NHN Cloud > SDK User Guide > Log & Crash > Android (NDK)

Android NDK Crash Report

If your Android app includes native libraries, a simple build setup will enable full stack traces and detailed error reports for native code.

  • NHN Cloud Crash Reporter for NDK is available on NHN Cloud 0.21.0 and higher.
  • NHN Cloud Crash Reporter for NDK sends crash logs through NHN Cloud Logger.
  • It is recommended that you use the same version of NHN Cloud Logger and NHN Cloud Crash Reporter for NDK libraries.
  • NHN Cloud Crash Reporter for NDK starts crash detection at NHN Cloud Logger initialization.
  • NHN Cloud Crash Reporter for NDK requires NDK r17c or higher.


  1. Install NHN Cloud Log & Crash.

Library Setting

  • Add dependencies in the app-level build.gradle.
repositories {

dependencies {
    // ...
    // Add the NHN Cloud Logger dependency
    implementation 'com.nhncloud.android:nhncloud-logger:1.9.5'

    // Add the NHN Cloud Crash Reporter for NDK dependency
    implementation 'com.nhncloud.android:nhncloud-crash-reporter-ndk:1.9.5'

Crash Analysis

  • When native crash occurs, dump (.dmp) file is generated.
  • The process of interpreting the generated dump file is called Symbolication.
  • You must upload a symbol file for an accurate stack trace.
  • When the symbol file is uploaded, you can check the crash information analyzed in Log & Crash Search Console when a crash occurs.

Symbol Upload

  • A symbol file is generated as a {library name}.so file in the project's specific path.
  • The maximum size of the upload file is 500 MB.
  • Compress {library name}.so into {library name}.so.zip and upload it from [Log & Crash Search > Settings > Symbol File].

Symbol File Path

  • ndk-build: .so file is generated under {PROJECT}/obj/local/{ANDROID_ABI}.
  • cmake: .so file is generated under {PROJECT}/build/intermediates/{VARIANTS}/obj/{ANDROID_ABI}.