Mobile Service > IAP > Error Code

Client API Errors

Error Code Type Description
100 NETWORK_TIMEOUT Network timeout
101 AUTHORIZATION_ERROR store authorization error
102 UNSUPPORTED_DEVICE not supported device
103 UNSUPPORTED_MARKET not supported store
104 USER_CANCEL user cancels during payment process
105 IAP_INITIALIZED_ERROR When IAP initialization is not valid, check initialization information.
106 IAP_SERVER_UNKNOWN_ERROR When iap server returns others, not HTTP 200 status
107 IAP_RESPONSE_ON_FAILED IAP server response fail
108 INAPP_INITIALIZED_ERROR store iap library initialization error
109 INAPP_PURCHASE_ERROR store fail when requesting payment
110 INAPP_VERIFY_SIGNATURE_ERROR fail when verifying store receipt signature
111 INAPP_CONSUME_ERROR store fail when consuming
112 INAPP_VERIFY_CONSUME_ERROR fail when verifying store receipt signature
113 SERVER_NETWORK_FAIL IAP server Network error
116 APP_STORE_REMAINS_PAYMENT clear remained payments (you should show repurchase message to user.)
117 IAP_IN_PROGRESS_ERROR When an IAP API is still in process, an error may occur when a new request comes in, and the client can ignore or re-request as needed.

Server API Errors

Error Code Type Description
1100 INVALID_PARAMETERS invalid parameter
2111 HTTP_CONTENT_TYPE_NOT_SUPPORT HTTP Request Content-Type is not application/json.
5000 CONSUME_FAILED Consume fail
5018 ALREADY_CONSUMED already consumed payment

Web Console Errors

Error Code Type Description
1100 INVALID_PARAMETERS invalid parameter
5003 INVALID_AUTHENTICATED Store authentication error
5013 MARKET_GOOGLE_INVALID_REQUEST Google Registeration error

Trouble Shooting

Error Code Description
1100 invalid parameter
2111, 2112 When sending request to IAP server, check Content-type and HTTP Method.
5003, 5013 Check if store sync information is issued in following steps.
5000 - Check if PurchaseToken is valid.
- Check if payment via client was well processed