Storage > NAS > Console User Guide

Create Storage

New storage is created. The created storage can be accessed from instances by using the network file system (NFS) protocol.

Item Description
Name Name of the storage to be created. The NFS access path can be created with the storage name. Storage name is limited to less than 100 alphabetic characters, numbers, and some symbols ('-', '_').
Description A description for storage
Size Size of the storage to be created. It can be entered from a minimum of 300 GB to a maximum of 10,000 GB.
VPC The virtual private cloud (VPC) to access the storage.
Subnet The subnet to access the storage. Only subnets in the selected VPC can be chosen.
Access Control List (ACL) A list of the IPs or CIDR blocks that allow read and write permissions.
Auto Create Snapshot Snapshots are created automatically at a specified time once per day. When the maximum number of saves is reached, the first automatically created snapshot is deleted.
Snapshot Storage If the sum of the snapshot capacity exceeds the set size, the first created snapshot among all snapshots is deleted.
Encryption Select whether to enable storage encryption. This must be preceded by setting up encryption key store.

[Note] The number of subnets available for each project is limited to 3 as of Februrary 2024. To increase the limit, contact the Customer Center.

Encryption Key Store Settings

NAS encrypted storage stores symmetric keys used for encryption in a key store in the NHN Cloud Secure Key Manager service. Therefore, to create encrypted storage, you must create a key store in the Secure Key Manager service in advance. Check the ID of the key store and enter it in the encryption key store settings.

When you create encrypted storage, the symmetric key is stored in the key store you set up. The symmetric key stored in the key store by the NAS service cannot be deleted while using encrypted storage. If you delete encrypted storage, the symmetric key is also deleted.

When you change the key store ID, the symmetric key for encrypted storage you create in the future is stored in the changed key store. Symmetric keys stored in the existing key store are retained.

[Note] You will be charged for key store usage according to the Secure Key Manager service pricing policy. For more information, see Secure Key Manager pricing.

NAS encrypted storage encrypts data with the XTS-AES-256 algorithm using two different symmetric keys. Therefore, two symmetric keys are stored in the key store for each encrypted storage.

Change Storage Size

NAS storage size is changed. Storage can be scaled up and down even while in use.

Change Access Control List Settings

The settings for the storage’s access control list is changed.

Change Snapshot Settings

The settings for Auto Create Snapshot and Snapshot Storage are changed.

Delete Storage

NAS storage is deleted.

[Caution] It is recommended to unmount the storage from the associated instance before deleting. Deleting the storage while it is mounted may cause problems on the user's system.

When deleting the storage, all data including snapshots are deleted. Deleted data cannot be recovered.

Create Snapshots

Snapshots of NAS storage are created immediately.

Restore Storage

Storage is restored to the point in time when the snapshot is created. To restore the snapshot, contact the Customer Center.

[Caution] When restoring, snapshots created after the point of restoration are automatically deleted.

Delete Snapshots

A specified snapshot is deleted. Once deleted, snapshots cannot be recovered.


Check various metrics of NAS storage with graphs. After selecting the storage to check, click the Monitoring tab.

The default search period is the latest 1 hour, and you can search any period you want through the search period filter. Descriptions of monitoring metrics are found in the table below.

Metric Unit Description
Storage capacity byte Display the total capacity of storage and the capacity in use.
Storage usage % Display the capacity in use as a percentage of the total storage capacity.
IOPS OPS Display storage operations per second.
Latency usec Display storage latency time.
Snapshot number - Display the number of snapshots in storage.
Snapshot capacity byte Display the amount of capacity that storage is using for the snapshot.
Inode - Display the number of storage inodes.
Storage status - Display storage status.
Number of client connections - Display the number of clients connected to storage.

Connect Storage

Storage can be mounted on instances by using the connection information of the created storage. However, the instance on which storage is mounted must be connected to the specified subnet.

Install NFS Package

  • Debian, Ubuntu: nfs-common, rpcbind sudo apt-get install nfs-common rpcbind
  • CentOS: nfs-utils, rpcbind sudo yum install nfs-utils rpcbind

Run rpcbind Service

sudo service rpcbind start

Mount NAS Storage

sudo mount -t nfs {nas source} {mount point}
  • nas source: NAS storage information Example)
  • mount point: Directory on which NAS storage is mounted Example) /mnt