Content Delivery > CDN > Error Codes

errorCode errorMessage Description
0 SUCCESS Successful
-1 FAIL Failed
-2 ASSERT Failed
10000 Domain does not exist. Service does not exist.
10001 There is no path to purge. Enter path to purge.
10002 The HTTP Method or url of Callback URL is not valid. No HTTP method or URL for the callback URL is entered.
10003 Callback url format is not valid. Callback url format is not valid.
10004 Exist a creating service. Please retry after it is finished. Cannot execute requested task. Try again after previous request is completed.
10006 Not found resource Resource is not found as requested, or the request is invalid.
10007 Already exists domain alias. Domain Alias is already registered in another CDN service domain.
10008 Origin path must starts with a slash('/). Start with '/' to enter origin path.
10009 Origin path must not end with a slash('/). '/' is not allowed as the last character of the origin path.
10010 Origin domain is required. Origin server is required.
10011 Please enter origin domain without scheme. Origin server cannot have scheme information, such as http://
10012 Please enter the origin domain in public IP or domain format. The origin server format is not valid: enter in domain or IP.
10013 Domain alias is invalid. The domain alias format is invalid.
10014 Referrers is invalid. Enter referrers regular expression. The referrer format is not valid: check if it is valid regular expression.
10015 Please enter useOriginCacheControl or cacheType. To set up cache, one of useOriginCacheControl or cacheType must be entered.
10016 Please enter origin. Origin server setting is not available or invalid.
10017 Invalid Purge Type. Please enter purge type 'ITEM' or 'ALL' The purge type is not valid: enter 'ITEM' or 'ALL'.
10018 Invalid Origin Port. Please enter a number between 0 and 65,536. The origin server port is not valid: enter a number between 0 and 64, or 536.
10019 Up to three domain aliases can be registered. Up to three domain aliases can be registered.
10020 The requested domain alias has duplicated values. This is a domain alias that has already been registered, and new registration is not available.
10021 Already deleted distribution. This is CDN service that has already been deleted.
10023 The port field cannot be set with either httpPort or httpsPort. Port, httpPort and httpsPort cannot be entered at the same time. Please enter port, or enter httpPort and httpsPort.
10024 The origin server port is not set. origin server port is the required input value. Please enter the origin server port in the port or httpPort or httpsPort.
10025 Invalid origin port. The httpPort equals httpsPort. Please enter a different input value for httpPort and httpsPort.
10027 The description's maximum length is limited to 255 characters. Maximum of 255 characters can be entered for CDN service description.
10028 The Root Path Control 'controlType' is not set. Please enter type 'DENY' or 'REDIRECT' controlType is a required input value. Please enter either "DENY" or "REDIRECT."
10029 The Root Path Control 'redirectPath' is not set. If the controlType is "REDIRECT," the redirectPath is a required input value.
10030 'redirectPath' must starts with a slash('/). redirectPath must be entered starting with a "/."
10031 The Root Path Control 'redirectStatusCode' is not set. Please enter Code 301 or 302 or 303 or 307 If the controlType is "REDIRECT," redirectStatusCode is a required input value. Please enter one of 301, 302, 303, or 307.
10032 Invalid 'redirectStatusCode'. Please enter Code 301 or 302 or 303 or 307 The input value of redirectStatusCode is not correct. Please enter one of 301, 302, 303 or 307.
10033 Auth Token 'encryptKey' is not set. encryptKey is a required input. Enter the [Access Control for Auth Token Authentication > Token Encryption Key] value displayed on the NHN Cloud CDN console.
10034 Auth Token 'durationSeconds' is not set. durationSeconds is a required input. Enter the value to set as the token expiration time in seconds.
10035 Invalid 'sessionId'. Please enter smaller than 36 bytes for the length of character string. The length of the sessionId string cannot exceed 36 bytes.
10036 There is no path to generate token. Please enter 'singlePath' or 'singleWildcardPath' or 'multipleWildcardPath'. At least one of singlePath, singleWildcardPath, or multipleWildcardPath must exist.
10037 Auth token paths ('singlePath', 'singleWildcardPath', 'multipleWildcardPath') must start with a slash(/). singlePath, singleWildcardPath, and multipleWildcardPath must start with '/'.
10038 Invalid character exists. Since ! and ~ are used as reserved characters, do not include them in path or session ID. The !, ~ characters are used as reserved characters, so they cannot be included in a path or session ID.
10039 HTTP Response Header 'headerList' is not set. headerList is a required field.
10040 HTTP Response Header 'action' is not set. action is a required field, please enter one of the following values: 'ADD', 'MODIFY', 'DELETE'.
10041 HTTP Response Header 'headerValue' is not set. headerList is a required field.
10042 There is no headerName to modify. Please enter 'standardHeaderName' or 'customHeaderName'. You must enter a predefined value for standardHeaderName. If standardHeaderName is 'OTHER', you must enter a customHeaderName.
10043 Exceeded the maximum HTTP Response Header 'headerList' count. Up to 10 header can be registered. headerList can have a list of up to 10 headers.
10044 Invalid 'customHeaderName'. Only alphabet, numbers, and '-', '_' are available. Invalid customHeaderName. You can only set alphabets, numbers, and special characters - and _.
10045 'customHeaderName' has duplicated values. A duplicate customHeaderName header name exists. You cannot set multiple identical header names.
10046 'standardHeaderName' has duplicated values. A duplicate standardHeaderName header name exists. You cannot set multiple identical header names.
10101 This dnsName is already registered. If you are the dnsName owner, please contact us. The certificate domain is already enrolled. If you are the owner of that domain, please contact the service provider.
10102 Temporarily, the dnsName cannot be registered. Failed to register certificate domain. Please try again later.
10103 Invalid dnsName. Enter FQDN(Fully Qualified Domain Name). Invalid certificate domain entry. Please enter it in fully qualified domain name (FQDN) format.
10105 Invalid domain or not in a deletable state. You cannot delete the certificate. Invalid domain entered or not in a state to be deleted.
10110 You have exceeded the number of certificates you can issue. Please contact customer service to issue more certificates. You have exceeded the maximum number of certificates that can be issued. If you need to issue additional certificates, contact the service provider.
10111 No certificate available Please try again in a few minutes. Could not issue the certificate. Please try again later.
10114 Invalid statistics search period. fromDate or toDate can be set within 90 days.
20001 Failed to authenticate with AppKey. Appkey is not valid.
10115 Invalid Top Contents By Hits statistics search period. fromDate or toDate can be set daily basis up to the previous day. Invalid search period for Ton Contents By Hits statistic. FromDate and toDate can only be set to a date range of one or more days before the day.
20002 Failed to authenticate with the secret key. SecretKey is not valid.
21000 OpenStack Api fail. Failed to query basic infrastructure service information. Please try again later.
21002 Get iaas token fail. Failed to issue token for basic infrastructure service. Please try again later.
21003 IaaS not enabled. No instances exist in the selected region that can be set as the origin server.
21004 Object storage not enabled. Object Storage service is not enabled.
30000 Failed to process request. Please try again later. Failed to process request.
30001 Purge usage has exceeded. Please try again later. Purge volume has been exceeded.
30002 Data not created or does not exist. Please try again later. Data has not been created or is not available.
30003 Request not processed in current service status. Cannot process the request under the current service status.
30004 The status of the service is unknown. The service status is unknown.
30005 Resource not found. Resource cannot be found.
80500 An unknown error occurred during processing. Please contact the service provider.