2/{tenantId}/servers/{serverId}
X-Auth-Token: {tokenId}


This API does not require a request body.

Name Type Format Required Description
tenantId URL String O Tenant ID
serverId URL UUID O Instance ID
tokenId Header String O Token ID


Name Type Format Description
server body Object Instance object
status body Enum Instance Status Body UUID Instance ID Body String Instance name, max 255 characters
server.updated Body Datetime Last updated time of instance in YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ format
server.hostId Body String ID of host running instance
server.addresses Body Object Instance IP list object.
The size of the list is the number of ports attached to the instance.
server.addresses."Network Name" Body Object Port information of each network associated with instance
server.addresses."Network Name".OS-EXT-IPS-MAC:mac_addr Body String MAC address of port associated with instance
server.addresses."Network Name".version Body Integer IP version of port associated with instance
NHN Cloud supports only IPv4
server.addresses."Network Name".addr Body String IP address of port associated with instance
server.addresses."Network Name".OS-EXT-IPS:type Body Enum IP address type of port
Either fixed or floating
server.links Body Object Instance path object
server.key_name Body String Instance key pair name
server.image Body Object Instance image object Body UUID Instance image ID
server.image.links Body Object Instance image path object
server.OS-EXT-STS:task_state Body String Instance task status
Shows the status of a task operating on an instance
server.OS-EXT-STS:vm_state Body String Current instance status
server.OS-SRV-USG:launched_at Body Datetime Last instance booted time
YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.ssssss format
server.OS-SRV-USG:terminated_at Body Datetime Instance deleted time
YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ format
server.flavor Body Object Instance flavor information object Body UUID Instance flavor ID
server.flavor.links Body Object Instance flavor path object
server.security_groups Body Object List object of security groups assigned to instance Body String Name of security group assigned to instance
server.user_id Body String ID of user creating instance
server.created Body Datetime Instance created time. YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ format
server.tenant_id Body String Tenant ID that instance belongs to
server.os-extended-volumes:volumes_attached Body Object List object of additional block storage attached to the instance Body UUID ID of additional block storage attached to the instance
server.OS-EXT-STS:power_state Body Integer Power state of instance
- 1: On
- 4: Off
server.metadata Body Object Instance metadata object
Stores instance metadata as key-value pairs
server.NHN-EXT-ATTR:ephemeral_disk_size Body Integer Size of an additional local block storage attached to the instance

  "server": {
    "status": "ACTIVE",
    "updated": "2020-02-25T01:22:24Z",
    "hostId": "078d06f898889699f8731d030812e43d2c417edb2cf641dda598c7bd",
    "addresses": {
      "vpc2": [
          "OS-EXT-IPS-MAC:mac_addr": "fa:16:3e:54:a7:64",
          "version": 4,
          "addr": "",
          "OS-EXT-IPS:type": "fixed"
    "links": [
        "href": "",
        "rel": "self"
        "href": "",
        "rel": "bookmark"
    "key_name": "access-key",
    "image": {
      "id": "8b9f8d47-b89b-45af-b1d6-3f7ce7e06a11",
      "links": [
          "href": "",
          "rel": "bookmark"
    "OS-EXT-STS:task_state": null,
    "OS-EXT-STS:vm_state": "active",
    "OS-SRV-USG:launched_at": "2020-02-25T01:22:23.000000",
    "flavor": {
      "id": "35a73b57-58a7-434d-aa08-5249aaa95b3e",
      "links": [
          "href": "",
          "rel": "bookmark"
    "id": "aaf2778b-ea03-4ccc-8b1b-92f4b686c3ec",
    "security_groups": [
        "name": "default"
    "OS-SRV-USG:terminated_at": null,
    "OS-EXT-AZ:availability_zone": "kr-pub-b",
    "user_id": "b6ab578c20c94306ac1f41ffc4415b29",
    "name": "Web-Server",
    "created": "2020-02-25T01:15:46Z",
    "tenant_id": "6cdebe3eb0094910bc41f1d42ebe4cb7",
    "os-extended-volumes:volumes_attached": [
        "id": "90712f4f-2faa-4e4f-8eb1-9313a8595570"
    "accessIPv4": "",
    "accessIPv6": "",
    "progress": 0,
    "OS-EXT-STS:power_state": 1,
    "config_drive": "",
    "metadata": {
      "os_distro": "Windows",
      "description": "Windows 2012 R2 STD (2020.02.18)",
      "os_version": "2012 R2 STD",
      "project_domain": "NORMAL",
      "hypervisor_type": "qemu",
      "monitoring_agent": "sysmon",
      "image_name": "Windows 2012 R2 STD (2020.02.18) EN",
      "volume_size": "50",
      "os_architecture": "amd64",
      "login_username": "Administrator",
      "os_type": "Windows",
      "tc_env": "sysmon"

Create Instance

Create an instance.

After calling the Create Instance API, query the instance and check its status.

  • If the status becomes ACTIVE, the instance has been created successfully.
  • If the status remains in BUILDING for a long time or becomes ERROR, check parameters used for instance creation and try creating again.

Windows instances have the following additional restrictions that apply to facilitate stable usage.

  • Use an instance flavor with at least 2GB RAM capacity.
  • Require 50 GB or more of root block storage.
  • U2 flavor instances cannot use Windows images.

The root block storage size that can be specified is 10GB for Linux and 50GB for Windows.

POST /v2/{tenantId}/servers
X-Auth-Token: {tokenId}


Name Type Format Required Description
tenantId URL String O Tenant ID
tokenId Header String O Token ID
server.security_groups body Object - List object of security groups
If left blank, the default group is added. body String - Name of security group to be added to instance
server.user_data body String - Script to be executed or settings to apply after instance boot
Allows up to 65535 bytes of base 64-encoded character strings
server.availability_zone body String - Availability zone where instance will be created
If left blank, a random zone will be selected
server.imageRef Body String O Image ID to create instance
server.flavorRef Body String O Instance flavor ID to create instance
server.networks Body Object O Network information object to use when creating instance
A NIC is added for each network specified. Specify each network using Network ID, Subnet ID, Port ID, or Fixed IP.
server.networks.uuid Body UUID - Network ID to create instance
server.networks.subnet Body UUID - Subnet ID within network to create instance
server.networks.port Body UUID - Port ID to create instance
Security groups requested when specifying a port ID are not applied to existing specified ports
server.networks.fixed_ip Body String - Fixed IP to create instance Body String O Instance name
Up to 255 alphabetical characters allowed, max 15 characters for Windows images
server.metadata Body Object - Metadata object to add to instance
Key-value pairs of max 255 characters
server.block_device_mapping_v2 Body Object O Block storage information object
Must be specified for any instance flavors other than U2 flavor which uses local block storage
server.block_device_mapping_v2.source_type Body Enum O Source type of block storage to create
- image: Use an image to create a block storage
- blank: Create empty block storage
server.block_device_mapping_v2.uuid Body String - Source image ID of block storage
For root block storage, the source must be bootable
server.block_device_mapping_v2.boot_index Body Integer O Order to boot the specified block storage
- If `, root block storage
- If not, additional block storage
A larger value indicates lower booting priority
server.block_device_mapping_v2.destination_type Body Enum O Requires different settings depending on the location of instance’s block storage or flavor
- local: For GPU and U2 instance flavors
- volume: For other instance flavors
server.block_device_mapping_v2.volume_type Body Enum - Type of block storage to create
See Name from the response of List Block Storage Types in the User Guide > Storage > Block Storage > API v2 guide.
server.block_device_mapping_v2.delete_on_termination Body Boolean - Indicates whether block storage is deleted when an instance is terminated. Default value is false.
Delete the volume if true, keep the volume if false.
server.block_device_mapping_v2.volume_size Body Integer O Size of block storage to create
GB (unit)
Uses the U2 instance type and root block storage is created with the size specified in the U2 instance type and this value will be ignored
Different instance types have different sizes of root block storage that can be created. For more details, see User Guide > Compute > Instance > Console User Guide > Create Instance > Block Storage Size.
server.block_device_mapping_v2.nhn_encryption Body Object - Block storage encryption information
server.block_device_mapping_v2.nhn_encryption.skm_appkey Body String - AppKeys for Secure Key Manager products
server.block_device_mapping_v2.nhn_encryption.skm_key_id Body String - Symmetric key ID of Secure Key Manager to be used to create encrypted block storage.
server.key_name Body String O Key pair to access instance
server.min_count Body Integer - Minimum number of instances to create with this request.
Default value is 1.
server.max_count Body Integer - Maximum number of instances to create with this request.
Default value is min_count, max value is 10.
server.return_reservation_id Body Boolean - Instance creation request reservation ID.
If set to True, reservation ID is returned instead of instance creation information.
Default value is False

  "server": {
    "name": "DB-Master",
    "imageRef": "9956f822-29c9-4f81-9410-0c392d9c8c24",
    "flavorRef": "a4b6a0f7-aeff-4d78-a8d5-7de9f007012d",
    "networks": [{
      "subnet": "b83863ff-0355-4c73-8c10-0bdf66a69aab"
    "availability_zone": "kr-pub-a",
    "key_name": "access-key",
    "max_count": 1,
    "min_count": 1,
    "block_device_mapping_v2": [{
      "source_type": "image",
      "uuid": "9956f822-29c9-4f81-9410-0c392d9c8c24",
      "boot_index": 0,
      "volume_size": 1000,
      "destination_type": "volume",
      "delete_on_termination": 1
    "security_groups": [{
      "name": "default"


Name Type Format Description Body String Security group name of created instance Body UUID Created instance ID

  "server": {
    "security_groups": [
        "name": "default"
    "id": "3a005d5b-63cf-4493-bfc6-49db990b5b50",
    "links": [
        "href": "",
        "rel": "self"
        "href": "",
        "rel": "bookmark"

Modify Instance

Modify created instance. Only some attributes are allowed to be modified.

PUT /v2/{tenantId}/servers/{serverId}
X-Auth-Token: {tokenId}


Name Type Format Required Description
tenantId URL String O Tenant ID
serverId URL UUID O Modifying instance ID
tokenId Header String O Token ID
server Body Object O Modify instance request object Body String - New instance name

    "server": {
        "name": "new-server-test"


Same as Get Instance.

Delete Instance

Delete a created instance.

DELETE /v2/{tenantId}/servers/{serverId}
X-Auth-Token: {tokenId}


This API does not require a request body.

Name Type Format Required Description
tenantId URL String O Tenant ID
serverId URL UUID O Deleting instance ID
tokenId Header String O Token ID


This API does not return a response body.

Manage Block Storage Attachment

List additional block storage attached to the instance

GET /v2/{tenantId}/servers/{serverId}/os-volume_attachments
X-Auth-Token: {tokenId}


This API does not require a request body.

Name Type Format Required Description
tenantId URL String O Tenant ID
serverId URL UUID O Modifying instance ID
tokenId Header String O Token ID
limit Query Integer - Number of volumes to query
offset Query Integer - Start point of returned list
Return block storage starting from offset of the entire list


Name Type Format Description
volumeAttachments Body Array List of attachment information objects
volumeAttachments.device Body String Block storage name
e.g.) /dev/vdb Body UUID Attachment information ID
volumeAttachments.serverId Body UUID Instance ID
volumeAttachments.volumeId Body UUID Block storage ID

    "volumeAttachments": [
            "device": "/dev/vda",
            "id": "227cc671-f30b-4488-96fd-7d0bf13648d8",
            "serverId": "4b293d31-ebd5-4a7f-be03-874b90021e54",
            "volumeId": "227cc671-f30b-4488-96fd-7d0bf13648d8"
            "device": "/dev/vdb",
            "id": "a07f71dc-8151-4e7d-a0cc-cd24a3f11113",
            "serverId": "4b293d31-ebd5-4a7f-be03-874b90021e54",
            "volumeId": "a07f71dc-8151-4e7d-a0cc-cd24a3f11113"

List additional block storage attached to the instance

GET /v2/{tenantId}/servers/{serverId}/os-volume_attachments/{volumeId}
X-Auth-Token: {tokenId}


This API does not require a request body.

Name Type Format Required Description
tenantId URL String O Tenant ID
serverId URL UUID O Instance ID
volumeId URL UUID O ID of block storage to query
tokenId Header String O Token ID


Name Type Format Description
volumeAttachment Body Object Attachment information object
volumeAttachment.device Body String Block storage name
e.g.) /dev/vdb Body UUID Attachment information ID
volumeAttachment.serverId Body UUID Instance ID
volumeAttachment.volumeId Body UUID Block storage ID

    "volumeAttachment": {
        "device": "/dev/sdb",
        "id": "a07f71dc-8151-4e7d-a0cc-cd24a3f11113",
        "serverId": "1ad6852e-6605-4510-b639-d0bff864b49a",
        "volumeId": "a07f71dc-8151-4e7d-a0cc-cd24a3f11113"

Attach additional block storage to the instance

POST /v2/{tenantId}/servers/{serverId}/os-volume_attachments
X-Auth-Token: {tokenId}


Name Type Format Required Description
tenantId URL String O Tenant ID
serverId URL UUID O Modifying instance ID
tokenId Header String O Token ID
volumeAttachment Body Object O Object to request block storage attachment
volumeAttachment.volumeId Body UUID O ID of block storage to attach

  "volumeAttachment": {
      "volumeId": "a07f71dc-8151-4e7d-a0cc-cd24a3f11113"


Name Type Format Description
volumeAttachment Body Object Attachment information object
volumeAttachment.device Body String Block storage name
e.g.) /dev/vdb Body UUID Attachment information ID
volumeAttachment.serverId Body UUID Instance ID
volumeAttachment.volumeId Body UUID Block storage ID

    "volumeAttachment": {
        "device": "/dev/vdc",
        "id": "227cc671-f30b-4488-96fd-7d0bf13648d8",
        "serverId": "4b293d31-ebd5-4a7f-be03-874b90021e54",
        "volumeId": "227cc671-f30b-4488-96fd-7d0bf13648d8"

Detach block storage from the instance

DELETE /v2/{tenantId}/servers/{serverId}/os-volume_attachments/{volumeId}
X-Auth-Token: {tokenId}


This API does not require a request body.

Name Type Format Required Description
tenantId URL String O Tenant ID
serverId URL UUID O Instance ID
volumeId URL UUID O ID of block storage to detach
tokenId Header String O Token ID


This API does not return a response body.

Additional Instance Features

NHN Cloud provides the following additional features to handle instances.

  • Start, Stop, Terminate, and Restart Instance
  • Change Instance Flavor
  • Create Instance Image
  • Add/Delete Security Group

Start Stopped Instance

Restart a stopped instance and change its status to ACTIVE. To call this API, the instance status must be SHUTOFF.

POST /v2/{tenantId}/servers/{serverId}/action
X-Auth-Token: {tokenId}


Name Type Format Required Description
tenantId URL String O Tenant ID
serverId URL UUID O Modifying instance ID
tokenId Header String O Token ID
os-start Body none O Instance start request

  "os-start" : null


This API does not return a response body.

Start Terminated Instance

Restart a terminated instance and changes its status to ACTIVE. To call this API, the instance's state must be SHELVED_OFFLOADED.

POST /v2/{tenantId}/servers/{serverId}/action
X-Auth-Token: {tokenId}


Name Type Format Required Description
tenantId URL String O Tenant ID
serverId URL UUID O Modifying instance ID
tokenId Header String O Token ID
unshelve Body none O Instance start request

  "unshelve" : null


This API does not return a response body.

Stop Instance

Stop instance and change its status to SHUTOFF. To call this API, the instance status must be either ACTIVE or ERROR.

POST /v2/{tenantId}/servers/{serverId}/action
X-Auth-Token: {tokenId}


Name Type Format Required Description
tenantId URL String O Tenant ID
serverId URL UUID O Modifying instance ID
tokenId Header String O Token ID
os-stop Body none O Instance stop request

  "os-stop" : null


This API does not return a response body.

Terminate Instance

Terminate the instance and change its status to SHELVED_OFFLOADED. The instance's status must be ACTIVE to call this API.

POST /v2/{tenantId}/servers/{serverId}/action
X-Auth-Token: {tokenId}


Name Type Format Required Description
tenantId URL String O Tenant ID
serverId URL UUID O Modifying instance ID
tokenId Header String O Token ID
shelve Body none O Request to terminate instance

  "shelve" : null


This API does not return a response body.

Restart Instance

Restart an instance. An instance can be restarted using either a SOFT restart or a HARD restart.

  • SOFT: An instance is stopped via "Graceful Shutdown" and restarted. The instance must be in ACTIVE status.
  • HARD: Forcefully stop the instance and restart it. This works the same way as turning the power switch of a physical server off and on again. An instance can only be forcefully stopped when it is in one of these statuses.
    • ACTIVE
    • ERROR
    • PAUSED
    • REBOOT
POST /v2/{tenantId}/servers/{serverId}/action
X-Auth-Token: {tokenId}


Name Type Format Required Description
tenantId URL String O Tenant ID
serverId URL UUID O Modifying instance ID
tokenId Header String O Token ID
reboot Body Object O Instance reboot request object
reboot.type Body Enum O Reboot type: SOFT or HARD

  "reboot" : {
    "type": "SOFT"


This API does not return a response body.

Change Instance Flavor

Change the flavor of an instance. Flavors can only be changed when an instance is ACTIVE or SHUTOFF. If an instance is ACTIVE, the instance is stopped and restarted while changing flavors.

Depending on the current image and flavor you are using, you may be restricted from changing to some flavors. For more details, see the Console Guide.

POST /v2/{tenantId}/servers/{serverId}/action
X-Auth-Token: {tokenId}


Name Type Format Required Description
tenantId URL String O Tenant ID
serverId URL UUID O Modifying instance ID
tokenId Header String O Token ID
resize Body Object O Instance flavor change request
resize.flavorRef Body UUID O New instance flavor ID

  "resize" : {
    "flavorRef": "b5f1c148-732c-417d-9d1b-1dffca105dbe"


This API does not return a response body.

Create Instance Image

Create an image from an instance. Only U2 flavor instances can create images via this API. To create images of non-U2 flavor instances, see [Block Storage API](/Storage/Block Storage/ko/public-api/#_22).

Images can only be created when an instance is ACTIVE, SHUTOFF, SUSPENDED, or PAUSED. It is recommended to stop instances before creating images to ensure data integrity.

When an image is successfully created, the image status becomes active. To check if an image is successfully created, use the Get Image API to continuously check its status.

[Caution] The size of the created image may be larger than the actual usage of the root block storage.

POST /v2/{tenantId}/servers/{serverId}/action
X-Auth-Token: {tokenId}


Name Type Format Required Description
tenantId URL String O Tenant ID
serverId URL UUID O Modifying instance ID
tokenId Header String O Token ID
createImage Body Object O Image create request Body String O Name of image to create
createImage.metadata Body Object - Metadata of image to create
Written in Key-Value format

  "createImage" : {
      "name" : "foo-image",
      "metadata": {
          "meta_var": "meta_val"


This API does not return a response body. Check the Location response header for the created image.

Name Type Format Description
Location Header String Created image URL

Add Security Group

Add a security group to an instance. The added security group is applied to all ports of the instance.

POST /v2/{tenantId}/servers/{serverId}/action
X-Auth-Token: {tokenId}


Name Type Format Required Description
tenantId URL String O Tenant ID
serverId URL UUID O Modifying instance ID
tokenId Header String O Token ID
addSecurityGroup Body Object O Add security group request object Body String O Name of security group to add

    "addSecurityGroup": {
        "name": "test"


This API does not return a response body.

Delete Security Group

Delete a security group from an instance. The specified security group is deleted from all ports of the instance.

POST /v2/{tenantId}/servers/{serverId}/action
X-Auth-Token: {tokenId}


Name Type Format Required Description
tenantId URL String O Tenant ID
serverId URL UUID O Modifying instance ID
tokenId Header String O Token ID
removeSecurityGroup Body Object O Delete security group request object Body String O Name of security group to delete

    "removeSecurityGroup": {
        "name": "test"


This API does not return a response body.