Database > RDS for MySQL > Notification


Event refers to an important event that occurs either by RDS for MySQL or by user. Event consists of the event type, the date and time of occurrence, the original source and the message. Event can be viewed from the console, and you can receive notifications of event occurrence by email or SMS through subscription. The event type and the possible events are as follows.

Event Code Event Category Availability Description
BACUP_01_00 BACKUP No Backup of DB instance started
BACUP_01_01 BACKUP No Backup of DB instance completed
BACUP_01_04 BACKUP No Backup of DB instance failed
BACUP_02_01 BACKUP Yes Backup deleted
BACUP_04_00 BACKUP Yes Object storage upload started
BACUP_04_01 BACKUP Yes Object storage upload completed
BACUP_04_04 BACKUP Yes Object storage upload failed
BACUP_05_00 BACKUP Yes Backup export started
BACUP_05_01 BACKUP Yes Backup exported
BACUP_05_04 BACKUP Yes Backup export failed
BACUP_06_01 BACKUP No Backup of DB instance failed (Known cause)
SECGP_01_01 DB_SECURITY_GROUP No DB security group created
SECGP_02_00 DB_SECURITY_GROUP No Changing DB security group started
SECGP_02_01 DB_SECURITY_GROUP No Changing DB security group completed
SECGP_02_04 DB_SECURITY_GROUP No Changing DB security group failed
SECGP_03_01 DB_SECURITY_GROUP No DB security group deleted
INSTC_01_00 INSTANCE No Creating DB instance started
INSTC_01_01 INSTANCE No Creating DB instance completed
INSTC_01_04 INSTANCE No Creating DB instance failed
INSTC_02_01 INSTANCE Yes DB instance started
INSTC_03_01 INSTANCE Yes DB instanced ended
INSTC_04_00 INSTANCE Yes Deleting DB instance started
INSTC_04_01 INSTANCE Yes Deleting DB instance completed
INSTC_04_04 INSTANCE Yes Deleting DB instance failed
INSTC_05_00 INSTANCE Yes Backup of DB instance started
INSTC_05_01 INSTANCE Yes Backup of DB instance completed
INSTC_05_04 INSTANCE Yes Backup of DB instance failed
INSTC_06_00 INSTANCE Yes Restoring DB instance started
INSTC_06_01 INSTANCE Yes Restoring DB instance completed
INSTC_06_04 INSTANCE Yes Restoring DB instance failed
INSTC_07_01 INSTANCE Yes Automated backup setting enabled
INSTC_08_01 INSTANCE Yes Automated backup setting disabled
INSTC_09_00 INSTANCE Yes Modifying detailed settings started
INSTC_09_01 INSTANCE Yes Detailed settings modified
INSTC_09_04 INSTANCE Yes Detailed settings modification failed
INSTC_10_00 INSTANCE Yes Changing backup and user access control settings started
INSTC_10_01 INSTANCE Yes Changing backup and user access control settings completed
INSTC_10_04 INSTANCE Yes Changing backup and user access control settings failed
INSTC_11_01 INSTANCE Yes User access control modified
INSTC_13_01 INSTANCE Yes Associate Floating IP
INSTC_14_01 INSTANCE Yes Disconnected to floating IP
INSTC_15_00 INSTANCE Yes Replicating DB instance started
INSTC_15_01 INSTANCE Yes Replicating DB instance completed
INSTC_15_04 INSTANCE Yes Replicating DB instance failed
INSTC_16_00 INSTANCE Yes Promoting DB instance started
INSTC_16_01 INSTANCE Yes Promoting DB instance completed
INSTC_16_04 INSTANCE Yes Promoting DB instance failed
INSTC_21_01 INSTANCE Yes DB instance normalized
INSTC_22_01 INSTANCE Yes Not enough DB instance storage
INSTC_23_01 INSTANCE Yes Connecting DB instance failed
INSTC_24_00 INSTANCE Yes Changing DB instance type started
INSTC_24_01 INSTANCE Yes Changing DB instance type completed
INSTC_24_04 INSTANCE Yes Changing DB instance type failed
INSTC_25_00 INSTANCE Yes Storage expansion started
INSTC_25_01 INSTANCE Yes Storage expanded
INSTC_25_04 INSTANCE Yes Storage expansion failed
INSTC_26_00 INSTANCE Yes DB instance failover occurred
INSTC_26_01 INSTANCE Yes DB instance failover completed
INSTC_26_04 INSTANCE Yes DB instance failover failed
INSTC_27_01 INSTANCE Yes DB instance storage secured
INSTC_27_04 INSTANCE Yes Securing DB instance storage failed
INSTC_28_01 INSTANCE Yes High Availability DB Instance started
INSTC_29_01 INSTANCE Yes High Availability DB Instance ended
INSTC_30_01 INSTANCE Yes Replication stopped
INSTC_31_00 INSTANCE Yes High availability recovery of DB instance with a completed failover started
INSTC_31_01 INSTANCE Yes High availability recovery of DB instance with a completed failover completed
INSTC_31_04 INSTANCE Yes High availability recovery of DB instance with a completed failover failed
INSTC_32_00 INSTANCE Yes High availability rebuilding DB instance with a completed failover started
INSTC_32_01 INSTANCE Yes High availability rebuilding DB instance with a completed failover completed
INSTC_32_04 INSTANCE Yes High availability rebuilding DB instance with a completed failover failed
INSTC_33_00 INSTANCE Yes High availability removal of DB instance with a completed failover started
INSTC_33_01 INSTANCE Yes High availability removal of DB instance with a completed failover completed
INSTC_33_04 INSTANCE Yes High availability removal of DB instance with a completed failover failed
INSTC_34_01 INSTANCE Yes High availability suspended
INSTC_34_04 INSTANCE Yes High availability suspension failed
INSTC_35_01 INSTANCE Yes High availability restarted
INSTC_35_04 INSTANCE Yes High availability restart failed
INSTC_36_01 INSTANCE Yes Instance restart using failover
INSTC_36_04 INSTANCE Yes Instance restart using failover failed
INSTC_37_01 INSTANCE Yes DB User created
INSTC_37_04 INSTANCE Yes DB user creation failed
INSTC_38_01 INSTANCE Yes DB user updated
INSTC_38_04 INSTANCE Yes DB user update failed
INSTC_39_01 INSTANCE Yes DB user deleted
INSTC_40_01 INSTANCE Yes DB schema created
INSTC_40_04 INSTANCE Yes DB schema creation failed
INSTC_41_01 INSTANCE Yes DB schema deleted
INSTC_42_04 INSTANCE No CPU cores limit
INSTC_43_04 INSTANCE No RAM capacity limit
INSTC_44_04 INSTANCE No Individual volume limit
INSTC_45_04 INSTANCE No Total project volume limit
INSTC_46_04 INSTANCE No Read-only slaves limit
INSTC_47_00 INSTANCE Yes DB instance backup and export started
INSTC_47_01 INSTANCE Yes DB instance backed up and exported
INSTC_47_04 INSTANCE Yes DB instance backup and export failed
INSTC_48_00 INSTANCE Yes DB instance restoration using backup from the object storage started
INSTC_48_01 INSTANCE Yes DB instance using backup from the object storage restored
INSTC_48_04 INSTANCE Yes DB instance restoration using backup from the object storage failed
INSTC_49_00 INSTANCE Yes DB instance force restart
INSTC_50_00 INSTANCE Yes Backup export started
INSTC_50_01 INSTANCE Yes Backup exported
INSTC_50_04 INSTANCE Yes Backup export failed
INSTC_51_01 INSTANCE Yes Backup of DB instance failed
INSTC_52_01 INSTANCE Yes DB instance backup and export failed
INSTC_53_00 INSTANCE Yes Stopping DB instance started
INSTC_53_01 INSTANCE Yes Stopping DB instance completed
INSTC_53_04 INSTANCE Yes Stopping DB instance failed
INSTC_54_00 INSTANCE Yes DB instance replication rebuilding started
INSTC_54_01 INSTANCE Yes DB instance replication rebuilding completed
INSTC_54_04 INSTANCE Yes DB instance replication rebuilding failed
INSTC_55_01 INSTANCE Yes Failover restart due to replication delay failed
INSTC_56_00 INSTANCE Yes Changing DB instance security group started
INSTC_56_01 INSTANCE Yes Changing DB instance security group completed
INSTC_56_04 INSTANCE Yes Changing DB instance security group failed
INSTC_57_00 INSTANCE Yes Changing DB instance with a completed failover to normal instance started
INSTC_57_01 INSTANCE Yes Changing DB instance with a completed failover to normal instance completed
INSTC_57_04 INSTANCE Yes Changing DB instance with a completed failover to normal instance failed
INSTC_58_00 INSTANCE Yes Changing parameter group started
INSTC_58_01 INSTANCE Yes Changing parameter group completed
INSTC_58_04 INSTANCE Yes Changing parameter group failed
INSTC_59_00 INSTANCE Yes Applying parameter group changes started
INSTC_59_01 INSTANCE Yes Applying parameter group changes completed
INSTC_59_04 INSTANCE Yes Applying parameter group changes failed
INSTC_60_00 INSTANCE Yes DB instance migration started
INSTC_60_01 INSTANCE Yes DB instance migration completed
INSTC_60_04 INSTANCE Yes DB instance migration failed
INSTC_61_00 INSTANCE Yes Candidate master rebuilding started
INSTC_61_01 INSTANCE Yes Candidate master rebuilding completed
INSTC_61_04 INSTANCE Yes Candidate master rebuilding failed
INSTC_62_00 INSTANCE Yes DB engine version upgrade started
INSTC_62_01 INSTANCE Yes DB engine version upgrade completed
INSTC_62_04 INSTANCE Yes DB engine version upgrade failed
INSTC_63_01 INSTANCE Yes Decrypt DB instance binary logs
INSTC_64_04 INSTANCE Yes DB engine version upgrade pre-check failed
INSTC_65_00 INSTANCE Yes Authentication plugin activation started
INSTC_65_01 INSTANCE Yes Authentication plugin activation completed
INSTC_65_04 INSTANCE Yes Authentication plugin activation failed
INSTC_66_00 INSTANCE Yes Force promoting DB instance started
INSTC_66_01 INSTANCE Yes Force promoting DB instance completed
INSTC_66_04 INSTANCE Yes Force promoting DB instance failed
INSTC_67_00 INSTANCE Yes OS version upgrade started
INSTC_67_01 INSTANCE Yes OS version upgrade ended
INSTC_67_04 INSTANCE Yes OS version upgrade failed
INSTC_68_01 INSTANCE Yes Network communication failed
INSTC_69_00 INSTANCE Yes Waiting for manual control of failover
INSTC_69_01 INSTANCE Yes Manual control of failover succeeded
INSTC_69_04 INSTANCE Yes Manual control of failover timeout
INSTC_70_01 INSTANCE Yes High availability normalized
INSTC_71_01 INSTANCE Yes High availability stopped
INSTC_73_00 INSTANCE Yes Auto scale storage started
INSTC_73_01 INSTANCE Yes Auto scale storage completed
INSTC_73_04 INSTANCE Yes Auto scale storage failed
JOB_01_04 JOB Yes Job execution failed
TENAT_01_04 TENANT Yes CPU cores limit
TENAT_02_04 TENANT Yes RAM capacity limit
TENAT_03_04 TENANT Yes Individual volume limit
TENAT_04_04 TENANT Yes Total project volume limit
TENAT_05_04 TENANT Yes Read-only slaves limit

Subscribe to Event

You can subscribe to events by event type, code, and source. When you subscribe by event type, you will be notified of all the event codes included in the event type. If the notification is too broad, you can subscribe by event code and source. You can select only project members as the users to receive notifications. By default, event notifications are sent by email, and additional event notifications are sent by SMS only if mobile phone number with real name authentication is registered.


  • ❶ When you click Register Event Subscription, a pop-up window appears to subscribe to events.
  • ❷ Select the event type you want to subscribe to. Event code that you can select can be changed depending on the event type.
  • ❸ Select the event code you want to subscribe to.
  • ❹ Select the event source you want to subscribe to.
  • ❺ Select the user group to receive event notifications.
  • ❻ Select whether to enable or not. If it is not enabled, no event notification is to be sent.

User Group

You can manage users as groups to receive notifications. Notification target must be registered as a project member. If the users in the user group are excluded from the project members, they will not be notified even if they belong to the user group.

[Caution] If there is no mobile phone information for the reason of not performing real name authentication, you will not receive SMS notifications.

Create User Group


  • ❶ When you clickCreate user group, a pop-up screen appears where you can create user groups.
  • ❷ Users added to the user group appear.
  • ❸ Press x to exclude added users.
  • ❹ If there are many users in the user list, you can limit the results by entering search criteria.
  • ❺ Add all project members to the notified users.
  • You cannot add individual users. If you do, it is canceled.
  • When sending an alrm using the user group, the alarm is sent to all project members at the time.
  • ❻ Click Add to add a user to the user group.

Notification Group

Notification group allows you to receive notifications about performance metrics. Specify which instances are monitored in the notification group and which user groups are notified. Set the thresholds and conditions for performance metrics to be notified through the monitoring settings. Once the set metrics meet the conditions in the monitoring settings, notifications to the associated user groups are sent. Notifications are sent by SMS or email, depending on the type of notification set in the notification group.

Create Notification Group


  • ❶ When you click Create Group, a pop-up appears where you can create an notification group.
  • ❷ Select how you want to be notified.
  • ❸ Notification groups that are not enabled do not send notifications.
  • ❹ Select a DB instance to be monitored.
  • ❺ Select a group of users to be notified.

Monitoring Settings

The monitoring settings consist of items, comparison method, threshold, and duration. Compare the performance metrics and threshold values of monitoring items to determine if the conditions are met. Notification is sent if the condition is met continuously for longer than the duration. For example, if the CPU usage rate is greater than 90% and the duration is 5 minutes, sends notifications to users defined in user groups, when the DB instance linked with that notification group has sustained CPU usage rate of 90% or higher for more than 5 minutes. Notification is not sent, even though CPU usage rate reaches 90% or higher but it falls below 90% within 5 minutes.

Monitoring Settings Items

Performance metrics items that can be monitored are as follows.

Add Monitoring Setting


  • ❶ When you click Monitoring Settings, a pop-up appears where you can change the monitoring settings.
  • ❷ Click Add Monitoring Settings to add new monitoring settings.
  • ❸ Enter the items you want to monitor and the comparison method, threshold value, and the duration, and then click Add.

Change and Delete Monitoring Settings


  • ❶ Click the button to change the added monitoring settings.
  • ❷ Click the button to delete the added monitoring settings.