
Notification > Notification Hub > API v1.0 User Guide > Messages

Free-form message sending requests

Request that a message be sent by entering the message content in the request body.

In order to send messages to each message channel, the sender information for each message channel must be registered. You can register the sender information in the Notification Hub console > Sender Information tab. For a detailed description of outgoing information for message channels, see Notification > Notification Hub > Guide to Usage Policies and Preparations.


POST /message/v1.0/{messageChannel}/free-form-messages/{messagePurpose}
X-NC-APP-KEY: {appKey}
X-NHN-Authorization: Bearer {accessToken}

Request Parameter

Name In Type Required Description
appKey Header String Y Appkey
accessToken Header String Y Authentication Token
messageChannel Path String Y Message channels
messagePurpose Path String Y Message purpose

Common request bodies

For more information on the body of the request depending on the message channel, please see Detailed request body by message channel below.

  "statsKeyId": "Statistics_Id",
  "scheduledDateTime": "2024-10-29T00:06:29+09:00",
  "confirmBeforeSend": false,
  "sender": {
    "...": "Different_formats_for_different_message_channels"
  "recipients": [
      "contacts": [
          "contactType": "PHONE_NUMBER",
          "contact": "01012345678"
  "content": {
    "...": "Different_formats_for_different_message_channels"
Name Type Required Description
statsKeyId String N Statistics Key ID
scheduledDateTime DateTime(ISO 8601) N Scheduled send date (e.g., 2024-10-29T06:29:00+09:00)
confirmBeforeSend Boolean N Whether to verify before sending (default false)
sender Object Y/N Sender, Push, and other message channels are required
recipients Object Array Y Receiver Array
recipients[].contacts Object Array Y Arrange the recipient's contacts
recipients[].contacts[].contactType String Y Contact types
phone_number, email_address, token_fcm, token_apns, token_adm, token_apns_sandbox, token_apns_voip, token_apns_voip_sandbox
recipients[].contacts[].contact String Y Contact
content Object Y Message content
  • Depending on the message channel, the sender and content fields have different formats.
  • The message channel determines the values you can enter in the recipients [].contact.contactType, recipients[] fields.
  • For scheduled sending, set the scheduledDateTime. Scheduled dispatches can be canceled before the dispatch starts. You can cancel the request by calling the cancel request API or from the Notification Hub console > View dispatch.
  • For post-approval sending, set confirmBeforeSend to true. After approval, sender messages will be sent when you approve them in the Notification Hub console > Delivery Result.
  • You can't set up a scheduled sending and a post-approval sending at the same time.

SENDER field per message channel

Message channels Field Description
SMS sender.senderPhoneNumber Caller ID
RCS sender.brandId Brand ID
RCS sender.chatbotId Room ID
EMAIL sender.senderMailAddress Sender email address
ALIMTALK, FRIENDTALK sender.senderKey Sender key
ALIMTALK sender.senderProfileType Outgoing profile types
  • AlimTalk requires a senderKey and senderProfileType to be entered.
  • FriendTalk can only use the NORMAL sender profile type. If you use a sending key with the GROUP sender profile type, the sending will fail.
  • There are two sender profile types: GROUP and NORMAL. GROUPis a group sender profile and NORMALis a normal sender profile.

Response Body

  "header": {
    "isSuccessful": true,
    "resultCode": 0,
    "resultMessage": "SUCCESS"
  "messageId": "Message_Id"
Name Type Description
header.isSuccessful Boolean API request success
header.resultCode Integer Result code
header.resultMessage String Result message
messageId String Message ID of the successful request

Request example

IntelliJ HTTP
### Send a professional message
POST {{endpoint}}/message/v1.0/PUSH/free-form-messages/{messagePurpose}
Content-Type: application/json
X-NC-APP-KEY: {{appKey}}
X-NHN-Authorization: {{authorizationToken}}

  "confirmBeforeSend": false,
  "sender": {
    "senderPhoneNumber": "01012341234"
  "recipients": [
      "contacts": [
          "contactType": "PHONE_NUMBER",
          "contact": "01012345678"
  "content": {
    "messageType": "SMS",
    "body": "Hello. NHN Cloud's new product Notification Hub has been released."
curl -X POST "${ENDPOINT}/message/v1.0/PUSH/free-form-messages/${MESSAGE_PURPOSE}" \
     -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
     -h "x-nc-app-key: ${app_key}" \
     -H "X-NHN-Authorization: ${ACCESS_TOKEN}" \
     -d '{
        "confirmBeforeSend": false,
        "sender": {
            "senderPhoneNumber": "01012341234"
        "recipients": [
            "contacts": [
                "contactType": "PHONE_NUMBER",
                "contact": "01012345678"
        "content": {
            "messageType": "SMS",
            "body": "Hello. NHN Cloud's new product Notification Hub has been released."

Example detailed request body by message channel


  "statsKeyId": "Statistics_Key_Id",
  "scheduledDateTime": "2024-10-24T06:29:00+09:00",
  "confirmBeforeSend": false,
  "sender": {
    "senderPhoneNumber": "01012341234"
  "recipients": [
      "contacts": [
          "contactType": "PHONE_NUMBER",
          "contact": "01012345678"
  "content": {
    "messageType": "MMS",
    "title": "[NHN Cloud Notification Hub] Announcement",
    "body": "Hello. This is NHN Cloud Notification Hub",
    "attachmentIds": [
Name Type Required Description
sender Object Y Sender, Push, and other message channels are required
sender.senderPhoneNumber String N Caller ID
content Object Y Message content
content.messageType String Y Message type
SMS (short message), LMS (long message), MMS (media long message)
content.title String Y Title
content.body String Y Content
content.attachmentIds String Array N Attachment ID


  "statsKeyId": "Statistics_Key_Id",
  "scheduledDateTime": "2024-10-24T06:29:00+09:00",
  "confirmBeforeSend": false,
  "sender": {
    "brandId": "Brand_Id",
    "chatbotId": "Chatbot_Id"
  "recipients": [
      "contacts": [
          "contactType": "PHONE_NUMBER",
          "contact": "01012345678"
  "content": {
    "messageType": "SMS",
    "unsubscribePhoneNumber": "08012341234",
    "title": "[NHN Cloud Notification Hub] Announcement",
    "body": "Hello. This is NHN Cloud Notification Hub",
    "mmsType": "HORIZONTAL",
    "messagebaseId": "44o4SUjpqnjDuUcH+uHvPg==",
    "cards": [
          "buttons" : [
              "buttonType" : "URL",
              "buttonJson" : "{ \"action\": { \"urlAction\":{\"openUrl\":{\"url\":\"\"} },\"displayText\":\"Go to homepage\"}}"
              "buttonType" : "URL",
              "buttonJson" : "{ \"action\": { \"urlAction\":{\"openUrl\":{\"url\":\"\"} },\"displayText\":\"Go to homepage\"}}"
    "buttons": [
            "buttonType": "URL",
            "buttonJson": "{ \"action\": { \"urlAction\":{\"openUrl\":{\"url\":\"\"} },\"displayText\":\"Go to homepage\"}}"
Name Type Required Description
sender Object Y Sender
sender.brandId Object N Brand ID
sender.chatbotId Object N Room ID
content Object Y Message content
content.messageType String Y Message types in RCS, SMS, LMS, MMS, RCS_TEMPLATE
content.unsubscribePhoneNumber String Y 080 unsubscribe number, required if the purpose of the send is advertising
content.title Object Y Title
content.Object Y Content
content.messagebaseId Object N Required if message type is RCS_TEMPLATE, template ID registered in RCS Biz Center Object Array Y Card[].title String Y Title[].description String Y Content[].media String Y Attachment ID[].buttons Object Array Y Button[].button.buttonType String Y Button type
COMPOSE (open chat room), CLIPBOARD (copy), DIALER (make a call), MAP_SHOW (show map), MAP_QUERY (search map), MAP_SHARE (share current location), URL (link to URL), CALENDAR (add event)[].button.buttonJson String Y Button Json, check formatting for button type
content.buttons Object Array Y Button
content.buttons[].buttonType String Y Button type
COMPOSE (open chat room), CLIPBOARD (copy), DIALER (make a call), MAP_SHOW (show map), MAP_QUERY (search map), MAP_SHARE (share current location), URL (link to URL), CALENDAR (add event)
content.buttons[].buttonJson String Y Button JSON-formatted string
content.attachmentIds String Array N Array of attachment IDs

FriendTalk - Text

  • AlimTalk can only send templates and flow messages because it can only be sent after registering and approving templates.
  • The sender and content fields in AlimTalk can be found in the request body of the template message send.
  • FriendTalk can only use the NORMAL sender profile type. If you use a sending key with the GROUP sender profile type, the sending will fail.
    "statsKeyId": "Statistics_Key_Id",
    "scheduledDateTime": "2024-10-24T06:29:00+09:00",
    "confirmBeforeSend": false,
    "sender": {
        "senderKey": "senderProfile_SenderKey"
    "recipients": [
          "contacts": [
              "contactType": "PHONE_NUMBER",
              "contact": "01012345678"
    "content": {
      "messageType": "TEXT",
      "content": "sending_content",
      "buttons": [
          "type": "WL",
          "name": "Button_name",
          "linkMo": "Mobile_link",
          "linkPc": "PC_link",
          "schemeIos": "iOS_app_link",
          "schemeAndroid": "Android_app_link",
          "bizFormKey": "BizForm_Key"
      "coupon": {
        "title": "Coupon_Title",
        "description": "Coupon_Description",
        "linkMo": "Mobile_Link",
        "linkPc": "PC_link",
        "schemeIos": "iOS_App_Link",
        "schemeAndroid": "Android_app_link"
Name Type Required Description
sender Object Y Sender
sender.senderKey Object Y Outgoing profile_outgoing_key
content Object Y Message content
content.messageType String Y Message types
content.content String Y Content
content.buttons Object Array N Button
content.buttons[].type String Y Button type
WL (Web Link), AL (App Link), BK (Bot Keyword), MD (Message Delivery), BF (Business Form)
content.buttons[].name String Y Button name
content.buttons[].linkMo String N Link mobile, required if button type is WL
content.buttons[].linkPc String N Link PC
content.buttons[].schemeIos String N iOS app link
content.buttons[].schemeAndroid String N Android app link
content.buttons[].bizFormKey String N Bizform key, required if button type is BF Object N Coupons String Y Title, if limited to 5 formats
"${number}One discount coupon" number is 1 or greater than or equal to 99,999,999
"${number}% off coupon" number is at least 1 and no more than 100
"Shipping discount coupon"

"${7 characters or less} free coupon"
"${7 characters or less} UP coupon" String Y Coupon description (up to 12 characters for plain text, image, carousel feed / up to 18 characters for wide image, wide item list) String N Link Mobile String N Link PC String N iOS app link String N Android app link

FriendTalk - Image / Wide Image

  • FriendTalk can only use the NORMAL sender profile type. If you use a sending key with the GROUP sender profile type, the sending will fail.
    "statsKeyId": "Statistics_Key_Id",
    "scheduledDateTime": "2024-10-24T06:29:00+09:00",
    "confirmBeforeSend": false,
    "sender": {
        "senderKey": "senderProfile_SenderKey"
    "recipients": [
          "contacts": [
              "contactType": "PHONE_NUMBER",
              "contact": "01012345678"
    "content": {
      "messageType": "WIDE_IMAGE",
      "content": "Send_Content",
      "attachmentId": "Attachment_File_ID",
      "imageLink": "image_link_URL",
      "buttons": [
          "type": "WL",
          "name": "Button_name",
          "linkMo": "Mobile_link",
          "linkPc": "PC_link",
          "schemeIos": "iOS_app_link",
          "schemeAndroid": "Android_app_link",
          "bizFormKey": "BizForm_Key"
      "coupon": {
        "title": "Coupon_Title",
        "description": "Coupon_Description",
        "linkMo": "Mobile_Link",
        "linkPc": "PC_link",
        "schemeIos": "iOS_App_Link",
        "schemeAndroid": "Android_app_link"
Name Type Required Description
sender Object Y Sender
sender.senderKey Object Y Outgoing profile_outgoing_key
content Object Y Message content
content.messageType String Y Message types
content.content String Y Content
content.attachmentId String Y Attachment ID
content.imageLink String N Image link
content.buttons Object Array N Button
content.buttons[].type String Y Button type
WL (Web Link), AL (App Link), BK (Bot Keyword), MD (Message Delivery), BF (Business Form)
content.buttons[].name String Y Button name
content.buttons[].linkMo String N Link mobile, required if button type is WL
content.buttons[].linkPc String N Link PC
content.buttons[].schemeIos String N iOS app link
content.buttons[].schemeAndroid String N Android app link
content.buttons[].bizFormKey String N Bizform key, required if button type is BF Object N Coupons String Y Title, if limited to 5 formats
"${number}One discount coupon" number is 1 or greater than or equal to 99,999,999
"${number}% off coupon" number is at least 1 and no more than 100
"Shipping discount coupon"

"${7 characters or less} free coupon"
"${7 characters or less} UP coupon" String Y Coupon description (up to 12 characters for plain text, image, carousel feed / up to 18 characters for wide image, wide item list) String N Link Mobile String N Link PC String N iOS app link String N Android app link

FriendTalk - Wide Itemized

  • FriendTalk can only use the NORMAL sender profile type. If you use a sending key with the GROUP sender profile type, the sending will fail.
    "statsKeyId": "Statistics_Key_Id",
    "scheduledDateTime": "2024-10-24T06:29:00+09:00",
    "confirmBeforeSend": false,
    "sender": {
        "senderKey": "senderProfile_SenderKey"
    "recipients": [
          "contacts": [
              "contactType": "PHONE_NUMBER",
              "contact": "01012345678"
    "content": {
      "messageType": "WIDE_ITEMLIST",
      "buttons": [
          "type": "WL",
          "name": "Button_Name",
          "linkMo": "Mobile_link",
          "linkPc": "PC_link",
          "schemeIos": "iOS_app_link",
          "schemeAndroid": "Android_app_link",
          "bizFormKey": "BizForm_Key"
      "header": "Header",
      "item": {
          "list": [{
            "title": "Item_Title",
            "attachmentId": "Attachment_File_Id",
            "linkMo": "Mobile_Link",
            "linkPc": "PC_Link",
            "schemeIos": "iOS_App_Link",
            "schemeAndroid": "Android_app_link"
            "title": "Item_Title",
            "attachmentId": "Attachment_File_Id",
            "linkMo": "Mobile_Link",
            "linkPc": "PC_link",
            "schemeIos": "iOS_App_Link",
            "schemeAndroid": "Android_app_link"
          "title": "Item_Title",
          "attachmentId": "Attachment_File_Id",
          "linkMo": "Mobile_Link",
          "linkPc": "PC_link",
          "schemeIos": "iOS_App_Link",
          "schemeAndroid": "Android_app_link"
      "coupon": {
        "title": "Coupon_Title",
        "description": "Coupon_Title_Description",
        "linkMo": "Mobile_Link",
        "linkPc": "PC_link",
        "schemeIos": "iOS_App_Link",
        "schemeAndroid": "Android_app_link"
Name Type Required Description
sender Object Y Sender
sender.senderKey Object Y Outgoing profile_outgoing_key
content Object Y Message content
content.messageType String Y Message types
content.buttons Object Array N Button
content.buttons[].type String Y Button type
WL (Web Link), AL (App Link), BK (Bot Keyword), MD (Message Delivery), BF (Business Form)
content.buttons[].name String Y Button name
content.buttons[].linkMo String N Link mobile, required if button type is WL
content.buttons[].linkPc String N Link PC
content.buttons[].schemeIos String N iOS app link
content.buttons[].schemeAndroid String N Android app link
content.buttons[].bizFormKey String N Bizform key, required if button type is BF
content.header String Y Header
content.item Object Y Wide item
content.item.list Object Array Y Wide item list (at lease 3, up to 4)
content.item.list[].title String Y Item title (up to 25 characters for the first item, up to 30 characters for items 2-4)
content.item.list[].attachmentId String Y Attachment ID
content.item.list[].linkMo String Y Mobile web link
content.item.list[].linkPc String Y PC web link
content.item.list[].schemeIos String Y iOS app link
content.item.list[].schemeAndroid String Y Android app links Object N Coupons String Y Title, if limited to 5 formats
"${number}One discount coupon" number is 1 or greater than or equal to 99,999,999
"${number}% off coupon" number is at least 1 and no more than 100
"Shipping discount coupon"

"${7 characters or less} free coupon"
"${7 characters or less} UP coupon" String Y Coupon description (up to 12 characters for plain text, image, carousel feed / up to 18 characters for wide image, wide item list) String N Link Mobile String N Link PC String N iOS app link String N Android app link

  • FriendTalk can only use the NORMAL sender profile type. If you use a sending key with the GROUP sender profile type, the sending will fail.
    "statsKeyId": "Statistics_Key_Id",
    "scheduledDateTime": "2024-10-24T06:29:00+09:00",
    "confirmBeforeSend": false,
    "sender": {
        "senderKey": "senderProfile_SenderKey"
    "recipients": [
          "contacts": [
              "contactType": "PHONE_NUMBER",
              "contact": "01012345678"
    "content": {
      "messageType": "CAROUSEL_FEED",
      "carousel": {
        "list": [
            "header": "Carousel_Item_Title",
            "message": "Carousel_item_message",
            "attachment": {
              "buttons": [
                  "type": "WL",
                  "name": "button_name",
                  "linkMo": "Mobile_link",
                  "linkPc": "PC_link",
                  "schemeIos": "iOS_app_link",
                  "schemeAndroid": "Android_app_link"
              "image": {
                "attachmentId": "Attachment_File_Id",
                "imageLink": "Image_Link_URL"
              "coupon": {
                "title": "Coupon_Title",
                "description": "Coupon_Description",
                "linkMo": "Mobile link",
                "linkPc": "PC_link",
                "schemeIos": "iOS_App_Link",
                "schemeAndroid": "Android_app_link"
            "header": "Carousel_item_header",
            "message": "Carousel_item_message",
            "attachment": {
              "buttons": [
                  "type": "WL",
                  "name": "button_name",
                  "linkMo": "Mobile_link",
                  "linkPc": "PC_link",
                  "schemeIos": "iOS_app_link",
                  "schemeAndroid": "Android_app_link"
              "image": {
                "attachmentId": "Attachment_File_Id",
                "imageLink": "Image_Link_URL"
              "coupon": {
                "title": "Coupon_Title",
                "description": "Coupon_Description",
                "linkMo": "Mobile link",
                "linkPc": "PC_link",
                "schemeIos": "iOS_App_Link",
                "schemeAndroid": "Android_app_link"
        "tail": {
          "linkMo": "Mobile_link",
          "linkPc": "PC_link",
          "schemeAndroid": "Android_app_link",
          "schemeIos": "iOS_app_link"
Name Type Required Description
sender Object Y Sender
sender.senderKey Object Y Outgoing profile_outgoing_key
content Object Y Message content
content.messageType String Y Message types
content.carousel Object Y Carousel
content.carousel.list Object Array Y Carousel lists (minimum 2, maximum 10)
content.carousel.list[].header String Y Carousel item title (up to 20 characters), only available for carousel feeds
content.carousel.list[].message String Y Carousel item message (up to 180 characters), only available in carousel feeds
content.carousel.list[].attachment Object N Carousel item images, button information
content.carousel.list[].attachment.buttons Object Array N Button list (up to 2)
content.carousel.list[].attachment.buttons[].type String Y Button type
WL (Web Link), AL (App Link), BK (Bot Keyword), MD (Message Delivery), BF (Business Form)
content.carousel.list[].attachment.buttons[].name String Y Button name
content.carousel.list[].attachment.buttons[].linkMo String N Link mobile, required if button type is WL
content.carousel.list[].attachment.buttons[].linkPc String N Link PC
content.carousel.list[].attachment.buttons[].schemeIos String N iOS app link
content.carousel.list[].attachment.buttons[].schemeAndroid String N Android app link
content.carousel.list[].attachment.image Object Y Carousel images
content.carousel.list[].attachment.image.attachmentId String Y Attachment ID
content.carousel.list[].attachment.image.imageLink String N Image link URL
content.carousel.list[] Object N Coupons
content.carousel.list[] String Y Title, if limited to 5 formats
"${number}One discount coupon" number is 1 or greater than or equal to 99,999,999
"${number}% off coupon" number is at least 1 and no more than 100
"Shipping discount coupon"

"${7 characters or less} free coupon"
"${7 characters or less} UP coupon"
content.carousel.list[] String Y Coupon description (up to 12 characters for plain text, image, carousel feed / up to 18 characters for wide image, wide item list)
content.carousel.list[] String N Link Mobile
content.carousel.list[] String N Link PC
content.carousel.list[] String N iOS app link
content.carousel.list[] String N Android app link
content.carousel.tail Object N About the carousel more button
content.carousel.tail.linkMo String Y Mobile web link
content.carousel.tail.linkPc String N Mobile web link
content.carousel.tail.schemeIos String N Mobile web link
content.carousel.tail.schemeAndroid String N Mobile web link


  "sender": {
    "senderMailAddress": ""
  "recipients": [
      "contacts": [
          "contactType": "EMAIL_ADDRESS",
          "contact": ""
  "content": {
    "title": "[NHN Cloud Notification Hub] Announcement",
    "body": "Hello. This is NHN Cloud Notification Hub",
    "attachmentIds": [
Name Type Required Description
sender Object N Sender, Push, and other message channels are required
sender.senderMailAddress Object N Sender email address
content Object Y Message content
content.title Object Y Title
content.Object Y Content
content.attachmentIds String Array N Attachment ID
  • The domain in the sender email address must be verified as owned.
  • You can upload up to 10 attachments that are no larger than 30 MB.
  • Attachments can't exceed a maximum of 30 MB in total.
  • You can attach up to 30 MB, but depending on the attachment limit policy of the receiving email system (,, etc.), we recommend attachments that are 10 MB or less, as they may be rejected for exceeding the limit or result in a higher spam flagging rate.
  • Only EMAIL_ADDRESS is allowed in the recipients[].contacts[].contactType field.
  • In the recipients[].contacts[].contact field, enter the recipient email addresses.


  "statsId": "Statistics_Id",
  "scheduledDateTime": "2024-10-29T06:29:00+09:00",
  "confirmBeforeSend": false,
  "recipients": [
      "contacts": [
          "contactType": "TOKEN_FCM",
          "contact": "Token"
  "content": {
    "unsubscribePhoneNumber": "1234-1234",
    "unsubscribeGuide": "Settings > Menu",
    "style": {
      "useHtmlStyle": true
    "title" : "<b>NHN Cloud </b> Notification",
    "body" : "<b>Launch event</b> <i>Check out the announcement</i>",
    "richMessage" : {
      "buttons" : [{
        "name" : "Button name",
        "submitName": "Submit button name",
        "buttonType" : "REPLY",
        "link" : "myapp://product_detail?product_id=1234",
        "hint" : "Hint for the button"
      "media" : {
        "source" : "URL",
        "mediaType" : "IMAGE",
        "expandable" : true
      "androidMedia": {
        "source" : "URL",
        "mediaType" : "IMAGE",
        "expandable" : true
      "iosMedia": {
        "source" : "URL",
        "mediaType" : "IMAGE",
        "expandable" : true
      "largeIcon" : {
        "source" : "URL"
      "group" : {
        "key" : "Key of the group",
        "description" : "Description of the group"
    "customKey" : "customValue"
Name Type Required Description
content Object Y Message content
content.unsubscribePhoneNumber String Representative numbers for unsubscribing from push messages
content.unsubscribeGuide String Instructions for unsubscribing from push messages
content.title String Y Title
content.String Y Content Boolean Y Using HTML styles (Android only)
content.richMessage Object Rich Messages
content.richMessage Object N Required when using Rich Messages
content.richMessage.buttons Object Array N Buttons added to the rich message, up to a maximum of three String Button name
content.richMessage.button.buttonType String Button type, REPLY, DEEP_LINK, OPEN_APP, OPEN_URL, DISMISS String button, the link to the
content.richMessage.button.hint String Hints for buttons Object N Media added to rich messages String The address, URL, and LOCAL_RESOURCE of where the media is located. String N Type of media, IMAGE, GIF, VEDIO, AUDIO. Only IMAGE is supported on Android. Boolean N Whether to enable expand on click media on Android
content.richMessage.androidMedia Object N Media used on Android devices. Format is the same as media
content.richMessage.iosMedia Object N The media used on iOS devices. The format is the same as media.
content.richMessage.largeIcon Object N Large icons added to rich messages, only available on Android
content.richMessage.largeIcon.source String Y The address of where the media is located Object N Ability to group multiple messages together, only available on Android String Y Keys in a group String Y Description of the group
content.customKey Object Array or String Array N Custom keys and values
  • Pushes don't require a sender field.
  • Pushes can build content fields by adding user-defined keys and values.
  • The recipients[].contacts[].contactType field must be one of the following: TOKEN_FCM, TOKEN_APNS, TOKEN_ADM, TOKEN_APNS_SANDBOX, TOKEN_APNS_VOIP, TOKEN_APNS_VOIP_SANDBOX.
  • In the recipients[].contacts[].contact field, enter the push token.

Request to send a template message


POST /message/v1.0/{messageChannel}/template-messages/{messagePurpose}
X-NC-APP-KEY: {appKey}
X-NHN-Authorization: Bearer {accessToken}

Request Parameter

Name In Type Required Description
appKey Header String Y Appkey
accessToken Header String Y Authentication Token
messageChannel Path String Y Message channels
messagePurpose Path String Y Message purpose

Request Body

  "statsKeyId": "Statistics_Id",
  "scheduledDateTime": "2024-10-29T00:06:29+09:00",
  "confirmBeforeSend": false,
  "templateId": "Template_Id",
  "templateParameters": {
    "key1": "value1",
    "key2": "value2",
    "key3": {
        "key4": "value4",
        "key5": "value5"
  "recipients": [
      "contacts": [
          "contactType": "PHONE_NUMBER",
          "contact": "01012345678"
      "templateParameters": {
        "key3": {
          "key4": "value4",
          "key5": "value5"
        "key6": "value6"
Name Type Required Description
statsKeyId String N Statistics Key ID
scheduledDateTime DateTime(ISO 8601) N Scheduled send date (e.g., 2024-10-29T06:29:00+09:00)
confirmBeforeSend Boolean N Whether to verify before sending (default false)
templateId String Y Template ID
templateParameters Object N Template parameter
recipients Object Array Y Receiver Array
recipients[].contacts Object Array Y Arrange the recipient's contacts
recipients[].contacts[].contactType String Y Contact types
recipients[].contacts[].contact String Y Contact
recipients[].templateParameters Object N Template parameter
  • Template parameters must match the parameters defined in the template.
  • Template parameters are divided into common template parameters and recipient template parameters.
  • Common template parameters are parameters that apply equally to all recipients. Recipient template parameters are used to apply parameters that are different for each recipient.
  • If no recipient template parameters exist, only common template parameters are applied. If common template parameters and recipient template parameters overlap, the recipient template parameters take precedence.
  • The value of a template parameter can be of type string, array, or object. The array or object types are available in the FREE_MARKER template.

Response Body

  "header": {
    "isSuccessful": true,
    "resultCode": 0,
    "resultMessage": "SUCCESS"
  "messageId": "Message_Id"

Request example

IntelliJ HTTP
### Sending a template message
POST {{endpoint}}/message/v1.0/SMS/template-messages/NORMAL
Content-Type: application/json
X-NC-APP-KEY: {{appKey}}
X-NHN-Authorization: {{authorizationToken}}

  "statsKeyId": "Statistics_Id",
  "scheduledDateTime": "2024-10-29T00:06:29+09:00",
  "confirmBeforeSend": false,
  "templateId": "Template_Id",
  "templateParameters": {
    "key1": "value1",
    "key2": "value2",
    "key3": {
        "key4": "value4",
        "key5": "value5"
  "recipients": [
      "contacts": [
          "contactType": "PHONE_NUMBER",
          "contact": "01012345678"
      "templateParameters": {
        "key3": {
          "key4": "value4",
          "key5": "value5"
        "key6": "value6"
curl -X POST "${ENDPOINT}/message/v1.0/SMS/template-messages/${MESSAGE_PURPOSE}" \
     -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
     -h "x-nc-app-key: ${app_key}" \
     -H "X-NHN-Authorization: ${ACCESS_TOKEN}" \
     -d '{
        "statsKeyId": "Statistics_Id",
        "scheduledDateTime": "2024-10-29T00:06:29+09:00",
        "confirmBeforeSend": false,
        "templateId": "Template_Id",
        "templateParameters": {
            "key1": "value1",
            "key2": "value2",
            "key3": {
                "key4": "value4",
                "key5": "value5"
        "recipients": [
            "contacts": [
                "contactType": "PHONE_NUMBER",
                "contact": "01012345678"
            "templateParameters": {
                "key3": {
                "key4": "value4",
                "key5": "value5"
                "key6": "value6"

Request to send a flow message


POST /message/v1.0/flow-messages/{messagePurpose}
X-NC-APP-KEY: {appKey}
X-NHN-Authorization: Bearer {accessToken}

Request Parameter

Name In Type Required Description
appKey Header String Y Appkey
accessToken Header String Y Authentication Token
messagePurpose Path String Y Message purpose

Request Body

  "statsKeyId": "Statistics_Id",
  "scheduledDateTime": "2024-10-29T00:06:29+09:00",
  "confirmBeforeSend": false,
  "flowId": "Template_Id",
  "templateParameters": {
    "key1": "value1",
    "key2": "value2",
    "key3": {
        "key4": "value4",
        "key5": "value5"
  "recipients": [
      "contacts": [
          "contactType": "TOKEN_FCM",
          "contact": "token"
          "contactType": "EMAIL_ADDRESS",
          "contact": ""
          "contactType": "PHONE_NUMBER",
          "contact": "01012345679"
      "templateParameters": {
        "key3": {
          "key4": "value4",
          "key5": "value5"
        "key6": "value6"
Name Type Required Description
statsKeyId String N Statistics Key ID
scheduledDateTime DateTime(ISO 8601) N Scheduled send date (e.g., 2024-10-29T06:29:00+09:00)
confirmBeforeSend Boolean N Whether to verify before sending (default false)
flowId String Y Template ID
templateParameters Object N Message common template parameters
recipients Object Array Y Receiver Array
recipients[].contacts Object Array Y Arrange the recipient's contacts
recipients[].contacts[].contactType String Y Contact types
recipients[].contacts[].contact String Y Contact
recipients[].templateParameters Object N Recipient-specific template parameters
  • Sending flow messages uses the same template parameters as sending template messages.
  • The recipient's contacts must contain all of the contacts required for the message channel used by the flow.

Response Body

  "header": {
    "isSuccessful": true,
    "resultCode": 0,
    "resultMessage": "SUCCESS"
  "messageId": "Message_Id"

Request example

IntelliJ HTTP
### Send a flow message
POST {{endpoint}}/message/v1.0/flow-messages/{{messagePurpose}}
Content-Type: application/json
X-NC-APP-KEY: {{appKey}}
X-NHN-Authorization: {{authorizationToken}}

  "statsKeyId": "Statistics_Id",
  "scheduledDateTime": "2024-10-29T00:06:29+09:00",
  "confirmBeforeSend": false,
  "flowId": "Template_Id",
  "templateParameters": {
    "key1": "value1",
    "key2": "value2",
    "key3": {
        "key4": "value4",
        "key5": "value5"
  "recipients": [
      "contacts": [
          "contactType": "TOKEN_FCM",
          "contact": "token"
          "contactType": "EMAIL_ADDRESS",
          "contact": ""
        "templateParameters": {
          "key3": {
            "key4": "value4",
            "key5": "value5"
          "key6": "value6"
curl -X POST "${ENDPOINT}/message/v1.0/flow-messages/${MESSAGE_PURPOSE}" \
     -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
     -h "x-nc-app-key: ${app_key}" \
     -H "X-NHN-Authorization: ${ACCESS_TOKEN}" \
     -d '{
       "statsKeyId": "Statistics_Id",
       "scheduledDateTime": "2024-10-29T00:06:29+09:00",
       "confirmBeforeSend": false,
       "flowId": "Template_Id",
       "templateParameters": {
         "key1": "value1",
         "key2": "value2",
         "key3": {
           "key4": "value4",
           "key5": "value5"
       "recipients": [
           "contacts": [
               "contactType": "TOKEN_FCM",
               "contact": "token"
               "contactType": "EMAIL_ADDRESS",
               "contact": ""
           "templateParameters": {
             "key3": {
               "key4": "value4",
               "key5": "value5"
             "key6": "value6"

Cancel a message request

Cancel a sending request for a scheduled message before it is sent, or a sent message after it is approved. Canceled messages can be viewed in the Receipts by contact view.


POST /message/v1.0/messages/{messageId}/do-cancel
X-NC-APP-KEY: {appKey}
X-NHN-Authorization: Bearer {accessToken}

Request Parameter

Name In Type Required Description
appKey Header String Y Appkey
accessToken Header String Y Authentication Token
messageId Path String Y Message ID

Request Body

This API does not require a request body.

Response Body

  "header": {
    "isSuccessful": true,
    "resultCode": 0,
    "resultMessage": "SUCCESS"

Request example

IntelliJ HTTP
### Cancel a message request
POST {{endpoint}}/message/v1.0/messages/{{messageId}}/do-cancel
Content-Type: application/json
X-NC-APP-KEY: {{appKey}}
X-NHN-Authorization: {{accessToken}}
curl -X POST "${ENDPOINT}/message/v1.0/messages/${MESSAGE_ID}/do-cancel" \
     -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
     -H "X-NC-APP-KEY: ${APP_KEY}" \
     -H "X-NHN-Authorization: ${ACCESS_TOKEN}"