Game > Gamebase > Upgrade Guide
Changed Minimum Support Version
- 최소 지원 버전이 Android 5.0 이상으로 상향되었습니다.(minSdk 19 -> 21)
- (Windows) Purchase 설정 시 스토어를 하나만 선택할 수 있도록 변경되었습니다.
- (Windows) Epic Games Store 사용 시 EOS SDK의 핸들을 등록하는 과정이 변경되었습니다.
- Online Subsystem EOS를 사용하는 경우 Gamebase 초기화 시 StoreCode가 Epic Games Store의 해당하는 값이면 자동으로 핸들을 등록합니다.
- Online Subsystem EOS를 사용하지 않는 경우 Windows Settings 가이드를 참고하여 EOS의 핸들을 등록하는 과정이 필요합니다.
- (Windows) Steamworks SDK 지원 버전이 1.59로 변경되었습니다.
Changed Minimum Support Version
- Changed the minimum supported Unity version from 2020.3.0 to 2020.3.16.
- If you need support for a lower version of Unity, contact Contact Center.
Changed Minimum Support Version
- Changed the minimum supported version from UE 4.26 to UE 4.27.
Android, iOS
- Change the Twitter authentication method to OAuth 2.0 so that login will not work without changing the settings below.
- Issue OAuth 2.0 Client ID and Client Secret
- Create an OAuth 2.0 Client ID and Client Secret in the Twitter Developer Portal, then register them in the Gamebase console.
- Callback URL Settings
- Set the Callback URL ( in the Gamebase console.
- Set the same Callback URL in the Twitter Developer Portal.
- For more information, see the following link.
Changed Minimum Support Version
- Changed the minimum supported Unity version from 2018.4.0 to 2020.3.0.
- If you need support for a lower version of Unity, contact Customer Center.
Changed/Deprecated APIs
- Deprecated the following field.
- TCGBWebViewConfiguration.orientationMask
- Made changes to how to use APIs.
- Changed the API from being provided by IGamebase, which inherits from
, to being provided by UGamebaseSubsystem, which inherits from UGameInstanceSubsystem
- As a subsystem of GameInstance, UGamebaseSubsystem follows the GameInstance lifecycle and you must find the subsystem through the GameInstance you use when calling the SDK APIs for use.
- Changed to conform to naming conventions in the Unreal Coding Standard.
if (UGamebaseSubsystem* GamebaseSubsystem = UGameInstance::GetSubsystem<UGamebaseSubsystem>(GetGameInstance()))
- Fixed an issue when using the image notice feature in Gamebase SDK 2.65.0.
- Changed the success callback to be called instead of an error if there are no image notices to display.
- If there are no registered image notices, an empty notice screen appears, at which point Android will crash if you check Stop viewing today and close it.
- Please use Gamebase SDK 2.65.1 or later, where the issue has been resolved.
- With the application of Google billing client version 6.2.1, additional settings are required to make payments on Android OS 4.4 (API Level 19) devices.
- With Facebook SDK updated to 17.0.1, changed to Dynamic Framework.
- Raised the minimum supported version of Kakaogame from 12.0 to 13.0.
- With the Facebook SDK updated to 17.0.0, you must add FacebookClientToken and FacebookDisplayName to your Info.plist.
- Changed the way Android Firebase Notification is set up so that you need to specify it directly in the settings tool instead of the google-services-json.xml file inside the plugin
- Removed the previously provided Gamebase/Source/Gamebase/ThirdParty/Android/res/values/google-services-json.xml file
- Set the
value in the Android Settings Tool under FCM in the Push entry in the [Android Settings Tool] (./unreal-started/#android-settings) to the google-services.json file downloaded from the Firebase console.
- Gamebase Android SDK 2.62.0 causes the following issues on devices below Android 7.0 (API Level 24).
- The Gamebase.loginForLastLoggedInProvider call always fails.
- Guest accounts are lost.
- Please use Gamebase Android SDK 2.62.1 where the issue was fixed.
- Raised the minimum supported version of Xcode from 14.1 to 15.
- Raised the minimum supported version of Gamebase iOS from 11.0 to 12.0.
- Applied Privacy Manifest and signature to Gamebase and Gamebase Adapter.
- For new releases or updates after May 1, 2024, you must apply Gamebase iOS SDK 2.62.0 or later according to the Apple policy.
- Raised the minimum supported version of LINE from 11.0 to 13.0.
- Completed corresponding actions to comply with the Apple Privacy Policy.
- Added the Privacy Manifest file.
- Applied signatures to Framework.
- For new releases or updates after May 1, 2024, you must apply Gamebase SDK for Unity 2.62.0 or later according to the Apple policy.
- Changed the NAVER iOS SDK used by GamebaseAuthNaverAdapter to xcframework.
- Updated minSDKVersion to 21 from 19 after Twitter API server certificate update.
- Changed the PAYCO iOS SDK used by GamebaseAuthPaycoAdapter to xcframework.
- Added the Privacy manifest fils.
- In the Privacy manifest file, you can see a list of APIs that need to specify what data the Gamebase iOS SDK collects and why it is allowed.
- Please update to Gamebase iOS SDK 2.57.0 or later by Spring 2024 according to the Apple policies.
- The provided type has changed from USTRUCT to a general structure.
- If the type received as a result is not a value provided by default, it is provided in TOptional form. If you used the value previously, you can use the value through Value.GetValue() after checking whether it is a value set through the Value.IsSet() API.
Naver IdP
- Raised the minimum supported version from 19 to 21 due to Naver Login SDK's updates.
MyCard Adapter
- Raised the minimum supported version from 19 to 21 due to NHN Cloud SDK's updates.
- Changed Gamebase SDK to xcframework.
- Updated Facebook iOS SDK to 14.1.0. Set the Facebook Client Token in AdditionalInfo in the Gamebase Console.
- If you are using the 'Customer Center' feature, you will need to add permission settings to the AndroidManifest.xml following the guide below to ensure that permission requests work properly when selecting attachments.
Line IdP
- For the following content of declaration to the AndroidManifest.xml when using Line IdP as shown in Getting Started, the content is now unnecessary due to the Line SDK update so please delete the following.
<!-- [Android11] settings start -->
<!-- [LINE] Configurations begin -->
<package android:name="" />
<action android:name="android.intent.action.VIEW" />
<category android:name="android.intent.category.BROWSABLE" />
<data android:scheme="https" />
<!-- [LINE] Configurations end -->
<!-- [Android11] settings end -->
... >
- Confirmed that a crash occurred on Android 4.4 (OS 19 Kitkat) devices.
- Please use the Gamebase Android SDK 2.52.1 where the issue was fixed.
- The ONE Store v17 purchase adapter, which was displayed as 'IapOnestore', is now displayed as 'IapOnestoreV17' starting with the Gamebase Setting Tool (v2.7.0).
Weibo IdP
- With the WeiboSDK updated to 3.3.3, you must add weibosdk3.3 to info.plist.
Changed/Deprecated APIs
- Starting from iOS 16.4, the following APIs have been deprecated as Apple deprecated the CTCarrier class.
- [TCGBGamebase countryCode];
- [TCGBGamebase countryCodeOfUSIM];
- [TCGBGamebase carrierCode];
- [TCGBGamebase carrierName];
- [TCGBUtil countryCode];
- [TCGBUtil usimCountryCode];
- [TCGBUtil carrierCode];
- [TCGBUtil carrierName];
- Confirmed that a crash occurred on Android 4.4 (OS 19 Kitkat) devices.
- Please use the Gamebase Android SDK 2.50.1 where the issue was fixed.
- Raised the minimum supported version from 4.22 to 4.26.
Please update to a new API due to changes to the Query Unconsumed Purchases API.
// Deprecated API
void RequestItemListOfNotConsumed(const FGamebasePurchasableReceiptListDelegate& onCallback);
// New API
void RequestItemListOfNotConsumed(const FGamebasePurchasableConfiguration& Configuration, const FGamebasePurchasableReceiptListDelegate& onCallback);
Make sure to update to a new API due to changes to the Query Activated Subscription API.
Raised the minimum supported verision to Android 4.4.(minSdk 16 -> 19)
- When applying Proguard in Unity, API calls related to Purchase fail.
- The issue has been fixed in the version of 2.48.0.
Android, iOS, Unity
- Please update to a new API due to changes to the Query Unconsumed Purchases API.
// Unity: Deprecated API
Gamebase.Purchase.RequestItemListOfNotConsumed(GamebaseCallback.GamebaseDelegate<List<GamebaseResponse.Purchase.PurchasableReceipt>> callback);
// Unity: New API
Gamebase.Purchase.RequestItemListOfNotConsumed(GamebaseRequest.Purchase.PurchasableConfiguration configuration,
GamebaseCallback.GamebaseDelegate<List<GamebaseResponse.Purchase.PurchasableReceipt>> callback);
// Android: Deprecated API
Gamebase.Purchase.requestItemListOfNotConsumed(Activity activity,
GamebaseDataCallback<List<PurchasableReceipt>> callback);
// Android: New API
Gamebase.Purchase.requestItemListOfNotConsumed(Activity activity,
PurchasableConfiguration configuration,
GamebaseDataCallback<List<PurchasableReceipt>> callback);
// iOS: Deprecated API
+ (void)requestItemListOfNotConsumedWithCompletion:(void(^)(NSArray<TCGBPurchasableReceipt *> * _Nullable purchasableReceiptArray, TCGBError * _Nullable error))completion;
// iOS: New API
+ (void)requestItemListOfNotConsumedWithConfiguration:(TCGBPurchasableConfiguration *)configuration
completion:(void(^)(NSArray<TCGBPurchasableReceipt *> * _Nullable purchasableReceiptArray, TCGBError * _Nullable error))completion;
- Make sure to update to a new API due to changes to the Query Activated Subscription API.
- To get the same results as the existing API, set PurchasableConfiguration.setAllStores(true).
// Unity: Deprecated API
Gamebase.Purchase.RequestActivatedPurchases(GamebaseCallback.GamebaseDelegate<List<GamebaseResponse.Purchase.PurchasableReceipt>> callback);
// Unity: New API
Gamebase.Purchase.RequestActivatedPurchases(GamebaseRequest.Purchase.PurchasableConfiguration configuration,
GamebaseCallback.GamebaseDelegate<List<GamebaseResponse.Purchase.PurchasableReceipt>> callback);
// Android: Deprecated API
Gamebase.Purchase.requestActivatedPurchases(Activity activity,
GamebaseDataCallback<List<PurchasableReceipt>> callback);
// Android: New API
Gamebase.Purchase.requestActivatedPurchases(Activity activity,
PurchasableConfiguration configuration,
GamebaseDataCallback<List<PurchasableReceipt>> callback);
// iOS: Deprecated API
+ (void)requestActivatedPurchasesWithCompletion:(void(^)(NSArray<TCGBPurchasableReceipt *> * _Nullable purchasableReceiptArray, TCGBError * _Nullable error))completion;
// iOS: New API
+ (void)requestActivatedPurchasesWithConfiguration:(TCGBPurchasableConfiguration *)configuration
completion:(void(^)(NSArray<TCGBPurchasableReceipt *> * _Nullable purchasableReceiptArray, TCGBError * _Nullable error))completion;
- Added the ONE store v19 Purchase Adapter to Gamebase SettingTool(v2.5.0).
- When enabling ONE store v19 Adapter in SettingTool > Android, you are connected to the download page of iap_sdk-v19.xx.xx.aar, and must copy the file in Assets > Plugins > Android.
- Confirmed that a crash occurred on Android 6.0 (M, API Level 23) when calling registerPush in Gamebase Android SDK 2.44.0.
- Please use Gamebase Android SDK 2.44.1 where the issue was fixed.
Changed/Deprecated APIs
- The enableFixedFontSize field in FGamebaseWebViewConfiguration is no longer supported.
- Default values have been added to some fields of GamebaseWebViewConfiguration, which may behave differently if no values are set.
- The default values of navigation bar color R, colorG, colorB, and colorA are set to 18, 93, 230, 255.
- The default value of the isNavigationBarVisible field to enable the navigation bar is set to true.
- The default value of the isBackButtonVisible field to enable Go Back button in the webview is set to true.
- (iOS) Added theXcode Path setting to change the path of Xcode in the iOS Settings tool.
- If you don’t change the path, it is set to default (default: /Applications/
Changed/Deprecated APIs
- The enableKickoutPopup property of FGamebaseConfiguration is no longer supported.
- Default values have been added to some fields in FGamebaseConfiguration, which may behave differently if no values are set.
- The default value of enableLaunchingStatusPopup is set to true.
- The default value of enableBanPopup is set to true.
- The enableFixedFontSize field in FGamebaseWebViewConfiguration is no longer supported.
- Default values have been added to some fields in FgamebaseWebViewConfiguration, which may behave differently if no values are set.
- The default values of navigation bar color R, colorG, colorB, and colorA are set to 18, 93, 230, 255.
- The default value of the isNavigationBarVisible field to enable the navigation bar is set to true.
- The default value of the isBackButtonVisible field to enable the Go Back button in WebVeiw is set to true.
- When the custom scheme event registered in WebView works, the WebView is automatically closed.
- If you want to maintain WebView when the custom scheme works as before, call GamebaseWebViewConfiguration.Builder.enableAutoCloseByCustomScheme(false) API.
- There is a bug where the 'View' button in the Terms and Conditions screen does not work in Gamebase Android SDK 2.41.0.
- To use the Gamebase's Terms and Conditions screen, use the Gamebase Android SDK 2.41.1 where the bug is fixed.
- Added the required updates to Gamebase SettingTool. (v2.4.0)
- You need to intall the latest version of SettingTool after completely deleting the previous version of SettingTool from Unity projects.
- SettingTool v1 is no longer supported.
- The enableKickoutPopup property of FGamebaseConfiguration is no longer supported.
- Changed the name of the following APIs.
- FGamebaseAnalyticsLevelUpData → FGamebaseAnalyticsLevelUpData
- FGambaseBanInfoPtr → FGamebaseBanInfoPtr
- (iOS) Made modifications so that only the necessary frameworks are included when building, with the iOS settings tool.
- (iOS) PLCrashReporter has been updated, so PLCrashReporter inside the engine also needs to be updated.
- (iOS) Facebook iOS SDK has been updated to version 9.2.0, so engine code needs to be modified in order to use swift.
Hangame SDK
- Made improvements so that sms_hash is generated internally in Hangame Android SDK v1.4.5.
- sms_hash does not need to be set anymore.
- From this version, a token is not deleted when performing NAVER logout.
- When the user logs in again, the information provision consent window does not appear.
- The account is not changed when performing web login.
- To maintain the previous behavior, set AdditionalInfo in the Gamebase Console as follows.
Changed/Deprecated APIs
- The following field has been deprecated because whether to display the kickout popup window can be set during kickout registration in the Gamebase console.
- UIPopupConfiguration.enableKickoutPopup
Changed/Deprecated APIs
- The following APIs have been deprecated because whether to display the kickout popup window can be set during kickout registration in the Gamebase console.
- [TCGBConfiguration enableKickoutPopup:]
- [TCGBConfiguration isEnableKickoutPopup]
- The enableKickoutPopup property of GamebaseConfiguration is no longer supported.
- The error code mapped to TCGB_ERROR_UNKNOWN_ERROR has been changed.
- Changed the error code mapped to the TCGB_ERROR_UNKNOWN_ERROR error from 999 to 9999.
- Newly added the TCGB_ERROR_SOCKET_UNKNOWN_ERROR error mapped to the error code 999.
- The error code mapped to GamebaseErrorCode.UNKNOWN_ERROR has been changed.
- Changed the error code mapped to the GamebaseErrorCode.UNKNOWN_ERROR error from 999 to 9999.
- Newly added the GamebaseErrorCode.SOCKET_UNKNOWN_ERROR error mapped to the error code 999.
- The error code mapped to GamebaseErrorCode.UNKNOWN_ERROR has been changed.
- Changed the error code mapped to the GamebaseErrorCode::UNKNOWN_ERROR error from 999 to 9999.
- Newly added the GamebaseErrorCode::SOCKET_UNKNOWN_ERROR error mapped to the error code 999.
- The category for a GamebaseEventHandler event that occurs when the Gamebase Access Token expires and cannot be recovered has been changed from GamebaseEventCategory.OBSERVER_HEARTBEAT to GamebaseEventCategory.LOGGED_OUT.
- If you implemented the code to perform login when the GamebaseEventObserverData.code value is GamebaseError.AUTH_TOKEN_LOGIN_INVALID_TOKEN_INFO(3102) in the GamebaseEventCategory.OBSERVER_HEARTBEAT event, change it to perform login in the GamebaseEventCategory.LOGGED_OUT event.
- The minimum supported version of Xcode has been changed from 12 to 13.
- An error occurs if you run archive build in Xcode 12. Please update to Xcode 13.
- Setting Tool 2.0.0 has been released.
- The folder structure has been changed, so you must delete the previous version of the Setting Tool completely and reinstall the tool.
- If you are using Setting Tool 1.5.0 or lower, you must remove all Gamebase-related libraries in the following directories.
- Assets/Plugins/Android
- Assets/Plugins/iOS
- Check the following guide for changed features and how to use them.
- If you're using this version, you need to manually delete Assets/Gamebase/Toast/IAP/Plugins before use.
- If Gamebase Unity SDK 2.27.0 or higher is applied, you do not need to delete it.
- The multidex setting has been removed from Gamebase. To enable multidex, see the following guide.
Changed Minimum Support Version
- The minimum Android Gradle Plugin(AGP) version has changed from 2.3.0 to 3.2.0 .
- AGP 3.3.3 or higher is required to support Android 11 terminals when setting the targetSdkVersion to 30 or higher.
- Please contact Customer Service if you need support for an earlier version of AGP.
Please apply the following changes to Gradle since the dependency of the Android Support Library has been changed to AndroidX.
Add migration declarations for libraries that do not support AndroidX in the file.
# >>> [AndroidX]
- Add Java 8 build settings for the latest AndroidX to the build.gradle file.
android {
compileOptions {
// >>> [AndroidX]
sourceCompatibility JavaVersion.VERSION_1_8
targetCompatibility JavaVersion.VERSION_1_8
Under AGP 3.4.0
- If the Android Gradle Plugin version is lower than 3.4.0, the build will fail, so the following declaration is required in the file:
# >>> Fix for AGP under 3.4.0
- When using the LINE IdP, the build may fail depending on the AGP version as there is a <queries> tag inside the LINE SDK.
- If you are using the LINE IdP, an error may occur in Manifest merger when building an application because android:allowBackup="false" is declared in LINE SDK. If a build fails for this reason, declare tools:replace="android:allowBackup" in the application tag as follows.
... >
- Changed to return TCGB_ERROR_AUTH_EXTERNAL_LIBRARY_ERROR (3009) error when an ASAuthorizationErrorUnknown error occurs in Sign In with an Apple OS.
- If you're using this version, you need to manually delete Assets/Gamebase/Toast/IAP/Plugins before use.
- If Gamebase Unity SDK 2.27.0 or higher is applied, you do not need to delete it.
Changed Minimum Support Version
- The minimum Unity version changed from April 16, 2017 to April 0, 2018.
- Please contact Customer Service if you need support for an older version of Unity.
AndroidX Build
- Please add the following declaration when building Android due to AndroidX migration of the Gamebase Android SDK.
- 2019.3 or earlier
// mainTemplate.gradle
([rootProject] + (rootProject.subprojects as List)).each {
ext {
it.setProperty("android.useAndroidX", true)
it.setProperty("android.enableJetifier", true)
Under AGP 3.4.0
- If the Unity Editor version is 2018.4.3 or lower or 2019.1.6 or lower, the build will fail because the AGP version is low (3.2.0), so add the following declaration.
// mainTemplate.gradle
([rootProject] + (rootProject.subprojects as List)).each {
ext {
// >>> Fix for AGP under 3.4.0
it.setProperty("android.enableD8.desugaring", true)
it.setProperty("android.enableIncrementalDesugaring", false)
AndroidX Build
- Please add the following declaration to UPL when building Android due to AndroidX migration of the Gamebase Android SDK.
- If you enable bitcode and archive build in Gamebase iOS SDK 2.21.1, error occurs.
- If you want to use bitcode, use Gamebase iOS SDK 2.21.2 to avoid any associated error.
- If a wrong jCenter build is deployed so that jcenter() was declared before mavenCentral() was declared in Gamebase Android SDK 2.21.0, all Gamebase APIs might crash.
- In this case, use a properly deployed Gamebase Android SDK 2.21.1 or declare mavenCentral() ahead of jcenter().
- Maven Repository
- As jCenter stopped providing services to individual users, ( ) new builds can no longer be uploaded.(Users will not be able to access jCenter starting from February 1st, 2022.)
- For this reason, since Gamebase Android SDK 2.21.0 and later versions will be deployed only to mavenCentral() and not to jcenter(), please add mavenCentral to gradle repository.
repositories {
// >>> For Gamebase SDK
- If you are using LINE IdP, due to the LINE SDK update, you must configure JavaVersion.VERSION_1_8 in Gradle to make the build succeed.
android {
compileOptions {
// >>> [LINE IdP]
sourceCompatibility JavaVersion.VERSION_1_8
targetCompatibility JavaVersion.VERSION_1_8
- Error occurs when using bitcode in Gamebase iOS SDK 2.21.0.
- If you want to use bitcode, use Gamebase iOS SDK 2.21.1 instead.
Facebook IdP
- In Gamebase iOS SDK 2.20.2, Facebook SDK has been updated to 9.1.0.
- Now the Facebook SDK needs additional settings, so please add the following value to the info.plist. If not, the system might crash.
- FacebookAutoLogAppEventsEnabled
- FacebookAdvertiserIDCollectionEnabled
- To find out more, see the Facebook iOS SDK Guide.
Weibo IdP
- Alternating the call between Weibo IdP login and another IdP login in Gamebase Android SDK 2.19.0 will lead to a crash.
- If the Weibo IdP is being used, please use Gamebase Android SDK 2.19.1 where the issue has been fixed.
Removed APIs
- In Gamebase Android SDK 2.6.0, the following features were removed after being deprecated.
- GamebaseConfiguration.Builder.setFCMSenderId()
- GamebaseConfiguration.Builder.setTencentAccessKey()
- GamebaseConfiguration.Builder.setTencentAccessId()
Purchase Google
- Calling the Google item payment in Gamebase Android SDK 2.18.0 causes a crash.
- Please use the Gamebase Android SDK 2.18.1 where the issue has been fixed.
- Calling Gamebase.ImageNotice.showImageNotices API in Gamebase Android SDK 2.17.0 causes a crash.
- Please use Gamebase Android SDK 2.17.4 where the crash issues from 2.17.0 and custom scheme event failure from OS 5.0 - 6.0 have been fixed.
- If the type GamebaseEventCategory defined by the SDK is used in place of the NSString, it has to be updated to TCGBGamebaseEventCategory.
Purchase Google
- If gamebase-adapter-purchase-google is being used, the previous Game Client Version must be set to Update to the latest version required if the Gamebase SDK version earlier than 2.15.0 is to be upgraded to 2.15.0 or later.
- The Google Billing Client module has been updated. Because of this, when purchasing an item while different billing client versions have been applied to multiple devices, any resultant error could lead to a reprocessing problem.
Android Limitation
- With Android Support Library upgraded to 28.0.0, an Android build fails in Unity 5, Unity 2017.1, and Unity 2017.2.
- If your Editor is below Unity 2017.3, install a higher version than Unity 2017.3, copy the 'Editor/Data/PlaybackEngines/AndroidPlayer/Tools/gradle/lib' folder and paste it to the same path of your current Unity Editor; then, modify the mainTemplate.gradle file like below.
buildscript {
repositories {
// >>> For download Gradle Android Plugin
maven {
url ''
dependencies {
//classpath ''
// >>> Update Gradle Android Plugin version
classpath ''
Firebase Push
- In case of using Firebase Cloud Messaging, download a google-services.json file from Firebase Console and convert it into XML. Include XML resource in your project.
- XML resource is required in Gamebase version 2.6.0 or higher. Under 2.6.0, Firebase Push works without XML resource.
- Refer to the below guide for implementation.
- Removed Japan Purchase
- Faded out Japan Purchase.
- If you're using GamebaseUnitySDK_IAPAdapter, please delete the folders like below:
- Asset/Toast/Common
- Asset/Toast/Core
- Asset/Toast/IAP
- Asset/Toast/Standalone
- Changed the minSdkVersion from 15 (IceCreamSandwichMR1, 4.0.3) to 16 (JellyBean, 4.1).
- When your minSdkVersion of the project is 15, since normal operation is not ensured for any device below OS 4.1, change it to 16.
Removed APIs
- Following functions have been removed: replace them with alternatives.
- Removed Gamebase.getAuthBanInfo(): replace it with Gamebase.getBanInfo().
- Removed Gamebase.getLanguageCode(): replace it with Gamebase.getDeviceLanguageCode().
- Removed new GamebaseConfiguration.Builder(void): replace it with GamebaseConfiguration.newBuilder().
- Removed new GamebaseConfiguration.Builder.setAppId(): replace it with GamebaseConfiguration.newBuilder().
- Removed new GamebaseConfiguration.Builder.setAppVersion(): replace it with GamebaseConfiguration.newBuilder().
Changed/Deprecated APIs
- No need to call Gamebase.activeApp() any more since it is automatically called.
- Change the method of creating GamebaseConfiguration, which is required as parameter of Gamebase.initialize().
- Call GamebaseConfiguration.newBuilder(), instead of new GamebaseConfiguration.Builder(String, String).
- Do not call LaunchingStatus.isPlayable() any more.
- Purchase
- Since store code cannot be changed, it must be delivered at GamebaseConfiguration.newBuilder().
- Gamebase.Purchase.getStoreCode() / Gamebase.Purchase.setStoreCode() is scheduled to be removed. Do not use it again.
- No need to call Gamebase.Purchase.requestRetryTransaction() any more.
- Push
- Since Gamebase Android SDK 2.6.0, push messages must be sent out via menu of the Push tab on the Gamebase console.
- For Gamebase Android SDK 2.6.0 or lower versions, push must be sent from the Push(Old) tab of the Gamebase console.
- No need to call GamebaseConfiguration.Builder.setFCMSenderId() any more.
- When GamebaseConfiguration.Builder.setTencentAccessKey(), GamebaseConfiguration.Builder.setTencentAccessId() is being called, remove the API call and declare for build.gradle as follows:
android {
defaultConfig {
// >>> For Tencent Push Notification
manifestPlaceholders = [
XG_ACCESS_ID : "1234567890",
- Updated the setting tool.
- Due to changes in the folder structure, the previous SettingTool must be completely removed before re-installed.
- Changed the variable name from storeCodeAOS to storeCodeAndroid for the GamebaseUnitySDKSettings class.
- If there is any code or prefab which defines store code in reference of storeCodeAOS, change the variable to storeCodeAndroid, so as variable reference does not fail.
- Changed the Package Name of GamebaseMainActivity.
- Unless the MainActivity declaration of AndroidManifest.xml is changed like below, crash may occur:
- com.toast.gamebase.activity.GamebaseMainActivity ->
<activity android:name=""
<action android:name="android.intent.action.MAIN" />
<category android:name="android.intent.category.LAUNCHER" />
Removed APIs
- Removed TransferKey which is not used.