Notification > RCS Bizmessage > 결과 코드

API 결과 코드

결과 코드 설명 API 응답 메시지 비고
0 성공 success
400 사용자 오류 Client exception
-3000 버튼 유효성 검사 실패 Client Error. Invalid button parameter.
-3001 080 수신거부 번호 없음 Client Error. Unsubscribe number is required when send ad.
-3002 발송 요청 시간 오류 Client Error. SendDateTime cannot be set before now.
-3003 예약 가능 최대 일자 초과 Client Error. SendDateTime cannot be set to a point in time after 60 days.
-3030 MMS 가로형, 세로형 카드 수 오류 Client Error. Horizontal and vertical type can enroll only one card.
-3031 MMS 제목 길이 초과 Client Error. Over mms type title length 30.
-3032 MMS 가로형, 세로형 내용 길이 초과 Client Error. Over horizontal and vertical type body length 1300.
-3033 MMS 슬라이드형 카드 수 오류 Client Error. Carousel type can enroll more than 3, less than 6.
-3034 MMS 슬라이드형 소형 내용 길이 초과 Client Error. Over Carousel small type body length 30 per card.
-3035 MMS 슬라이드형 중형 내용 길이 초과 Client Error. Over Carousel medium type body length 60 per card.
-4000 브랜드 없음 Client Error. Not exist brand.
-4001 브랜드 상태 오류 Invalid status brand.
-4010 대화방(발신 번호) 없음 Client Error. Not exist chatbot.
-4011 대화방(발신 번호) 상태 오류 Invalid status chatbot.
-4020 템플릿 없음 Client Error. Not exist template.
-4021 템플릿 상태 오류 Invalid status template.
-4022 지원하지 않은 템플릿 Unsupported template.
-4023 광고 발송이 허용되지 않은 템플릿 Ad not allowed template.
-4024 템플릿 파라미터 입력값 누락 Missing template parameter input.
-4030 첨부파일 없음 Client Error. Not exist media.
-4031 첨부파일 만료 Expired media.
-4032 첨부파일 타입 오류 Client Error. Invalid media type.
-4033 첨부파일 크기 초과 Client Error. Exceed max file size.
-4034 첨부파일 형식 오류 Client Error. Invalid media format.
-4040 080 수신거부 번호 없음 Not exist block service.
-4041 080 수신거부 번호 상태 오류 Invalid status block service.
-4042 080 수신거부 대상 Blocked recipient number.
-4050 대체 발신 번호 없음 Not exist send number.
-4060 대체 발신 미지원 타입 Fallback unsupported type.
-5000 080 수신거부 번호 조회 실패 Fail to call SMS block service API.
-5001 080 수신거부 대상 조회 실패 Fail to call SMS block recipient API.
-5002 SMS 발신 번호 조회 실패 Fail to call SMS send number API.
-6000 SMS 프로젝트 조회 실패 Fail to call CAB read project API.
-6001 SMS 프로젝트 활성화 실패 Fail to call CAB enable project SMS API.
-7000 발송 조회 타입 오류 Client Error. Invalid search type on url path. (sms, lms, mms, template)
-7001 조회 필수 파라미터 오류 Client Error. Send date time or receive date time or message id is required.
-7002 조회 기간 조건 오류 Client Error. Send date time and receive date time cannot be requested once. 발송 요청 시간 조건, 수신 시간 조건은 함께 사용 불가
-7003 조회 기간 조건 초과 Client Error. Invalid date time search parameter. 최대 31일까지 지정 가능
-7004 메시지 상태 조건 오류 Client Error. Invalid message status parameter.
-7005 메시지 ID 없음 Client Error. Not Exist Message ID.
-8000 대체 발송 요청 실패 Fail to call SMS send API.
-9000 야간 광고 발송 제한됨 Night ad delivery is limited.
-9999 내부 에러 System error. Please inquire at

수신 결과 코드

결과 코드 설명 비고
50000 MatchedtoNewSpecifications
50001 Missing Authorization header
50002 Missing token
50003 Invaild token
50004 Token has expired
50005 Authorization Error
50006 Invalid client id
50007 Invalid sender id
50008 Invalid password
50009 NonAllowedIp
50100 Invalid state
50201 Message TPS Exceeded
50202 Message Quota Exceeded
51101 AgencyKeyNotFound
51102 InvaildAgencyKey
51103 BrandKeyNotFound
51104 InvaildBrandKey
51003 DuplicationError
51004 ParameterError
51005 JsonParsingError
51006 DataNotFound
51900 Not Found Handler
51901 Samsung MaaP Connect IF Error
51902 Samsung MaaP Service IF Error
51903 Capri IF Error
51904 Webhook Execute Imposible Status Failure
51905 Webhook CDR Log Writing Failure
51906 Invalid Webhook Url
51907 Expired Webhook Message
51908 Exceed Retry Count to Send Message
51909 Non Existing Webhook Message
51910 Non Existing Webhook GW Vendor
51911 No Subscription
52001 Invalid phone number format
52002 Invalid message status
52003 Bot Aleady Exists
52004 Bot Creation Failed
52005 Bot Update Failed
52006 Brand Delete Failed
52007 InvalidChatbotServiceType
52008 MismatchedChatbotId
52016 Message transmission time exceeding
52023 Messagebase id stopped temporarily
53001 Invalid file type
53002 File Attribute Error
53003 FileID format Error
53004 FileUploadError
53005 InvalidMultiPartRequest
53006 Attached file size Error
55001 Corp Content Error
55002 Invalid property
55101 Agency Content Error
55102 Invalid AgencyId
55103 AgencyID permission error
55104 Contract Content Error
55201 Brand Content Error
55202 Brand name Error
55203 Brand profile image Error
55204 Brand CS number Error
55205 Brand menu Error
55206 Brand category Error
55207 Brand homepage Error
55208 Brand email Error
55209 Brand address Error
55210 Invalid BrandID
55301 Bot Content Error
55302 Invalid BotID
55304 BotID permission error
55501 Messagebase Content Error
55502 Invalid MessagebaseID
55503 MessagebaseID permission error
55504 Invalid formatstring
55505 Invalid messagebase Policy Info
55506 Invalid messagebase param
55507 Invalid messagebase attribute
55508 Invalid messagebase type
55509 mismatching Product type
55601 MessagebaseForm Content Error
55602 Invalid messagebaseformID
55603 InvalidMessageBaseProductCode
55701 prohibited text content
55702 Action button Permission error
55703 prohibited header value
55704 prohibited footer field
55705 missing footer content
55706 footer content syntax Error
55707 content pattern error
55708 Exceeded max character of title
55709 Exceeded max character of description
55710 Exceeded max number of buttons
55711 mismatching number of carousel card
55712 Exceeded max size of media
55801 GwVendor Content Error
55802 Invalid message
55803 Message Syntax Error
55804 Missing message content
55805 Invalid message content
55806 Duplicated MessageId
55807 Invalid Chatbot Permission
55808 Invalid Chatbot Status
55809 Invalid Agency Permission
55810 Invalid Expiry Field
55811 Exceeded Max Character Of Param
55812 Invalid Reseller Id
55813 Exceed Button Text Length
55814 Invalid MessageBase Buttons
55815 Message Body File Not Found
55816 Mismatched Suggestions Count
55817 Invalid Dest Phone Number
55818 Invalid messagebaseID
55819 Invalid Chatbot Id
55820 Revoked Message
55821 Etc TimeOut
55822 Canceled Message
55900 Non Retryable Error Caused By Invalid Message
56002 Revocation Failed
56007 Expired Before Session Establishment
59999 Etc Error
59001 Internal Error
59002 IOError
59003 Backend Timeout
54001 Invaild Contact number User
54002 No Rcs Capability
54003 Unable Sending to Recipient 
54004 Internal Server Error
40001 Missing Authorization header
40002 Missing token
40003 Invalid token
40004 Token has expired
40005 Malformed token payload
40006 Invalid client id
40007 Insufficient scope
41000 Internal Server Error
41001 RCS Request Timeout
41003 Throttled by message rate
41004 RCS Server Busy
41005 RCS Server Temporarily unavailable
41006 Session does not exist
41007 Revoked
41008 Session already expired
41100 SUBSCRIBE Timeout
41101 User Not Found
41200 User for Message receiving Not Foun d
41201 Message Not Acceptable
41202 Message was already revoked
41210 User is not capable for TEXT
41211 User is not capable for FT
41212 User is not capable for RICHCARD
41220 User is not capable for XBOTMESSA GE 1.0
41221 User is not capable for XBOTMESSA GE 1.1
41222 User is not capable for XBOTMESSA GE 1.2
41230 User is not capable for OPENRICHAR D 1.0
41231 User is not capable for OPENRICHAR D 1.1
41232 User is not capable for OPENRICHAR D 1.2
41240 User is not capable for GEOLOCATIO N PUSH REQUEST
41250 Failed to get message content type
42001 Invalid state
42002 Invalid message
42003 Invalid date/time format
42004 Missing contact
42005 Invalid contact
42006 Emulator access only
42007 Contact not in whitelist
42008 Missing message content
42009 Invalid message content
42010 Ambiguous message
42011 Invalid message status
42012 Invalid isTyping status
42013 Invalid traffic type
42014 Invalid suggested chiplist association
42015 Empty text message
42031 Missing richcard
42032 Ambiguous richcard
42033 Too many richcards
42034 Missing richcard layout
42035 Missing richcard content
42036 Invalid cardOrientation
42037 Missing image alignment
42038 Invalid image alignment
42039 Redundant image alignment
42040 Invalid richcard carousel cardWidth
42041 Mismatched media height
42042 Invalid richcard content
42043 Invalid suggestions
42044 Too many suggestions in chiplist (max 11)
42045 Invalid suggestion
42046 Ambiguous suggestion
42047 Ambiguous suggested action
42048 Too many suggestions in richcard (max 4)
42049 Too many suggestion data (max 2048)
42050 Invalid Action
42051 Invalid location
42052 Ambiguous location
42053 Invalid mapAction
42054 Ambiguous mapAction
42055 Invalid dialerAction
42056 Ambiguous dialerAction
42057 Invalid composeAction
42058 Ambiguous composeAction
42059 Invalid settingsAction
42060 Ambiguous settingsAction
42061 Invalid ClipboardAction
42062 Missing localBrowserAction
42063 Invalid ShareAction
42064 Missing CalendarAction
42065 Invalid CalendarAction
42066 Invalid CalendarAction title (min1 max100)
42067 Invalid CalendarAction description (min1 max500)
42068 Invalid ComposeAction composeTextMessage (missing phone number) or (text min 1 max 100)
42069 Invalid ComposeAction composeRecodingMessage (missing phone number) or (type 'AUDIO' or 'VIDEO')
42070 Missing DeviceAction
42071 Invalid dialerAction (missing phone number) or (subject max 60)
42072 Missing mapAction showLocation location
42073 Missing urlAction openUrl
42100 Invalid thumbnail
42101 Missing fileUrl
42102 Missing audio fileUrl
42103 Missing pos
42104 Missing Media information
42105 Missing Media information
42106 Missing Media information
42107 Missing Media information
42108 Missing postback data
42200 Invalid URI format
42201 Invalid Location
42202 Invalid media content description
42203 Invalid media title
42204 Invalid media description
42205 Too many contents in richard carous el
42206 Invalid media file size
42207 Invalid expiry time format
42208 Invalid expiry time
42301 Ambiguous Openrichcard
42302 Missing Openrichcard
42303 Missing Openrichcard Layout Widget
42304 Missing Openrichcard View Content
42305 Missing Openrichcard LinearLayout C ontent
42306 Missing Openrichcard Textview Conte nt
42307 Invalid Contents In Openrichcard Tex tview
42308 Invalid Text Length In Openrichcard Textview
42309 Missing Openrichcard Imageview Con tent
42310 Too Small Media In Openrichcard Im ageview
42311 Invalid Openrichcard Imageview Scal etype
42312 Missing Openrichcard width or height
42313 Invalid Openrichcard width or height
42314 Invalid Openrichcard Common Conte nts
42315 Too many child in open rich card
42401 Invalid file type
42402 Download failure
42501 Missing contact
42502 Missing content
42503 Missing title
42504 Missing description
42505 Missing image url
42506 Missing image type
42507 Missing button link
42508 Missing button text
42509 Invalid title
42510 Invalid description
42511 Invalid image url address
42512 Invalid button url address
42513 Invalid button text
42514 Duplicated message ID
42601 Too Many Request
42602 message filtered
45000 Internal Server Error
45001 Handle bot data error
45002 Handle capability data error
45003 Handle xml data error
45004 Access MessageInfo Cache Failed
45005 Access ChatInfo Cache Failed
45006 Create Http client for maap registry
45007 Create Http client for bot