Search > Word Suggestion > エラーコード

resultCode resultKey resultMessage
0 SUCCESS Success
-1 FAIL Unknown error.
400 BAD_REQUEST Bad Request
401 UNAUTHORIZED Unauthorized
403 FORBIDDEN Forbidden
404 NOT_FOUND Not Found
405 METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED Method Not Allowed
4000001 INVALID_PARAMETER Invalid parameter.
4000002 SERVICE_USE_DISABLE The service usage setting is disabled
4000101 ALREADY_EXIST_WORD_COMMON The word is already exist in common dictionary.
4000102 ALREADY_EXIST_WORD_USER The word is already exist in user dictionary.
4000103 INVALID_WORD The word is invalid.
4000104 OVER_COUNT_LIMIT The number of words exceeds the limit.
4010001 INVALID_APPKEY_SECRETKEY Invalid appKey or secretKey.
4010002 INVALID_UUID Invalid uuid.
4010003 NOT_ALLOWED_USER Not allowed user.
4010004 INVALID_PROJECT Invalid project.
4010005 UNAUTHORIZED_ROLE Unauthorized role.
5000001 INTERNAL_API_FAIL Internal Api fail.
5000002 ERROR_PARSING_FAIL Error parsing fail.
5000003 DATABASE_FAIL Database server error.
5000101 DICTIONARY_ADD_FAIL Dictionary add fail.
5000102 DICTIONARY_UPDATE_FAIL Dictionary update fail.
5000103 DICTIONARY_DELETE_FAIL Dictionary delete fail.
5003001 WORD_SUGGESTION_API_FAIL Word Suggestion Api fail.