Search > Corporation Search > API Guide

By calling APIs as below, closure or cessation of business operations can be queried.

Request for Query of Business Closure/Cessation

[HTTP Request]

POST   [Content-Type : application/x-www-form-urlencoded]{appkey}/requests?p={param}

[Path Parameters]

Name Data Type Description
appkey String AppKey
p String Encrypted request body parameter

[Request Body Parameters]

Name Data Type Description
custNo long Client number (available on NHN Cloud Console)
crtKey String Client authentication key (available on NHN Cloud Console)
bnoList String Business registration number (one or many)

[Example of Request]


Encrypt JSON data in AES256 and process them as URLEncoder(UTF-8) 

[Example of Request URL]

[Example of Response]

    "header": {
        "resultCode": 0,
        "resultMessage": "Properly requested.",
        "successful": true
    "data": {
        "reqNo": 68,
        "reqCnt": 8,
    “reqDate” : “2015-12-10 10:10:10”


Name Data Type Description
reqNo long Request number
resultCnt int Requested number of business registration numbers
reqDate String Date and time of request

Check Status of Request for Query of Business Closure/Cessation

[HTTP request]


[Path Parameters]

Name Data Type Description
appkey String AppKey
p String Encrypted request body parameter

[Request body Parameters]

Name Data Type Description
custNo long Client number (available on NHN Cloud Console)
crtKey String Client authentication key (available on NHN Cloud Console)
reqNo long Request number

[Example of Request]


Encrypt JSON data in AES256 and process them as URLEncoder(UTF-8)

[Example of Request URL]

[Example of Response]

    "header": {
        "resultCode": 0,
        "resultMessage": "Properly requested.",
        "successful": true
    "data": {
        "reqNo": 68,
        "resultDate": “2015-11-11 10:10:10”,


Name Data Type Description
reqNo long Request number
resultDate String Date and time of completion

Receive Result of Request for Query of Business Closure/Cessation

[HTTP request]


[Path Parameters]

Name Data Type Description
appkey String AppKey
p String Encrypted request body parameter

[Request body Parameters]

Name Data Type Description
custNo long Client number (available on NHN Cloud Console)
crtKey String Client authentication key (available on NHN Cloud Console)
reqNo long Request number
scn String [Y,N] Query flag of business name [not required]

[Example of Request]


Encrypt JSON data in AES256 and process them as URLEncoder(UTF-8)

[Example of Request URL]

[Example of Response]

    "header": {
        "resultCode": 0,
        "resultMessage": "Completely requested for query.",
        "successful": true
    "data": {
        "reqNo": 58,
        "resultCnt": 8,
        "resultDate": "2015-11-11 10:10:10",
        "resultEncrytData": "8LAT2G8kMp1rFby+n0gWIDYhpnO/sDSU2zMyp0tLnb9Y901/+sw5agirJsWgpJm6s81R1uwOyC+zzBOG98H+WrC1zAMHX1U5tcpbgF+RSeQdx//8r6Af1NXQ3FZ/IsVJnhvttKEqnpFVzGt11zhNz1Tunj ㅍ4d+N+MWYEr7BW2izaQXxRlZ0HX8X8lEiJp7JutKO9BKpZbAtR471SsDAtT6gS845CayO2ojA6ujpqtF/v/ZQei+0KEF10eBwutGTmn1i891E7K/NzdsQbu8qeau7Ksx+QrLSm0SaPHrK71XFjincB/xxXp12xc1zsZK3drQQ/U2xbiAY3CPqTXdNjWpj/iBRZaagQcC6VVvlIrMJ4t4O+cr7xsW5iMgmcpg75dPpsa4pkG8V0S9YKGg24TH+qfM7RZ9Xh7m+OSZMQRtbFT4fLLawB4E7mMKRPCBjmR3elQ0vVrNhWZ8kFt+a8C4D+EdWTIplvkS13tKkFFCF4=",


Name Data Type Description
reqNo long Request number
resultCnt int Number of completed data
resultDate String Date and time of completion
resultEncrytData String Encrypted data of business closure/cessation

Process URLDecoder of corresponding resultEncrytData, and decrypt AES256

[{"bno":"1234567890","bnoCd":"01","bnoCont":"General taxpayer for value-added tax.","bnoDate":"2015-11-11 10:10:10"}
,{"bno":"1234567890","bnoCd":"01","bnoCont":"General taxpayer for value-added tax.","bnoDate":"2015-11-11 10:10:10"}
,{"bno":"1234567890","bnoCd":"01","bnoCont":"General taxpayer for value-added tax.","bnoDate":"2015-11-10 10:10:10"}]
Name Data Type Description
bno String Business registration number
bnoCd String Result code
bnoCont String Query result
bnoDate String Date of query
custNm String Business name (included only when scn is Y)

Check Recent Request Number for Query of Business Closure/Cessation

[HTTP request]


[Path Parameters]

Name Data Type Description
appkey String AppKey
p String Encrypted request body parameter

[Request body Parameters]

Name Data Type Description
custNo long Client number (available on NHN Cloud Console)
crtKey String Client authentication key (available on NHN Cloud Console)

[Example of Request]


Encrypt JSON data in AES256 and process them as URLEncoder(UTF-8)

[Example of Request URL]

[Example of Response]

    "header": {
        "resultCode": 0,
        "resultMessage": "Properly requested.",
        "successful": true
    "data": {
        "recentReqNo": 68,
        "recentReqDate": “2015-11-11 10:10:10”,


Name Data Type Description
recentReqNo long Recent request number
recentReqDate String Recent date/time of request

Check Requests of Recent 1 Week for Query of Business Closure/Cessation

[HTTP Request]


[Path Parameters]

Name Data Type Description
appkey String AppKey
p String Encrypted request body parameter

[Request body Parameters]

Name Data Type Description
custNo long Client number (available on NHN Cloud Console)
crtKey String Client authentication key (available on NHN Cloud Console)

[Example of Request]

Encrypt JSON data in AES256 and process them as URLEncoder(UTF-8)

[Example of Request URL]

[Example of Response]

    "header": {
        "resultCode": 0,
        "resultMessage": "Properly requested.",
        "successful": true
    "data": {
        "reqList ": “[{“reqNo”:68,”reqStatCd”:”REQUEST”,”reqYmdt”:”2015-10-10 10:10:10”,”trtYmdt”:””,”reqCnt”:20}
, [{“reqNo”:69,”reqStatCd”:”COMPLETE”,”reqYmdt”:”2015-10-10 10:10:10”,”trtYmdt”:” 2015-10-12 10:10:10”,”reqCnt”:20}]”


Name Data Type Description
reqNo long Request number
reqStatCd String Status of request
reqYmdt String Date/time of request
trtYmdt String Date/time of receiving result
reqCnt int Number of requests


Table of Query Result Codes

Code Result
00 Business owner who is not operating business
01 General taxpayer for value-added tax
02 Simplified taxpayer for value-added tax
03 Business owner who is exempted from value-added tax
04 Non-profit corporations or organization who own original numbers: national institutions
05 Ceased business owner
06 Closed business owner
09 Others

Encrypt AES 256

Use CBC for the development of encryption module, or PKCS5Padding for padding [Example] Cipher cipher = Cipher.getInstance("AES/CBC/PKCS5Padding")

Apply UTF-8 to encode character sets