Network > Private DNS > Console Usage Guide

Create Private DNS Zone

  1. Private DNS Zone is domain area for hosts served by Private DNS as a container for record set, and click on **Create Private DNS Zone button to create.

  2. Enter Private DNS Zone name and description and select VPC and click Confirm.

    • In DNS Zone Name, enter the domain or subdomain you own as FQDN(fully qualified domain name).
    • Private DNS Zone name has to be unique within the associated VPC.
    • You can select multiple VPCs. You can add a VPC by clicking the + button on the right side of the screen, and remove a VPC by clicking the - button on the added VPC.
    • Private DNS Zone can be connected to minimum one and the maximum number of connections is unlimited.
    • Once created, instances in the connected VPC must change their nameservers to the private DNS port IPs in order to utilize the Private DNS service.
    • When you restart the instance, the nameservers for the instance are set to your private DNS port IP.
    • To change the nameservers without restarting, you must connect to the instance and point the nameservers to your private DNS port IPs. Follow the instructions for setting up nameservers for your operating system to make the change.
    • Record sets that are generated by default can be found in Manage Record Set.
    • A VPC connected to one or more Zones can use private IP DNS without having to set up private IP DNS.

[Note] Private DNS port * When you set up private IP DNS or connect VPC to the Zone for the first time, a private DNS port is created within the VPC. * For VPCs that are disconnected to all Zones without setting up private IP DNS, the private DNS port is deleted. * For VPCs that are disconnected and reconnected to all Zones without setting up private IP DNS, the private DNS port may be changed. * When the private DNS port is created, changed, or deleted, the nameservers must be reset to refelct the changes. * Restarting an instance resets the nameserver. * To change the nameservers without restarting, you must connect to the instance and change the nameservers. Follow the instructions for setting up nameservers for your operating system to make the change. * Once you restart an instance to apply a private DNS port, you don't need to restart it if you subsequently attach additional zones to that VPC or change the private IP DNS settings.

[Note] When you need to reset your nameservers * When set up private IP DNS on the VPC or connect to Zone for the first time * When change the private IP DNS settings of VPC that is not connected to Zone * When no longer using Private DNS by canceling all Zone connections on the VPC without setting up Private IP DNS on the VPC * When cancel and reconnect all Zone connections on a VPC without setting up private IP DNS on the VPC

[Caution] Instances with two or more different VPC ports * An instance with more than one different VPC port cannot guarantee private DNS behavior. * Only Private DNS configured on one of the VPCs on either port can operate. * If you do not set the VPC port on which you want to use the Private DNS service to eth0 for the instance, you might not receive DNS responses based on routing priority.

Modify Private DNS Zone

  1. Select the Private DNS Zone to modify, then click Modify Private DNS Zone .

  2. You can add or delete VPCs. You can add a VPC by clicking the + button on the right side of the screen, and remove a VPC by clicking the - button on the added VPC.

  3. Because a Private DNS Zone must be associated with at least one VPC, the last VPC cannot be deleted.

  4. Modify Description and click Confirm.

Delete Private DNS Zone

  1. Select all DNS Zones to delete and click Delete DNS Zone.

  2. Click Confirm. All record sets within the DNS Zone will be deleted and it will take some time to finish the job.

Manage record sets

You can manage the record sets of the selected DNS Zone from Private DNS screen of the menu.

  • You can create a record set for private DNS Zone name or sub-name by record set type.
  • The SOA and NS record sets for Private DNS Zone name are created by default and cannot be modified or deleted.
  • SOA record sets are cannot be created/modified/deleted, and NS record sets cannot created/modified/deleted with Private DNS Zone Name.

Create Record Set

  1. A record set is the information of the host to serve. Click Create Record Set to create a record set.

  2. Enter record set information.

    • Record set name: Name of the host to serve. Enter in Private DNS Zone Name format so that it can be a FQDN(fully qualified domain name) or a sub-name.
    • Record set type: The type of host, select a type based on your intended use.
    • TTL (seconds): Time to live, which indicates how long the data is valid. Enter the refresh rate, in seconds, for the record set information on the name server. You can simply click the button to the right to enter.
    • Description: Describe the record set.
  3. Enter record information according to the record set type.

    • Depending on the record set type, you'll need to enter different record values. Follow the instructions at the bottom of the creation screen.
    • Depending on the record set type, multiple records can be entered. You can add a record by clicking the + button on the right side of the screen, and you can remove a record by clicking the - button of the added record.
  4. After completing the configuration, click Confirm.

  5. The number of record sets to be created is limited, please contact us if you need an extension.

Bulk Create Record Sets

  1. Click Create Multiple Record Sets.

  2. Click Download Template to download a template. Enter the record set information on the downloaded template. Click Select File to select a template.

  3. On the screen, check the information entered on the template and click Confirm.

Modify Record Set

  1. Select a record set to modify and click the Modify Record Set button.

  2. Record Set Name cannot be modified. However, Record Set Type, TTL (seconds), Record Value, and Description can be modified.

  3. After completing the configuration, click Confirm.

Delete Record Set

  1. After you've selected all the record sets you want to delete, click the Delete record sets button.

  2. Click Confirm.