The guide describes APIs of the Image Manager service.
[Request Header]
Name | Value | Description |
Authorization | {secretKey} | Security key issued from the console |
[Success response body]
"header": {
"isSuccessful": true,
"resultCode": 0,
"resultMessage": "Success"
[Failure response body]
"header": {
"isSuccessful": false,
"resultCode": 404,
"resultMessage": "Please check your API Url, HTTP Method."
Method | URI |
POST |{appkey}/folders |
[Request Body]
curl -X POST '{appKey}/folders' \
-H 'Authorization: {secretKey}' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{"path": "/myfolder"}'
Name | Type | Valid range | Required | Default | Description |
path | String | Min. 2 characters, Max. 255 Bytes | Required | The absolute path of the folder to be created, and a parent folder is automatically created |
[Response Body]
"header": {
// Omitted
"folder": {
"id": "c337256d-b17e-42ce-9f63-a792a05ae0ef",
"name": "myfolder",
"path": "/myfolder",
"isFolder": true,
"updatedAt": "2015-09-02T10:27:15+0900"
Name | Type | Description |
folder | Object | Folder information |
folder.isFolder | boolean | Whether it is a folder or not | | String | Unique ID | | String | Folder name |
folder.path | String | Absolute path of a folder |
folder.updatedAt | DateTime | Last modified date |
Method | URI |
GET |{appkey}/folders |
[Request Body]
curl -X GET '{appKey}/folders?basepath=/myfolder' \
-H 'Authorization: {secretKey}'
Name | Type | Valid range | Required | Default | Description |
basepath | String | Min. 2 characters, Max. 255 Bytes | Required | The entire path of a folder to retrieve | |
createdBy | String | 1 character | Optional | Target of the list query (Space: all, U: user uploaded image, P: operation image) |
name | String | Min. 2 characters, Max. 255 Bytes | Optional | Image name to search for | |
page | int | Min. 1 | Optional | 1 | Page number |
rows | int | Min. 1, Max. 10,000 | Optional | 100 | Query count |
sort | String | Optional | name:asc | Sorting method (Sort criteria: name or date, sorting method: asc or desc) |
[Response Body]
"header": {
// Omitted
"paging": {
"page": 1,
"rows": 100,
"totalFolderCount": 1,
"totalFileCount": 1
"folders": [
"isFolder": true,
"id": "5b6ad839-a920-4b88-895d-64ffc3f4d89a",
"name": "banner",
"path": "/myfolder/banner",
"updatedAt": "2016-02-26T15:57:06+0900"
"files": [
"isFolder": false,
"id": "69528a77-0cc2-4407-a83d-ea4aacbe207f",
"url": "",
"name": "toast.png",
"path": "/myfolder/toast.png",
"bytes": 10173,
"createdBy": "U",
"updatedAt": "2016-02-26T15:57:14+0900",
"operationId": "",
"queues": []
"imageProperty": {
"width": 90,
"height": 90,
"createdAt": "2016-02-26T15:56:50+0900"
"coordinate": {
"lat": 0,
"lng": 0
Name | Type | Description |
paging | Object | Paging information | | int | Requested page number |
paging.rows | int | Requested query count |
paging.totalFolderCount | long | Total number of folders |
paging.totalFileCount | long | Total number of folders |
folders | List | Folder list |
folders[0].isFolder | boolean | Whether it is a folder or not |
folders[0].id | String | Unique ID |
folders[0].name | String | Folder name |
folders[0].path | String | Absolute path of a folder |
folders[0].updatedAt | DateTime | Last modified date |
files | List | List of image files |
files[0].isFolder | boolean | Whether it is a folder or not |
files[0].id | String | Unique ID |
files[0].url | String | URL of image service |
files[0].name | String | Image Name |
files[0].path | String | Absolute path of a folder |
files[0].bytes | long | Image file size |
files[0].createdBy | String | Image classification (U: user uploaded image, P: operation image) |
files[0].updatedAt | DateTime | Last modified date |
files[0].operationId | String | If createdBy === P, a referenced operation ID |
files[0].queues | List | List of task information (not used in this API) |
files[0].imageProperty | Object | Image properties |
files[0].imageProperty.width | int | Horizontal size |
files[0].imageProperty.height | int | Vertical size |
files[0].imageProperty.coordinate | Object | GPS information |
files[0].imageProperty.createdAt | DateTime | Date of shooting or creation |
files[0] | double | Latitude |
files[0].imageProperty.coordinate.lng | double | Longitude |
Method | URI |
GET |{appkey}/properties |
[Request Body]
curl -X GET '{appKey}/properties?path=/myfolder' \
-H 'Authorization: {secretKey}'
Name | Type | Valid range | Required | Default | Description |
path | String | Min. 2 characters, Max. 255 Bytes | Required | Absolute path of the folder to retrieve |
[Response Body]
"header": {
// Omitted
"folder": {
"isFolder": true,
"id": "996dd430-5172-4178-86c9-0704e88b28e3",
"name": "myfolder",
"path": "/myfolder",
"bytes": 64857,
"totalFolderCount": 1,
"totalFileCount": 2,
"updatedAt": "2016-02-26T15:57:06+0900"
Name | Type | Description |
folder | Object | Folder information |
folder.isFolder | boolean | Whether it is a folder or not | | String | Unique ID | | String | Folder name |
folder.path | String | Absolute path of a folder |
folder.bytes | long | Folder size (byte) |
folder.totalFolderCount | long | Total number of subfolders |
folder.totalFileCount | long | Total number of subfiles |
folder.updatedAt | DateTime | Last modified date |
Method | URI |
GET |{appkey}/properties/simple |
[Request Body]
curl -X GET '{appKey}/properties/simple?path=/myfolder' \
-H 'Authorization: {secretKey}'
Name | Type | Valid Range | Required | Default | Description |
path | String | Min. 2 characters, Max. 255 bytes | Required | Absolute path to the folder to be retrieved |
[Response Body]
"header": {
// Omitted
"folder": {
"isFolder": true,
"id": "996dd430-5172-4178-86c9-0704e88b28e3",
"name": "myfolder",
"path": "/myfolder",
"updatedAt": "2016-02-26T15:57:06+0900"
Name | Type | Description |
folder | Object | |
folder.isFolder | boolean | Whether it is a folder or not | | String | Unique ID | | String | Folder name |
folder.path | String | Absolute path to the folder |
folder.updatedAt | DateTime | Last modified date |
Method | URI |
PUT |{appkey}/images |
[Request Body]
curl -X PUT '{appKey}/images?path=/myfolder/sample.png&overwrite=true' \
-H 'Authorization: {secretKey}' \
-H 'Content-Type:application/octet-stream' \
--data-binary 'path/to/imageFile/@sample.png'
Name | Type | Valid range | Required | Default | Description |
path | String | Min. 2 characters, Max. 255 Bytes | Required | File name of the absolute path to be created | |
overwrite | boolean | Optional | false | Whether to overwrite if the same name exists | |
autorename | boolean | Optional | false | If the same name exists, whether to change the file name to "name(1).extension" format |
operationIds | String List | Optional | List of image operation IDs (separated by commas) |
[Response Body]
"header": {
// Omitted
"file": {
"isFolder": false,
"id": "9cf11176-045c-4708-8dbd-35633f029a91",
"url": "",
"name": "sample.png",
"path": "/myfolder/sample.png",
"bytes": 54684,
"createdBy": "U",
"updatedAt": "2016-02-26T16:38:34+0900",
"operationId": "100x100",
"imageProperty": {
"width": 200,
"height": 150,
"createdAt": "2016-02-26T16:38:11+0900",
"coordinate": {
"lat": null,
"lng": null
"queues": [
"queueId": "0256316c-7dcf-4940-975b-673afb62e8a3",
"queueType": "image",
"status": "W",
"tryCount": 0,
"queuedAt": "2016-02-26T16:38:11+0900",
"operationId": "100x100",
"url": "",
"name": "sample_100x100.png",
"path": "/myfolder/sample_100x100.png"
Name | Type | Description |
file | Object | Image file information |
file.isFolder | boolean | Whether it is a folder or not | | String | Unique ID |
file.url | String | URL of image service | | String | Image Name |
file.path | String | Absolute path of an image |
file.bytes | long | Image file size |
file.createdBy | String | Image classification (U: user uploaded image, P: operation image) |
file.updatedAt | DateTime | Last modified date |
file.operationId | String | If createdBy === P, a referenced operation ID |
file.imageProperty | Object | Image properties |
file.imageProperty.width | int | Horizontal size |
file.imageProperty.height | int | Vertical size |
file.imageProperty.createdAt | DateTime | Date of shooting or creation |
file.imageProperty.coordinate | Object | GPS information | | double | Latitude |
file.imageProperty.coordinate.lng | double | Longitude |
file.queues | List | List of task information requested by operationIds |
file.queues[0].queueId | String | Task unique ID |
file.queues[0].queueType | String | Task classification (image: operation, delete: delete files and folders) |
file.queues[0].status | String | Task status (W: Waiting, D: Completed, P: In-progress, F: Failed) |
file.queues[0].tryCount | int | Number of retries |
file.queues[0].queuedAt | DateTime | Task registration date |
file.queues[0].operationId | String | Referenced operation ID |
file.queues[0].url | String | URL of image service to be provided |
file.queues[0].name | String | Name of the image to be created |
file.queues[0].path | String | Absolute path of the image to be created |
Method | URI |
POST |{appkey}/images |
[Request Body]
curl -X POST '{appKey}/images' \
-H 'Authorization: {secretKey}' \
-F 'params={"basepath": "/myfolder/banner", "overwrite": true, "operationIds":["100x100"]}' \
-F 'files=@left.png' \
-F 'files=@right.png'
Name | Type | Valid range | Required | Default | Description |
files | multipart/form–data | Required | List of image files | ||
params | String | A string in a json format | Required | Upload options | |
params.basepath | String | Min. 2 characters, Max. 255 Bytes | Required | Absolute path to upload | |
params.overwrite | boolean | Optional | false | Whether to overwrite if the same name exists | |
params.autorename | boolean | Optional | false | If the same name exists, whether to change the file name to "name(1).extension" format |
params.operationIds | String List | Optional | List of image operation IDs. Creates an operation file with the option you want when uploading. Refer to the API related to image operation |
params.callbackUrl | String | Optional | Callback URL path to receive processing result. If you write the id in a query string format, it will be delivered together when sending a callback. Only supports port 80 and port 443 |
[Response Body]
"header": {
// Omitted
"errors": [],
"successes": [
"isFolder": false,
"id": "5fa8ce52-d066-490c-85dd-f8cef181dd28",
"url": "",
"name": "left.png",
"path": "/myfolder/banner/left.png",
"bytes": 7322,
"createdBy": "U",
"updatedAt": "2016-02-26T16:56:50+0900",
"operationId": "100x100",
"imageProperty": {
"width": 60,
"height": 60,
"createdAt": "2016-02-26T16:56:27+0900"
"coordinate": {
"lat": null,
"lng": null
"queues": [
"queueId": "bef1736f-6637-459e-ae10-ac0961ebf59c",
"queueType": "image",
"status": "W",
"tryCount": 0,
"queuedAt": "2016-02-26T16:56:29+0900",
"operationId": "100x100",
"url": "",
"name": "left_100x100.png",
"path": "/myfolder/banner/left_100x100.png"
"isFolder": false,
"id": "96f726bd-93e4-4f7c-ad55-56e85aa323a8",
"url": "",
"name": "right.png",
"path": "/myfolder/banner/right.png",
"bytes": 267801,
"createdBy": "U",
"updatedAt": "2016-02-26T16:56:51+0900",
"operationId": "100x100",
"imageProperty": {
"width": 1440,
"height": 2560,
"createdAt": "2016-02-26T16:56:28+0900",
"coordinate": {
"lat": null,
"lng": null
"queues": [
"queueId": "6691a01a-4585-4e26-989c-8ef25dd627a0",
"queueType": "image",
"status": "W",
"tryCount": 0,
"queuedAt": "2016-02-26T16:56:29+0900",
"operationId": "100x100",
"url": "",
"name": "right_100x100.png",
"path": "/myfolder/banner/right_100x100.png"
Name | Type | Description |
errors | List | List of upload errors |
errors[0].path | String | Absolute path of a file |
errors[0].bytes | long | File size |
errors[0].error | Object | Error information |
errors[0].error.resultCode | int | Error Code |
errors[0].error.resultMessage | String | Error message |
successes | List | List of upload successes |
successes[0].isFolder | boolean | Whether it is a folder or not |
successes[0].id | String | Unique ID |
successes[0].url | String | URL of image service |
successes[0].name | String | Image Name |
successes[0].path | String | Absolute path of an image |
successes[0].bytes | long | Image file size |
successes[0].createdBy | String | Image classification (U: user uploaded image, P: operation image) |
successes[0].updatedAt | DateTime | Last modified date |
successes[0].operationId | String | If createdBy === P, a referenced operation ID |
successes[0].imageProperty | Object | Image properties |
successes[0].imageProperty.width | int | Horizontal size |
successes[0].imageProperty.height | int | Vertical size |
successes[0].imageProperty.createdAt | DateTime | Date of shooting or creation |
successes[0].imageProperty.coordinate | Object | GPS information |
successes[0] | double | Latitude |
successes[0].imageProperty.coordinate.lng | double | Longitude |
successes[0].queues | List | List of task information requested by operationIds |
successes[0].queues[0].queueId | String | Task unique ID |
successes[0].queues[0].queueType | String | Task classification (image: operation, delete: delete files and folders) |
successes[0].queues[0].status | String | Task status (W: Waiting, D: Completed, P: In-progress, F: Failed) |
successes[0].queues[0].tryCount | int | Number of retries |
successes[0].queues[0].queuedAt | DateTime | Task registration date |
successes[0].queues[0].operationId | String | Referenced operation ID |
successes[0].queues[0].url | String | URL of image service to be provided |
successes[0].queues[0].name | String | Name of the image to be created |
successes[0].queues[0].path | String | Absolute path of the image to be created |
[Request Result Callback Body]
"header": {
"resultMessage": "Partial Success",
"resultCode": 1,
"isSuccessful": false
"id": "100",
"successFiles": [
"id": "c4de7cec-ba9c-44fa-b1fc-93e2eb29ed10",
"name": "image.jpg",
"path": "/myfolder/image.jpg",
"url": "",
"width": 546,
"height": 304,
"sizeByte": 105190,
"overwritten": true,
"updatedAt": "2017-11-28T14:30:14+0900"
"failFiles": [
"name": "test.jpg",
"path": "/myfolder/test.jpg",
"sizeByte": 105190,
"resultCode": 20010,
"resultMessage": "There is same file name."
"name": "big_size.jpg",
"path": "/myfolder/big_size.jpg",
"sizeByte": 12925663,
"resultCode": 11004,
"resultMessage": "It was exceed the max volume you can upload at once."
Method | URI |
DELETE |{appkey}/images/sync |
[Request Body]
curl -X DELETE '{appKey}/images/sync?
fileId=9cf11176-045c-4708-8dbd-35633f029a91' \
-H 'Authorization: {secretKey}'
Name | Type | Valid range | Required | Default | Description |
folderId | String | Max. 50 characters | ID of the folder to be deleted | ||
fileId | String | Max. 50 characters | ID of the file to be deleted | ||
includeThumbnail | boolean | Optional | false | Also deletes the operation file created by the file to be deleted |
[Response Body]
"header": {
"isSuccessful": true,
"resultCode": 0,
"resultMessage": "Success"
Method | URI |
DELETE |{appkey}/images/async |
[Request Body]
curl -X DELETE '{appKey}/images/async?
fileIds=5fa8ce52-d066-490c-85dd-f8cef181dd28,96f726bd-93e4-4f7c-ad55-56e85aa323a8' \
-H 'Authorization: {secretKey}'
Name | Type | Valid range | Required | Default | Description |
folderIds | String | Max. 50 characters per ID | List of IDs of folders to be deleted (separated by commas) | ||
fileIds | String | Max. 50 characters per ID | List of IDs of files to be deleted (separated by commas) | ||
includeThumbnail | boolean | Optional | false | Also deletes the operation file created by the file to be deleted |
[Response Body]
"header": {
// Omitted
"queue": {
"tryCount": 0,
"queueId": "f1d27571-84e1-4892-9261-7d46755d45cc",
"queueType": "delete",
"status": "W",
"queuedAt": "2018-01-12T10:44:44+0900",
"operationId": "",
"url": "",
"name": "",
"path": ""
Name | Type | Description |
queue | Object | Task information |
queue.queueId | String | Task unique ID |
queue.queueType | String | Task type (delete: Deletes a file or folder) |
queue.status | String | Task status (W: Waiting, D: Completed, P: In-progress, F: Failed) |
queue.tryCount | int | Number of retries |
queue.queuedAt | DateTime | Task registration date |
queue.operationId | String | Referenced operation ID |
queue.url | String | URL of image service to be provided | | String | Name of the image to be created |
queue.path | String | Absolute path of the image to be created |
Method | URI |
PUT |{appkey}/operations/{operationId} |
[Request Body]
curl -X PUT '{appKey}/operations/100x100' \
-H 'Authorization: {secretKey}' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{"description": "", "realtimeService": true, "data": [{"templateOperationId": "resize_max_fit",
"option": {"resizeType": "max_fit", "width": 100, "height": 100, "quality": 80,
"upDownSizeType": "downOnly"}}]}'
Name | Type | Valid range | Required | Default | Description |
operationId | String | Min.1 character, Max. 20 characters, English letter or number |
Required | Name of the operation to be created or modified | |
description | String | Max. 30 characters | Optional | Operation description | |
realtimeService | boolean | Optional | true | Whether to provide a real-time service | |
deleteThumbnail | boolean | Optional | false | Whether to delete the thumbnails previously created by the operation | |
data | List | Optional | List of operation tasks |
[Data Option]
"templateOperationId": "resize_max_fit", // (required, value: resize_max_fit, resize_min_fit, resize_fix, resize_width_fit, resize_height_fit)
// Underlying template ID
"option": {
"width": int, // (required) Horizontal size
"height": int, // (required) Vertical size
"quality": double, // (optional, default: 75, value: 1~100) quality
"upDownSizeType": String, // (optional, default: downOnly, value: downOnly / upOnly / upDownAll)
// Whether it is unable to enlarge and reduce beyond the original size
"keepAnimation": boolean, // (optional, default: true) Whether to maintain the GIF animation
"keepExif": boolean, // (optional, default: true) Whether to maintain the meta information
"autoOrient": boolean, // (optional, default: false) Whether to rotate based on the orientation information
"targetExtension": String // (optional, default: null) The output format (extension)
"templateOperationId": "gray", // (required) Underlying template ID
"option": { // (required) No option
"keepAnimation": boolean // (optional, default: true) Whether to maintain the GIF animation
"templateOperationId": "rectangle", // (required) Underlying template ID
"option": {
"gravity": String, // (optional, default: Center, value: NorthWest / North / NorthEast /
// West / Center / East / SouthWest / South / SouthEast)
// Base position
"offsetX": int, // (optional, default: 0) Base position is moved. Negative numbers indicate moving in the opposite direction
"offsetY": int, // (optional, default: 0) Base position is moved. Negative numbers indicate moving in the opposite direction
"width": int, // (required) Horizontal size
"height": int, // (required) Vertical size
"keepAnimation": boolean // (optional, default: false) Whether to maintain the GIF animation
"templateOperationId": "circle", // (required) Underlying template ID
"option": {
"gravity": String, // (optional, default: Center, value: NorthWest / North / NorthEast /
// West / Center / East / SouthWest / South / SouthEast)
// Base position
"offsetX": int, // (optional, default: 0) Base position is moved. Negative numbers indicate moving in the opposite direction
"offsetY": int, // (optional, default: 0) Base position is moved. Negative numbers indicate moving in the opposite direction
"radius": int // (required) Radius
"templateOperationId": "slice", // (required) Underlying template ID
"option": {
"sliceCropType": String, // (optional, default: "vertical") Slice method (vertical, horizontal)
"sliceSize": int, // (optional, default: 0) Slice size
"keepAnimation": boolean, // (optional, default: true) Whether to maintain the GIF animation
"callbackUrl": string // (optional) The URL path to receive the processing result. Only supports port 80 and port 443
"templateOperationId": "grid", // (required) Underlying template ID
"option": {
"countX": int, // (Required) Number of horizontal splits
"countY": int, // (Required) Number of vertical splits
// When the split piece size is not an integer after the original size is divided by the number of splits,
// the image can be divided by a number of splits that is lower than the previously set number of splits.
"callbackUrl": string // (optional) The URL path to receive the processing result. Only supports port 80 and port 443
"templateOperationId": "watermark", // (required) Underlying template ID
"option": {
"gravity": String, // (optional, default: Center, value: NorthWest / North / NorthEast /
// West / Center / East / SouthWest / South / SouthEast)
// Base position
"offsetX": int, // (optional, default: 0) Base position is moved. Negative numbers indicate moving in the opposite direction
"offsetY": int, // (optional, default: 0) Base position is moved. Negative numbers indicate moving in the opposite direction
"watermarkImagePath": String // (Required) The path of an image file to be synthesized
[Response Body]
"header": {
// Omitted
"operation": {
"appKey": {appKey},
"operationId": "100x100",
"description": "",
"realtimeService": true,
"updatedAt": "2016-02-26T17:42:27+0900",
"jobTemplate": [
"templateOperationId": "resize_max_fit",
"jobType": "ResizeJob",
"option": {
"resizeType": "max_fit",
"width": 100,
"height": 100,
"quality": 80,
"shrinkLargerOnly": false,
"upDownSizeType": "downOnly",
"keepAnimation": false,
"keepExif": true,
"autoOrient": true,
"targetExtension": ""
Name | Type | Description |
operation | Object | Operation information |
operation.appKey | String | User AppKey |
operation.operationId | String | Operation name |
operation.description | String | Operation description |
operation.realtimeService | boolean | Whether to provide a real-time service |
operation.updatedAt | DateTime | Last modified date |
operation.jobTemplate | List | List of operation tasks |
operation.jobTemplate[0].templateOperationId | String | Underlying template ID |
operation.jobTemplate[0].jobType | String | Operation task type |
operation.jobTemplate[0].option | Object | Operation task content |
Method | URI |
GET |{appkey}/operations |
[Request Body]
curl -X GET '{appKey}/operations' \
-H 'Authorization: {secretKey}'
Name | Type | Valid range | Required | Default | Description |
name | String | Max. 20 characters, English letter or number |
Optional | Operation name to search for (starting with a input value) | |
page | int | Min. 1 | Optional | 1 | Page number |
rows | int | Max. 10,000 | Optional | 20 | Query count |
sort | String | Optional | date:desc | Sorting method (Sort criteria: name or date, sorting method: asc or desc) | |
template | boolean | Optional | false | Target of the list query (true: default operation, false: user-created operation) |
[Response Body]
"header": {
// Omitted
"paging": {
"page": 1,
"rows": 20,
"totalCount": 1
"operations": [
"appKey": {appKey},
"operationId": "100x100",
"description": "",
"realtimeService": true,
"updatedAt": "2016-02-26T17:42:27+0900",
"jobTemplate": [
"templateOperationId": "resize_max_fit",
"jobType": "ResizeJob",
"option": {
"resizeType": "max_fit",
"width": 100,
"height": 100,
"quality": 80,
"shrinkLargerOnly": false,
"upDownSizeType": "downOnly",
"keepAnimation": false,
"keepExif": true,
"autoOrient": true,
"targetExtension": ""
Name | Type | Description |
paging | Object | Paging information | | int | Requested page number |
paging.rows | int | Requested query count |
paging.totalCount | long | Total number |
operations | List | List of operations |
operations[0].appKey | String | User AppKey |
operations[0].operationId | String | Operation name |
operations[0].description | String | Operation description |
operations[0].realtimeService | boolean | Whether to use a real-time service |
operations[0].updatedAt | DateTime | Last modified date |
operations[0].jobTemplate | List | List of operation tasks |
operations[0].jobTemplate[0].templateOperationId | String | Underlying template ID |
operations[0].jobTemplate[0].jobType | String | Operation task type |
operations[0].jobTemplate[0].option | Object | Operation task content |
Method | URI |
GET |{appkey}/operations/{operationId} |
[Request Body]
curl -X GET '{appKey}/operations/100x100' \
-H 'Authorization: {secretKey}'
[Response Body]
"header": {
// Omitted
"operation": {
"appKey": {appKey},
"operationId": "100x100",
"description": "",
"realtimeService": true,
"updatedAt": "2016-02-26T17:42:27+0900",
"jobTemplate": [
"templateOperationId": "resize_max_fit",
"jobType": "ResizeJob",
"option": {
"resizeType": "max_fit",
"width": 100,
"height": 100,
"quality": 80,
"shrinkLargerOnly": false,
"upDownSizeType": "downOnly",
"keepAnimation": false,
"keepExif": true,
"autoOrient": true,
"targetExtension": ""
Name | Type | Description |
operation | Object | Operation information |
operation.appKey | String | User AppKey |
operation.operationId | String | Operation name |
operation.description | String | Operation description |
operation.realtimeService | boolean | Whether to provide a real-time service |
operation.updatedAt | DateTime | Last modified date |
operation.jobTemplate | List | List of operation tasks |
operation.jobTemplate[0].templateOperationId | String | Underlying template ID |
operation.jobTemplate[0].jobType | String | Operation task type |
operation.jobTemplate[0].option | Object | Operation task content |
Method | URI |
DELETE |{appkey}/operations/{operationId} |
[Request Body]
curl -X DELETE '{appKey}/operations/100x100' \
-H 'Authorization: {secretKey}'
Name | Type | Valid range | Required | Default | Description |
deleteThumbnail | boolean | Optional | false | Whether to delete the thumbnails previously created by the operation |
[Response Body]
"header": {
"isSuccessful": true,
"resultCode": 0,
"resultMessage": "Success"
Method | URI |
POST |{appkey}/operations-exec |
[Request Body]
curl -X POST '{appKey}/operations-exec' \
-H 'Authorization: {secretKey}' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{"basepath": "/myfolder", "operationIds": ["100x100"],
"filepaths": ["/myfolder/left.png", "/myfolder/right.jpg"]}'
Name | Type | Valid range | Required | Default | Description |
basepath | String | Min. 2 characters, Max. 255 Bytes | Required | Absolute path of a folder that serves as a base | |
filepaths | String List | Required | List of folders and files in the absolute path to execute the operations on | ||
operationIds | String List | Required | List of operation IDs to execute | ||
callbackUrl | String | Optional | The URL path to receive the processing result. If you write an id in a query string format, it is delivered together when sending the callback. Only supports port 80 and port 443 |
[Response Body]
"header": {
// Omitted
"paging": {
"page": 1,
"rows": 20,
"totalCount": 1
"operations": [
"appKey": {appKey},
"operationId": "100x100",
"description": "",
"realtimeService": true,
"updatedAt": "2016-02-26T17:42:27+0900",
"jobTemplate": [
"templateOperationId": "resize_max_fit",
"jobType": "ResizeJob",
"option": {
"resizeType": "max_fit",
"width": 100,
"height": 100,
"quality": 80,
"shrinkLargerOnly": false,
"upDownSizeType": "downOnly",
"keepAnimation": false,
"keepExif": true,
"autoOrient": true,
"targetExtension": ""
"queues": [
"queueId": "6691a01a-4585-4e26-989c-8ef25dd627a0",
"queueType": "image",
"status": "W",
"tryCount": 0,
"queuedAt": "2016-02-26T16:56:29+0900",
"operationId": "100x100",
"url": "",
"name": "right_100x100.png",
"path": "/myfolder/banner/right_100x100.png"
Name | Type | Description |
operations | List | List of operations to execute |
operations[0].appKey | String | User AppKey |
operations[0].operationId | String | Operation name |
operations[0].description | String | Operation description |
operations[0].realtimeService | boolean | Whether to provide a real-time service |
operations[0].updatedAt | DateTime | Last modified date |
operations[0].jobTemplate | List | List of operation tasks |
operations[0].jobTemplate[0].templateOperationId | String | Underlying template ID |
operations[0].jobTemplate[0].jobType | String | Task type |
operations[0].jobTemplate[0].option | Object | Task content |
queues | List | List of task information |
queues[0].queueId | String | Task unique ID |
queues[0].queueType | String | Task classification (image: operation, delete: delete files and folders) |
queues[0].status | String | Task status (W: Waiting, D: Completed, P: In-progress, F: Failed) |
queues[0].tryCount | int | Number of retries |
queues[0].queuedAt | DateTime | Task registration date |
queues[0].operationId | String | Referenced operation ID |
queues[0].url | String | URL of image service to be provided |
queues[0].name | String | Name of the image to be created |
queues[0].path | String | Absolute path of the image to be created |
[Request Result Callback Body]
// fail sample
"header": {
"isSuccessful": false,
"resultCode": 500201,
"resultMessage": "Operation fail. "
"id": "100",
"overwritten": false,
"operationId": "100x100",
"sourceFile": {
"url": "",
"name": "left.png",
"path": "/myfolder/banner/left.png"
// success sample
"header": {
"isSuccessful": true,
"resultCode": 0,
"resultMessage": "Success"
"id": "100",
"overwritten": true,
"operationId": "slice-v",
"sourceFile": {
"url": "",
"name": "vertical.png",
"path": "/myfolder/banner/vertical.png"
"resultFiles": [
"url": "",
"name": "vertical_slice-v_0000.png",
"path": "/myfolder/banner/vertical_slice-v_0000.png"
"url": "",
"name": "vertical_slice-v_0001.png",
"path": "/myfolder/banner/vertical_slice-v_0001.png"
Method | URI |
GET |{appkey}/users |
[Request Body]
curl -X GET '{appKey}/users' \
-H 'Authorization: {secretKey}'
[Response Body]
"header": {
// Omitted
"user": {
"appKey": {appkey},
"containerName": "aaaaach",
"realtimeService": true
Name | Value | Description |
user | Object | User Information |
user.appKey | String | User AppKey |
user.containerName | String | User’s container information |
user.realtimeService | boolean | Whether to provide a real-time service |
Method | URI |
PUT |{appkey}/users |
[Request Body]
curl -X PUT '{appKey}/users' \
-H 'Authorization: {secretKey}' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{"realtimeService": false}'
Name | Type | Valid range | Required | Default | Description |
realtimeService | boolean | Required | Whether to provide a real-time service |
[Response Body]
"header": {
"isSuccessful": true,
"resultCode": 0,
"resultMessage": "Success"
Method | URI |
GET |{appkey}/queues/{queueId} |
[Request Body]
curl -X GET '{appKey}/queues/6691a01a-4585-4e26-989c-8ef25dd627a0' \
-H 'Authorization: {secretKey}'
Name | Type | Valid range | Required | Default | Description |
queueId | String | Max. 64 characters | Required | Task unique ID to search for |
[Response Body]
"header": {
"isSuccessful": true,
"resultCode": 0,
"resultMessage": "Success"
"queue": {
"queueId": "6691a01a-4585-4e26-989c-8ef25dd627a0",
"queueType": "image",
"status": "D",
"tryCount": 0,
"queuedAt": "2016-02-26T16:56:52+0900",
"operationId": "100x100",
"url": "",
"name": "right_100x100.png",
"path": "/myfolder/banner/right_100x100.png"
Name | Type | Description |
queue | Object | Task information |
queue.queueId | String | Task unique ID |
queue.queueType | String | Task classification (image: operation, delete: delete files and folders) |
queue.status | String | Task status (W: Waiting, D: Completed, P: In-progress, F: Failed) |
queue.tryCount | int | Number of retries |
queue.queuedAt | DateTime | Task start date |
queue.operationId | String | Referenced operation ID |
queue.url | String | URL of image service that will be provided or has been provided | | String | Name of an image to be created (was created) |
queue.path | String | Absolute path to the image that will be created or has been created |