Notification > Notification Hub > API v1.0 User Guide > Receiving Results by Contact
View the results of sending and receiving requested messages by recipient's contact.
For example, if you send two flow messages consisting of an email and SMS template to 10 recipients with emails and phone numbers, you'll see 40 items when you view the list of received results by contact. (2 contacts X 10 recipients X 2 flow messages = 40 received results by contact) You can view received results by contact with different search criteria.
GET /message/v1.0/contact-delivery-results
X-NC-APP-KEY: {appKey}
X-NHN-Authorization: {accessToken}
Request Parameter
Name | In | Type | Required | Description |
appKey | Header | String | Y | Appkey |
accessToken | Header | String | Y | Authentication Token |
createdDateTimeFrom | Query | DateTime(ISO 8601) | Y | Created time starts |
createdDateTimeTo | Query | DateTime(ISO 8601) | Y | Created time ends |
messageId | Query | String | N | Message ID |
templateId | Query | String | N | Template ID |
flowId | Query | String | N | Flow ID |
statsKeyId | Query | String | N | Statistics Key ID |
sender | Query | String | N | Sender |
contact | Query | String | N | Contact |
messageChannel | Query | String | N | Message channel SMS, RCS, ALIMTALK, FRIENDTALK, EMAIL, PUSH |
messagePurpose | Query | String | N | Message purpose |
String | Query | String | N | Status |
scheduled | Query | Boolean | N | Scheduled sending or not |
confirmBeforeSend | Query | Boolean | N | Confirm before sending or not |
limit | Query | Integer | N | Query count |
offset | Query | Integer | N | Where to start lookup |
Request Body
This API does not require a request body.
"header": {
"isSuccessful": true,
"resultCode": 0,
"resultMessage": "SUCCESS"
"contactDeliveryResults": [
"messageId": "Message ID",
"recipientIndex": 0,
"contactIndex": 0,
"contactType": "PHONE_NUMBER",
"contact": "01012345678",
"sender": {
"senderKey": "sender_key",
"senderProfileId": "@nhnCloud",
"senderProfileType": "GROUP",
"senderPhoneNumber": "01012341234",
"senderMailAddress": "",
"brandId": "AR.lj0eOjEI7Y",
"chatbotId": "01012341234"
"templateId": "Id of the template",
"flowId": "Id of the flow",
"statsKeyId": "Id of the statistics key",
"messageChannel": "SMS",
"messagePurpose": "NORMAL",
"confirmBeforeSend": false,
"confirmedDateTime": "2023-01-01T00:00:00Z",
"scheduled": false,
"scheduledDateTime": "2024-10-26T07:52:12.728Z",
"status": "REQUESTED",
"resultCode": "5.0.0",
"resultMessage": "Success",
"templateParameters": {
"key1": "value1",
"key2": "value2"
"additionalProperty": {
"createdDateTime": "2023-01-01T00:00:00Z",
"sentDateTime": "2023-01-01T00:00:00Z",
"deliveredDateTime": "2023-01-01T00:00:00Z",
"openedDateTime": "2023-01-01T00:00:00Z",
"updatedDateTime": "2023-01-01T00:00:00Z"
"totalCount": 1
Response Body
"header": {
"isSuccessful": true,
"resultCode": 0,
"resultMessage": "SUCCESS"
"contactDeliveryResults": [
"messageId": "Message ID",
"recipientIndex": 0,
"contactIndex": 0,
"contactType": "PHONE_NUMBER",
"contact": "01012345678",
"sender": {
"senderKey": "sender_key",
"senderProfileId": "@nhnCloud",
"senderProfileType": "GROUP",
"senderPhoneNumber": "01012341234",
"senderMailAddress": "",
"brandId": "AR.lj0eOjEI7Y",
"chatbotId": "01012341234"
"templateId": "Id of the template",
"flowId": "Id of the flow",
"statsKeyId": "Id of the statistics key",
"messageChannel": "SMS",
"messagePurpose": "NORMAL",
"confirmBeforeSend": false,
"confirmedDateTime": "2023-01-01T00:00:00Z",
"scheduled": false,
"scheduledDateTime": "2024-10-26T07:52:12.728Z",
"status": "REQUESTED",
"resultCode": "5.0.0",
"resultMessage": "Success",
"templateParameters": {
"key1": "value1",
"key2": "value2"
"additionalProperty": {
"createdDateTime": "2023-01-01T00:00:00Z",
"sentDateTime": "2023-01-01T00:00:00Z",
"deliveredDateTime": "2023-01-01T00:00:00Z",
"openedDateTime": "2023-01-01T00:00:00Z",
"updatedDateTime": "2023-01-01T00:00:00Z"
"totalCount": 1
Name | Type | Description |
header.isSuccessful | Boolean | API Request successful or not |
header.resultCode | Integer | Result code |
header.resultMessage | String | Result message |
contactDeliveryResults | Object Array | Receiving results by contact |
contactDeliveryResults[].messageId | String | Message ID |
contactDeliveryResults[].recipientIndex | Number | Recipient index |
contactDeliveryResults[].contactIndex | Number | Contact index |
contactDeliveryResults[].contactType | String | Contact type |
contactDeliveryResults[].contact | String | Contact |
contactDeliveryResults[].sender | Object | Sender |
contactDeliveryResults[].sender.senderKey | String | Sender profile’s sender key, only appears in AlimTalk and FriendTalk |
contactDeliveryResults[].sender.senderProfileId | String | Sender profile’s ID, only appears in AlimTalk and FriendTalk |
contactDeliveryResults[].sender.senderProfileType | String | Sender profile type, only appears in AlimTalk and FriendTalk |
contactDeliveryResults[].sender.senderPhoneNumber | String | Sender’s phone number, only appears in SMS |
contactDeliveryResults[].sender.senderMailAddress | String | Sender email address, only appears in emails |
contactDeliveryResults[].sender.brandId | String | Brand ID, only appears in RCS |
contactDeliveryResults[].sender.chatbotId | String | Chatroom ID, only appears in RCS |
contactDeliveryResults[].templateId | String | Template’s ID, only appears in template messages |
contactDeliveryResults[].flowId | String | Flow’s ID, only appears in template messages |
contactDeliveryResults[].statsKeyId | String | ID of the statistics key |
contactDeliveryResults[].messageChannel | String | Message channel SMS, RCS, ALIMTALK, FRIENDTALK, EMAIL, PUSH |
contactDeliveryResults[].messagePurpose | String | Message purpose |
contactDeliveryResults[].confirmBeforeSend | Boolean | Whether to enable send after approval |
contactDeliveryResults[].confirmedDateTime | DateTime(ISO 86091) | Approval date (e.g., 2024-10-29T06:09:00+09:00) |
contactDeliveryResults[].scheduled | Boolean | Scheduled sending or not |
contactDeliveryResults[].scheduledDateTime | DateTime(ISO 86091) | Scheduled send date |
contactDeliveryResults[].status | String | Status |
contactDeliveryResults[].resultCode | String | Result code |
contactDeliveryResults[].resultMessage | String | Result message |
contactDeliveryResults[].templateParameters | Object | Template parameter |
contactDeliveryResults[].additionalProperty | Object | Additional properties, AlimTalk, RCS only |
contactDeliveryResults[].createdDateTime | DateTime(ISO 86091) | Creation date (e.g., 2024-10-29T06:09:00+09:00) |
contactDeliveryResults[].sentDateTime | DateTime(ISO 86091) | Date of sending, null until sending event is collected |
contactDeliveryResults[].deliveredDateTime | DateTime(ISO 86091) | Date of receiving, null until receiving event is collected |
contactDeliveryResults[].openedDateTime | DateTime(ISO 86091) | View date, null until view event is collected, push and email only |
contactDeliveryResults[].updatedDateTime | DateTime(ISO 86091) | Date of last update |
totalCount | Number | Total number |
Request example
### Send entire message
POST {{endpoint}}/message/v1.0/contact-delivery-results
Content-Type: application/json
X-NC-APP-KEY: {{appKey}}
X-NHN-Authorization: {{authorizationToken}}
"confirmBeforeSend": false,
"sender": {
"senderPhoneNumber": "01012341234"
"recipients": [
"contacts": [
"contactType": "PHONE_NUMBER",
"contact": "01012345678"
"content": {
"messageType": "SMS",
"body": "Hello. NHN Cloud's new product Notification Hub has been released."
curl -X GET "${ENDPOINT}/message/v1.0/contact-delivery-results" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "X-NHN-Authorization: ${ACCESS_TOKEN}"