Third Party User Guide > Terraform User Guide

This document describes how to use NHN Cloud with Terraform.


Terraform is an open-source tool that lets you easily build and safely change infrastructure, and also efficiently manage configuration of infrastructure. The main features of Terraform are as follows:

  • Infrastructure as Code
    • You can increase the productivity and transparency by defining infrastructure as code.
    • You can easily share the defined code for efficient collaboration.
  • Execution Plan
    • By separating change planning and change execution, you can reduce the potential for mistakes when making changes.
  • Resource Graph
    • You can see in advance how minor changes will affect the entire infrastructure.
    • By creating a dependency graph, you can make a plan based on the graph and see how your infrastructure changes when you apply the plan.
  • Change Automation
    • You can automate the process so that infrastructure with the same configuration can be built and changed in multiple locations.
    • You can save time to build infrastructure and reduce mistakes.

Supported Resources

  • Compute
    • nhncloud_compute_instance_v2
    • nhncloud_compute_volume_attach_v2
  • Network
    • nhncloud_lb_loadbalancer_v2
    • nhncloud_lb_listener_v2
    • nhncloud_lb_pool_v2
    • nhncloud_lb_member_v2
    • nhncloud_lb_monitor_v2
    • nhncloud_networking_floatingip_v2
    • nhncloud_networking_floatingip_associate_v2
    • nhncloud_networking_port_v2
    • nhncloud_networking_vpc_v2
    • nhncloud_networking_vpcsubnet_v2
    • nhncloud_networking_routingtable_v2
    • nhncloud_networking_routingtable_attach_gateway_v2
    • nhncloud_networking_secgroup_v2
    • nhncloud_networking_secgroup_rule_v2
    • nhncloud_keymanager_secret_v1
    • nhncloud_keymanager_container_v1
  • Block Storage
    • nhncloud_blockstorage_volume_v2
  • Object Storage
    • nhncloud_objectstorage_container_v1
    • nhncloud_objectstorage_object_v1

Supported Data Sources

  • nhncloud_images_image_v2
  • nhncloud_blockstorage_volume_v2
  • nhncloud_compute_flavor_v2
  • nhncloud_blockstorage_snapshot_v2
  • nhncloud_networking_vpc_v2
  • nhncloud_networking_vpcsubnet_v2
  • nhncloud_networking_routingtable_v2
  • nhncloud_networking_secgroup_v2
  • nhncloud_keymanager_secret_v1
  • nhncloud_keymanager_container_v1


  • The version of the Terraform used in the examples below is 1.0.0.
  • The name and number of the components including the version can be changed, so make sure you check the information before use.

Terraform Installation

Go to Download Terraform and download the file suitable for the operating system of your local PC. Decompress the file to an appropriate path and add the path to your environment setting, and the installation is complete.

See the following example for installation.

$ wget
$ unzip
$ export PATH="${PATH}:$(pwd)"
$ terraform -v
Terraform v1.0.0

Terraform provider provided

NHN Cloud is an official partner of HashiCorp and offers Terraform provider through Terraform Registry.

Terraform Initialization

Before using Terraform, create a provider configuration file as follows.

The name of the provider file can be set randomly. This example uses as the filename.

# Define required providers
terraform {
required_version = ">= 1.0.0"
  required_providers {
    nhncloud = {
      source  = "nhn-cloud/nhncloud"
      version = "1.0.2"

# Configure the nhncloud Provider
provider "nhncloud" {
  user_name   = ""
  tenant_id   = "aaa4c0a12fd84edeb68965d320d17129"
  password    = "difficultpassword"
  auth_url    = ""
  region      = "KR1"
  • user_name
    • Use the NHN Cloud ID.
  • tenant_id
    • From Compute > Instance > Management on NHN Cloud console, click Set API Endpoint to check the Tenant ID.
  • password
    • Use API Password that you saved in Set API Endpoint.
    • Regarding how to set API passwords, see User Guide > Compute > Instance > API Preparations.
  • auth_url
    • Specify the address of the NHN Cloud identification service.
    • From Compute > Instance > Management on NHN Cloud console, click Set API Endpoint to check Identity URL.
  • region
    • Enter the region to manage NHN Cloud resources.
    • KR1: Korea (Pangyo) Region
    • KR2: Korea (Pyeongchon) Region
    • JP1: Japan (Tokyo) Region

On the path where the provider configuration file is located, use the init command to initialize Terraform.

$ ls
$ terraform init

Terraform Usage

Building infrastructure with Terraform has the following life cycle:

  1. Create tf Files
  2. Check the Execution plan
  3. Create Resources
  4. Modify Resources
  5. Delete Resources

First, write the configuration of infrastructure to build on a tf file. To check the execution plan according to the tf file, use the plan command like below.

$ terraform plan

If the execution plan is confirmed, use the apply command to create, modify, or delete resources.

$ terraform apply

The following sections describe these steps in more details with examples.

Create tf Files

Create a tf file in the path including the provider configuration file. You can aggregate multiple resource settings in a single tf file, or create separate tf files for each resource. Terraform reads the entire tf files all at once to set up an execution plan.

The following example shows an file that defines a resource creating an instance.

$ ls
$ cat
resource "nhncloud_compute_instance_v2" "terraform-instance-01" {
  name      = "terraform-instance-01"
  region    = "KR1"
  flavor_id = "da74152c-0167-4ce9-b391-8a88a8ff2754"
  key_pair  = "terraform-keypair"
  network {
    uuid = "00d5b852-cb77-4307-b6be-d81dad24eec1"
  security_groups = ["default"]
  block_device {
    uuid = "6d0993b4-cd6d-4242-b59b-94258f265331"
    source_type = "image"
    destination_type = "volume"
    boot_index = 0
    volume_size = 20
    delete_on_termination = true

Check the Execution plan

You can use the plan command to check resources that will be changed in tf files. When you run the plan command, Terraform loads .tf files, checks if the configuration is correct, and compares the configuration with its own database and create a plan. When it finishes creating the plan, Terraform aggregates the plan by type and prints out the result in an organized form.

$ terraform plan

If the created plan requires modification, correct tf files and execute the plan command again. The plan command does not change the actual NHN Cloud resources, so you can check the infrastructure changes without any burden.

Create Resources

After creating tf files with the plan you need, create resources with the apply command.

The following example shows the result of executing the apply command using the file created above.

$ terraform apply
nhncloud_compute_instance_v2.terraform-instance-01: Creating...
nhncloud_compute_instance_v2.terraform-instance-01: Still creating... [10s elapsed]
nhncloud_compute_instance_v2.terraform-instance-01: Still creating... [20s elapsed]
nhncloud_compute_instance_v2.terraform-instance-01: Still creating... [30s elapsed]
nhncloud_compute_instance_v2.terraform-instance-01: Creation complete after 39s [id=1e846787-04e9-4701-957c-78001b4b7257]

Apply complete! Resources: 1 added, 0 changed, 0 destroyed.

After the apply command is executed, Terraform's own database file (terraform.tfstate) that records the history of plan changes is created in the current directory. Be careful not to delete this file.

Modify Resources

Open the .tf file in which resources to change are defined, modify information, and apply the plan. Specification changes are restricted only to some attributes. If there is a change in an attribute which cannot be changed, the resource is deleted and newly created.

The following shows an example of adding one more terraform-sg security group to an instance, where the file created above is modified as follows.

resource "nhncloud_compute_instance_v2" "terraform-instance-01" {
  security_groups = ["default", "terraform-sg"]

Check the execution plan, and the changed security group information is printed out in an organized form.

$ terraform plan
Terraform used the selected providers to generate the following execution plan. Resource actions are indicated with the following symbols:
  ~ update in-place

Terraform will perform the following actions:

  # nhncloud_compute_instance_v2.terraform-instance-01 will be updated in-place
  ~ resource "nhncloud_compute_instance_v2" "terraform-instance-01" {
        id                  = "1e846787-04e9-4701-957c-78001b4b7257"
        name                = "terraform-instance-01"
      ~ security_groups     = [
          + "terraform-sg",
            # (1 unchanged element hidden)
        # (13 unchanged attributes hidden)

        # (2 unchanged blocks hidden)

Plan: 0 to add, 1 to change, 0 to destroy.

When you apply the plan, a new security group is added to the instance.

$ terraform apply
nhncloud_compute_instance_v2.terraform-instance-01: Modifying... [id=1e846787-04e9-4701-957c-78001b4b7257]
nhncloud_compute_instance_v2.terraform-instance-01: Modifications complete after 5s [id=1e846787-04e9-4701-957c-78001b4b7257]

Apply complete! Resources: 0 added, 1 changed, 0 destroyed.

Delete Resources

To delete a resource created with Terraform, delete the corresponding .tf file.

$ rm

In the execution plan, you can see that the resources will be deleted.

$ terraform plan
Terraform used the selected providers to generate the following execution plan. Resource actions are indicated with the following symbols:
  - destroy

Terraform will perform the following actions:

  # nhncloud_compute_instance_v2.terraform-instance-01 will be destroyed
  - resource "nhncloud_compute_instance_v2" "terraform-instance-01" {

Plan: 0 to add, 0 to change, 1 to destroy.

Running the apply command deletes the created instance.

$ terraform apply
nhncloud_compute_instance_v2.terraform-instance-01: Destroying... [id=1e846787-04e9-4701-957c-78001b4b7257]
nhncloud_compute_instance_v2.terraform-instance-01: Still destroying... [id=1e846787-04e9-4701-957c-78001b4b7257, 10s elapsed]
nhncloud_compute_instance_v2.terraform-instance-01: Destruction complete after 11s

Apply complete! Resources: 0 added, 0 changed, 1 destroyed.

Data Sources

You can find Flavor ID or Image ID required to create tf files on the console, or import them by using data sources provided by Terraform. Data sources must be written within tf files, and imported data cannot be modified but are used only for reference. Image names are subject to change because NHN Cloud updates them on a regular basis. Refer to console and specify the exact name of the image to use.

Data sources are referenced as {data sources type}.{data source name}. In the below example, the imported image information is referenced with nhncloud_images_image_v2.ubuntu_2004_20201222.

data "nhncloud_images_image_v2" "ubuntu_2004_20201222" {
  name = "Ubuntu Server 20.04.1 LTS (2020.12.22)"
  most_recent = true

It is possible to reference another data source within data sources.

data "nhncloud_blockstorage_volume_v2" "volume_00"{
  name = "ssd_volume1"
  status = "available"

data "nhncloud_blockstorage_snapshot_v2" "my_snapshot" {
  name = "my-snapshot"
  volume_id =
  status = "available"
  most_recent = true

The following sections describe how to import various resources provided by NHN Cloud by using the data resources feature.


Imports image information. NHN Cloud's public images as well as private images are supported.

data "nhncloud_images_image_v2" "ubuntu_2004_20201222" {
  name = "Ubuntu Server 20.04.1 LTS (2020.12.22)"
  most_recent = true

# Query the oldest image from images with the same name
data "nhncloud_images_image_v2" "windows2016_20200218" {
  name = "Windows 2019 STD with MS-SQL 2019 Standard (2020.12.22) KO"
  sort_key = "created_at"
  sort_direction = "asc"
  owner = "c289b99209ca4e189095cdecebbd092d"
  tag = "_AVAILABLE_"
Name Format Required Description
name String - Name of image to query
To check the image name, go to Compute > Instance on NHN Cloud console and click Create Instance. The information can be found on the list of images provided by NHN Cloud.
The image name must be entered as which shows up on NHN Cloud console.
If the Language item exists, follow the format " " like the above example.
size_min Integer - Minimum size of image to query (bytes)
size_max Integer - Maximum size of image to query (bytes)
properties Object - Attributes of image to query
Images that match all attributes are queried.
sort_key String - Sort the list of images queried by particular attributes
The default is name
sort_direction String - Sorting order of the list of queried images
asc: Ascending order (Default)
desc: Descending order
owner String - ID of tenant which includes the image to query
tag String - Search images with a particular tag
visibility String - Visibility of image to query
Select only one among public, private, and shared
If omitted, the list with all types of images is returned
most_recent Boolean - true: Select the most recently created image from the list of queried images
false: Select images in the queried order
member_status String - Status of image member to query
One among accepted,pending, rejected, and all

Block Storage

data "nhncloud_blockstorage_volume_v2" "volume_00" {
  name = "ssd_volume1"
  status = "available"
Name Format Required Description
name String - Name of block storage to query
status String - Status of block storage to query
metadata Object - Metadata related to block storage to query

Instance Flavor

To check name of a flavor, go to Compute > Instance on NHN Cloud console and click Create Instance > Select Flavor.

data "nhncloud_compute_flavor_v2" "m2c2m4"{
  name = "m2.c2m4"
Name Format Required Description
name String - Name of flavor to query


data "nhncloud_blockstorage_snapshot_v2" "my_snapshot" {
  name = "my-snapshot"
  volume_id =
  status = "available"
  most_recent = true
Name Format Required Description
name String - Name of snapshot to query
volume_id String - ID of original block storage of snapshot to query
status String - Status of snapshot to query
most_recent Boolean - true: Select the most recently created snapshot from the queried snapshot list
false: Select snapshots in the queried order


To check UUID of VPC network, go to NHN Cloud console and select VPC from Network > VPC.

data "nhncloud_networking_vpc_v2" "default_network" {
  region = "KR1"
  tenant_id = "ba3be1254ab141bcaef674e74630a31f"
  id = "e34fc878-89f6-4d17-a039-3830a0b78346"
  name = "Default Network"
Name Format Required Description
region String - Region name that VPC to query belongs to
tenant_id String - Tenant ID that VPC to query belongs to
id String - VPC ID to query
name String - VPC name to query

VPC Subnet

To check subnet ID, go to NHN Cloud console and select a subnet from Network > VPC > Subnet.

data "nhncloud_networking_vpcsubnet_v2" "default_subnet" {
  region = "KR1"
  tenant_id = "ba3be1254ab141bcaef674e74630a31f"
  id = "05f6fdc3-641f-48df-b986-773b6489654f"
  name = "Default Network"
  shared = true
Name Type Required Description
region String - Region name that subnet to query belongs to
tenant_id String - Tenant ID that subnet to query belongs to
id String - Subnet ID to query
name String - Subnet name to query
shared Bool - Whether to share subnet to query

Routing Table

data "nhncloud_networking_routingtable_v2" "default_rt" {
  id = "bf15f6f6-1339-4057-a7fe-5811d39bab18"
Name Format Required Description
tenant_id String - Tenant ID to which routing table to query is included
id String - Routing table ID to query
name String - Routing table name to query

Security Group

data "nhncloud_networking_secgroup_v2" "default_sg" {
  name = "default"
Name Format Required Description
region String - Region name that security group to query belongs to
tenant_id String - Tenant ID that security group to query belongs to
name String - Security group name to query


data "nhncloud_keymanager_secret_v1" "secret_01" {
  name      = "terraform_secret_01"
Name Format Required Description
region String - Region name that secret to query belongs to
name String - Secret name to query

Secret Container

data "nhncloud_keymanager_container_v1" "container_01" {
  name      = "terraform_container_01"
Name Format Required Description
region String - Region name to which the secret container you want to look up belongs.
name String - Secret container name to query


You can create, modify, or delete resources with Terraform resources. NHN Cloud supports management of the following resources using Terraform:

  • Instance
  • Block storage
  • Object storage
  • VPC
  • Floating IP
  • Network port
  • Load balancer
  • Security group

The following sections describe how to use each resource.


Resources - Instance

Create Instance

# Create instance with network and block storage added
resource "nhncloud_compute_instance_v2" "tf_instance_02" {
  name      = "tf_instance_02"
  region    = "KR1"
  key_pair  = "terraform-keypair"
  flavor_id =
  security_groups = ["default","web"]

  network {
    name =
    uuid =

  network {
    port =

  block_device {
    uuid                  =
    source_type           = "image"
    destination_type      = "volume"
    boot_index            = 0
    volume_size           = 20
    delete_on_termination = true

  block_device {
    source_type           = "blank"
    destination_type      = "volume"
    boot_index            = 1
    volume_size           = 20
    delete_on_termination = true
Name Format Required Description
name String O Name of instance to create
region String - Region of instance to create
The default is the region configured in
flavor_name String - Flavor name of instance to create
Required if flavor_id is empty
flavor_id String - Flavor ID of instance to create
Required if flavor_name is empty
key_pair String - Key pair name to use for accessing the instance
You can create a new key pair from Compute > Instance > Key Pairs on NHN Cloud console,
or register an existing key pair
See User Guide > Compute > Instance > Console User Guide for more details
availability_zone String - Availability zone of an instance to create
network Object - VPC network information to be attached to an instance to create.
Go to Network > VPC > Management on the console, select VPC to be attached, and check the network name and UUID at the bottom. String - Name of VPC network
One among, network.uuid, and network.port must be specified.
network.uuid String - ID of VPC network
network.port String - ID of a port to be attached to VPC network
Security groups requested when specifying a port ID are not applied to existing specified ports
security_groups Array - List of the security group names for instance
Select a security group from Network > VPC > Security Groups on the console, and check detailed information at the bottom of the page.
user_data String - Script to be executed after instance booting and its configuration
Base64-encoded string, which allows up to 65535 bytes
block_device Object O Block storage information object
block_device.source_type String O Type of original block storage to create
- image: Use an image to create a block storage
- blank: Create an empty block storage (cannot be used as root block storage)
block_device.uuid String - Original image ID of block storage
For root block storage, it must be a bootable source.
block_device.boot_index Integer O Order to boot the specified block storage
- If 0, root block storage
- If not, additional block storage
A larger value indicates lower booting priority
block_device.destination_type String O Location of instance block storage
Supports volume only
block_device.volume_size Integer O Block storage size to create
In GB units
Depending on the instance type, the size of root block storage that can be created varies, see User Guide > Compute > Instance > Console User Guide > Create Instance > Block Storage Size for details.
block_device.volume_type Enum - Type of block storage
See Name from the response of List Block Storage Types in the User Guide > Storage > Block Storage > API v2 guide.
block_device.delete_on_termination Boolean - true: When deleting an instance, delete a block device
false: When deleting an instance, do not delete a block device
block_device.nhn_encryption Object - About block storage encryption
block_device.nhn_encryption.skm_appkey String O AppKeys for Secure Key Manager products
block_device.nhn_encryption.skm_key_id String O Key ID in Secure Key Manager

Attach Block Storage

# Create Instance
resource "nhncloud_compute_instance_v2" "tf_instance_01" {

# Create Block Storage
resource "nhncloud_blockstorage_volume_v2" "volume_01" {

# Attach Block Storage
resource "nhncloud_compute_volume_attach_v2" "volume_to_instance"{
  instance_id =
  volume_id =
  vendor_options {
    ignore_volume_confirmation = true
Name Type Required Description
instance_id String O Target instance to attach the block storage
volume_id String O UUID of block storage to be attached

Resources - Block Storage

Create Block Storage

# Create HDD-type Empty Block Storage
resource "nhncloud_blockstorage_volume_v2" "volume_01" {
  name = "tf_volume_01"
  size = 10
  availability_zone = "kr-pub-a"
  volume_type = "General HDD"

# Create SSD-type Empty Block Storage
resource "nhncloud_blockstorage_volume_v2" "volume_02" {
  name = "tf_volume_02"
  size = 10
  availability_zone = "kr-pub-b"
  volume_type = "General SSD"

# Create Block Storage with Snapshot
resource "nhncloud_blockstorage_volume_v2" "volume_03" {
  name = "tf_volume_03"
  description = "terraform create volume with snapshot test"
  snapshot_id =
  size = 30
Name Format Required Description
name String - Name of block storage to create
description String - Description of block storage
size Integer O Size of block storage to create (GB)
availability_zone String - Availability zone of a block storage to create. If the value does not exist, random availability zone is used.
To check availability_zone, go to Storage > Block Storage > Management on the console and click Create Block Storage.
volume_type Enum - Type of block storage
See Name from the response of List Block Storage Types in the User Guide > Storage > Block Storage > API v2 guide.
snapshot_id String - Original snapshot ID, if omitted, empty block storage is created
nhn_encryption Object - About block storage encryption
nhn_encryption.skm_appkey String O AppKeys for Secure Key Manager products
nhn_encryption.skm_key_id String O Key ID in Secure Key Manager

Import Block Storage

You can import a block storage created on console or via API to Terraform and manage the block storage.

On the .tf file, write the information of block storage to import.

resource "nhncloud_blockstorage_volume_v2" "volume_06" {
  name = "volume_06"
  size = 10

Import the block storage with the command terraform import nhncloud_blockstorage_volume_v2.{name} {block_storage_id}.

$ terraform import nhncloud_blockstorage_volume_v2.volume_06 10cf5bec-cebb-479b-8408-3ffe3b569a7a
nhncloud_blockstorage_volume_v2.volume_06: Importing from ID "10cf5bec-cebb-479b-8408-3ffe3b569a7a"...
nhncloud_blockstorage_volume_v2.volume_06: Import prepared!
  Prepared nhncloud_blockstorage_volume_v2 for import
nhncloud_blockstorage_volume_v2.volume_06: Refreshing state... [id=10cf5bec-cebb-479b-8408-3ffe3b569a7a]

Import successful!

Resources - VPC

NHN Cloud supports creation of the following resources with Terraform:

  • VPC
  • VPC Subnet
  • Network Port
  • Floating IP
  • Routing Table

Other VPC resources must be created in the console.

Create VPC

Create a VPC with the specified IP range.

resource "nhncloud_networking_vpc_v2" "resource-vpc-01" {
  name = "tf-vpc-01"
  cidrv4 = ""
Name Type Required Description
name String O VPC name
cidrv4 String O VPC IP range
region String - VPC region name
tenant_id String - VPC tenant ID

Create VPC Subnet and Attach Routing Table

Create a subnet with the specified IP range in the specified VPC, and attach the existing routing table to the created subnet. Routing tables can only be created in the NHN Cloud console.

resource "nhncloud_networking_vpcsubnet_v2" "resource-vpcsubnet-01" {
  name      = "tf-vpcsubnet-01"
  vpc_id    = "def56b5e-0f1d-4a31-8005-4d716127f177"
  cidr      = ""
  routingtable_id = "c3ed678d-de8b-4bf7-abea-b7c1118f0828"
Name Type Required Description
vpc_id String O VPC ID to which subnet is assigned
cidr String O IP range of subnet
name String O Name of subnet
region String - Name of region to which subnet is assigned
tenant_id String - Tenant ID to which subnet is assigned
routingtable_id String - Routing table ID

Create Network Port

resource "nhncloud_networking_port_v2" "port_1" {
  name = "tf_port_1"
  network_id =
  admin_state_up = "true"
Name Type Required Description
name String O Port name to create
description String - Port description
network_id String O ID of VPC network to create a port
tenant_id String - Tenant ID of the port to create
device_id String - Device ID to which the created port will be connected
fixed_ip Object - Setting information of fixed IP of a port to create
Must not include the no_fixed_ip attribute
fixed_ip.subent_id String O Subnet ID of a fixed IP
fixed_ip.ip_address String - Address of fixed IP to configure
no_fixed_ip Boolean - true: Port without fixed IP
Must not include the fixed_ip attribute
admin_state_up Boolean - Administrator control status
true: Running
false: Suspended

Create Floating IP

resource "nhncloud_networking_floatingip_v2" "fip_01" {
  pool = "Public Network"
Name Format Required Description
pool String O IP pool to create a floating IP
From Network > Floating IP on console, click Create Floating IP and check the IP pool.

Associate Floating IP

# Create Network Port
resource "nhncloud_networking_port_v2" "port_1" {

# Create Instance
resource "nhncloud_compute_instance_v2" "tf_instance_01" {
    network {
    port =

# Create Floating IP
resource "nhncloud_networking_floatingip_v2" "fip_01" {

# Associate Floating IP
resource "nhncloud_networking_floatingip_associate_v2" "fip_associate" {
  floating_ip = nhncloud_networking_floatingip_v2.fip_01.address
  port_id =

Name Format Required Description
floating_ip String O Floating IP to associate
port_id String O UUID of port to be associated with floating IP

Create Routing Table

resource "nhncloud_networking_vpc_v2" "resource-vpc-01" {

resource "nhncloud_networking_routingtable_v2" "resource-rt-01" {
  name = "resource-rt-01"
  vpc_id =
  distributed = false
Name Format Required Description
name String O Routing table name
vpc_id String O VPC ID to which the routing table belongs
distributed Boolean - Routing method of routing table
true: decentralized, false: centralized (default: true)

Associate Internet Gateway with Routing Table

Associate an Internet gateway to the routing table. You can create an Internet gateway in the NHN Cloud console. For information on how to create an Internet gateway, see the User Guide.

resource "nhncloud_networking_routingtable_v2" "resource-rt-01" {

resource "nhncloud_networking_routingtable_attach_gateway_v2" "attach-gw-01" {
  routingtable_id =
  gateway_id = "5c7c578a-d199-4672-95d0-1980f996643f"
Name Format Required Description
routingtable_id String O Routing table ID to modify
gateway_id String O Internet gateway ID to be associated with routing table
In the console, select the Internet gateway you want to use from the Network > Internet Gateway menu, and you can see the ID of the gateway in the details screen below.

Resources - Load Balancer

Create Load Balancer

resource "nhncloud_lb_loadbalancer_v2" "tf_loadbalancer_01"{
  name = "tf_loadbalancer_01"
  description = "create loadbalancer by terraform."
  vip_subnet_id =
  vip_address = ""  
  admin_state_up = true
Name Format Required Description
name String - Name of load balancer
description String - Description of load balancer
tenant_id String - Tenant ID to which load balancer is to be created
vip_subnet_id String O Subnet UUID to be used by load balancer
vip_address String - IP address of load balancer
security_group_ids Object - List of security group IDs to be applied for load balancer
Security groups must be specified by ID, not by name
admin_state_up Boolean - Administrator control status

Create Listener

# HTTP Listener
resource "nhncloud_lb_listener_v2" "tf_listener_http_01"{
  name = "tf_listener_01"
  description = "create listener by terraform."
  protocol = "HTTP"
  protocol_port = 80
  loadbalancer_id =
  default_pool_id = ""
  connection_limit = 2000
  timeout_client_data = 5000
  timeout_member_connect = 5000
  timeout_member_data = 5000
  timeout_tcp_inspect = 5000
  admin_state_up = true

# Terminated HTTPS Listener
resource "nhncloud_lb_listener_v2" "tf_listener_01"{
  name = "tf_listener_01"
  description = "create listener by terraform."
  protocol = "TERMINATED_HTTPS"
  protocol_port = 443
  loadbalancer_id =
  default_pool_id = ""
  connection_limit = 2000
  timeout_client_data = 5000
  timeout_member_connect = 5000
  timeout_member_data = 5000
  timeout_tcp_inspect = 5000
  default_tls_container_ref = ""
  sni_container_refs = null
  admin_state_up = true
Name Format Required Description
name String - Name of listener to create
description String - Description of listener
protocol String O Protocol of listener to create
protocol_port Integer O Port of listener to create
loadbalancer_id String O ID of load balancer to be connected with listener to create
default_pool_id String - ID of the default pool to be connected with listener to create
connection_limit Integer - Maximum connection count allowed for listener to create
timeout_client_data Integer - Timeout setting when client is inactive (ms)
timeout_member_connect Integer - Timeout setting when member is connected (ms)
timeout_member_data Integer - Timeout setting when member is inactive (ms)
timeout_tcp_inspect Integer - Timeout to wait for additional TCP packets for content inspection (ms)
default_tls_container_ref String - Path of TLC certificate to be used when the protocol is TERMINATED_HTTPS
sni_container_refs Array - List of SNI certificate paths
insert_headers String - List of headers to be added before request is sent to a backend member
admin_state_up Boolean - Administrator control status

Create Pool

(Caution) NHN Cloud does not support specifying loadbalancer_id when creating a pool.

resource "nhncloud_lb_pool_v2" "tf_pool_01"{
  name = "tf_pool_01"
  description = "create pool by terraform."
  protocol = "HTTP"
  listener_id =
  lb_method = "LEAST_CONNECTIONS"
    type = "APP_COOKIE"
    cookie_name = "testCookie"
  admin_state_up = true
Name Format Required Description
name String - Load balancer name
description String - Pool description
protocol String O Protocol
One among TCP, HTTP, HTTPS, and PROXY
listener_id String O ID of listener with which a pool to create is associated
lb_method String O Load balancing method to distribute pool traffic to members
persistence Object - Session persistence of a pool to create
persistence.type String O Session persistence type
Unavailable if the load balancing method is SOURCE_IP
HTTP_COOKIE and APP_COOKIE are unavailable if the protocol is HTTPS or TCP
persistence.cookie_name String - Name of cookie
persistence.cookie_name is available only when the session persistence type is APP_COOKIE
admin_state_up Boolean - Administrator control status

Create Health Monitor

resource "nhncloud_lb_monitor_v2" "tf_monitor_01"{
  name = "tf_monitor_01"
  pool_id =
  type = "HTTP"
  delay = 20
  timeout = 10
  max_retries = 5
  url_path = "/"
  http_method = "GET"
  expected_codes = "200-202"
  admin_state_up = true
Name Format Required Description
name String - Name of health monitor to create
pool_id String O ID of pool to be connected with health monitor to create
type String O Support TCP, HTTP, and HTTPS only
delay Integer O Interval of status check
timeout Integer O Timeout for status check (seconds)
Timeout must have smaller value than delay
max_retries Integer O Number of maximum retries, between 1 and 10
url_path String - Request URL for status check
http_method String - HTTP method to use for status check
The default is GET
expected_codes String - HTTP(S) response code of members to be considered as normal status
expected_codes can be set as list (200,201,202) or range (200-202)
admin_state_up Boolean - Administrator control status

Create Member

(Caution) subnet_id must be specified when you create a member in NHN Cloud. Also note that name is not supported.

resource "nhncloud_lb_member_v2" "tf_member_01"{
  pool_id =
  subnet_id =
  address = nhncloud_compute_instance_v2.tf_instance_01.access_ip_v4
  protocol_port = 8080
  weight = 4
  admin_state_up = true

Name Format Required Description
pool_id String O ID of pool including member to create
subnet_id String O Subnet ID of member to create
address String O IP address of member to receive traffic from load balancer
protocol_port Integer O Port of member to receive traffic
weight Integer - Weight of traffic to receive from the pool
The higher the weight, the more traffic you receive.
admin_state_up Boolean - Administrator control status

Create a Secret

resource "nhncloud_keymanager_secret_v1" "secret_01" {
  algorithm            = "aes"
  bit_length           = 256
  mode                 = "cbc"
  name                 = "mysecret"
  payload              = "foobar"
  payload_content_type = "text/plain"
  secret_type          = "passphrase"
Name Format Required Description
name String - Secret name
expiration Datetime - Expiration date. Request in ISO8601 format
algorithm String - Encryption algorithm
bit_length String - Encryption key length
mode String - How block encryption work
payload String - Encryption key payload
payload_content_type String - Encryption key payload content type
Required when entering a payload
List of supported content types: text/plain, application/octet-stream, application/pkcs8, application/pkix-cert
payload_content_encoding Enum - Encoding encryption key payload
Required if payload_content_type is not text/plain
Only supports base64
secret_type Enum - Secret type
One of the following: symmetric, public, private, passphrase, certificate, opaque

Create Secret Container

resource "nhncloud_keymanager_secret_v1" "secret_01" {

resource "nhncloud_keymanager_container_v1" "container_01" {
  name      = "terraform_container_01"
  type      = "generic"
  secret_refs {
    secret_ref = nhncloud_keymanager_secret_v1.secret_01.secret_ref
Name Format Required Description
type Enum O Container type
One of generic, rsa, certificate
name String - Container name
secret_refs Array - List of secrets to register in the container
secret_refs.secret_ref String - Secret address String - The secret name specified by the container
If container type is certificate: Specify as certificate, private_key, private_key_passphrase, and intermediates
If container type is rsa: Specify as private_key, private_key_passphrase, and public_key

Resources - Security Groups

Create a Security Group

resource "nhncloud_networking_secgroup_v2" "resource-sg-01" {
  name      = "sg-01"
Name Format Required Description
name String O Security group name
region String - Name of region to which security group is assigned

Create a Security Rule

resource "nhncloud_networking_secgroup_rule_v2" "resource-sg-rule-01" {
  direction         = "ingress"
  ethertype         = "IPv4"
  protocol          = "tcp"
  port_range_min    = 22
  port_range_max    = 22
  remote_ip_prefix  = ""
  security_group_id =

###################### Data Sources ######################

data "nhncloud_networking_secgroup_v2" "sg-01" {
  name = "sg-01"
Name Format Required Description
remote_group_id UUID - Remote security group ID of security rules
direction Enum O Packet direction to which security rules apply
ingress, egress
ethertype Enum - Specify as IPv4. Specify as IPv4when omitted
protocol String - Protocol name of the security rule. Applied to all protocols if omitted.
port_range_max Integer - Maximum port range of the security rule
port_range_min Integer - Minimum port range of the security rule
security_group_id UUID O Security group ID containing the security rule
remote_ip_prefix Enum - Destination IP prefix of the security rule
description String - Security rule description


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