[CONSOLE] > [Notification] > [Push] > [APIs]タブで行えます。
X-Secret-Key: [a-zA-Z0-9]{8}
[CONSOLE] > [Notification] > [Push] > [URL & AppKey]で作成できます。
[Response HTTP Status Code]
200 OK.
すべてのAPIリクエストに対して200 OKレスポンスを返します。
詳細なレスポンス結果は、Response BodyのHeaderで確認できます。
[Response Header]
"header" : {
"isSuccessful" : true,
"resultCode": 0,
"resultMessage" : "Success."
[resultCode, resultMessage]
isSuccessful | resultCode | resultMessage |
true | 0 | Success. |
false | 40001 | Client Error. Wrong URI. |
false | 40002 | Client Error. Unavailable field value. |
false | 40003 | Client Error. Bad request. Check your request parameter or body. |
false | 40004 | Client Error. Target length is exceeded. CHANNEL: 100, UID: 10,000. |
false | 40005 | Client Error. Content length is exceeded. |
false | 40006 | Client Error. Wrong target format. Clound't read two target types at once. Send a target, channels or uids at once. |
false | 40007 | Client Error. Invalid certificate. |
false | 40008 | Client Error. Invalid APNS certificate. |
false | 40009 | Client Error. Invalid APNS Sandbox certificate. |
false | 40101 | Client Error. Permission denied. Access is not allowed. |
false | 40102 | Client Error. Unavailable appkey. |
false | 40402 | Client Error. No messages to send in body. |
false | 40403 | Client Error. No target in body. |
false | 40404 | Client Error. Not found certificate. |
false | 40405 | Client Error. Not found instance. |
false | 40406 | Client Error. Not found reservation. |
false | 40407 | Client Error. Unavailable reservation. |
false | 40408 | Client Error. Not found channel. |
false | 40409 | Client Error. Not found token. |
false | 40010 | Client Error. Invalid Tencent certificate. |
false | 40011 | Client Error. Bad request. Check your content. |
false | 40012 | Client Error. Expired APNS certificate. |
false | 40013 | Client Error. Duplicate certificate. |
false | 40014 | Client Error. Wrong message type. Check contact or removeGuide. |
false | 40015 | Client Error. Wrong reservationDays. |
false | 50001 ~ 50501 | Internal Error. Please report this. 'http://cloud.toast.com/support/qaa'. |
[Method, URL]
POST https://api-push.cloud.toast.com/push/v1.3/appkey/{appkey}/tokens
Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8
[Request Body]
"channel": "default",
"oldToken": "oldToken",
"token": "token",
"isNotificationAgreement": true,
"isAdAgreement": true,
"isNightAdAgreement": true,
"pushType": "GCM",
"timezoneId": "Asia/Seoul",
"uid": "uid",
"country": "KR",
"language": "ko"
[Response Body]
"header" : {
"isSuccessful" : true or false,
"resultCode": 0,
"resultMessage" : "Success."
Parameter | Usage | |
token | Required, String | Token. 最大1,600文字。 |
oldToken | Optional, String | Old Token. 最大1,600文字。 |
channel | Optional, String | Channel name. 最大50文字。 |
pushType | Required, String | GCM, APNS, APNS_SANDBOX, TENCENT, ADM |
isNotificationAgreement | Required, Boolean | true or false |
isAdAgreement | Required, Boolean | true or false |
isNightAdAgreement | Required, Boolean | true or false |
timezoneId | Required, String | Area/Name. IANA time zone database. |
country | Required, String | ISO 3166-1 alpha-2, ISO 3166-1 alpha-3. 3文字。 |
language | Required, String | ISO 639-1, ISO 639-2, iOS(language code + script code). 8文字。 |
uid | Required, String | User ID、64文字。 |
[Method, URL]
GET https://api-push.cloud.toast.com/push/v1.3/appkey/{appkey}/tokens?token={token}&pushType={pushType}
Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8
[Response Body]
"token" : {
"channel": "default",
"pushType" : "GCM",
"isNotificationAgreement": true,
"isAdAgreement": true,
"isNightAdAgreement": true,
"timezoneId" : "Asia/Seoul",
"country": "KR",
"language": "ko",
"uid" : "User ID",
"token" : "Token"
"header" : {
"isSuccessful" : true or false,
"resultCode": 0,
"resultMessage" : "Success."
[Method, URL]
GET https://api-push.cloud.toast.com/push/v1.3/appkey/{appkey}/uids/{uid}/tokens
Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8
X-Secret-Key: [a-zA-Z0-9]{8}
[Response Body]
"tokens": [{
"channel": "default",
"pushType" : "GCM",
"isNotificationAgreement": true,
"isAdAgreement": true,
"isNightAdAgreement": true,
"timezoneId" : "Asia/Seoul",
"country": "KR",
"language": "ko",
"uid" : "User ID",
"token" : "Token"
"header" : {
"isSuccessful" : true or false,
"resultCode": 0,
"resultMessage" : "Success."
※ APIで送信したプッシュメッセージはコンソールとメッセージ照会APIで照会できません。
[Method, URL]
POST https://api-push.cloud.toast.com/push/v1.3/appkey/{appkey}/messages
Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8
X-Secret-Key: [a-zA-Z0-9]{8}
[Request Body]
"target" : {
"type" : "ALL"
"content" : {
"default" : {
"title": "title",
"body": "body"
"messageType" : "NOTIFICATION"
[Response Body]
"message" : {
"messageId" : long
"header" : {
"isSuccessful" : true or false,
"resultCode": 0,
"resultMessage" : "Success."
Parameter | Usage | |
target.type | Required, String | ALL, CHANNEL, UID |
target.to | Optional, String Array | target.typeがCHANNELの場合は100個、 UIDは10,000個。 |
target.pushTypes | Optional, String Array | GCM, APNS, APNS_SANDBOX, TENCENT, ADM |
target.countries | Optional, String Array | ISO 3166-1 alpha-2, ISO 3166-1 alpha-3. 3 bytes. |
content | Required, Map | 8192 bytes |
content.default | Required, Map | |
content.default.title | Optional, String | |
content.default.body | Optional, String | |
messageType | Required, String | NOTIFICATION, AD |
contact | Optional, String | messageTypeがADの場合に必要。 |
removeGuide | Optional, String | messageTypeがADの場合に必要。 |
timeToLive | Optional, Number | 単位は分。範囲は0(無制限)含む1以上。基本値は60。 |
isStored | Optional, Boolean | メッセージを保存するかどうか。デフォルト値はfalse。 |
["target" Example]
Request Body
"target" : {
"type" : "ALL"
"content" : {
"default" : {
"title": "title",
"body": "body"
"target.type"が"UID"または"CHANNEL"の場合、"target.to"に送信するuidまたはchannel nameを入力する必要がある。
Request Body
"target" : {
"type" : "UID",
"to" : ["uid-01", "uid-02"]
"content" : {
"default" : {
"title": "title",
"body": "body"
["messageType" Example]
"messageType"を"NOTIFICATION"にして、 "contact"、"removeGuide"は入力しない。
Request Body
"target" : {
"type" : "ALL"
"content" : {
"default" : {
"title": "title",
"body": "body"
"messageType" : "NOTIFICATION"
広告性プッシュメッセージで送る場合、 "messageType"を"AD"にして、"contact"に連絡先、
Request Body
"target" : {
"type" : "ALL"
"content" : {
"default" : {
"title": "title",
"body": "body"
"messageType" : "AD",
"contact" : "連絡先",
"removeGuide" : "受信解除方法"
API v1.3から共通メッセージ形式をサポートする。 "content"に下記表の通りにメッセージを作成すると、各プッシュタイプに合わせてメッセージが作成され、送信される。
Reserved Word | Platform | Usage | GCM | APNS | TENCENT | ADM |
title | Android, iOS Watch, Tencent, ADM |
Optional, String | data.title | aps.alert.title | title | data.title |
body | Android, iOS, Tencent, ADM |
Optional, String | data.body | aps.alert.body | content | data.body |
title-loc-key | iOS | Optional, String | - | aps.alert.title-loc-key | - | - |
title-loc-args | iOS | Optional, Array of Strings | - | aps.alert.title-loc-args | - | - |
action-loc-key | iOS | Optional, String | - | aps.alert.action-loc-key | - | - |
loc-key | iOS | Optional, String | - | aps.alert.loc-key | - | - |
loc-args | iOS | Optional, Array of String | - | aps.alert.loc-args | - | - |
launch-image | iOS | Optional, String | - | aps.alert.launch-image | - | - |
badge | iOS | Optional, Number | - | aps.badge | - | - |
sound | Android, iOS, Tencent, ADM |
Optional, String | data.sound | aps.sound | custom_content.sound | data.sound |
content-available | iOS | Optional, String | - | aps.content-available | - | - |
category | iOS | Optional, String | - | aps.category | - | - |
mutable-content | iOS | Optional, String | - | aps.mutable-content | - | - |
consolidationKey | ADM | Optional, String | - | - | - | consolidationKey |
expiresAfter | ADM | Optional, Number | - | - | - | expiresAfter |
その他のユーザーが定義したWordは、次のようにCustom Key/Valueフィールドに入る。
Reserved Word | Platform | Usage | GCM | APNS | TENCENT | ADM |
customKey | Android, iOS, Tencent, ADM |
Optional, Object, Array, String, Number |
data.customKey | customKey | custom_content.customKey | data.customKey |
["content" Example]
Request Body
"target" : {
"type" : "ALL"
"content" : {
"default" : {
"title": "title",
"body": "body",
"badge": 1,
"key": "value"
"ko" : {
"title": "タイトル",
"body": "内容"
"key": "値"
"ja" : {
"title": "タイトル",
"body": "プッシュ・メッセージ"
"messageType" : "NOTIFICATION"
"ko" GCMメッセージ
"data": {
"title": "タイトル",
"body": "内容",
"key": "値"
"ja" GCMメッセージ
"data": {
"title": "タイトル",
"body": "プッシュ・メッセージ",
"key": "value"
"ko" APNSメッセージ
"aps": {
"alert": {
"title": "タイトル",
"body": "内容"
"badge": 1
"key": "値"
"ja" APNSメッセージ
"aps": {
"alert": {
"title": "タイトル",
"body": "プッシュ・メッセージ"
"badge": 1
"key": "value"
"ko" TENCENTメッセージ
"title": "タイトル",
"body": "内容",
"custom_content": {
"key": "値"
"ja" TENCENTメッセージ
"title": "タイトル",
"body": "プッシュ・メッセージ",
"custom_content": {
"key": "value"
"ko" ADMメッセージ
"ja" ADMメッセージ
[Method, URL]
GET https://api-push.cloud.toast.com/push/v1.3/appkey/{appkey}/messages/{message-id}
Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8
X-Secret-Key: [a-zA-Z0-9]{8}
[Response Body]
"header": {
"resultCode": 0,
"resultMessage": "SUCCESS",
"isSuccessful": true
"message": {
"messageId": 42983,
"messageType": "NOTIFICATION",
"target": {
"type": "ALL",
"pushTypes": [
"content": {
"default": {
"title": "title",
"body": "body"
"targetCount": 1048576,
"timeToLive": 0,
"sentTime": "2015-11-23T18:39:38.000+0900",
"createdDateTime": "2015-11-23T18:39:38.000+0900",
"messageStatus": "COMPLETE"
[Method, URL]
GET https://api-push.cloud.toast.com/push/v1.3/appkey/{appkey}/feedback
Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8
X-Secret-Key: [a-zA-Z0-9]{8}
[Response Body]
"feedback" : [{
"uid" : "Uid",
"token" : "Deleted Token",
"newToken" : "New Token. Nullable",
"pushType" : "GCM",
"updateTime" : "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSZ"
"header" : {
"isSuccessful" : true or false,
"resultCode": 0,
"resultMessage" : "Success."