Network > Floating IP > API v2 Guide

Using the API requires API endpoint, token, etc. Please refer to Getting ready to use API to prepare information required for using the API.

Floating IP API uses the network-type endpoint. To see the exact endpoint, refer to serviceCatalog of the token issuance response.

Type Region Endpoint
network Korea(Pangyo) Region
Korea(Pyeongchon) Region
Japan(Tokyo) Region
USA(California) Region](

API response may show the fields not specified by the guide. These fields are internally used by NHN Cloud, and not used because they are subject to change without prior notice.

Floating IP

View External Network ID

You must specify the ID of an external network when creating a floating IP, because the external network assigns floating IPs. The available external networks can be retrieved by specifying the query router:external=true in the View VPC List.

GET /v2.0/vpcs?router:external=true

View the list of floating IPs

Returns the list of floating IPs.

GET /v2.0/floatingips
X-Auth-Token: {tokenId}


This API does not require a request body.

Name Type Format Required Description
tokenId Header String O Token ID
id Query UUID - Floating IP ID to view
status Query Enum - Status of the floating IP to view
ACTIVE: Connected to an instance
DOWN: Not connected to an instance
ERROR: Failed to connect or assign to an instance
tenant_id Query String - Tenant ID of the floating IP to view
floating_network_id Query UUID - External network ID which includes the floating IP to view
fixed_ip_address Query String - Fixed IP address connected with the floating IP to view
floating_ip_address Query String - Floating IP Address to view
port_id Query UUID - Port ID connected with the floating IP to view
sort_dir Query Enum - Sort direction of the floating IP to view
Sorted by the field specified by sort_key
asc or desc
sort_key Query String - Sort key of the floating IP to view
Sorted in the direction specified by sort_dir
fields Query String - Field name of the floating IP to view
e.g.) fields=id&fields=name


Name Type Format Description
floatingips Body Array Floating IP information object list
floatingips.floating_network_id Body UUID External network ID which includes the floating IP
floatingips.router_id Body UUID Router ID connected with the floating IP
floatingips.fixed_ip_address Body String Fixed IP address connected with the floating IP
floatingips.floating_ip_address Body String Floating IP Address
floatingips.tenant_id Body String Tenant ID
floatingips.status Body Enum Status of the floating IP
ACTIVE: Connected to an instance
DOWN: Not connected to an instance
ERROR: Failed to connect or assign to an instance
floatingips.port_id Body UUID Port ID connected with the floating IP Body UUID Floating IP ID

  "floatingips": [
      "floating_network_id": "4b61db01-8183-4540-b2a3-47254a58298d",
      "router_id": null,
      "fixed_ip_address": null,
      "floating_ip_address": "",
      "tenant_id": "19eeb40d58684543aef29cbb5ebfe8f0",
      "status": "DOWN",
      "port_id": null,
      "id": "fed3fcf6-59b1-4f43-93e5-23a47cb5452e"

See the floating IP

Returns the information about the specified floating IP.

GET /v2.0/floatingips/{floatingIpId}
X-Auth-Token: {tokenId}


This API does not require a request body.

Name Type Format Required Description
floatingIpId URL UUID O Floating IP ID
tokenId Header String O Token ID


Name Type Format Description
floatingip Body Object Floating IP information object
floatingip.floating_network_id Body UUID External network ID which includes the floating IP
floatingip.router_id Body UUID Router ID connected with the floating IP
floatingip.fixed_ip_address Body String Fixed IP address connected with the floating IP
floatingip.floating_ip_address Body String Floating IP Address
floatingip.tenant_id Body String Tenant ID
floatingip.status Body Enum Status of the floating IP
ACTIVE: Connected to an instance
DOWN: Not connected to an instance
ERROR: Failed to connect or assign to an instance
floatingip.port_id Body UUID Port ID connected with the floating IP Body UUID Floating IP ID

  "floatingip": {
    "floating_network_id": "4b61db01-8183-4540-b2a3-47254a58298d",
    "router_id": null,
    "fixed_ip_address": null,
    "floating_ip_address": "",
    "tenant_id": "19eeb40d58684543aef29cbb5ebfe8f0",
    "status": "DOWN",
    "port_id": null,
    "id": "fed3fcf6-59b1-4f43-93e5-23a47cb5452e"

Creating a floating IP

Creates a floating IP.

POST /v2.0/floatingips
X-Auth-Token: {tokenId}


Name Type Format Required Description
tokenId Header String O Token ID
floatingip Body Object O Object requesting creation of floating IP
floatingip.floating_network_id Body UUID O External network ID which includes the floating IP (same as the VPC ID of 'Public Network')
floatingip.port_id Body UUID - Port ID to connect the floating IP

  "floatingip": {
    "floating_network_id": "4b61db01-8183-4540-b2a3-47254a58298d",
    "port_id": null


Name Type Format Description
floatingip Body Object Floating IP information object
floatingip.floating_network_id Body UUID External network ID which includes the floating IP
floatingip.router_id Body UUID Router ID connected with the floating IP
floatingip.fixed_ip_address Body String Fixed IP address connected with the floating IP
floatingip.floating_ip_address Body String Floating IP Address
floatingip.tenant_id Body String Tenant ID
floatingip.status Body Enum Status of the floating IP
ACTIVE: Connected to an instance
DOWN: Not connected to an instance
ERROR: Failed to connect or assign to an instance
floatingip.port_id Body UUID Port ID connected with the floating IP Body UUID Floating IP ID

  "floatingip": {
    "floating_network_id": "4b61db01-8183-4540-b2a3-47254a58298d",
    "router_id": null,
    "fixed_ip_address": null,
    "floating_ip_address": "",
    "tenant_id": "19eeb40d58684543aef29cbb5ebfe8f0",
    "status": "DOWN",
    "port_id": null,
    "id": "fed3fcf6-59b1-4f43-93e5-23a47cb5452e"

Connect/disconnect a floating IP

PUT /v2.0/floatingips/{floatingIpId}
X-Auth-Token: {tokenId}


Name Type Format Required Description
floatingIpId URL UUID Floating IP ID
tokenId Header String O Token ID
floatingip Body Object O Object requesting modification of floating IP
floatingip.port_id Body UUID O Port ID to connect a floating IP
To disconnect, enter null
floatingip.fixed_ip_address Body String - Fixed IP address
Used to specify an IP if multiple IPs are assigned to the port for connection or disconnection

    "floatingip": {
        "port_id": "af41e9f7-18ae-43c5-8b7e-7026f792bf3a"


Name Type Format Description
floatingip Body Object Floating IP information object
floatingip.floating_network_id Body UUID External network ID which includes the floating IP
floatingip.router_id Body UUID Router ID connected with the floating IP
floatingip.fixed_ip_address Body String Fixed IP address connected with the floating IP
floatingip.floating_ip_address Body String Floating IP Address
floatingip.tenant_id Body String Tenant ID
floatingip.status Body Enum Floating IP status
floatingip.port_id Body UUID Port ID connected with the floating IP Body UUID Floating IP ID

  "floatingip": {
    "floating_network_id": "b04b1c31-f2e9-4ae0-a264-02b7d61ad618",
    "router_id": "4337119f-8c72-40bf-818a-21258ecb86db",
    "fixed_ip_address": "",
    "floating_ip_address": "",
    "tenant_id": "f5073eaa26b64cffbee89411df94ce01",
    "status": "DOWN",
    "port_id": "af41e9f7-18ae-43c5-8b7e-7026f792bf3a",
    "id": "5338b5b2-9d80-46b5-ba13-2fd13f5c498a"

Deleting a floating IP

Deletes the specified floating IP.

DELETE /v2.0/floatingips/{floatingIpId}
X-Auth-Token: {tokenId}


This API does not require a request body.

Name Type Format Required Description
floatingIpId URL UUID O Floating IP ID
tokenId Header String O Token ID


This API does not return a response body.