Game > Leaderboard > Overview

Competing for a higher rank is essential for a game play.
With Leaderboard, it only takes a simple integration to implement a ranking service.


[그림 0 Leaderboard Merits]

Main Features

Following features are provided:

Web Console

  • Check usage volume information
  • Check Transactions Per Second (TPS)
  • Register, search, or initialize factors
  • Search, change, or delete user scores


  • Register user scores (by single or multiple)
  • Win user scores (by single, multiple, or range)
  • Search the number of users in a factor
  • Delete user scores (single)


Following terms are used for Leaderboard.

Term Description
Leaderboard AppKey One Leaderboard Appkey is issued for each project.
Factor The unit of ranking purpose. Each factor is configured by cycle, update, or sorting.
Daily Ranking Ranking cycle which is initialized at every specific time of the day.
Weekly Ranking Ranking cycle which is initialized at every specific day and time of the week.
Monthly Ranking Ranking cycle which is initialized at every specific day and time of the month.
Total Ranking Ranking cycle which is not initialized.

Service Structure

Physical Structure

The Leadboard platform is physically structured as below:

[그림 1 Leaderboard 물리적 구조]

  • Game server/NHN Cloud Console exchanges data at
  • Load Balancer distributes requests to many Leaderboard AP servers.
  • Leaderboard AP server saves data in the memory server and Cassandra.
  • Leaderboard AP server imports sorted data from the memory server.

Logical Structure

The Leaderboard platform is logically structured as below:

[그림 2 Leaderboard 논리적 구조]

  • Each project owns one Leaderboard AppKey.
  • Many factors can be registered within a Leaderboard AppKey.
  • One factor can be assigned with a cycle.


Leaderboard is configured by factor. Depending on the setting, it can be differently applied.


Scores can be sorted in the ascending or descending order.

[Sort by Ascending Order]

The ascending order sorts scores from the lowest to the highest.

[그림 3 오름차순 정렬]

[Sort by Descending Order]

The descending order sorts scores from the highest to the lowest.

[그림 4 내림차순 정렬]

Updating Scores

Scores can be updated by the highest, the latest, or the accumulated.

[Updating with the Highest Scores]

Updated when a newer score is higher than a previous one.

[그림 5 최고 점수 업데이트]

[Updating with the Latest Scores]

Updated with new scores, regardless of existing scores (updated at all times).

[그림 6 최근 점수 업데이트]

[Updating with the Accumulated Scores]

Updated with the combination of a new score and an existing one.

[그림 7 누적 점수 업데이트]


The tie-breaking method may be set to prioritize the first or the latest-ranks by factor.

[Set Priorities for First Ranks ]

When there are a multiple number of ties, the first-registered user ranks the highest.

[그림 8 최초 랭킹 획득자 우선순위]

[Set Priorities for Latest Ranks]

When there are a multiple number of ties, the latest-registered user ranks the highest.

[그림 9 최근 랭킹 획득자 우선순위]

Initialization Time

Initialization time of a factor can be configured.
The entire ranking is not initialized.

Initialization Date and Time

For the weekly ranking, specify a date of initialization; for the monthly ranking, specify a day of initialization.
The entire ranking is not initialized.

Limited Number of Users

The maximum number of users to be registered for a factor: no more than 10 million.