To use Unreal Gamebase SDK, initialization is required. In addition, app ID, and app version information must be registered on NHN Cloud Console.
To enable Gamebase API, import the following header file.
#include "Gamebase.h"
Following settings are required for initialization.
Setting value | Supported Platform | Mandatory(M) / Optional(O) |
appID | ALL | M |
appVersion | ALL | M |
storeCode | ALL | M |
displayLanguageCode | ALL | O |
enablePopup | ALL | O |
enableLaunchingStatusPopup | ALL | O |
enableBanPopup | ALL | O |
Refers to Project ID registered on Gamebase Console.
Game > Gamebase > Console Guide > App > App
Refers to Client Version registered on Gamebase Console.
Game > Gamebase > Console Guide > App > Client
Find store information as below, required to initialize NHN Cloud In-App Purchase.
Store | Code | Description |
App Store | AS | only iOS |
Google Play | GG | only Android |
One Store | ONESTORE | only Android |
Galaxy Store | GALAXY | only Android |
The language displayed on Gamebase UI and SystemDialog can be changed to languages other than language set on device.
Game > Gamebase > Unreal SDK User Guide > ETC > Additional Features > Display Language
Game users may be required to show reasons for not being able to play games due to system maintenance or user banned on a popup.
This setting allows to enable default Gamebase popups.
This setting regards to using default Gamebase popups, when game is unavailable by LaunchingStatus. See State, Code below the Launching paragraph to check LaunchingStatus.
This setting regards to using default Gamebase popups, when a game user is found, with login, to have been banned.
Before releasing a game, make sure to delete SetDebugMode call from the source code or change the parameter to false before building.
Debug setting is also available in the Console, and this setting in the Console takes precedence over the other. To find out how to set up the Console, see the following guide.
void SetDebugMode(bool isDebugMode);
void Sample::SetDebugMode(bool isDebugMode)
Initialize SDKs.
void Initialize(const FGamebaseConfiguration& configuration, const FGamebaseLaunchingInfoDelegate& onCallback);
void Sample::Initialize(const FString& appID, const FString& appVersion)
FGamebaseConfiguration configuration;
configuration.appID = appID;
configuration.appVersion = appVersion;
configuration.storeCode = GamebaseStoreCode.Google;
configuration.displayLanguageCode = GamebaseDisplayLanguageCode.Korean;
configuration.enablePopup = true;
configuration.enableLaunchingStatusPopup = true;
configuration.enableBanPopup = true;
IGamebase::Get().Initialize(configuration, FGamebaseLaunchingInfoDelegate::CreateLambda([=](const FGamebaseLaunchingInfo* launchingInfo, const FGamebaseError* error)
if (Gamebase::IsSuccess(error))
UE_LOG(GamebaseTestResults, Display, TEXT("Initialize succeeded."));
// Following notices are registered in the Gamebase Console
auto notice = launchingInfo->launching.notice;
if (notice != null)
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(notice.message) == false)
UE_LOG(GamebaseTestResults, Display, TEXT("title: %s"), notice.title);
UE_LOG(GamebaseTestResults, Display, TEXT("message: %s"), notice.message);
UE_LOG(GamebaseTestResults, Display, TEXT("url: %s"), notice.url);
// Status information of game app version set in the Gamebase Unreal SDK initialization.
auto status = launchingInfo->launching.status;
// Game status code (e.g. Under maintenance, Update is required, Service has been terminated)
// refer to GamebaseLaunchingStatus
if (status.code == GamebaseLaunchingStatus::IN_SERVICE)
// Service is now normally provided.
switch (status.code)
case GamebaseLaunchingStatus::RECOMMEND_UPDATE:
// Update is recommended.
// ...
case GamebaseLaunchingStatus::INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR:
// Error in internal server.
// Check the error code and handle the error appropriately.
UE_LOG(GamebaseTestResults, Display, TEXT("Initialize failed."));
With Unreal Gamebae SDK initialized by using Initialize API, the LaunchingInfo object is delivered as result value.
This LaunchingInfo object includes values set on Gamebase console, as well as and game status.
Refers to Gamebase launching information.
1.1 Status
Refers to game status information of the app version for the initialization setting of Unreal Gamebase SDK.
See the below table for status codes:
Status | Code | Description |
IN_SERVICE | 200 | Under normal service |
RECOMMEND_UPDATE | 201 | Update is recommended |
IN_SERVICE_BY_QA_WHITE_LIST | 202 | Service is unavailable during maintenance; but on QA device, access to service is allowed for testing, regardless of maintenance. |
IN_TEST | 203 | Under testing |
IN_REVIEW | 204 | Under review |
IN_BETA | 205 | Beta server environment |
REQUIRE_UPDATE | 300 | Upgrade is required |
BLOCKED_USER | 301 | Service is accessed on device (device key) which is registered to be blocked from access. |
TERMINATED_SERVICE | 302 | Service is closed |
INSPECTING_SERVICE | 303 | Service under maintenance |
INSPECTING_ALL_SERVICES | 304 | All services under maintenance |
INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR | 500 | Error of internal server |
Game > Gamebase > Console Guide > App > App
1.2 App
Refers to app information registered on Gamebase Console.
Game > Gamebase > Console Guide > App > Client
1.3 Maintenance
Refers to maintenance information registered on Gamebase Console.
Game > Gamebase > Console Guide > Operation > Maintenance
1.4 Notice
Information for notice registered on Gamebase Console.
Refers to appkey of NHN Cloud service associated with Gamebase.
Refers to IAP store information registered on NHN Cloud Console.
Game > Gamebase > Console Guide > Purchase
User-input information on the console of NHN Cloud Launching.
Game > Gamebase > Console Guide > Management > Config
With the GetLaunchingInformations API, you can get LaunchingInfo object even after initialization.
The GetLaunchingInformations API is not an asynchronous API that retrieves information from the server in real time. It returns cached information updated every 2 minutes, so it is not suitable for real-time checking of the current status. In that case, use GamebaseEventHandler, which triggers an event when the Launching Status Code is changed. Game > Gamebase > Unreal SDK User Guide > ETC > Additional Features > Gamebase Event Handler > Observer
const FGamebaseLaunchingInfoPtr GetLaunchingInformations() const;
void Sample::GetLaunchingInformations()
auto launchingInformation = IGamebase::Get().GetLaunching().GetLaunchingInformations();
if (launchingInformation.IsValid() == false)
UE_LOG(GamebaseTestResults, Display, TEXT("Not found launching info."));
Error | Error Code | Description |
NOT_INITIALIZED | 1 | Gamebase is not initialized. |
NOT_LOGGED_IN | 2 | Requires a login. |
INVALID_PARAMETER | 3 | Invalid parameter. |
INVALID_JSON_FORMAT | 4 | Error of JSON format. |
USER_PERMISSION | 5 | Not authorized. |
NOT_SUPPORTED | 10 | Not supported. |