Monitoring > Service Monitoring > API Guide

Basic information

API Endpoint:

Single Batch Monitoring

Data Transfer

  • Transfers data which must be verified by the batch monitoring server.
  • The JSON type data can be sent according to the verification information entered for batch monitoring. When verification of batch monitoring fails, it is registered as a failure.


POST /v1.0/monitoring/batchmon/appkey/{appKey}/scenarios/{scenarioId}
Content-Type: application/json

[Path Variables]

Value Type Required? Description
appKey String Required Service App Key(You can view this on Manage Service tab)
scenarioId String Required Service ID

[Request Body]

    "issueDescription": "This is test message."


    "header": {
        "isSuccessful": true,
        "resultCode": 0,
        "resultMessage": "SUCCESS"
    "body": {
        "pk": {
            "serviceId": "d781dafc-2d5e-3d11-a87e-529b0868ea4f",
            "requestId": "3f136280-9d6a-11e9-83b4-ff39d67ddecf"
        "scenarioId": "b00699c0-96f4-11e9-a68b-a7aaea9ae346",
        "ipaddr": "",
        "requestTime": "2099-12-31T00:00:00.000",
        "requestData": {
            "body": "{\"issueDescription\": \"This is test message.\"}"
        "serviceCode": 0
Value Type Description
header.isSuccessful boolean Success or Fail
header.resultCode Integer Fail code(0 is normal)
header.resultMessage String Fail message String Unique ID of the service String Unique ID of the request
body.scenarioId String Unique ID of the scenario
body.requestData.body Object Request data
body.ipaddr String IP address of the requestor
body.requestTime String Request time (ISO 8601 format)
body.serviceCode Integer Unique code of the service

Multiple Batch Monitoring

  • Verify multiple services and scenarios, with a single request.
  • Not verify, when normal appkey or scenario ID exist.

Data Transfer

  • Send data in need of verification to bach monitoring server.
  • Send JSON-type data according to verification information entered at batch monitoring; if verification fails for batch monitoring, register as failure.


POST /v1.0/monitoring/batchmon
Content-Type: application/json

[Request Body]

    "target" : [
            "appkey" : "81713f1cc96b4eae834f7535ec4fae7a",
            "scenarioIdList" : [
            "appkey" : "2aac90b8f3c64fcb8083d1ed0218192c",
            "scenarioIdList" : [
    "data" : "{\"key\": \"value\"}"


    "body": [
            "ipaddr": "",
            "pk": {
                "requestId": "1958be80-5c3b-11ea-bd8f-0bbd7856015c",
                "serviceId": "128248e0-ff3b-34cd-be87-2b5bd173febb"
            "requestData": {
                "body": "{\"key\": \"value\"}"
            "requestTime": "2099-12-31T00:00:00.000",
            "scenarioId": "12962600-5c39-11ea-bd8f-0bbd7856015c",
            "serviceCode": 0
            "ipaddr": "",
            "pk": {
                "requestId": "1959a8e0-5c3b-11ea-bd8f-0bbd7856015c",
                "serviceId": "1ab4e137-a158-346b-bacc-7e0c76466ac0"
            "requestData": {
                "body": "{\"key\": \"value\"}"
            "requestTime": "2099-12-31T00:00:00.000",
            "scenarioId": "1b648d20-5c39-11ea-bd8f-0bbd7856015c",
            "serviceCode": 1
    "header": {
        "isSuccessful": true,
        "resultCode": 0,
        "resultMessage": "SUCCESS"
Value Type Description
header.isSuccessful Boolean Successful or Not
header.resultCode Integer Failure Code (0 is normal)
header.resultMessage String Failure Message String Original Service ID String Original Request ID
body.scenarioId String Original Scenario ID
body.requestData.body Object Request Data
body.ipaddr String IP Address of Requestor
body.requestTime String Request Time (ISO 8601 format)
body.serviceCode Integer Original Service Code

Create scenario

Data transfer

  • Send data required for scenario creation request to the service monitoring server.


POST /open-api/v1.0/appkey/{appKey}/scenarios
Content-Type: application/json

[Path Variables]

Value Type Necessity Description
appKey String Required Service Appkey (Viewable in Manage Service tab)

[Request Header]

Header Name Header value
TOAST_PRODUCT_APPKEY Service Monitoring: in the Manage Service menu, click URL & Appkey on the upper right side to check this Appkey.

[Request Body]

   "scenarioName":"API test",
   "description":"API test",
  • Request Body
Value Type Corresponding scenarioType Assignable Value Necessity Default Description
url String API http or url starting with https Y The URL of API to monitor
headers Map\<String, String> API N Header value to use to send the API
httpMethod Enum API GET, POST, DELETE, PUT Y API의 httpMethod
requestBody String API N API의 requestBody
browserOption Map\<String, String> API {"OPT_LOCALE" : "kr"} N {"OPT_LOCALE" : "kr"}
validation Object API Y Validation info of API
scenarioType Enum API API Y Scenario type
scenarioName String API Y Scenario name
description String API Y Scenario description
monitoringRegion Set\<Enum> API KOR, US Y KOR The region to monitor a scenario
monitoringInterval Integer API N (monitoringCron required if this is not used) Monitoring intervals (sec)
monitoringCron String API 6-digit Cron expression N (monitoringInterval required if this is not used) Monitoring intervals (Cron expression)
errorLimitCount Integer API 0 or higher integer Y 0 Number of repeat errors allowed
  • validation
Value Type Corresponding scenarioType Assignable Value Necessity Default Description
validation.textValidation Object API N String validation info
validation.timeout Integer API 0 or higher integer (in ms) N Timeout threshold
validation.responseCodes Set\<String> API HTTP response code N Allowed responseCode
validation.avoidingValidationText String API N String to exclude from propagation, if included in the body
  • textValidation
Value Type Corresponding scenarioType Assignable Value Necessity Default Description
validation.textValidation.textValidationType Enum API JSON, HTML, XML N Base body type to validate a string
validation.textValidation.textValidationInfos List\<Object> API N String validation info
  • textValidationInfo
Value Type Corresponding scenarioType Assignable Value Necessity Default Description
validation.textValidation.textValidationInfo.operator Enum API CONTAINS, NOT_CONTAINS, EQ, NE, GT, GTE, LT, LTE Y String operator
validation.textValidation.textValidationInfo.expression String API Y String that requires validation
validation.textValidation.textValidationInfo.operand String API Y(N) Expected Value
  • cronExpression
    • A Cron expression is a string of six fields separated by spaces.
    • 'Day' and 'Day of week' cannot be set at the same time; one of the two fields must always be ?.
Order Item Required Allowed value Allowed special characters
1 minute Y 0-59 , - * /
2 hour Y 0-23 , - * /
3 day Y 1-31 , - * ? / L W
4 month Y 1-12 or JAN-DEC , - * /
5 day of week Y 1-7 or SUN-SAT , - * ? / L #
6 year N 1970-2099 , - * /


    "header": {
        "isSuccessful": true,
        "resultCode": 0,
        "resultMessage": "SUCCESS"
    "body": {
        "scenarioId": "0c96cff0-edc2-11ea-9760-8d94f461e6d4",
        "url": "",
        "httpMethod": "GET",
        "validation": {
            "textValidation": {
                "textValidationType": "JSON",
                "textValidationInfos": [
                        "operator": "EQ",
                        "expression": "$.isSuccess",
                        "operand": "true"
            "responseCodes": [
        "browserOption": {
            "OPT_LOCALE": "ko"
        "ip": "",
        "scenarioType": "API",
        "scenarioName": "API test",
        "description": "API test",
        "monitoringRegion": [
        "amendedTime": "2020-09-03T08:49:01.197+0000",
        "monitoringCron": "7 * * * * ? *",
        "status": "temporary",
        "errorLimitCount": 0
Value Type Description
header.isSuccessful Boolean Success
header.resultCode Integer Failure Code (0: Normal)
header.resultMessage String Failure message
body.scenarioId UUID Scenario ID
body.url String The URL of API to monitor
headers Map\<String, String> Header value to use to send the API
body.httpMethod Enum API의 httpMethod
body.requestBody String API의 requestBody
body.browserOption Map\<String, String>
body.validation Object Validation info of API
body.scenarioType Enum Scenario type
body.scenarioName String Scenario name
body.description String Scenario description
body.monitoringRegion Set\<Enum> The region to monitor a scenario
body.monitoringInterval Integer Monitoring intervals (sec)
body.monitoringCron String Monitoring intervals (Cron expressions of 7 fields including seconds)
body.errorLimitCount Integer Number of repeat errors allowed
body.registeredTime Date Registered time
body.amendedTime Date Amended time
body.status String Scenario's current status
  • validation
Value Type Description
body.validation.textValidation Object String validation info
body.validation.timeout Integer Timeout threshold
body.validation.responseCodes Set\<String> Allowed responseCode
body.validation.avoidingValidationText String String to exclude from propagation, if included in the body
  • textValidation
Field name(directory name) Type Description
textValidationType Enum Base body type to validate a string
body.validation.textValidation.textValidationInfos List\<Object> String validation info
  • textValidationInfo
Value Type Description
body.validation.textValidation.textValidationInfo.operator Enum String operator
body.validation.textValidation.textValidationInfo.expression String String that requires validation
body.validation.textValidation.textValidationInfo.operand String Expected Value

Query registered scenario


GET /open-api/v1.0/appkey/{appKey}/scenarios/{ScenarioId}
Content-Type: application/json

[Request Header]

Header Name Header value
TOAST_PRODUCT_APPKEY Service Monitoring: in the Manage Service menu, click URL & Appkey on the upper right side to check this Appkey.

[Path Variables]

Value Type Necessity Description
appKey String Required Service Appkey (Viewable in Manage Service tab)
scenarioId String Required Scenario ID


    "header": {
        "isSuccessful": true,
        "resultCode": 0,
        "resultMessage": "SUCCESS"
    "body": {
        "scenarioId": "be50d2a0-e353-11ea-a3c2-ebd9a267dbb2",
        "validation": {
            "timeout": 5000,
            "responseValidation": [
                    "position": 0,
                    "validationText": "Hello World!"
                    "position": 13,
                    "validationText": "It's new world!"
            "lengthValidation": {
                "ENDIAN": "BIG",
                "POS": "4",
                "TYPE": "INT",
                "BASE": "15"
        "ip": "",
        "scenarioType": "TCP",
        "scenarioName": "TCP Scenario Test",
        "description": "TCP Scenario Test",
        "monitoringRegion": [
        "amendedTime": "2020-09-01T05:54:58.861+0000",
        "monitoringCron": "9 * * * * ? *",
        "status": "temporary",
        "errorLimitCount": 0,
        "request": "Hello World!",
        "port": 8080
Value Type Corresponding scenarioType Description
header.isSuccessful Boolean - Success
header.resultCode Integer - Failure Code (0: Normal)
header.resultMessage String - Failure message
body.scenarioId UUID - Scenario ID
body.url String API, WEB, MODULE The URL of API to monitor
body.headers Map\<String, String> API, WEB, MODULE Header value to use to send the API
body.httpMethod Enum API, WEB, MODULE API의 httpMethod
body.validation Object - Scenario validation info
body.requestBody String API, WEB, MODULE API의 requestBody
body.browserOption Map\<String, String> API, WEB, MODULE
body.ip String - IP of monitoring target
body.scenarioType Enum - Scenario type
body.scenarioName String - Scenario name
body.description String - Scenario description
body.monitoringRegion Set\<Enum> - Scenario monitoring region
body.registeredTime Date - Registered time
body.amendedTime Date - Amended time
body.monitoringInterval Integer - Monitoring intervals (unit: secs)
body.monitoringCron String - Monitoring intervals (Cron expressions of 7 fields including seconds)
body.status String - Scenario's current status
body.errorLimitCount Integer - Number of repeat errors allowed
body.request String TCP, UDP Request string for TCP, UDP requests
body.port Integer TCP,UDP Port number for TCP, UDP requests
  • validation
Value Type Corresponding scenarioType Description
body.validation.textValidation Object API, WEB, MODULE String validation info
body.validation.timeout Integer - Timeout threshold
body.validation.responseCodes Set\<String> - Allowed responseCode
body.validation.avoidingValidationText String API, WEB, MODULE String to exclude from propagation, if included in the body
body.validation.imageValidationPaths List\<String> API, WEB, MODULE Image verification path
body.validation.responseValidation List\<Object> TCP,UDP Response verification list for TCP, UDP requests
body.validation.lengthValidation Map\<String, String> TCP,UDP Response length verification
  • textValidation
Value Type Corresponding scenarioType Description
body.validation.textValidation.textValidationType Enum API, WEB, MODULE Base body type to validate a string
body.validation.textValidation.textValidationInfos List\<Object> API, WEB, MODULE String validation info
  • textValidationInfo
Value Type Corresponding scenarioType Description
body.validation.textValidation.textValidationInfo.operator Enum API, WEB, MODULE String operator
body.validation.textValidation.textValidationInfo.expression String API, WEB, MODULE String that requires validation
body.validation.textValidation.textValidationInfo.operand String API, WEB, MODULE Expected Value
  • responseValidation
Value Type Corresponding scenarioType Description
body.validation.responseValidation.position Integer TCP,UDP Starting location of string to be verified in response
body.validation.responseValidation.validationText String TCP,UDP String to be verified in response

Delete registered scenario


DELETE /open-api/v1.0/appkey/{appKey}/scenarios/{ScenarioId}
Content-Type: application/json

[Request Header]

Header Name Header value
TOAST_PRODUCT_APPKEY Service Monitoring: in the Manage Service menu, click URL & Appkey on the upper right side to check this Appkey.

[Path Variables]

Value Type Necessity Description
appKey String Required Service Appkey (Viewable in Manage Service tab)
scenarioId String Required Scenario ID


    "header": {
        "isSuccessful": true,
        "resultCode": 0,
        "resultMessage": "SUCCESS"
    "body": {
        "scenarioId": "be50d2a0-e353-11ea-a3c2-ebd9a267dbb2",
        "validation": {
            "timeout": 5000,
            "responseValidation": [
                    "position": 0,
                    "validationText": "Hello World!"
                    "position": 13,
                    "validationText": "It's new world!"
            "lengthValidation": {
                "ENDIAN": "BIG",
                "POS": "4",
                "TYPE": "INT",
                "BASE": "15"
        "ip": "",
        "scenarioType": "TCP",
        "scenarioName": "TCP Scenario Test",
        "description": "TCP Scenario Test",
        "monitoringRegion": [
        "amendedTime": "2020-09-01T05:54:58.861+0000",
        "monitoringCron": "9 * * * * ? *",
        "status": "temporary",
        "errorLimitCount": 0,
        "request": "Hello World!",
        "port": 8080
Value Type Corresponding scenarioType Description
header.isSuccessful Boolean - Success
header.resultCode Integer - Failure Code (0: Normal)
header.resultMessage String - Failure message
body.scenarioId UUID - Scenario ID
body.url String API, WEB, MODULE The URL of API to monitor
body.headers Map\<String, String> API, WEB, MODULE Header value to use to send the API
body.httpMethod Enum API, WEB, MODULE API의 httpMethod
body.validation Object - Scenario validation info
body.requestBody String API, WEB, MODULE API의 requestBody
body.browserOption Map\<String, String> API, WEB, MODULE
body.ip String - IP of monitoring target
body.scenarioType Enum - Scenario type
body.scenarioName String - Scenario name
body.description String - Scenario description
body.monitoringRegion Set\<Enum> - Scenario monitoring region
body.registeredTime Date - Registered time
body.amendedTime Date - Amended time
body.monitoringInterval Integer - Monitoring intervals (unit: secs)
body.monitoringCron String - Monitoring intervals (Cron expressions of 7 fields including seconds)
body.status String - Scenario's current status
body.errorLimitCount Integer - Number of repeat errors allowed
body.request String TCP, UDP Request string for TCP, UDP requests
body.port Integer TCP,UDP Port number for TCP, UDP requests
  • validation
Value Type Corresponding scenarioType Description
body.validation.textValidation Object API, WEB, MODULE String validation info
body.validation.timeout Integer - Timeout threshold
body.validation.responseCodes Set\<String> - Allowed responseCode
body.validation.avoidingValidationText String API, WEB, MODULE String to exclude from propagation, if included in the body
body.validation.imageValidationPaths List\<String> API, WEB, MODULE Image verification path
body.validation.responseValidation List\<Object> TCP,UDP Response verification list for TCP, UDP requests
body.validation.lengthValidation Map\<String, String> TCP,UDP Response length verification
  • textValidation
Value Type Corresponding scenarioType Description
body.validation.textValidation.textValidationType Enum API, WEB, MODULE Base body type to validate a string
body.validation.textValidation.textValidationInfos List\<Object> API, WEB, MODULE String validation info
  • textValidationInfo
Value Type Corresponding scenarioType Description
body.validation.textValidation.textValidationInfo.operator Enum API, WEB, MODULE String operator
body.validation.textValidation.textValidationInfo.expression String API, WEB, MODULE String that requires validation
body.validation.textValidation.textValidationInfo.operand String API, WEB, MODULE Expected Value
  • responseValidation
Value Type Corresponding scenarioType Description
body.validation.responseValidation.position Integer TCP,UDP Starting location of string to be verified in response
body.validation.responseValidation.validationText String TCP,UDP String to be verified in response

Scenario Modification

Data transfer

  • Send data required for scenario modification request to the service monitoring server.


POST /open-api/v1.0/appkey/{appKey}/scenarios/{scenarioId}
Content-Type: application/json

[Path Variables]

Value Type Necessity Description
appKey String Required Service Appkey (Viewable in Manage Service tab)
scenarioId String Required Scenario ID (Viewable in Edit Scenario window)

[Request Header]

Header Name Header Value
TOAST_PRODUCT_APPKEY Service Monitoring: In the Manage Service menu, click URL & Appkey on the upper right side to check this Appkey.

[Request Body]

   "scenarioName":"API test",
   "description":"API test",
  • Request Body
Value Type Corresponding scenarioType Assignable Value Necessity Default Description
url String API url starting with http or https Y The URL of API to monitor
headers Map<String, String> API N Header value to use to send the API
httpMethod String API GET, POST, DELETE, PUT Y httpMethod of API
requestBody String API N requestBody of API
browserOption Map<String, String> API {"OPT_LOCALE" : "kr"} N {"OPT_LOCALE" : "kr"}
validation Object API Y Validation info of API
scenarioType String API API Y Scenario type
scenarioName String API Y Scenario name
description String API Y Scenario description
monitoringRegion Set<String> API KOR, US Y KOR The region to monitor a scenario
monitoringInterval Integer API N (monitoringCron required if this is not used) Monitoring intervals (sec)
monitoringCron String API 6-digit Cron expression N (monitoringInterval required if this is not used) Monitoring intervals (Cron expression)
errorLimitCount Integer API 0 or higher integer Y 0 Number of repeat errors allowed
  • validation
Value Type Corresponding scenarioType Assignable Value Necessity Default Description
validation.textValidation Object API N String validation info
validation.timeout Integer API 0 or higher integer (in ms) N Timeout threshold
validation.responseCodes Set<String> API HTTP response code N Allowed response code
validation.avoidingValidationText String API N String to exclude from propagation, if included in the body
  • textValidation
Value Type Corresponding scenarioType Assignable Value Necessity Default Description
validation.textValidation.textValidationType String API JSON, HTML, and XML N Base body type to validate a string
validation.textValidation.textValidationInfos List<Object> API N String validation info
  • textValidationInfo
Value Type Corresponding scenarioType Assignable Value Necessity Default Description
validation.textValidation.textValidationInfo.operator String API CONTAINS, NOT_CONTAINS, EQ, NE, GT, GTE, LT, LTE Y String operator
validation.textValidation.textValidationInfo.expression String API Y String that requires validation
validation.textValidation.textValidationInfo.operand String API Y(N) Expected Value


    "header": {
        "isSuccessful": true,
        "resultCode": 0,
        "resultMessage": "SUCCESS"
    "body": {
        "scenarioId": "0c96cff0-edc2-11ea-9760-8d94f461e6d4",
        "url": "",
        "httpMethod": "GET",
        "validation": {
            "textValidation": {
                "textValidationType": "JSON",
                "textValidationInfos": [
                        "operator": "EQ",
                        "expression": "$.isSuccess",
                        "operand": "true"
            "responseCodes": [
        "browserOption": {
            "OPT_LOCALE": "ko"
        "ip": "",
        "scenarioType": "API",
        "scenarioName": "API test",
        "description": "API test",
        "monitoringRegion": [
        "amendedTime": "2020-09-03T08:49:01.197+0000",
        "monitoringCron": "7 * * * * ? *",
        "status": "temporary",
        "errorLimitCount": 0
Value Type Description
header.isSuccessful Boolean Success
header.resultCode Integer Failure Code (0: Normal)
header.resultMessage String Failure message
body.scenarioId String Scenario ID
body.url String The URL of API to monitor
headers Map<String, String> Header value to use to send the API
body.httpMethod String httpMethod of API
body.requestBody String requestBody of API
body.browserOption Map<String, String>
body.validation Object Validation info of API
body.scenarioType String Scenario type
body.scenarioName String Scenario name
body.description String Scenario description
body.monitoringRegion Set<String> The region to monitor a scenario
body.monitoringInterval Integer Monitoring intervals (sec)
body.monitoringCron String Monitoring intervals (Cron expressions of 7 fields including seconds)
body.errorLimitCount Integer Number of repeat errors allowed
body.registeredTime String Registered time (yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSz)
body.amendedTime String Modified time (yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSz)
body.status String Scenario's current status
  • validation
Value Type Description
body.validation.textValidation Object String validation info
body.validation.timeout Integer Timeout threshold
body.validation.responseCodes Set<String> Allowed response code
body.validation.avoidingValidationText String String to exclude from propagation, if included in the body
  • textValidation
Field name (directory name) Type Description
textValidationType String Base body type to validate a string
body.validation.textValidation.textValidationInfos List<Object> String validation info
  • textValidationInfo
Value Type Description
body.validation.textValidation.textValidationInfo.operator String String operator
body.validation.textValidation.textValidationInfo.expression String String that requires validation
body.validation.textValidation.textValidationInfo.operand String Expected Value