AI Service > OCR > Document OCR > エラーコード

resultCode resultKey resultMessage
-1 FAIL Unknown error.
400 BAD_REQUEST Bad Request
401 UNAUTHORIZED Unauthorized
403 FORBIDDEN Forbidden
404 NOT_FOUND Not Found
405 METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED Method Not Allowed
415 UNSUPPORTED_MEDIA_TYPE Unsupported Media Type
4000001 INVALID_PARAMETER Invalid parameter.
4000002 INVALID_FILE Invalid file.
4000003 INVALID_FILE_TYPE Invalid file type.
4000004 UPLOADED_FILE_IS_EMPTY Uploaded file is empty.
4000005 MISSING_REQUIRED_HEADER Required headers is missing.
4000006 API_CALL_LIMIT_EXCEEDED Api call limit exceeded, If you need to adjust the limit, please contact customer service.
4000101 INVALID_BUSINESS_REGISTRATION_FORMAT Invalid business registration format.
4000102 NOT_EXIST_BUSINESS_NUMBER Business number that does not exist.
4000111 CREDIT_CARD_INFO_NOT_FOUND Credit card info not found.
4000121 ID_CARD_INFO_NOT_FOUND Id card info not found.
4000122 AUTHENTICITY_REQUEST_KEY_INVALID Request Key is invalid or expired.
4000123 REGISTRATION_CARD_AUTHENTICATION_LOCKED Registration card authentication is locked.
4000301 INVALID_KEY_VERSION Invalid key version.
4000302 INVALID_SYMMETRIC_KEY Invalid symmetric key.
4000303 INVALID_ENCRYPTED_DATA Invalid encrypted data.
4000401 SERVICE_NOT_ENABLED Service not enabled. Please submit service use request.
4000402 SERVICE_USE_REQUEST_ALREADY_IN_PROGRESS Service use request already in progress.
4000403 SERVICE_USE_REQUEST_NOT_IN_PROGRESS Service use request not in progress.
4000404 SERVICE_ALREADY_ENABLED Service already enabled.
4010001 INVALID_APPKEY_SECRETKEY Invalid appKey or secretKey.
4010002 INVALID_UUID Invalid uuid.
4010003 NOT_ALLOWED_USER Not allowed user.
4010004 INVALID_PROJECT Invalid project.
4010005 UNAUTHORIZED_ROLE Unauthorized role.
4131000 MAX_UPLOAD_SIZE_EXCEEDED Request size is larger than permissible limit. the permissible limit is 5mb.
5000001 INTERNAL_API_FAIL Internal Api fail.
5000002 ERROR_PARSING_FAIL Error parsing fail.
5000003 DATABASE_FAIL Database server error.
5000004 RESOURCE_DELETE_FAIL All or some resource delete fail.
5000005 FILE_READ_FAIL File read fail.
5000006 DECRYPT_FAIL Decrypt fail.
5000007 ENCRYPT_FAIL Encrypt fail.
5000503 API_TEMPORARILY_UNAVAILABLE The API you requested is temporarily unavailable. Please try again later.
5003001 OCR_DOCUMENT_BUSINESS_API_FAIL Document(business) OCR Api fail.
5003002 OCR_DOCUMENT_BUSINESS_API_RETURN_EMPTY Document(business) OCR Api returned empty body.
5003003 OCR_DOCUMENT_BUSINESS_RECOGNITION_FAIL Document(business) OCR failed to recognize the document.
5003004 OCR_DOCUMENT_BUSINESS_STATUS_CHECK_FAIL Document(business) Status Api fail.
5003011 OCR_DOCUMENT_CREDIT_CARD_API_FAIL Document(credit card) OCR Api fail.
5003012 OCR_DOCUMENT_CREDIT_CARD_API_RETURN_EMPTY Document(credit card) OCR Api returned empty body.
5003013 OCR_DOCUMENT_CREDIT_CARD_RECOGNITION_FAIL Document(credit card) OCR failed to recognize the document.
5003021 OCR_DOCUMENT_ID_CARD_API_FAIL Document(id card) OCR Api fail.
5003022 OCR_DOCUMENT_ID_CARD_API_RETURN_EMPTY Document(id card) OCR Api returned empty body.
5003023 OCR_DOCUMENT_ID_CARD_RECOGNITION_FAIL Document(id card) OCR failed to recognize the document.