자동 백업 설정 중 백업 재시도 만료 시각 설정 항목을 제거하고 백업 윈도우 시간 범위 내에서 백업을 재시도하도록 개선
MariaDB 10.11.7, MariaDB 10.11.8 버전 추가
2024. 09. 10.
기능 추가 및 개선
증분 백업 기능 추가
DB 인스턴스 삭제 시 자동 백업 삭제 여부를 선택할 수 있도록 개선
July 9, 2024
Added Features
Add the procedure that controls foreign_key_checks
Bug Fixes
Fixed an issue where snapshot restoration with a backup of a deleted DB instance was not possible
June 11, 2024
Added Features
Added the feature to upgrade DB instance OS
May 14, 2024
Added Features
Added Slow Query analytics
Provided the Analytics tab with Slow Query analysis, Process List, and InnoDB Status monitoring features
Provided the feature to disable Slow Query Analytics on the Edit DB Instance screen
Improved to see which parameter items actually change when applying parameter group changes
Improved to expose warning text and raise an event when high availability status is abnormal
Improved to select a storage type when creating read replicas
Added MySQL 8.0.36 version
Added and modified API v3.0
Added the storage.storageType field to DB instance replicate API request
Added the notificationGroupIds field to DB instance detail API response
Improved the ability to use project integration appkeys when calling API v3.0
March 12, 2024
Added Features
Added the feature to promote candidate masters
Added the feature to force promote candidate masters
Added the feature to wait for replication delay on restart with failover
Added the feature to turn off DB schema & user direct control settings
February 15, 2024
Added Features
Added DB schema & user-directed control settings
Improved to better identify connected notification groups
Exposed connected notification group information on the DB instance view details screen
January 9, 2024
Added Features
Improved to control the timing of failover whe upgrading the DB engine version for high availability instances
Improved to allow you to operate the hypervisor migration feature for each DB instance
December 19, 2023
Added Features
Improved to make it easier to identify DB instances to which the changed parameter will be applied
Added the 'Apply' button in front of the target name to apply the changed parameter on the DB instance list screen.
Added the 'Apply' button to the parameter group item on the detail view screen of the DB instance to which the changed parameter will be applied.
Add filter option that requires application of changed parameters
Changed to retrieve servers that have been deleted within the last month when checking the View deleted servers on the server dashboard screen
November 14, 2023.
Added Features
Added forced promotion of DB instances
Improved to allow you to select notification type when subscribing to events
API v3.0 additions and changes
Added the Export after backing up DB instance API
October 17, 2023
Added Features and Updates
Improved to create instances by using read replica backups when configuring high availability and adding read replicas
Added the versions of MariaDB 10.6.11 and MariaDB 10.6.12
Added and modified API v3.0
Added the API to list the last query to be restored
Added needToApplyParameterGroup, needMigration, and supportDbVersionUpgrade fields to the List DB Instance API response.
July 11, 2023
Added Features and Updates
Added DB instance deletion protection feature
June 13, 2023
Added Features and Updates
Rebuilding candidate master is available when an issue occur
The fixed IP does not change because DB instance of the candidate master remain unchanged
All data in the database is deleted, and recovered with the data of the master
Made improvements so that, when adding a user to user groups, all users of organizatons and projects can be added
May 16, 2023
Added Features and Updates
Made improvements so that the user interface is consistent with NHN Cloud services
Made modifications so that manual backup is not deleted even when DB instances are deleted
Added parameter group feature
The database settings of DB instance can be freely changed
Applicable to multiple instances
Changes to settings in an existing DB instance are migrated to a parameter group with the same name as the DB instance
Added DB security group feature
The access control of DB instance can be freely set
Applicable to multiple instances
Access control rules set on existing DB instances are migrated to the DB security group named as {DB instance name}__{DB instance ID} rule
Provided a screen to view DB instances grouped by replication arrangements
Displayed candidate master to console
Available to secure storage by deleting the binary log of candidate master
Various logs of candidate master can be checked and downloaded
Rebuilding read replica is available
The fixed IP address does not change because the DB instance of the read replica remain unchanged
All data in the database is deleted, and recovered with the data of the master
Recovery of master with a completed failover
High availability recovery of a new master and a master with a completed failover is available
Recovery can fail, and an unrecoverable master with a completed failover can be rebuilt
Rebuilding master with a completed failover
The fixed IP does not change because DB instance of the master with a completed failover remain unchanged
All data in the database is deleted, and recovered with the data of the master
Added MySQL 8.0.32 version
Bug Fixes
Fixed an issue where point-in-time recovery is not possible with a read replica backup
February 14, 2023
Feature Updates
Made modifications so that the Max Connection value is displayed on the Connection chart in MariaDB metrics of the server dashboard
Bug Fixes
Fixed an issue where, when an error occurs in the IAM console, the page is not moved to an appropirate error page
Fixed an issue where, when changing the DB instance type or expanding storage using failover, the Ping interval is set to default
January 10, 2023
Feature Updates
Made modifications not to allow duplicate notification group names
Bug Fixes
Fixed an issue where, when continuously modifying the monitoring setting popup, the modifications are applied abnormally
Fixed an issue where the refresh setting does not work in the server dashboard page
Fixed an issue where an event of backup failure caused by DDL query execution is not logged properly
December 13, 2022
Feature Updates
Made modifications so that, when backup fails due to DML overload, the cause is left in the event message
Bug Fixes
Fixed an issue where, when synchronizing DB schemas, schemas that cannot be deleted are intermittently registered
Fixed an issue where another host with the same name as the deleted account cannot be added
Fixed an issue where, when restarting an existing failed-over master, user access control cannot be modified
November 15, 2022
Bug Fixes
Fixed an issue where, when sha256_password is set under the default_authentication_plugin parameter, high availability configuration is turned off.
October 11, 2022
Feature Updates
Changed the domain change tooltip displayed on the instance details screen
Bug Fixes
Removed no longer used event codes
Fixed an issue where a read replica cannot be deleted intermittently under certain conditions
September 14, 2022
Bug Fixes
Fixed an issue where an error message is left on the browser’s developer console
Fixed an issue where backup fails when a single instance in a Not Use status for Use table locking is changed to a high availability instance
August 9, 2022
Added Features
Added a feature to export event lists to Excel
Feature Updates
Made modifications so that the DB Configuration of an instance where high availability is paused can be changed
Changed the maximum backup retention period from 30 days to 2 years
Made improvements so that, when backup fails due to DDL execution, the cause is left in the event message
Bug Fixes
Fixed an issue where backup fails intermittently due to communication issues with internal agents
July 12, 2022
Added Features
Added a feature to view charts by grouping them per server on Server Dashboard
Feature Updates
Made modifications so that the DB Configuration of a read replica in a replication stopped status can be changed
Bug Fixes
Fixed an issue where DB instances in a connection failed status are displayed as normal intermittently
Fixed an issue where, when creating a read replica, backup execution is left in event logs even if the execution is not performed
Fixed an issue where volume scaling fails intermittently
June 14, 2022
Feature Updates
Made improvements so that an event is logged when restart fails due to replication delay
Changed the access information domain from cloud.toast.com to nhncloudservice.com
Bug Fixes
Fixed an issue where high availability configuration is not possible when the validate password plugin is used
Fixed an issue where, even though the type change of the high availability instance has failed, the type of the candidate master is displayed as the type after the change
May 10, 2022
Feature Updates
Changed the error log storage location to the data volume
Made changes so that error logs are rotated up to 10 logs with a size of 100 MB
Made modifications so that, when a forced restart is executed, the console cannot be operated until it can be used again
Made modifications so that, after failover starts, the target instance cannot be manipulated in the console
Improved usability so that you can view the innodb status in the processlist
Made improvements so that you can move to other pages by numbers in the processlist
Made improvements so that you can zoom in the chart in the processlist to view only the corresponding section
Made improvements so that you can search by keywords in the processlist
Made improvements so that you can download the results searched in the processlist in CSV format
Bug Fixes
Fixed an issue where, when performing point-in-time restoration with a backup of a read replica, a wrong restoration available time could be selected
Fixed an issue where the monitoring graph is not visible in Safari
Fixed an issue where, after changing the parameters of the master instance, changing the parameters of a read replica failed
April 12, 2022
Feature Updates
Made improvements so that, when changing a read replica or normal instance to a high availability instance, replication is configured without additional backup if there is an existing backup available
Bug Fixes
Fixed an issue where, if instance stop and instance volume scaling are performed at the same time, the instance volume scaling operation does not end indefinitely
Fixed an issue where an error occurs while restarting when the remaining space of the data volume is less than 1%
Fixed an issue where an event of backup failure is logged intermittently even after successful backup
March 15, 2022
Added Features
Added a feature to use variables in DB configuration
Bug Fixes
Fixed an issue where monitoring data is not collected under certain conditions
Fixed an issue where an automatic backup of failed-over instance is not deleted
Fixed an issue where an automatic backup that has failed to be created is not deleted when it reaches its expiration date
Fixed an issue where restoration fails when there are too many users registered in MariaDB
Fixed an issue where a backup settings modification event is logged even when the access rule is modified
January 11, 2022
Added Features
Added a feature to check the running process list and InnoDB status in MariaDB
Feature Updates
Changed the minimum length of the name that can be entered when creating a DB schema in the console to 1 character, which is the same as that of MariaDB
December 14, 2021
New Releases
Relational Database Service (RDS) provides Relational Database in the cloud environment.
No complicated configuration is required to enable relational database.