Monitoring > Service Monitoring > Release Notes
May 28, 2024
- Changed the category for Service Monitoring from Management to Monitoring.
November 15, 2022
- Changed the domain of a notification page URL to that is provided via transmission channels in case of failure.
November 15, 2022
- Changed the domain of a notification page URL to that is provided via transmission channels in case of failure.
December 28, 2021
Bug Fixes
- Fixed an issue where, if the name of a scenario exceeds 31 characters, the history Excel file for two or more scenarios including the scenario could not be downloaded
July 27, 2021
Feature Updates
- New progress bar applied
- Security improvements applied
April 27, 2021
Bug Fixes
- Fixed an issue where diffusion target could not be viewed in a project with specific user
March 23, 2021
Bug Fixes
- Fixed an issue of being unable to view depending on the search conditions on the failure notification page
- Fixed an issue of displaying an expiration prompt upon selecting a list on the failure notification page
- Fixed an issue where the previous HTTP header would not go away when editing webhooks
- Fixed an issue of failing to include the start time when searching history
December 29, 2020
Bug fixes
- Fixed the issue where API call's resultCode and resultMessage are displayed differently for each method (POST, GET, PUT, DELETE) of scenario management open API
- Fixed the issue where CloudTrail event is always applied as USER_CONSOLE
- Fixed the issue where CloudTrail PM change event is registered as PM register event
November 24, 2020
Functions added
- The open API function Modification added for scenario management
- Webhook request parameters now supported
- "LINE" message send webhook templates added
October 27, 2020
Bug Fixes
- Fixed an issue where the scenario failed to be created if the '-' character was included in the url field of requestBody when creating a scenario with openAPI
- Fixed an issue where a batch monitoring scenario could be created when no validation information is entered
- Fixed an issue where the content of data edit request was not displayed correctly when editing the webhook information
September 22, 2020
More Features
August 25, 2020
Bug Fixes
- Fixed failed application of a call result of API even when it is called immediately after batch monitoring scenario is registered.
July 28, 2020
Feature Updates
- Changed the mimimum unit for web monitoring operations
- API Monitoring: 60 seconds ---> 30 seconds
- Virtual browser, Module monitoring: 120 seconds ---> 60 seconds
Bug Fixes
- Fixed cases, in which case sensitivity was not included as part of batch monitoring verification
May 26, 2020
Feature Updates
- Fixed failed cases of web monitoring test when it took more than 30 seconds
- Added operators to be applied for each type of scenario or response content, to verify web monitoring texts
- Only contain and !contain are available, when the response is HTML or XML
- (==, !=, >, >=, <, <=) are available, when the response is JSON, by using JsonPath
- Browser, Module
- (==, !=, >, >=, <, <=) are available, when the response is HTML, XML, by using contain, !contain, or xPath
- (==, !=, >, >=, <, <=) are available, when the response is JSON, by using JsonPath
- Service Integration with TOAST CloudTrail
- User events that occur from Service Monitoring console can be found at TOAST CloudTrail
March 24, 2020
Feature Updates
January 21, 2020
Feature Updates
- Supports the US Region for Web/TCP monitoring
- Added the option of monitoring region for the search of monitoring history
December 24, 2019
Feature Updates
- Updated detail history messages when it fails to transmit failure
- Upgraded the web page performance
Bug Fixes
- Fixed the transmission status page which did not properly show transmission history to users
November 26, 2019
Feature Updates
- Separated transmission status information from the transmission status page.
- Fixed the issue of broken UIs when the user language is English
- Updated scenario editing for web monitoring
- Updated to show different placeholder for each text verification operator
- Text verification operator may be limited in exposure, depending on the [Scenario Verification Type].
- Updated to enable Ignore Script Errors, Exclude Images from Downloading, Activate CSS, even for when the [Scenario Verification Type] is module.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed the issue, in which mail for [Guide for Canceling Faulty Transmission] is sent by the recipient's name, not by the user who canceled.
August 27, 2019
Feature Updates
- Japanese font changed into TOAST Common Font.
- Separated input labels for IP from PORT, on the editing page of TCP monitoring scenario for better readability.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed the display error of time on the [View Transmission Details] page.
- Updated, for the registration of monitoring error, to register transmission title in the language set when a scenario is saved.
- Fixed the wrong notification of expiration, even if it is not expired, when you access error notification page via error transmission message
- Fixed error in which a wrong message title is added, for Japanese error transmission messages
July 23, 2019
New Service Release
Service Monitoring is a service failure management platform to allow stable service operations
* Transmission administrator assigned for each service, to manage transmission channels
* Supports a variety of monitoring methods - Web Monitoring, TCP Monitoring, or Batch Monitoring