Added a role to use project services to Cloud Monitoring. - Cloud Monitoring ADMIN: Create, Read, Update, and Delete Cloud Monitoring - Cloud Monitoring VIEWER: Read Cloud Monitoring
You can receive Cloud Monitoring notifications as webhooks using custom webhooks in the notification receiver group.
Added a new service for which metrics can be viewed in Cloud Monitoring
Metrics for the services below are available in the dashboard after setting up collection in the Manage Metrics screen.
* Transit Hub
* Internet Gateway
Cloud Monitoring collects and provides metrics for resources in NHN Cloud and provides notifications about abnormalities. * Collects and provides system and service metrics for resources in NHN Cloud, such as Instance, GPU Instance, NCS, etc. * Creates and manages dashboards flexibly and easily checks resource health. * You can configure metric charts in the organization and project dashboards and monitoring console in any form you want, and when a metric reaches a certain threshold, notifications can be sent via email, SMS, and more to predetermined notification recipients.