Notification > Email > Error Code

Error Code

isSuccessful resultCode resultMessage
true 0 success
true 1000 Some of your requests are successful.
false -1000 Invalid appKey.
false -1001 Service is not exist
false -1002 Service is disabled
false -1003 Invalid service parameter
false -1004 Invalid secretKey.
false -1005 Service is temporarily blocked
false -1006 Service is associated with a domain shared within the organization. Please proceed after canceling the sharing.
false -1007 The 'useYn' field of the service is required
false -2000 Date format is invalid. {}: {}, Only supported {}
false -2001 The 'receiverList' or 'receiver' is required.
false -2002 The 'senderAddress' is required.
false -2003 Invalid attach file name.
false -2004 Not found the file. attachFileId: {}
false -2005 Invalid template type.
false -2006 Not exist data.
false -2007 The 'requestId' is invalid.
false -2008 Upload attach file error.
false -2009 The 'requestId' or 'startSendDate' is required.
false -2010 Sender Email Format is wrong.
false -2011 Receiver Email Format is wrong.
false -2012 The maximum number of recipients is 1000.
false -2013 The file size is less than 30M
false -2014 Up to 10 attachments including the template's are allowed.
false -2015 The 'title' is required.
false -2016 The 'body' is required.
false -2017 The 'receiveMailAddr' is required.
false -2018 The 'receiveType' is required.
false -2019 The 'receiveType' is invalid.
false -2020 The 'fileId' is invalid.
false -2021 The size of total files is too large.
false -2022 Invalid provisioned resource.
false -2023 For advertising mail, (광고), (AD), or (広告) phrases must be placed in front of the title.
false -2024 Invalid file extension.
false -2025 The 'userId' is required.
false -2026 The file is not exist.
false -2027 The file was expired.
false -2028 Limit of rows is exceeded. It can handle up to 50,000 rows.
false -2029 The 'summary' property can not exceed 200 characters.
false -2030 The 'customHeaders' contains an invalid name or body.
false -2031 You can not send in past than requested. Please update the 'requestDate'.
false -2032 All of receivers are failed to send.
false -2034 The 'title' exceeds maximum length. (998 chars)
false -2035 The 'userId' exceeds maximum length. (50 chars)
false -2036 The 'templateId' exceeds maximum length. (50 chars)
false -2037 The 'senderName' exceeds maximum length. (100 chars)
false -2038 The 'senderAddress' exceeds maximum length. (100 chars)
false -2039 The 'receiveName' exceeds maximum length. (100 chars)
false -2040 The 'receiveAddress' exceeds maximum length. (100 chars)
false -2041 The 'fileName' exceeds maximum length. (100 chars)
false -2042 The 'createUser' exceeds maximum length. (50 chars)
false -2043 There are too much mail at this time. Please send it at another time.
false -2044 The 'fileName' is required.
false -2045 The 'fileBody' is required.
false -2046 The '{}' can have only 'Y' or 'N' values. {}: {}
false -2047 The 'senderGroupingKey' exceeds maximum length. (100 chars)
false -2048 You can set the size up to 1000. pageSize: {}
false -2049 The 'requestId' or ('startSendDate' and 'endSendDate') are required.
false -2050 The {} was protected by another nhn cloud project. Please use it after verifying the sender domain.
false -2051 Email Format is wrong. {}
false -2052 the 'requestDate' must be filed within 60 days. Please update the 'requestDate'.
false -2053 Invalid reservation parameter
false -2054 There is no header in the file. Please check the file format.
false -2055 There is no receiver_address header in the file.
false -2056 The ('startReadDate' and 'endReadDate') are required.
false -2057 There is no receiver_address in the file.
false -2058 Reservation cancel request is failed.
false -2059 The 'statsId' exceeds maximum length. (8 chars)
false -2060 This request can't update status. Check status of this mass mail request.
false -2061 This request can't update status. Check status of this tag mail request.
false -2100 The 'templateId' is required.
false -2101 Already existed templateId.
false -2102 The 'templateName' is required.
false -2103 The 'sendMailAddress' is required.
false -2105 The 'body' is required.
false -2106 UseYn is invalid.
false -2107 Not found the template. templateId: {}
false -2108 The 'categoryId' is required.
false -2109 Invalid Api Request. Check the replace parameter.
false -2110 TemplateId must be 50 characters or less.
false -2111 A template with attachments is not supported. templateId: {}
false -2112 The 'title' is required.
false -2113 The one of the 'attachFileIdList' has already been attached to another template. attached templateId: {}, attachFileId: {}
false -2114 templateId should not contain reserved character (/,?,:,<,>,%,&," + '"' + ",')
false -2115 Template is disabled. If you want to use a template, change the template status to enabled.
false -2200 Invalid statistics search parameter.
false -2201 The 'from' must be before 'to'
false -2202 Invalid duration time.
false -2203 The 'from' and 'to' are required.
false -2204 The 'searchType' is required.
false -2205 The 'searchType' is not supported.
false -2300 The 'id' is required.
false -2301 Parameter size is invalid.
false -2302 Parameter value is invalid.
false -2303 The size of list must be 1000 or fewer.
false -2304 It is already registered number.
false -2305 The 'blockReceiverList' is required.
false -2306 Invalid upload file.
false -2307 Fail to read files.
false -2308 Invalid email address.
false -2309 BlockReceiver add failed.
false -2310 Duplicate BlockReceiver.
false -2500 Invalid parameter.
false -2501 Failed update result.
false -2502 Not found the request. messageId: {}, seq:{}
false -2700 Domain is empty.
false -2701 Domain Verification failed. ({})
false -2702 Already existed domain.
false -2703 Domain is not verified.
false -2704 Domain is not Root Domain.
false -2705 Already verified domain.
false -2706 Subdomain must not be root
false -2707 Invalid subdomain parameter.
false -2708 No regist subdomain
false -2709 No same root domain. (senderAddress, X-TC-ENVELOPE-FROM)
false -2710 X-TC-ENVELOPE-FROM must be email format.
false -2711 Invalid domain parameter.
false -2712 No regist domain
false -2713 DKIM Verification failed.
false -2714 Domain sharing failed.
false -2715 DKIM deactivate Failed
false -2716 DKIM activate Failed
false -2717 Root Domain is not verified.
false -2718 Already shared domain.
false -2719 This domain is not sharing another organization user.
false -2720 DMARC record is empty.
false -2721 SPF Record is duplicated. check your domain txt record.
false -2722 SPF record could not be found because there were too many DNS lookups. DNS lookup limit is 10.
false -2723 Invalid all position SPF record. all position must be last position. check your domain txt record.
false -2726 DNS LookUp failed. lookup failed message: {}
false -3000 Invalid add category parameter. (categoryName, useYn)
false -3001 Invalid category
false -3002 Invalid modify category parameter. (categoryId, categoryName, useYn)
false -3003 The 'categoryName' is required.
false -3004 The 'categoryName' can't exceed 200 characters.
false -3005 The 'categoryDesc' can't exceed 1,000 characters.
false -3006 Not found the category. {}: {}
false -3007 The category is the default and you cannot delete it.
false -3008 Category does not exist.
false -4000 Not found excel file.
false -4001 Invalid parameter. {}
false -4002 Failed to upload export file
false -4003 Failed to import file
false -4004 Failed to get export file list count
false -4005 Failed to get export file list
false -4006 Failed to get import file info
false -4007 Failed to download export file
false -4008 Failed to download import file
false -4009 Failed to importing file
false -4010 The service is not allowed to request/download export file.
false -5000 Invalid parameter
false -5001 Already activated appkey.
false -5002 Not activated appkey.
false -5003 Not exist appkey.
false -5004 Fail to make provisioned resource.
false -5005 The 'projectId' is invalid.
false -6000 Already provisioned resource
false -6001 Invalid provisioned resource
false -6002 Invalid provisioned parameter.
false -6003 Invalid provisioned group resource
false -6004 Invalid provisioned group parameter.
false -7000 Fail to call Tag API
false -7001 Invalid parameter.
false -7002 The 'tagExpression' is required.
false -7003 Uploaded file is empty.
false -7004 The 'uid' is required, and can not contain the comma character (,).
false -7005 Invalid email address.
false -7006 The 'uids' is required
false -8000 It failed to read that files
false -9993 Binding the requests error.
false -9994 Client exception.
false -9995 Invalid request. {}
false -9996 It supports only the content of a type 'application/json'.
false -9997 Can not read http message.
false -9998 Not exist API.
false -9999 Internal error.