Notification > Notification Hub > Usage Policy and Preset Guide > Push
To send push messages from Notification Hub, you need the Credentials issued by the push service.
The push services supported by Notification Hub are as follows.
* FCM(firebase cloud messaging): Android device
* APNS(apple push notification service): iPhone
* ADM(amazon device messaging): Amazon Kindle, Fire etc.
How to issue push Credentials
FCM Service Account Credential
Service Account Credential is required to send push notification messages to Android devices.
Service Account (Service Account) is a special type of account that is commonly used to communicate with Google Cloud for Application to Application (A2A).
Obtain FCM Service Account Credential JSON file
- Access to Google Firebase Console.
- Create a new project by adding a project.
- Move to the created project.
- Click the gear icon next to the project overview at the top left of the page, and then click Project Settings.
- Select Service Account.
- In the Firebase Admin SDK entry, click Create a new private key to download the new Service Account Credential JSON file.
Register FCM Service Account Credential JSON file
- Click Notification > Push > certificates on the console.
- Open the downloaded JSON file and copy the content.
- Paste the copy into the FCM Service Account Credential entry and click Register.
Obtain APNS JWT credentials
To send push notification messages to iOS devices, you need an encryption key and key ID (Key ID), Team ID (App ID Prefix), and Topic issued by the Apple Developer site.
Getting an APNS encryption key
- From Apple Developer Console go to Certificates, IDs & Profiles.
- Select Keys.
- Select Create a key.
- Enter the key name in Register a New Key, select Apple Push Notification Service (APNs) in ENABLE and continue to Continue.
- Select Register after checking the contents.
- Select Download to receive the encryption key file.
Obtain Key ID
- From Apple Developer Console go to Certificates, IDs & Profiles.
- Select the issued key.
- You can find it in View Key Details item.
Obtain team ID
- From Apple Developer Console go to Certificates, IDs & Profiles.
- Select Identifiers.
- You can find it in Edit your App ID Configuration section.
For authentication using JWT, Topic is required, and the topic is the Bundle ID of App.
ADM credentials
App's Client ID and Client Secret are required to send push notification messages to Kindle Fire app.
Register ADM Application and Profile (ClientId, Obtain Client Secret)
- Access to ADM Developer Console.
- Click APP & SERVICS at the top left of the page, and then click Adda New App at the bottom.
- Once the app is created, click Device Messaging on the middle tab and click Create a New Security Profile.
- After the profile is created, click Security Profiles > View Security Profile on the middle tab.
- You can check the Client ID and Client Secret values on General tab.
- Click Security Profiles tab, and then click Android/KindleSetting tab in the middle.
- Enter the App Key Name, Package, MD5 Signature, and SHA256 Signature information.
You can query MD5 and SHA256 information with the following commands.
> keytool -list -v -keystore {keystoreFileName}
Enter key storage password:
Key storage type: JKS
Key storage provider: SUN
Key storage contains 1 entry.
Alias name: androidebugkey
Date Created: May 9, 2018
Item Type: PrivateKeyEntry
Certificate chain length: 1
Certificate [1]:
Owner: C=US, O=Android, CN=Android Debug
Publisher: C=US, O=Android, CN=Android Debug
Serial Number: 1
Suitable Start Date: Wed May 09 19:59:46 KST 2018; End Date: Fri May 01 19:59:46 KST 2048
Certificate Fingerprint:
MD5: xxxx
SHA1: xxxx
SHA256: xxxx
Signature Algorithm Name: SHA1withRSA
Subject Public Key Algorithm: 1024-bit RSA key
Version: 1
4. Click Show after you complete the registration to view the API key information.