Monitoring > System Monitoring > API Guide

Basic information

http API Endpoint

Region Endpoint
Korea (Pangyo) Region
Korea (Pyeongchon) Region
United States Region
Japan Region

Prometheus API

1. Prometheus Metrics Query API

  • You can use Prometheus metrics query API.


[GET,POST] /prometheus/{prometheus-api-endpoint}
Content-Type: application/json


[Request Header]

Header name Value Required Note
X-TC-APP-KEY projectAppkey O You can check it from the URL & Appkey in the upper right corner of Monitoring > System Monitoring.
curl "[]=query&start=1621894796&end=1621905566" -v -H'X-TC-APP-KEY:appkey'


    "status": "success",
    "data": [
            "__name__": "name",
            "domainname": "(none)",
            "instance": "instance",
            "job": "job",
            "machine": "x86_64",
            "nodename": "nodename",
            "openmetrics_id": "uuid",
            "release": "3.10.0-1127.19.1.el7.x86_64",
            "sysname": "Linux",
            "version": "#1 SMP Tue Aug 25 17:23:54 UTC 2020"
            "__name__": "name",
            "domainname": "(none)",
            "instance": "instance",
            "job": "job",
            "machine": "x86_64",
            "nodename": "nodename",
            "openmetrics_id": "uuid",
            "release": "3.10.0-1127.18.2.el7.x86_64",
            "sysname": "Linux",
            "version": "#1 SMP Sun Jul 26 15:27:06 UTC 2020"

For more information, refer to Prometheus HTTP API

Available Endpoints

Method endpoint
GET /prometheus/api/v1/query
POST /prometheus/api/v1/query
GET /prometheus/api/v1/query_range
POST /prometheus/api/v1/query_range
GET /prometheus/api/v1/series
POST /prometheus/api/v1/series
GET /prometheus/api/v1/labels
POST /prometheus/api/v1/labels
GET /prometheus/api/v1/label/{label_name}/values
GET /prometheus/api/v1/metadata

2. Grafana Integration

  • You can use the Prometheus metrics query API by integrating it with Grafana.

2.1 What is Grafana?

  • Grafana is a tool that provides a dashboard that visualizes metrics data.

2.2 How to Use Grafana

  • After installing Grafana, log in to Grafana.
  • Go to Configuration -> Data sources.
  • Click Add data source on the right.
  • Choose Prometheus. Grafana
  • In the window where Prometheus is selected, enter Name, URL, and Header in order.
  • For URL, you must enter the address of the API Gateway (for example, followed by the prefix to use the Prometheus API (/prometheus). (For example,
  • For Header, enter x-tc-app-key as the key. For Value, enter the appkey of the System Monitoring product. (You can check the appkey from the URL & Appkey in the upper right corner of Monitoring > System Monitoring.)
  • Click the Save & test button at the bottom and check if "Data source is working" is displayed normally.
  • When you return to the main screen, you can see that the newly created data source has been added to the list.

OpenMetrics Dashboard Workspace API

  • You can use the API to query, create, modify, and delete workspaces in the OpenMetrics dashboard.

Common Error Codes

Response Code Description
401 Appkey was not entered or the entered Appkey is invalid.
403 An attempt was made to access an inaccessible project.

1. Query all OpenMetrics dashboard workspaces


[GET] /v1.0/projects/{projectId}/jobs


[Request Header]

Header name Value Required Note
X-TC-APP-KEY projectAppkey O You can check it from the URL & Appkey in the upper right corner of Monitoring > System Monitoring.
X-SYSMON-REGION regionCode O Enter the code of the region you want to query. (kr, kr2, jp, us)
curl -i -X GET \
   -H "X-TC-APP-KEY:appkey" \
   -H "X-SYSMON-REGION:kr" \


Key Description
header.isSuccessful Whether the API call was successful
header.resultCode API call result code
header.resultMessage API call result message
body[].jobId Workspace ID
body[].projectId Project ID
body[].jobName Workspace name
body[].metricsPath Workspace URL path
body[].description Workspace description
body[].lstModifier Last modifier's UUID
body[].lstModYmdt Last modified date
body[].reservedJobCd Workspace creation type (if null, the user creates the workspace manually)


      "isSuccessful": true,
      "resultCode": 0,
      "resultMessage": "SUCCESS"
         "jobId": "jobId",
         "projectId": "projectId",
         "jobName": "jobName",
         "metricsPath": "/metricPath",
         "description": "description",
         "lstModifier": "lstModifier",
         "lstModYmdt": "2021-08-17T10:32:09",
         "reservedJobCd": null

2. Create an OpenMetrics dashboard workspace


[POST] /v1.0/projects/{projectId}/jobs


[Request Header]

Header name Value Required Note
X-TC-APP-KEY projectAppkey O You can check it from the URL & Appkey in the upper right corner of Monitoring > System Monitoring.
X-SYSMON-REGION regionCode O Enter the code of the region where you want to create a workspace. (kr, kr2, jp, us)
Content-Type content Type O application/json

[Request Body]

Key Value Required Note
jobName Workspace name O
metricsPath Workspace URL path O
description Workspace description

[Error Codes]

Response Code resultCode resultMessage Description
200 -40001 ALREADY_EXIST The entered value already exists.
200 -40002 BAD_INPUT_VALUE Invalid API input.
200 -50000 INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR A server error has occurred.
curl -i -X POST \
   -H "X-TC-APP-KEY:appkey" \
   -H "X-SYSMON-REGION:kr" \
   -H "Content-Type:application/json" \
   -d \
   '{"jobName": "jobName",
   "metricsPath": "/metricPath",
   "description": "description"
   } ' \


Key Description
header.isSuccessful Whether the API call was successful
header.resultCode API call result code
header.resultMessage API call result message
body.jobId Created workspace ID
body.projectId Project ID
body.jobName Created workspace name
body.metricsPath Created Workspace URL Path
body.description Created workspace description
body.lstModifier Last modifier's UUID
body.lstModYmdt Last modified date
body.reservedJobCd Workspace creation type (if null, the user creates the workspace manually)


      "isSuccessful": true,
      "resultCode": 0,
      "resultMessage": "SUCCESS"
      "jobId": "jobId",
      "projectId": "projectId",
      "jobName": "jobName",
      "metricsPath": "/metricsPath",
      "description": "description",
      "lstModifier": null,
      "lstModYmdt": "2021-08-17T10:30:06",
      "reservedJobCd": null

3. Query an individual OpenMetrics dashboard workspace


[GET] /v1.0/projects/{projectId}/jobs/{jobId}


[Request Header]

Header name Value Required Note
X-TC-APP-KEY projectAppkey O You can check it from the URL & Appkey in the upper right corner of Monitoring > System Monitoring.
curl -i -X GET \
   -H "X-TC-APP-KEY:appkey" \


Key Description
header.isSuccessful Whether the API call was successful
header.resultCode API call result code
header.resultMessage API call result message
body.jobId Workspace ID
body.projectId Project ID
body.jobName Workspace name
body.metricsPath Workspace URL path
body.description Workspace description
body.lstModifier Last modifier's UUID
body.lstModYmdt Last modified date
body.reservedJobCd Workspace creation type (if null, the user creates the workspace manually)


      "isSuccessful": true,
      "resultCode": 0,
      "resultMessage": "SUCCESS"
      "jobId": "jobId",
      "projectId": "projectId",
      "jobName": "jobName",
      "metricsPath": "/metricPath",
      "description": "description",
      "lstModifier": "lstModifier",
      "lstModYmdt": "2021-08-17T10:32:09",
      "reservedJobCd": null

4. Modify the OpenMetrics dashboard workspace


[PUT] /v1.0/projects/{projectId}/jobs/{jobId}


[Request Header]

Header name Value Required Note
X-TC-APP-KEY projectAppkey O You can check it from the URL & Appkey in the upper right corner of Monitoring > System Monitoring.
Content-Type content Type O application/json

[Request Body]

Key Value Required Note
metricsPath Workspace URL path O
description Workspace description

[Error Codes]

Response Code resultCode resultMessage Description
200 -40002 BAD_INPUT_VALUE Invalid API input.
200 -40006 NOT_FOUND_JOB No jobId entered.
200 -40012 SYSTEM_RESERVED_JOB The default workspace cannot be modified.
200 -50000 INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR A server error has occurred.
curl -i -X PUT \
   -H "X-TC-APP-KEY:appkey" \
   -H "Content-Type:application/json" \
   -d \
   "metricsPath": "/updatemetricsPath",
   "description": "updatedescription"
   } ' \


Key Description
header.isSuccessful Whether the API call was successful
header.resultCode API call result code
header.resultMessage API call result message
body.jobId Workspace ID
body.projectId Project ID
body.jobName Workspace name
body.metricsPath Modified workspace URL Path
body.description Modified workspace description
body.lstModifier Last modifier's UUID
body.lstModYmdt Last modified date
body.reservedJobCd Workspace creation type (if null, the user creates the workspace manually)


      "isSuccessful": true,
      "resultCode": 0,
      "resultMessage": "SUCCESS"
      "jobId": "jobId",
      "projectId": "projectId",
      "jobName": "jobName",
      "metricsPath": "/updatemetricsPath",
      "description": "updatedescription",
      "lstModifier": null,
      "lstModYmdt": "2021-08-17T10:35:06",
      "reservedJobCd": null

5. Delete the OpenMetrics Dashboard workspace


[DELETE] /v1.0/projects/{projectId}/jobs/{jobId}


[Request Header]

Header name Value Required Note
X-TC-APP-KEY projectAppkey O You can check it from the URL & Appkey in the upper right corner of Monitoring > System Monitoring.

[Error Codes]

Response Code resultCode resultMessage Description
200 -40006 NOT_FOUND_JOB No jobId entered.
200 -40012 SYSTEM_RESERVED_JOB The default workspace cannot be deleted.
200 -50000 INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR A server error has occurred.
curl -i -X DELETE \
   -H "X-TC-APP-KEY:appkey" \


Key Description
header.isSuccessful Whether the API call was successful
header.resultCode API call result code
header.resultMessage API call result message
body Deleted workspace ID


      "isSuccessful": true,
      "resultCode": 0,
      "resultMessage": "SUCCESS"
   "body": "jobId"

OpenMetrics Dashboard Collection Target API

  • You can use the API to query, create, and delete collection targets of the OpenMetrics dashboard.

Error codes

Response Code Message Description
401 Appkey was not entered or the entered Appkey is invalid.
403 An attempt was made to access an inaccessible Project.

1. Query all OpenMetrics dashboard collection targets


[GET] /v1.0/projects/{projectId}/jobs/{jobId}/targets


[Request Header]

Header name Value Required Note
X-TC-APP-KEY projectAppkey O You can check it from the URL & Appkey in the upper right corner of Monitoring > System Monitoring.
 curl -i -X GET \
   -H "X-TC-APP-KEY:appkey" \


Key Description
header.isSuccessful Whether the API call was successful
header.resultCode API call result code
header.resultMessage API call result message
body[].targetId Collection target ID
body[].jobId Workspace ID
body[].hostId Collection target host ID
body[].port Collection target port number
body[].resultCd Collection target connection result code
body[].failReason Reason for failure to connect to a collection target
body[].mntrnStatCd Collection target monitoring status code
body[].lstModifier Last modifier's UUID
body[].lstModYmdt Last modified date
body[].hostNm Collection target name
body[].svrIp Collection target IP


      "isSuccessful": true,
      "resultCode": 0,
      "resultMessage": "SUCCESS"
         "targetId": "targetId",
         "jobId": "jobId",
         "hostId": "hostId",
         "port": 9100,
         "resultCd": 0,
         "failReason": null,
         "mntrnStatCd": null,
         "lstModifier": "lstModifier",
         "lstModYmdt": "2021-08-17T11:06:29",
         "hostNm": "hostNm",
         "svrIp": ""

2. Query an OpenMetrics dashboard collection target server


[GET] /v1.0/projects/{projectId}/servers


[Request Header]

Header name Value Required Note
X-TC-APP-KEY projectAppkey O You can check it from the URL & Appkey in the upper right corner of Monitoring > System Monitoring.
X-SYSMON-REGION regionCode O Enter the code of the region you want to query. (kr, kr2, jp, us)
 curl -i -X GET \
   -H "X-TC-APP-KEY:appkey" \
   -H "X-SYSMON-REGION:kr" \


Key Description
header.isSuccessful Whether the API call was successful
header.resultCode API call result code
header.resultMessage API call result message
body[].hostId Host ID
body[].hostNm Hostname
body[].projectId Project ID
body[].svrIp Server IP
body[].instanceId Instance ID


      "isSuccessful": true,
      "resultCode": 0,
      "resultMessage": "SUCCESS"
      "hostId": "hostId",
      "hostNm": "hostNm",
      "svrIp": "",
      "projectId": "projectId",
      "instanceId": "instanceId"

3. Create an OpenMetrics dashboard collection target


[POST] /v1.0/projects/{projectId}/jobs/{jobId}/targets


[Request Header]

Header name Value Required Note
X-TC-APP-KEY projectAppkey O You can check it from the URL & Appkey in the upper right corner of Monitoring > System Monitoring.
Content-Type content Type O application/json

[Request Body]

Key Value Required Note
hostId Host ID to add as a collection target O Host ID retrieved by /v1.0/projects/{projectId}/servers.
port Collection target PORT O

[Error Codes]

Response Code resultCode resultMessage Description
200 -40002 BAD_INPUT_VALUE Invalid API input.
200 -40004 INVALID_HOST_OR_PROJECT The entered hostId or projectId is invalid.
200 -40006 NOT_FOUND_JOB No jobId entered.
200 -40012 SYSTEM_RESERVED_JOB It cannot be added to the default workspace.
200 -50000 INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR A server error has occurred.
curl -i -X POST \
   -H "X-TC-APP-KEY:appkey" \
   -H "Content-Type:application/json" \
   -d \
   '{"hostId": "host id",
   "port": "post number"
   } ' \


Key Description
header.isSuccessful Whether the API call was successful
header.resultCode API call result code
header.resultMessage API call result message
body Generated collection target ID


      "isSuccessful": true,
      "resultCode": 0,
      "resultMessage": "SUCCESS"
   "body": "targetId"

4. Query an individual OpenMetrics dashboard collection target


[GET] /v1.0/projects/{projectId}/jobs/{jobId}/targets/{targetId}


[Request Header]

Header name Value Required Note
X-TC-APP-KEY projectAppkey O You can check it from the URL & Appkey in the upper right corner of Monitoring > System Monitoring.
 curl -i -X GET \
   -H "X-TC-APP-KEY:appkey" \


Key Description
header.isSuccessful Whether the API call was successful
header.resultCode API call result code
header.resultMessage API call result message
body.targetId Collection target ID
body.jobId Workspace ID
body.hostId Collection target host ID
body.port Collection target port number
body.resultCd Collection target connection result code
body.failReason Reason for failure to connect to a collection target
body.mntrnStatCd Monitoring status code
body.lstModifier Last modifier's UUID
body.lstModYmdt Last modified date
body.hostNm Collection target name
body.svrIp Collection target IP


      "isSuccessful": true,
      "resultCode": 0,
      "resultMessage": "SUCCESS"
      "targetId": "targetId",
      "jobId": "jobId",
      "hostId": "hostId",
      "port": 9100,
      "resultCd": 0,
      "failReason": null,
      "mntrnStatCd": null,
      "lstModifier": "lstModifier",
      "lstModYmdt": "2021-08-17T11:06:29",
      "hostNm": "hostNm",
      "svrIp": ""

5. Delete an OpenMetrics dashboard collection target


[DELETE] /v1.0/projects/{projectId}/jobs/{jobId}/targets/{targetId}


[Request Header]

Header name Value Required Note
X-TC-APP-KEY projectAppkey O You can check it from the URL & Appkey in the upper right corner of Monitoring > System Monitoring.

[Error Codes]

Response Code resultCode resultMessage Description
200 -40006 NOT_FOUND_JOB No jobId entered.
200 -40007 NOT_FOUND_TARGET No targetId entered.
200 -40012 SYSTEM_RESERVED_JOB It cannot be deleted from the default workspace.
200 -50000 INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR A server error has occurred.
curl -i -X DELETE \
   -H "X-TC-APP-KEY:appkey" \


Key Description
header.isSuccessful Whether the API call was successful
header.resultCode API call result code
header.resultMessage API call result message
body Deleted collection target ID


      "isSuccessful": true,
      "resultCode": 0,
      "resultMessage": "SUCCESS"
   "body": "targetId"