Database > RDS for MariaDB > Analysis

Process List, InnoDB Status

RDS for MariaDB collects queries performed on the database and the status of the InnoDB engine. The results of information_schema.processlistand SHOW ENGINE INNODB STATUSare collected once per second, and you can view the last four days of data in the Analytics tab of the console.

[Note] The collected data is stored in internal backup storage and is not charged separately.

The following items are collected

Item Description
LogTime Collected time
PID Process ID
DB DB in use
User User
Host The hostname and IP address the user is connecting from
Command Command type running thread (Sleep, Query, Quit, Kill, etc.)
State State of thread (Starting, Rolling back, System lock, etc.)
ExecTime The seconds the thread has been in its current state.
Query Running queries
InnoDB Status InnoDB status information

Slow Query

RDS for MariaDB analyzes the slow queries that occurred in your database and collects the results. It performs analysis once a minute using pt-query-digest, a query analysis tool provided by Percona, and you can view the last 30 days of data in the Analysis tab of the console.

[Note] You can disable the Slow Query analysis feature on the Modify DB Instance screen.

The following items are collected.

Item Description
Checksum Checksum for abstracted queries
Total ExecTime Total execution time (seconds)
Avg ExecTime Average time to perform (seconds)
Max ExecTime Maximum time to perform (in seconds)
Min ExecTime Minimum time to perform (in seconds)
Query Count Number of queries issued
Query Abstracted queries so you can group similar queries together

[Caution] If the value of the slow_query_log parameter is 0, no Slow Query logs are left and no analysis results are collected. If the DB instance is heavily loaded, Slow Query analysis may be delayed or analysis results may be lost.