Game > Gamebase > User Guide for Unreal SDK > Push

This document describes setting requirements to enable push notifications on each platform.


For how to set up push on Android or iOS, refer to the following documents.


If there is push-related processing in an external plugin, the Gamebase push function may not work properly.

Register Push

Call the following API to register the user for NHN Cloud Push. Get the values of consent to receiving push (enablePush), consent to receiving advertisement push (enableAdPush), and consent to receiving night-time advertisement push (enableAdNightPush) from the user, and call the following API to complete the registration.


It is recommended to call the registerPush API every time after logging in because the push settings may be different for each UserID and the push token may expire.



void RegisterPush(const FGamebasePushConfiguration& Configuration, const FGamebaseErrorDelegate& Callback);
void RegisterPush(const FGamebasePushConfiguration& Configuration, const FGamebaseNotificationOptions& notificationOptions, const FGamebaseErrorDelegate& Callback);


Parameter Mandatory(M) /
Values Description
bPushEnabled M bool Consent to receiving push
bAdAgreement M bool Consent to receiving advertisement push
bAdAgreementNight M bool Consent to receiving night-time advertisement push
bRequestNotificationPermission O bool Whether to automatically display a Push permission request pop-up when calling the RegisterPush API on Android 13 or higher OS
default: true
Only for Android
bAlwaysAllowTokenRegistration O bool Whether to register a token even if the user denies push permission
If set to true, the token will be registered even if push permission is not obtained.
default: false
Only for iOS


void USample::RegisterPush(bool pushEnabled, bool adAgreement, bool adAgreementNight)
    FGamebasePushConfiguration Configuration;
    Configuration.bPushEnabled = pushEnabled;
    Configuration.bAdAgreement = adAgreement;
    Configuration.bAdAgreementNight = adAgreementNight;
    Configuration.bRequestNotificationPermission = bRequestNotificationPermission;
    Configuration.bAlwaysAllowTokenRegistration = bAlwaysAllowTokenRegistration;

    UGamebaseSubsystem* Subsystem = UGameInstance::GetSubsystem<UGamebaseSubsystem>(GetGameInstance());
    Subsystem->GetPush()->RegisterPush(Configuration, FGamebasePushConfigurationDelegate::CreateLambda([](const FGamebaseError* Error)
        if (Gamebase::IsSuccess(Error))
            UE_LOG(GamebaseTestResults, Display, TEXT("RegisterPush succeeded"));
            UE_LOG(GamebaseTestResults, Display, TEXT("RegisterPush failed. (Error: %d)"), Error->Code);

Notification Options

  • You can use the Notification Options to change how the notification will be displayed in the device.
  • You can call the RegisterPush API at runtime to change it.

Set Notification Options with RegisterPush in Runtime

When calling the RegisterPush API, you can add the FGamebaseNotificationOptions argument to set the notification options. When you pass the IGamebase::Get().GetPush().GetNotificationOptions() call results to the creator of the FGamebaseNotificationOptions, the object initialized with the current notification options is created, and you can just change the necessary values.
The following settings are available:

API Parameter Description
bForegroundEnabled bool Expose the notifications when the app is in the foreground status
default: false
bBadgeEnabled bool Use the badge icon
default: true
bSoundEnabled bool Whether to use the notification sound
default: true
iOS Only
Priority int32 Notification priority. You can set the following five values:
GamebaseNotificationPriority::Min : -2
GamebaseNotificationPriority::Low : -1
GamebaseNotificationPriority::Default : 0
GamebaseNotificationPriority::High : 1
GamebaseNotificationPriority::Max : 2
default: GamebaseNotificationPriority::High
Android Only
SmallIconName FString Small icon file name for notification.
If disabled, the app icon is used.
default: null
Android Only
SoundFileName FString Notification sound file name. Works only in OS with Android 8.0 or less.
The notification sound changes if you specify the mp3, wav file name in the 'res/raw' folder.
default: null
Android Only


void USample::RegisterPushWithOption(bool pushEnabled, bool adAgreement, bool adAgreementNight, const FString& displayLanguage, bool foregroundEnabled, bool badgeEnabled, bool soundEnabled, int32 priority, const FString& smallIconName, const FString& soundFileName)
    FGamebasePushConfiguration Configuration;
    Configuration.bPushEnabled = pushEnabled;
    Configuration.bAdAgreement = adAgreement;
    Configuration.bAdAgreementNight = adAgreementNight;
    Configuration.bRequestNotificationPermission = bRequestNotificationPermission;
    Configuration.bAlwaysAllowTokenRegistration = bAlwaysAllowTokenRegistration;

    FGamebaseNotificationOptions NotificationOptions;
    NotificationOptions.bForegroundEnabled = bForegroundEnabled;
    NotificationOptions.bBadgeEnabled = bBadgeEnabled;
    NotificationOptions.bSoundEnabled = bSoundEnabled;
    NotificationOptions.Priority = Priority;
    NotificationOptions.SmallIconName = SmallIconName;
    NotificationOptions.SoundFileName = SoundFileName;

    UGamebaseSubsystem* Subsystem = UGameInstance::GetSubsystem<UGamebaseSubsystem>(GetGameInstance());
    Subsystem->GetPush()->RegisterPush(Configuration, NotificationOptions, FGamebaseErrorDelegate::CreateLambda([=](const FGamebaseError* Error)
        if (Gamebase::IsSuccess(Error))
            UE_LOG(GamebaseTestResults, Display, TEXT("RegisterPush succeeded"));
            // Check the Error code and handle the Error appropriately.
            UE_LOG(GamebaseTestResults, Display, TEXT("RegisterPush failed. (Error: %d)"), Error->Code);

Get NotificationOptions

Retrieves the notification options value which was set previously when registering the push notification.


Supported Platforms


FGamebaseNotificationOptionsPtr GetNotificationOptions();


void USample::GetNotificationOptions()
    auto NotificationOptions = UGamebaseSubsystem* Subsystem = UGameInstance::GetSubsystem<UGamebaseSubsystem>(GetGameInstance());
    if (result.IsValid())
        NotificationOptions->ForegroundEnabled = true;
        NotificationOptions->SmallIconName = TEXT("notification_icon_name");

        FGamebasePushConfiguration Configuration;

        UGamebaseSubsystem* Subsystem = UGameInstance::GetSubsystem<UGamebaseSubsystem>(GetGameInstance());
        Subsystem->GetPush()->RegisterPush(Configuration, NotificationOptions, FGamebaseErrorDelegate::CreateLambda([=](const FGamebaseError* Error) { }));
        UE_LOG(GamebaseTestResults, Display, TEXT("No GetNotificationOptions"));

Request Push Settings

Use the following API to query user's push setting. You can get user configuration value from the FGamebasePushTokenInfo value of the incoming callback.



void QueryTokenInfo(const FGamebasePushTokenInfoDelegate& Callback);

// Legacy API
void QueryPush(const FGamebasePushConfigurationDelegate& Callback);


void USample::QueryTokenInfo()
    UGamebaseSubsystem* Subsystem = UGameInstance::GetSubsystem<UGamebaseSubsystem>(GetGameInstance());
    Subsystem->GetPush()->QueryTokenInfo(FGamebasePushTokenInfoDelegate::CreateLambda([=](const FGamebasePushTokenInfo* TokenInfo, const FGamebaseError* Error)
        if (Gamebase::IsSuccess(Error))
            UE_LOG(GamebaseTestResults, Display, TEXT("QueryTokenInfo succeeded. (pushEnabled= %s, adAgreement= %s, adAgreementNight= %s, TokenInfo= %s)"),
                TokenInfo->PushEnabled ? TEXT("true") : TEXT("false"),
                TokenInfo->bAdAgreement ? TEXT("true") : TEXT("false"),
                TokenInfo->bAdAgreementNight ? TEXT("true") : TEXT("false"),
            UE_LOG(GamebaseTestResults, Display, TEXT("QueryTokenInfo failed. (Error: %d)"), Error->Code);


Parameter Values Description
PushType FString Push token type
Token FString Token
UserId FString User ID
DeviceCountryCode FString Country code
Timezone FString Standard timezone
RegisteredDateTime FString Token update time
LanguageCode FString Language settings
Agreement FGamebasePushAgreement Opt in
bSandbox bool Whether to use sandbox (iOS Only)


Parameter Values Description
bPushEnabled bool Opt in to display notifications
bAdAgreement bool Opt in to display advertisement notifications
bAdAgreementNight bool Opt in to display night advertisement notifications

Event Handling

Setting for APNS Sandbox

  • Enable the SandboxMode, and push messages can be registered and sent via APNS Sandbox.
  • Sending from Console
    • Select iOS Sandbox from Target of the Push menu, and send.


Supported Platforms UNREAL_IOS

void SetSandboxMode(bool isSandbox);


void USample::SetSandboxMode(bool isSandbox)
    UGamebaseSubsystem* Subsystem = UGameInstance::GetSubsystem<UGamebaseSubsystem>(GetGameInstance());

Error Handling

Error Error Code Description
PUSH_EXTERNAL_LIBRARY_ERROR 5101 Error of NHN Cloud Push library.
Check the error details.
PUSH_ALREADY_IN_PROGRESS_ERROR 5102 Previous call for push API is yet to be completed.
Wait until the previous push API callback is executed and call again.
PUSH_UNKNOWN_ERROR 5999 Undefined push error.
Please upload the entire logs to Customer Center and we'll reply at the earliest possible moment.
  • Read the following document for the entire error codes:


  • The error is returned when an error occurs in NHN Cloud Push library.
  • The information on the error in NHN Cloud Push library is included in the error details, and you can find detailed error code and message as follows.
GamebaseError* gamebaseError = Error; // GamebaseError object via callback

if (Gamebase::IsSuccess(Error))
    // succeeded
    UE_LOG(GamebaseTestResults, Display, TEXT("code: %d, message: %s"), Error->Code, *Error->Messsage);

    GamebaseInnerError* moduleError = gamebaseError.Error; // GamebaseError.Error object from external module
    if (moduleError.code != GamebaseErrorCode::SUCCESS)
        UE_LOG(GamebaseTestResults, Display, TEXT("moduleErrorCode: %d, moduleErrorMessage: %s"), moduleerror->Code, *moduleerror->Messsage);
  • Please check NHN Cloud Push error codes.