Added the Alternative Delivery Status and Alternative Delivery Time fields when querying message lists from the Send Result tab.
[API] Added a response field to the Query List API
Added the Alternative Delivery Status and Alternative Delivery Time fields to the response of the Query List API for all message types (SMS/LMS/MMS/Template).
[API] Improved error response of the send API
Reinforced verification of requests when calling the send API.
July 25, 2023
Feature Updates
[Console] Improved the identity verification process
Improved so that, when identity verification is rejected or requested again, users can change business registration certificates registered in the organization.
Added the attachment field when verifying identities.
June 27, 2023
Release of a New Service
RCS Bizmessage service provides RCS Bizmessage sending and brand, chatbot, and template management features.
With the RCS Bizmessage service, you can send messages and provide brand information for connection between companies and customers through brand management and also send various types of messages.