Notification > SMS > Result Code

API Result Code

Service Successful or not Result code Result code message API response message
Common true 0 Successful SUCCESS
Common false 4 Parameter validation failed
Common false -1000 Invalid appkey Invalid appKey.
Common false -1001 Not exist appkey Service does not exist.
Common false -1002 Terminated appkey Service is disabled.
Common false -1003 Member not included in the project Not project member id.
Common false -1004 Not allowed IP Not allow ip.
Common false -1007 Invalid member MemberType is invalid.
Common false -1008 Blocked project Service is blocked.
Common false -9995 Invalid API version Invalid api version.
Common false -9996 Invalid content type. Only application/JSON Only application/json Content-type is supported.
Common false -9997 Invalid JSON type Invalid API parameters.
Common false -9998 Not exist API Not exist API.
Common false -9999 System error (unexpected error) System error. Please inquire at
Send/Query false -1005 Invalid search condition Service parameter is invalid.
Send/Query false -1006 Invalid delivery message format (messageType) MessageType is invalid.
Send/Query false -2000 Invalid date format Date format error.
Send/Query false -2001 Recipient is missing RecipientList can not be null.
Send/Query false -2002 Name of attached file is invalid Invalid attach file name.
Send/Query false -2003 Extension of attached file is not jpg or jpeg Attach file required jpg or jpeg.
Send/Query false -2004 The attachment has expired or does not exist File is expired or does not exist.
Send/Query false -2005 Attached file is sized 300KB or more The file size must be greater than 0 and less than 300KB.
Send/Query false -2006 Delivery type in template setting is not consistent with requested type Invalid template type.
Send/Query false -2008 Request ID (requestId) is invalid Invalid requestId.
Send/Query false -2009 Attached file is not properly uploaded due to server error Upload attach file error.
Send/Query false -2010 Upload type of attachment is invalid (server error) Upload attach file type can not be empty.
Send/Query false -2011 Required query parameters are missing (requestId or startRequestDate, endRequestdate) RequestId or start/endRequestDate or start/endCreateDate is required.
Send/Query false -2012 When detailed query parameter is invalid (requestId or mtPr) Search parameter is invalid.(requestId and mtPr).
Send/Query false -2014 Title or body is missing The recipient can not be empty.
Send/Query false -2015 Title or body exceed maximum byte Title or Body exceed maximum byte.
Send/Query false -2016 The number of recipients is over 1,000 The max recipient size is 1000.
Send/Query false -2017 Failed to create excel Making Excel file is failed.
Send/Query false -2018 Recipient number is missing RecipientNo can not be empty.
Send/Query false -2019 Recipient number is invalid RecipientNo is invalid.
Send/Query false -2021 System error (failed in saving queue) System error. Failed insert queue.
Send/Query false -2022 Request date and time is set earlier than the current time RequestDate is not before currentDate.
Send/Query false -2023 Title or body includes characters that are not allowed (e.g. emojis) Unacceptable characters in title and body.
Send/Query false -2024 International delivery is sent with LMS/MMS LMS/MMS Type is not sent to outside of Korea.
Send/Query false -2044 Request is sent to unavailable country Invalid countryCode for sending.
Send/Query false -2045 International sending is blocked International sending blocked by service.
Send/Query false -2046 Sent to blocked country Blocked country by service.
Send/Query false -2047 Exceeded the block limit Blocked by total indicator.
Send/Query false -2048 Exceeded the international message body limit International message body exceed maximum length.
Send/Query false -2050 Failed to convert to international delivery(Unable to convert) Conversion status is not ready.
Send/Query false -2051 Failed to send due to Conversion Rate Based Sending Blocking Conversion rate is lower than threshold.
Send/Query false -4000 Query range is more than a month Search is possible within one month.
Send/Query false -8000 If authentication doesn't include a authentication statement The body must contain auth guide ment.
Template false -2100 Template ID is missing The templateId can not be empty.
Template false -2101 Already registered Template ID Already used templateId.
Template false -2102 Template name is missing The template name can not be empty.
Template false -2103 Sender number is missing The sendNo can not be empty.
Template false -2104 Delivery type is missing (0: sms, 1: mms) The sendType can not be empty.(0-sms, 1-mms)
Template false -2105 Body is missing The body can not be empty.
Template false -2106 Use or not is invalid UseYn is invalid.
Template false -2107 Invalid Template ID(When modifying/deleting) Invalid template.
Template false -2108 Category ID is missing The categoryId can not be empty.
Template false -2109 Template ID exceeds 50 characters TemplateId length must be under 50.
Template false -2110 Not exist Template Template is not exist.
Template false -2111 Invalid Template parameter Template add parameter is invalid.
Template false -2112 Exceeded the maximum available number of templates for registration (Max: 1000) The maximum number of registered templates.
Template false -2114 Title is empty The title can not be empty.
Template false -2115 Title exceeds 120 characters Title length must be under 120.
Template false -2116 Body length exceeds 255 characters, for SMS delivery SMS Body length must be under 255.
Template false -2117 Body length exceeds 4000 characters, for LMS/MMS delivery LMS/MMS Body length must be under 4000.
Template false -2043 Attached file for template registration is already registered at another template Already used attachFileId
Template false -2044 Request is sent to unavailable country Invalid countryCode for sending.
Template false -2045 International sending is blocked International sending blocked by service.
Template false -2046 Sent to blocked country Blocked country by service.
Template false -2047 Exceeded the block limit Blocked by total indicator.
Category false -2200 Invalid category parameter (to register) Invalid add category parameter.(categoryName, useYn)
Category false -2201 Invalid category parameter (to modify) Invalid modify category parameter.(categoryId, categoryName, useYn)
Category false -2202 Invalid category (failed to query category) Invalid category.
Category false -2203 Parent category does not exist CategoryParentId is invalid.
Category false -2204 Use or not is invalid UseYn is invalid.
Category false -2205 Deleting the highest category Cannot delete the highest category.
Category false -2206 Category does not exist Category is not exist.
Sender number false -2312 Sender number is missing or unregistered Not regist sendno.
Sender number false -2313 Blocked Sender number This sendno is blocked.
Statistics false -2700 Invalid statistics range Invalid search period.
Statistics false -2701 Invalid statistics search parameter Invalid statistics search parameter.
Statistics false -2703 Invalid detail range of statistics Invalid duration time.
Statistics false -2704 Invalid statistics parameter Invalid stats parameter.
Statistics false -2706 Internal statistics error (failed to call API) Failed read stats.
080 Call Rejection false -6000 Call rejection is not used Block service is not joined.
080 Call Rejection false -6001 Refused recipient number Recipient Number is refused.
080 Call Rejection false -6003 Body does not include guide message on call rejection The body must contain block guide ment.
080 Call Rejection false -6004 Call rejection numbers are empty or unsubscribed This is not a joined unsubscribeNo.
Tag false -7000 Internal tag error (failed to call API) Fail to call Tag API.
Tag false -7001 Invalid parameter Invalid parameter.
Tag false -7002 Failed to read .csv file Invalid csv read.

Result Code of Receiving

Category Result code Classification Description
Telecom Provider 1000 Successful Success
Telecom Provider 1001 Failure Server Busy
Telecom Provider 1002 Failure Receiving number format error
Telecom Provider 1003 Failure Reply-to number format error
Telecom Provider 1019 Failure Exceeded TTL
Telecom Provider 2000 Failure Delivery time exceeded
Telecom Provider 2001 Failure Delivery failed (mobile network)
Telecom Provider 2002 Failure Delivery failed (mobile network -> device)
Telecom Provider 2003 Failure Device power off
Telecom Provider 2004 Failure Device message buffer full
Telecom Provider 2005 Failure Grey area
Telecom Provider 2006 Failure Message deleted
Telecom Provider 2007 Failure Temporary device issue
Telecom Provider 3000 Failure Unavailable to transfer
Telecom Provider 3001 Failure No subscriber available
Telecom Provider 3002 Failure Adult authentication failed
Telecom Provider 3003 Failure Recipient number format error or missing (unavailable number)
Telecom Provider 3004 Failure Temporary service suspension on device
Telecom Provider 3005 Failure Device call processing status, Not reach to the device
Telecom Provider 3006 Failure Incoming call denied
Telecom Provider 3007 Failure Device unavailable to receive callback URL
Telecom Provider 3008 Failure Other device issues
Telecom Provider 3009 Failure Message format error
Telecom Provider 3010 Failure Device not supporting MMS
Telecom Provider 3011 Failure Server error
Telecom Provider 3012 Failure Spam
Telecom Provider 3013 Failure Service rejected
Telecom Provider 3014 Failure Others
Telecom Provider 3015 Failure No transfer route available
Telecom Provider 3016 Failure Size restriction failed for attached file
Telecom Provider 3017 Failure Number format error based on sender number tampering prevention service
Telecom Provider 3018 Failure Individual subscriber phone number subscribed to the sender number tampering prevention service
Telecom Provider 3019 Failure Sender numbers that KISA or the Ministry of Science and ICT has blocked for all customers.
ETC E911 Failure No attached file extension available
ETC E913 Failure Attached file size is 0
ETC E915 Failure Duplicate messages
ETC E919 Failure Resending message is prohibited during when delivery is restricted
ETC E999 Failure Other errors

DLR result code

DLR status code

DLR status code Description
DELIVERED Message has been delivered
ACCEPTED Message has been accepted for delivery, but has not yet been delivered
BUFFERED Message has been buffered for later delivery
EXPIRED Message was held at downstream carrier's retry scheme and could not be delivered within the expiry time
FAILED Message not delivered
REJECTED Downstream carrier refuses to deliver message
UNKNOWN No useful information available

DLR error code

DLR error code Description Notes
0 Delivered Message was delivered successfully
1 Unknown Message was not delivered, and no reason could be determined
2 Absent Subscriber - Temporary Message was not delivered because handset was temporarily unavailable - retry
3 Absent Subscriber - Permanent The number is no longer active and should be removed from your database
4 Call Barred by User This is a permanent error:the number should be removed from your database and the user must contact their network operator to remove the bar
5 Portability Error There is an issue relating to portability of the number and you should contact the network operator to resolve it
6 Anti-Spam Rejection The message has been blocked by a carrier's anti-spam filter
7 Handset Busy The handset was not available at the time the message was sent - retry
8 Network Error The message failed due to a network error - retry
9 Illegal Number The user has specifically requested not to receive messages from a specific service
11 Unroutable NHN Cloud cannot find a suitable route to deliver the message - contact support
12 Destination Unreachable A route to the number cannot be found - confirm the recipient's number
13 Subscriber Age Restriction The target cannot receive your message due to their age
14 Number Blocked by Carrier The recipient should ask their carrier to enable SMS on their plan
16 Gateway Quota Exceeded Message delivery failed because the allowed number of requests per period was exceeded. This error is shown for accounts registered in the US and France only
20 Fraud Defender Traffic Rule The message has been rejected by Traffic Pumping issue -contact support
21 Abnormal Sequential Dialing Detected The High Density Contact Number Range threshold has been exceeded
22 Abnormal Traffic Burst Detected The Relative Increase threshold has been exceeded
39 Illegal sender address for US destination The message to US failed due to sendNo problem - contact support
51 Header Filter The message failed due to sendNo problem - contact support
53 Consent Filter The message failed due to consent not being authorized
54 Regulation Error Unexpected regulation error - contact support
99 General Error Typically refers to an error in the route - contact support
1000 ETC Error ETC error

Query Delivery Codes

Result Code of Receiving

Code Value Description
MTR1 Successful
MTR2 Failed

Detail Result Code of Receiving

Code Value Description
MTR2_1 Validity Check Failed
MTR2_2 Issue of Telecom Provider
MTR2_3 Issue of Device