Content Delivery > Image Manager > API Guide

The guide describes APIs of the Image Manager service.

Common API Information


  • To use the API, you need AppKey and Secret Key.
  • AppKey and Secret Key can be found in the "URL & Appkey" menu on the top of the console.

Common Request Information

  • To use the APIs, security key authentication is required.
  • You must send requests by including the Secret Key in 'Authorization' of all API request headers.

[Request Header]

Name Value Description
Authorization {secretKey} Security key issued from the console

Common Response Information

  • The API responds with "200 OK" to all API requests. For more information on the response results, see Response Body Header.

[Success response body]

    "header": {
        "isSuccessful": true,
        "resultCode": 0,
        "resultMessage": "Success"

[Failure response body]

    "header": {
        "isSuccessful": false,
        "resultCode": 404,
        "resultMessage": "Please check your API Url, HTTP Method."

Folder API

Create Folder

  • Creates a folder in the specified path.



Method URI

[Request Body]

  • Creates a folder named myfolder under the root folder.
  • You must change {appKey} and {secretKey} to the values found in the console.
curl -X POST '{appKey}/folders' \
-H 'Authorization: {secretKey}' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{"path": "/myfolder"}'


Name Type Valid range Required Default Description
path String Min. 2 characters, Max. 255 Bytes Required The absolute path of the folder to be created, and a parent folder is automatically created


[Response Body]

    "header": {
        // Omitted
    "folder": {
        "id": "c337256d-b17e-42ce-9f63-a792a05ae0ef",
        "name": "myfolder",
        "path": "/myfolder",
        "isFolder": true,
        "updatedAt": "2015-09-02T10:27:15+0900"


Name Type Description
folder Object Folder information
folder.isFolder boolean Whether it is a folder or not String Unique ID String Folder name
folder.path String Absolute path of a folder
folder.updatedAt DateTime Last modified date

List Files in a Folder

  • Retrieves a list of items under the specified path or a list including specific characters in the name.



Method URI

[Request Body]

  • Retrieves the folders and files under /myfolder.
  • You must change {appKey} and {secretKey} to the values found in the console.
curl -X GET '{appKey}/folders?basepath=/myfolder' \
-H 'Authorization: {secretKey}'


Name Type Valid range Required Default Description
basepath String Min. 2 characters, Max. 255 Bytes Required The entire path of a folder to retrieve
createdBy String 1 character Optional Target of the list query
(Space: all,
U: user uploaded image,
P: operation image)
name String Min. 2 characters, Max. 255 Bytes Optional Image name to search for
page int Min. 1 Optional 1 Page number
rows int Min. 1, Max. 10,000 Optional 100 Query count
sort String Optional name:asc Sorting method (Sort criteria: name or date, sorting method: asc or desc)


[Response Body]

    "header": {
        // Omitted
    "paging": {
        "page": 1,
        "rows": 100,
        "totalFolderCount": 1,
        "totalFileCount": 1
    "folders": [
        "isFolder": true,
        "id": "5b6ad839-a920-4b88-895d-64ffc3f4d89a",
        "name": "banner",
        "path": "/myfolder/banner",
        "updatedAt": "2016-02-26T15:57:06+0900"
    "files": [
            "isFolder": false,
            "id": "69528a77-0cc2-4407-a83d-ea4aacbe207f",
            "url": "",
            "name": "toast.png",
            "path": "/myfolder/toast.png",
            "bytes": 10173,
            "createdBy": "U",
            "updatedAt": "2016-02-26T15:57:14+0900",
            "operationId": "",
            "queues": []
            "imageProperty": {
                "width": 90,
                "height": 90,
                "createdAt": "2016-02-26T15:56:50+0900"
                "coordinate": {
                    "lat": 0,
                    "lng": 0


Name Type Description
paging Object Paging information int Requested page number
paging.rows int Requested query count
paging.totalFolderCount long Total number of folders
paging.totalFileCount long Total number of folders
folders List Folder list
folders[0].isFolder boolean Whether it is a folder or not
folders[0].id String Unique ID
folders[0].name String Folder name
folders[0].path String Absolute path of a folder
folders[0].updatedAt DateTime Last modified date
files List List of image files
files[0].isFolder boolean Whether it is a folder or not
files[0].id String Unique ID
files[0].url String URL of image service
files[0].name String Image Name
files[0].path String Absolute path of a folder
files[0].bytes long Image file size
files[0].createdBy String Image classification (U: user uploaded image, P: operation image)
files[0].updatedAt DateTime Last modified date
files[0].operationId String If createdBy === P, a referenced operation ID
files[0].queues List List of task information (not used in this API)
files[0].imageProperty Object Image properties
files[0].imageProperty.width int Horizontal size
files[0].imageProperty.height int Vertical size
files[0].imageProperty.coordinate Object GPS information
files[0].imageProperty.createdAt DateTime Date of shooting or creation
files[0] double Latitude
files[0].imageProperty.coordinate.lng double Longitude

List Folder Properties

  • Retrieves properties such as the folder ID, capacity, and number of files.
  • Retrieving properties can be time consuming depending on the number of files in the folder. If you don't need to retrieve the number of files in a folder and their total size, use the List Folder Default Properties.



Method URI

[Request Body]

  • Retrieves the folder properties of myfolder.
  • You must change {appKey} and {secretKey} to the values found in the console.
curl -X GET '{appKey}/properties?path=/myfolder' \
-H 'Authorization: {secretKey}'


Name Type Valid range Required Default Description
path String Min. 2 characters, Max. 255 Bytes Required Absolute path of the folder to retrieve


[Response Body]

    "header": {
        // Omitted
    "folder": {
        "isFolder": true,
        "id": "996dd430-5172-4178-86c9-0704e88b28e3",
        "name": "myfolder",
        "path": "/myfolder",
        "bytes": 64857,
        "totalFolderCount": 1,
        "totalFileCount": 2,
        "updatedAt": "2016-02-26T15:57:06+0900"


Name Type Description
folder Object Folder information
folder.isFolder boolean Whether it is a folder or not String Unique ID String Folder name
folder.path String Absolute path of a folder
folder.bytes long Folder size (byte)
folder.totalFolderCount long Total number of subfolders
folder.totalFileCount long Total number of subfiles
folder.updatedAt DateTime Last modified date

List Folder Default Properties

  • Retrieves folder properties from the List Folder Properties API, excluding the size, number of files, and number folders.



Method URI

[Request Body]

  • Retrieves the folder properties of myfolder.
  • Changes {appKey} and {secretKey} to the values found in the console.
curl -X GET '{appKey}/properties/simple?path=/myfolder' \
-H 'Authorization: {secretKey}'


Name Type Valid Range Required Default Description
path String Min. 2 characters, Max. 255 bytes Required Absolute path to the folder to be retrieved


[Response Body]

    "header": {
        // Omitted
    "folder": {
        "isFolder": true,
        "id": "996dd430-5172-4178-86c9-0704e88b28e3",
        "name": "myfolder",
        "path": "/myfolder",
        "updatedAt": "2016-02-26T15:57:06+0900"


Name Type Description
folder Object
folder.isFolder boolean Whether it is a folder or not String Unique ID String Folder name
folder.path String Absolute path to the folder
folder.updatedAt DateTime Last modified date

Upload API

Upload a File

  • Uploads a single image file.



Method URI

[Request Body]

  • Uploads the sample.png image to the /myfolder folder.
  • You must change {appKey} and {secretKey} to the values found in the console.
  • Input the binary data of the image file.
curl -X PUT '{appKey}/images?path=/myfolder/sample.png&overwrite=true' \
-H 'Authorization: {secretKey}' \
-H 'Content-Type:application/octet-stream' \
--data-binary 'path/to/imageFile/@sample.png'


Name Type Valid range Required Default Description
path String Min. 2 characters, Max. 255 Bytes Required File name of the absolute path to be created
overwrite boolean Optional false Whether to overwrite if the same name exists
autorename boolean Optional false If the same name exists,
whether to change the file name to "name(1).extension" format
operationIds String List Optional List of image operation IDs (separated by commas)
  • If you request by adding an image operation ID, you can create an operation file with the options you want when uploading.
  • Refer to Image Operation API.


[Response Body]

    "header": {
        // Omitted
    "file": {
        "isFolder": false,
        "id": "9cf11176-045c-4708-8dbd-35633f029a91",
        "url": "",
        "name": "sample.png",
        "path": "/myfolder/sample.png",
        "bytes": 54684,
        "createdBy": "U",
        "updatedAt": "2016-02-26T16:38:34+0900",
        "operationId": "100x100",
        "imageProperty": {
            "width": 200,
            "height": 150,
            "createdAt": "2016-02-26T16:38:11+0900",
            "coordinate": {
                "lat": null,
                "lng": null
        "queues": [
            "queueId": "0256316c-7dcf-4940-975b-673afb62e8a3",
            "queueType": "image",
            "status": "W",
            "tryCount": 0,
            "queuedAt": "2016-02-26T16:38:11+0900",
            "operationId": "100x100",
            "url": "",
            "name": "sample_100x100.png",
            "path": "/myfolder/sample_100x100.png"


Name Type Description
file Object Image file information
file.isFolder boolean Whether it is a folder or not String Unique ID
file.url String URL of image service String Image Name
file.path String Absolute path of an image
file.bytes long Image file size
file.createdBy String Image classification (U: user uploaded image, P: operation image)
file.updatedAt DateTime Last modified date
file.operationId String If createdBy === P, a referenced operation ID
file.imageProperty Object Image properties
file.imageProperty.width int Horizontal size
file.imageProperty.height int Vertical size
file.imageProperty.createdAt DateTime Date of shooting or creation
file.imageProperty.coordinate Object GPS information double Latitude
file.imageProperty.coordinate.lng double Longitude
file.queues List List of task information requested by operationIds
file.queues[0].queueId String Task unique ID
file.queues[0].queueType String Task classification (image: operation, delete: delete files and folders)
file.queues[0].status String Task status (W: Waiting, D: Completed, P: In-progress, F: Failed)
file.queues[0].tryCount int Number of retries
file.queues[0].queuedAt DateTime Task registration date
file.queues[0].operationId String Referenced operation ID
file.queues[0].url String URL of image service to be provided
file.queues[0].name String Name of the image to be created
file.queues[0].path String Absolute path of the image to be created

Upload Multiple Files

  • Uploads multiple image files.
  • You can also upload compressed files.



Method URI

[Request Body]

  • Uploads the left.png and right.png images to the /myfolder/banner folder.
  • You must change {appKey} and {secretKey} to the values found in the console.
  • Delivers the files in the multipart/form-data format.
curl -X POST '{appKey}/images' \
-H 'Authorization: {secretKey}' \
-F 'params={"basepath": "/myfolder/banner", "overwrite": true, "operationIds":["100x100"]}' \
-F 'files=@left.png' \
-F 'files=@right.png'


Name Type Valid range Required Default Description
files multipart/form–data Required List of image files
params String A string in a json format Required Upload options
params.basepath String Min. 2 characters, Max. 255 Bytes Required Absolute path to upload
params.overwrite boolean Optional false Whether to overwrite if the same name exists
params.autorename boolean Optional false If the same name exists,
whether to change the file name to "name(1).extension" format
params.operationIds String List Optional List of image operation IDs.
Creates an operation file with the option you want when uploading.
Refer to the API related to image operation
params.callbackUrl String Optional Callback URL path to receive processing result.
If you write the id in a query string format, it will be delivered together when sending a callback.
Only supports port 80 and port 443


[Response Body]

    "header": {
        // Omitted
    "errors": [],
    "successes": [
            "isFolder": false,
            "id": "5fa8ce52-d066-490c-85dd-f8cef181dd28",
            "url": "",
            "name": "left.png",
            "path": "/myfolder/banner/left.png",
            "bytes": 7322,
            "createdBy": "U",
            "updatedAt": "2016-02-26T16:56:50+0900",
            "operationId": "100x100",
            "imageProperty": {
                "width": 60,
                "height": 60,
                "createdAt": "2016-02-26T16:56:27+0900"
                "coordinate": {
                    "lat": null,
                    "lng": null
            "queues": [
                    "queueId": "bef1736f-6637-459e-ae10-ac0961ebf59c",
                    "queueType": "image",
                    "status": "W",
                    "tryCount": 0,
                    "queuedAt": "2016-02-26T16:56:29+0900",
                    "operationId": "100x100",
                    "url": "",
                    "name": "left_100x100.png",
                    "path": "/myfolder/banner/left_100x100.png"
            "isFolder": false,
            "id": "96f726bd-93e4-4f7c-ad55-56e85aa323a8",
            "url": "",
            "name": "right.png",
            "path": "/myfolder/banner/right.png",
            "bytes": 267801,
            "createdBy": "U",
            "updatedAt": "2016-02-26T16:56:51+0900",
            "operationId": "100x100",
            "imageProperty": {
                "width": 1440,
                "height": 2560,
                "createdAt": "2016-02-26T16:56:28+0900",
                "coordinate": {
                    "lat": null,
                    "lng": null
            "queues": [
                    "queueId": "6691a01a-4585-4e26-989c-8ef25dd627a0",
                    "queueType": "image",
                    "status": "W",
                    "tryCount": 0,
                    "queuedAt": "2016-02-26T16:56:29+0900",
                    "operationId": "100x100",
                    "url": "",
                    "name": "right_100x100.png",
                    "path": "/myfolder/banner/right_100x100.png"


Name Type Description
errors List List of upload errors
errors[0].path String Absolute path of a file
errors[0].bytes long File size
errors[0].error Object Error information
errors[0].error.resultCode int Error Code
errors[0].error.resultMessage String Error message
successes List List of upload successes
successes[0].isFolder boolean Whether it is a folder or not
successes[0].id String Unique ID
successes[0].url String URL of image service
successes[0].name String Image Name
successes[0].path String Absolute path of an image
successes[0].bytes long Image file size
successes[0].createdBy String Image classification (U: user uploaded image, P: operation image)
successes[0].updatedAt DateTime Last modified date
successes[0].operationId String If createdBy === P, a referenced operation ID
successes[0].imageProperty Object Image properties
successes[0].imageProperty.width int Horizontal size
successes[0].imageProperty.height int Vertical size
successes[0].imageProperty.createdAt DateTime Date of shooting or creation
successes[0].imageProperty.coordinate Object GPS information
successes[0] double Latitude
successes[0].imageProperty.coordinate.lng double Longitude
successes[0].queues List List of task information requested by operationIds
successes[0].queues[0].queueId String Task unique ID
successes[0].queues[0].queueType String Task classification (image: operation, delete: delete files and folders)
successes[0].queues[0].status String Task status (W: Waiting, D: Completed, P: In-progress, F: Failed)
successes[0].queues[0].tryCount int Number of retries
successes[0].queues[0].queuedAt DateTime Task registration date
successes[0].queues[0].operationId String Referenced operation ID
successes[0].queues[0].url String URL of image service to be provided
successes[0].queues[0].name String Name of the image to be created
successes[0].queues[0].path String Absolute path of the image to be created

[Request Result Callback Body]

    "header": {
        "resultMessage": "Partial Success",
        "resultCode": 1,
        "isSuccessful": false
    "id": "100",
    "successFiles": [
            "id": "c4de7cec-ba9c-44fa-b1fc-93e2eb29ed10",
            "name": "image.jpg",
            "path": "/myfolder/image.jpg",
            "url": "",
            "width": 546,
            "height": 304,
            "sizeByte": 105190,
            "overwritten": true,
            "updatedAt": "2017-11-28T14:30:14+0900"
    "failFiles": [
            "name": "test.jpg",
            "path": "/myfolder/test.jpg",
            "sizeByte": 105190,
            "resultCode": 20010,
            "resultMessage": "There is same file name."
            "name": "big_size.jpg",
            "path": "/myfolder/big_size.jpg",
            "sizeByte": 12925663,
            "resultCode": 11004,
            "resultMessage": "It was exceed the max volume you can upload at once."

Deletion API

Single Deletion (synchronous)

  • Deletes a single folder or file.



Method URI

[Request Body]

  • Deletes the file /myfolder/sample.png.
  • You can check the ID of /myfolder/sample.png through "List Files in a Folder" API on the right menu.
  • You must change {appKey} and {secretKey} to the values found in the console.
curl -X DELETE '{appKey}/images/sync?
fileId=9cf11176-045c-4708-8dbd-35633f029a91' \
-H 'Authorization: {secretKey}'


  • At least one of "folderId" and "fileId" must be used.
Name Type Valid range Required Default Description
folderId String Max. 50 characters ID of the folder to be deleted
fileId String Max. 50 characters ID of the file to be deleted
includeThumbnail boolean Optional false Also deletes the operation file created by the file to be deleted


[Response Body]

    "header": {
        "isSuccessful": true,
        "resultCode": 0,
        "resultMessage": "Success"

Multiple Deletion (asynchronous)

  • Deletes multiple folders and files.
  • Actual deletion of data is processed asynchronously.
  • The processing result can be checked through the Query a Task API with the "queueId" received as a response.



Method URI

[Request Body]

  • Deletes the files /myfolder/banner/left.png and /myfolder/banner/right.png.
  • The file and folder ID can be found through List Files in a Folder.
  • You must change {appKey} and {secretKey} to the values found in the console.
curl -X DELETE '{appKey}/images/async?
fileIds=5fa8ce52-d066-490c-85dd-f8cef181dd28,96f726bd-93e4-4f7c-ad55-56e85aa323a8' \
-H 'Authorization: {secretKey}'


  • At least one of "folderIds" or "fileIds" must be used as a required parameter.
Name Type Valid range Required Default Description
folderIds String Max. 50 characters per ID List of IDs of folders to be deleted (separated by commas)
fileIds String Max. 50 characters per ID List of IDs of files to be deleted (separated by commas)
includeThumbnail boolean Optional false Also deletes the operation file created by the file to be deleted


[Response Body]

    "header": {
        // Omitted
    "queue": {
        "tryCount": 0,
        "queueId": "f1d27571-84e1-4892-9261-7d46755d45cc",
        "queueType": "delete",
        "status": "W",
        "queuedAt": "2018-01-12T10:44:44+0900",
        "operationId": "",
        "url": "",
        "name": "",
        "path": ""


Name Type Description
queue Object Task information
queue.queueId String Task unique ID
queue.queueType String Task type (delete: Deletes a file or folder)
queue.status String Task status (W: Waiting, D: Completed, P: In-progress, F: Failed)
queue.tryCount int Number of retries
queue.queuedAt DateTime Task registration date
queue.operationId String Referenced operation ID
queue.url String URL of image service to be provided String Name of the image to be created
queue.path String Absolute path of the image to be created

Image Operation API

  • You can create various thumbnails with Image Operation API.
  • Provides the thumbnail size, black and white filter, crop (Rectangle, Circle, and Slice), and watermark.

Create and Modify an Image Operation

  • Creates or modifies an operation for image processing.



Method URI

[Request Body]

  • Creates or modifies a task named 100x100 that reduces the image size to 100x100 based on the length of the longer axis between width and height.
  • You must change {appKey} and {secretKey} to the values found in the console.
curl -X PUT '{appKey}/operations/100x100' \
-H 'Authorization: {secretKey}' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{"description": "", "realtimeService": true, "data": [{"templateOperationId": "resize_max_fit",
"option": {"resizeType": "max_fit", "width": 100, "height": 100, "quality": 80,
"upDownSizeType": "downOnly"}}]}'


Name Type Valid range Required Default Description
operationId String Min.1 character, Max. 20 characters,
English letter or number
Required Name of the operation to be created or modified
description String Max. 30 characters Optional Operation description
realtimeService boolean Optional true Whether to provide a real-time service
deleteThumbnail boolean Optional false Whether to delete the thumbnails previously created by the operation
data List Optional List of operation tasks

[Data Option]

  • Thumbnail size
    "templateOperationId": "resize_max_fit",    // (required, value: resize_max_fit, resize_min_fit, resize_fix, resize_width_fit, resize_height_fit)
                                                // Underlying template ID
    "option": {
        "width": int,                           // (required) Horizontal size
        "height": int,                          // (required) Vertical size
        "quality": double,                      // (optional, default: 75, value: 1~100) quality
        "upDownSizeType": String,               // (optional, default: downOnly, value: downOnly / upOnly / upDownAll)
                                                // Whether it is unable to enlarge and reduce beyond the original size
        "keepAnimation": boolean,               // (optional, default: true) Whether to maintain the GIF animation
        "keepExif": boolean,                    // (optional, default: true) Whether to maintain the meta information
        "autoOrient": boolean,                  // (optional, default: false) Whether to rotate based on the orientation information
        "targetExtension": String               // (optional, default: null) The output format (extension)
  • Black and white filter
    "templateOperationId": "gray",      // (required) Underlying template ID
    "option": {                         // (required) No option
        "keepAnimation": boolean        // (optional, default: true) Whether to maintain the GIF animation
  • Rectangle crop
    "templateOperationId": "rectangle", // (required) Underlying template ID
    "option": {
        "gravity": String,              // (optional, default: Center, value: NorthWest / North / NorthEast /
                                        // West / Center / East / SouthWest / South / SouthEast)
                                        // Base position
        "offsetX": int,                 // (optional, default: 0) Base position is moved. Negative numbers indicate moving in the opposite direction
        "offsetY": int,                 // (optional, default: 0) Base position is moved. Negative numbers indicate moving in the opposite direction
        "width": int,                   // (required) Horizontal size
        "height": int,                  // (required) Vertical size
        "keepAnimation": boolean        // (optional, default: false) Whether to maintain the GIF animation
  • Circle crop
    "templateOperationId": "circle",    // (required) Underlying template ID
    "option": {
        "gravity": String,              // (optional, default: Center, value: NorthWest / North / NorthEast /
                                        // West / Center / East / SouthWest / South / SouthEast)
                                        // Base position
        "offsetX": int,                 // (optional, default: 0) Base position is moved. Negative numbers indicate moving in the opposite direction
        "offsetY": int,                 // (optional, default: 0) Base position is moved. Negative numbers indicate moving in the opposite direction
        "radius": int                   // (required) Radius
  • Slice crop: Horizontal and vertical split
    "templateOperationId": "slice",     // (required) Underlying template ID
    "option": {
        "sliceCropType": String,        // (optional, default: "vertical") Slice method (vertical, horizontal)
        "sliceSize": int,               // (optional, default: 0) Slice size
        "keepAnimation": boolean,       // (optional, default: true) Whether to maintain the GIF animation
        "callbackUrl": string           // (optional) The URL path to receive the processing result. Only supports port 80 and port 443
  • Slice crop: Grid split
    "templateOperationId": "grid",      // (required) Underlying template ID
    "option": {
        "countX": int,                  // (Required) Number of horizontal splits
        "countY": int,                  // (Required) Number of vertical splits
                                        // When the split piece size is not an integer after the original size is divided by the number of splits,
                                        // the image can be divided by a number of splits that is lower than the previously set number of splits.
        "callbackUrl": string           // (optional) The URL path to receive the processing result. Only supports port 80 and port 443
  • Watermark
    "templateOperationId": "watermark", // (required) Underlying template ID
    "option": {
        "gravity": String,              // (optional, default: Center, value: NorthWest / North / NorthEast /
                                        // West / Center / East / SouthWest / South / SouthEast)
                                        // Base position
        "offsetX": int,                 // (optional, default: 0) Base position is moved. Negative numbers indicate moving in the opposite direction
        "offsetY": int,                 // (optional, default: 0) Base position is moved. Negative numbers indicate moving in the opposite direction
        "watermarkImagePath": String    // (Required) The path of an image file to be synthesized


[Response Body]

    "header": {
        // Omitted
    "operation": {
        "appKey": {appKey},
        "operationId": "100x100",
        "description": "",
        "realtimeService": true,
        "updatedAt": "2016-02-26T17:42:27+0900",
        "jobTemplate": [
                "templateOperationId": "resize_max_fit",
                "jobType": "ResizeJob",
                "option": {
                    "resizeType": "max_fit",
                    "width": 100,
                    "height": 100,
                    "quality": 80,
                    "shrinkLargerOnly": false,
                    "upDownSizeType": "downOnly",
                    "keepAnimation": false,
                    "keepExif": true,
                    "autoOrient": true,
                    "targetExtension": ""


Name Type Description
operation Object Operation information
operation.appKey String User AppKey
operation.operationId String Operation name
operation.description String Operation description
operation.realtimeService boolean Whether to provide a real-time service
operation.updatedAt DateTime Last modified date
operation.jobTemplate List List of operation tasks
operation.jobTemplate[0].templateOperationId String Underlying template ID
operation.jobTemplate[0].jobType String Operation task type
operation.jobTemplate[0].option Object Operation task content

List Image Operations

  • Retrieves a list of image operations.



Method URI

[Request Body]

  • Retrieves a list of user's operations.
  • You must change {appKey} and {secretKey} to the values found in the console.
curl -X GET '{appKey}/operations' \
-H 'Authorization: {secretKey}'


Name Type Valid range Required Default Description
name String Max. 20 characters,
English letter or number
Optional Operation name to search for (starting with a input value)
page int Min. 1 Optional 1 Page number
rows int Max. 10,000 Optional 20 Query count
sort String Optional date:desc Sorting method (Sort criteria: name or date, sorting method: asc or desc)
template boolean Optional false Target of the list query (true: default operation, false: user-created operation)


[Response Body]

    "header": {
        // Omitted
    "paging": {
        "page": 1,
        "rows": 20,
        "totalCount": 1
    "operations": [
            "appKey": {appKey},
            "operationId": "100x100",
            "description": "",
            "realtimeService": true,
            "updatedAt": "2016-02-26T17:42:27+0900",
            "jobTemplate": [
                    "templateOperationId": "resize_max_fit",
                    "jobType": "ResizeJob",
                    "option": {
                        "resizeType": "max_fit",
                        "width": 100,
                        "height": 100,
                        "quality": 80,
                        "shrinkLargerOnly": false,
                        "upDownSizeType": "downOnly",
                        "keepAnimation": false,
                        "keepExif": true,
                        "autoOrient": true,
                        "targetExtension": ""


Name Type Description
paging Object Paging information int Requested page number
paging.rows int Requested query count
paging.totalCount long Total number
operations List List of operations
operations[0].appKey String User AppKey
operations[0].operationId String Operation name
operations[0].description String Operation description
operations[0].realtimeService boolean Whether to use a real-time service
operations[0].updatedAt DateTime Last modified date
operations[0].jobTemplate List List of operation tasks
operations[0].jobTemplate[0].templateOperationId String Underlying template ID
operations[0].jobTemplate[0].jobType String Operation task type
operations[0].jobTemplate[0].option Object Operation task content

Detailed Query of Image Operations

  • Retrieves the details of a specific image operation.



Method URI

[Request Body]

  • Retrieves the 100x100 operation.
  • You must change {appKey} and {secretKey} to the values found in the console.
curl -X GET '{appKey}/operations/100x100' \
-H 'Authorization: {secretKey}'


[Response Body]

    "header": {
        // Omitted
    "operation": {
        "appKey": {appKey},
        "operationId": "100x100",
        "description": "",
        "realtimeService": true,
        "updatedAt": "2016-02-26T17:42:27+0900",
        "jobTemplate": [
                "templateOperationId": "resize_max_fit",
                "jobType": "ResizeJob",
                "option": {
                    "resizeType": "max_fit",
                    "width": 100,
                    "height": 100,
                    "quality": 80,
                    "shrinkLargerOnly": false,
                    "upDownSizeType": "downOnly",
                    "keepAnimation": false,
                    "keepExif": true,
                    "autoOrient": true,
                    "targetExtension": ""


Name Type Description
operation Object Operation information
operation.appKey String User AppKey
operation.operationId String Operation name
operation.description String Operation description
operation.realtimeService boolean Whether to provide a real-time service
operation.updatedAt DateTime Last modified date
operation.jobTemplate List List of operation tasks
operation.jobTemplate[0].templateOperationId String Underlying template ID
operation.jobTemplate[0].jobType String Operation task type
operation.jobTemplate[0].option Object Operation task content

Delete an Image Operation

  • Deletes a specific image operation.



Method URI

[Request Body]

  • Deletes the 100x100 operation.
  • You must change {appKey} and {secretKey} to the values found in the console.
curl -X DELETE '{appKey}/operations/100x100' \
-H 'Authorization: {secretKey}'


Name Type Valid range Required Default Description
deleteThumbnail boolean Optional false Whether to delete the thumbnails previously created by the operation


[Response Body]

    "header": {
        "isSuccessful": true,
        "resultCode": 0,
        "resultMessage": "Success"

Execute Image Operations (asynchronous)

  • Executes operations on the specified file to generate thumbnails.
  • The processing result can be checked through the Query a Task API with the "queueId" received as a response.



Method URI

[Request Body]

  • Creates files to which the 100x100 operation option is applied with the original files /myfolder/left.png, /myfolder/right.png.
  • You must change {appKey} and {secretKey} to the values found in the console.
curl -X POST '{appKey}/operations-exec' \
-H 'Authorization: {secretKey}' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{"basepath": "/myfolder", "operationIds": ["100x100"],
"filepaths": ["/myfolder/left.png", "/myfolder/right.jpg"]}'


Name Type Valid range Required Default Description
basepath String Min. 2 characters, Max. 255 Bytes Required Absolute path of a folder that serves as a base
filepaths String List Required List of folders and files in the absolute path to execute the operations on
operationIds String List Required List of operation IDs to execute
callbackUrl String Optional The URL path to receive the processing result.
If you write an id in a query string format, it is delivered together when sending the callback.
Only supports port 80 and port 443


[Response Body]

    "header": {
        // Omitted
    "paging": {
        "page": 1,
        "rows": 20,
        "totalCount": 1
    "operations": [
            "appKey": {appKey},
            "operationId": "100x100",
            "description": "",
            "realtimeService": true,
            "updatedAt": "2016-02-26T17:42:27+0900",
            "jobTemplate": [
                    "templateOperationId": "resize_max_fit",
                    "jobType": "ResizeJob",
                    "option": {
                        "resizeType": "max_fit",
                        "width": 100,
                        "height": 100,
                        "quality": 80,
                        "shrinkLargerOnly": false,
                        "upDownSizeType": "downOnly",
                        "keepAnimation": false,
                        "keepExif": true,
                        "autoOrient": true,
                        "targetExtension": ""
    "queues": [
            "queueId": "6691a01a-4585-4e26-989c-8ef25dd627a0",
            "queueType": "image",
            "status": "W",
            "tryCount": 0,
            "queuedAt": "2016-02-26T16:56:29+0900",
            "operationId": "100x100",
            "url": "",
            "name": "right_100x100.png",
            "path": "/myfolder/banner/right_100x100.png"


Name Type Description
operations List List of operations to execute
operations[0].appKey String User AppKey
operations[0].operationId String Operation name
operations[0].description String Operation description
operations[0].realtimeService boolean Whether to provide a real-time service
operations[0].updatedAt DateTime Last modified date
operations[0].jobTemplate List List of operation tasks
operations[0].jobTemplate[0].templateOperationId String Underlying template ID
operations[0].jobTemplate[0].jobType String Task type
operations[0].jobTemplate[0].option Object Task content
queues List List of task information
queues[0].queueId String Task unique ID
queues[0].queueType String Task classification (image: operation, delete: delete files and folders)
queues[0].status String Task status (W: Waiting, D: Completed, P: In-progress, F: Failed)
queues[0].tryCount int Number of retries
queues[0].queuedAt DateTime Task registration date
queues[0].operationId String Referenced operation ID
queues[0].url String URL of image service to be provided
queues[0].name String Name of the image to be created
queues[0].path String Absolute path of the image to be created

[Request Result Callback Body]

// fail sample
    "header": {
        "isSuccessful": false,
        "resultCode": 500201,
        "resultMessage": "Operation fail. "
    "id": "100",
    "overwritten": false,
    "operationId": "100x100",
    "sourceFile": {
        "url": "",
        "name": "left.png",
        "path": "/myfolder/banner/left.png"

// success sample
    "header": {
        "isSuccessful": true,
        "resultCode": 0,
        "resultMessage": "Success"
    "id": "100",
    "overwritten": true,
    "operationId": "slice-v",
    "sourceFile": {
        "url": "",
        "name": "vertical.png",
        "path": "/myfolder/banner/vertical.png"
    "resultFiles": [
            "url": "",
            "name": "vertical_slice-v_0000.png",
            "path": "/myfolder/banner/vertical_slice-v_0000.png"
            "url": "",
            "name": "vertical_slice-v_0001.png",
            "path": "/myfolder/banner/vertical_slice-v_0001.png"

Real-time Service API

Query a Real-time Service

  • Retrieves whether a user used the image operation real-time service.



Method URI

[Request Body]

  • Retrieves a user’s real-time service.
  • You must change {appKey} and {secretKey} to the values found in the console.
curl -X GET '{appKey}/users' \
-H 'Authorization: {secretKey}'


[Response Body]

    "header": {
        // Omitted
    "user": {
        "appKey": {appkey},
        "containerName": "aaaaach",
        "realtimeService": true


Name Value Description
user Object User Information
user.appKey String User AppKey
user.containerName String User’s container information
user.realtimeService boolean Whether to provide a real-time service

Change a Real-time Service

  • Changes whether a user used the image operation real-time service.



Method URI

[Request Body]

  • Changes a user’s real-time service.
  • You must change {appKey} and {secretKey} to the values found in the console.
curl -X PUT '{appKey}/users' \
-H 'Authorization: {secretKey}' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{"realtimeService": false}'


Name Type Valid range Required Default Description
realtimeService boolean Required Whether to provide a real-time service


[Response Body]

    "header": {
        "isSuccessful": true,
        "resultCode": 0,
        "resultMessage": "Success"

Task API

Query Task

  • Retrieves the tasks of processing or deleting image operations.



Method URI

[Request Body]

  • Retrieves the current status of an operation request.
  • You must change {appKey} and {secretKey} to the values found in the console.
curl -X GET '{appKey}/queues/6691a01a-4585-4e26-989c-8ef25dd627a0' \
-H 'Authorization: {secretKey}'


Name Type Valid range Required Default Description
queueId String Max. 64 characters Required Task unique ID to search for


[Response Body]

    "header": {
        "isSuccessful": true,
        "resultCode": 0,
        "resultMessage": "Success"
    "queue": {
        "queueId": "6691a01a-4585-4e26-989c-8ef25dd627a0",
        "queueType": "image",
        "status": "D",
        "tryCount": 0,
        "queuedAt": "2016-02-26T16:56:52+0900",
        "operationId": "100x100",
        "url": "",
        "name": "right_100x100.png",
        "path": "/myfolder/banner/right_100x100.png"


Name Type Description
queue Object Task information
queue.queueId String Task unique ID
queue.queueType String Task classification (image: operation, delete: delete files and folders)
queue.status String Task status (W: Waiting, D: Completed, P: In-progress, F: Failed)
queue.tryCount int Number of retries
queue.queuedAt DateTime Task start date
queue.operationId String Referenced operation ID
queue.url String URL of image service that will be provided or has been provided String Name of an image to be created (was created)
queue.path String Absolute path to the image that will be created or has been created