50000 |
MatchedtoNewSpecifications |
50001 |
Missing Authorization header |
50002 |
Missing token |
50003 |
Invaild token |
50004 |
Token has expired |
50005 |
Authorization Error |
50006 |
Invalid client id |
50007 |
Invalid sender id |
50008 |
Invalid password |
50009 |
NonAllowedIp |
50100 |
Invalid state |
50201 |
Message TPS Exceeded |
50202 |
Message Quota Exceeded |
51101 |
AgencyKeyNotFound |
51102 |
InvaildAgencyKey |
51103 |
BrandKeyNotFound |
51104 |
InvaildBrandKey |
51003 |
DuplicationError |
51004 |
ParameterError |
51005 |
JsonParsingError |
51006 |
DataNotFound |
51900 |
Not Found Handler |
51901 |
Samsung MaaP Connect IF Error |
51902 |
Samsung MaaP Service IF Error |
51903 |
Capri IF Error |
51904 |
Webhook Execute Imposible Status Failure |
51905 |
Webhook CDR Log Writing Failure |
51906 |
Invalid Webhook Url |
51907 |
Expired Webhook Message |
51908 |
Exceed Retry Count to Send Message |
51909 |
Non Existing Webhook Message |
51910 |
Non Existing Webhook GW Vendor |
51911 |
No Subscription |
52001 |
Invalid phone number format |
52002 |
Invalid message status |
52003 |
Bot Aleady Exists |
52004 |
Bot Creation Failed |
52005 |
Bot Update Failed |
52006 |
Brand Delete Failed |
52007 |
InvalidChatbotServiceType |
52008 |
MismatchedChatbotId |
52016 |
Message transmission time exceeding |
52023 |
Messagebase id stopped temporarily |
53001 |
Invalid file type |
53002 |
File Attribute Error |
53003 |
FileID format Error |
53004 |
FileUploadError |
53005 |
InvalidMultiPartRequest |
53006 |
Attached file size Error |
55001 |
Corp Content Error |
55002 |
Invalid property |
55101 |
Agency Content Error |
55102 |
Invalid AgencyId |
55103 |
AgencyID permission error |
55104 |
Contract Content Error |
55201 |
Brand Content Error |
55202 |
Brand name Error |
55203 |
Brand profile image Error |
55204 |
Brand CS number Error |
55205 |
Brand menu Error |
55206 |
Brand category Error |
55207 |
Brand homepage Error |
55208 |
Brand email Error |
55209 |
Brand address Error |
55210 |
Invalid BrandID |
55301 |
Bot Content Error |
55302 |
Invalid BotID |
55304 |
BotID permission error |
55501 |
Messagebase Content Error |
55502 |
Invalid MessagebaseID |
55503 |
MessagebaseID permission error |
55504 |
Invalid formatstring |
55505 |
Invalid messagebase Policy Info |
55506 |
Invalid messagebase param |
55507 |
Invalid messagebase attribute |
55508 |
Invalid messagebase type |
55509 |
mismatching Product type |
55601 |
MessagebaseForm Content Error |
55602 |
Invalid messagebaseformID |
55603 |
InvalidMessageBaseProductCode |
55701 |
prohibited text content |
55702 |
Action button Permission error |
55703 |
prohibited header value |
55704 |
prohibited footer field |
55705 |
missing footer content |
55706 |
footer content syntax Error |
55707 |
content pattern error |
55708 |
Exceeded max character of title |
55709 |
Exceeded max character of description |
55710 |
Exceeded max number of buttons |
55711 |
mismatching number of carousel card |
55712 |
Exceeded max size of media |
55801 |
GwVendor Content Error |
55802 |
Invalid message |
55803 |
Message Syntax Error |
55804 |
Missing message content |
55805 |
Invalid message content |
55806 |
Duplicated MessageId |
55807 |
Invalid Chatbot Permission |
55808 |
Invalid Chatbot Status |
55809 |
Invalid Agency Permission |
55810 |
Invalid Expiry Field |
55811 |
Exceeded Max Character Of Param |
55812 |
Invalid Reseller Id |
55813 |
Exceed Button Text Length |
55814 |
Invalid MessageBase Buttons |
55815 |
Message Body File Not Found |
55816 |
Mismatched Suggestions Count |
55817 |
Invalid Dest Phone Number |
55818 |
Invalid messagebaseID |
55819 |
Invalid Chatbot Id |
55820 |
Revoked Message |
55821 |
Etc TimeOut |
55822 |
Canceled Message |
55900 |
Non Retryable Error Caused By Invalid Message |
56002 |
Revocation Failed |
56007 |
Expired Before Session Establishment |
59999 |
Etc Error |
59001 |
Internal Error |
59002 |
IOError |
59003 |
Backend Timeout |
54001 |
Invaild Contact number User |
54002 |
No Rcs Capability |
54003 |
Unable Sending to Recipient |
54004 |
Internal Server Error |
40001 |
Missing Authorization header |
40002 |
Missing token |
40003 |
Invalid token |
40004 |
Token has expired |
40005 |
Malformed token payload |
40006 |
Invalid client id |
40007 |
Insufficient scope |
41000 |
Internal Server Error |
41001 |
RCS Request Timeout |
41003 |
Throttled by message rate |
41004 |
RCS Server Busy |
41005 |
RCS Server Temporarily unavailable |
41006 |
Session does not exist |
41007 |
Revoked |
41008 |
Session already expired |
41100 |
41101 |
User Not Found |
41200 |
User for Message receiving Not Foun d |
41201 |
Message Not Acceptable |
41202 |
Message was already revoked |
41210 |
User is not capable for TEXT |
41211 |
User is not capable for FT |
41212 |
User is not capable for RICHCARD |
41220 |
User is not capable for XBOTMESSA GE 1.0 |
41221 |
User is not capable for XBOTMESSA GE 1.1 |
41222 |
User is not capable for XBOTMESSA GE 1.2 |
41230 |
User is not capable for OPENRICHAR D 1.0 |
41231 |
User is not capable for OPENRICHAR D 1.1 |
41232 |
User is not capable for OPENRICHAR D 1.2 |
41240 |
User is not capable for GEOLOCATIO N PUSH REQUEST |
41250 |
Failed to get message content type |
42001 |
Invalid state |
42002 |
Invalid message |
42003 |
Invalid date/time format |
42004 |
Missing contact |
42005 |
Invalid contact |
42006 |
Emulator access only |
42007 |
Contact not in whitelist |
42008 |
Missing message content |
42009 |
Invalid message content |
42010 |
Ambiguous message |
42011 |
Invalid message status |
42012 |
Invalid isTyping status |
42013 |
Invalid traffic type |
42014 |
Invalid suggested chiplist association |
42015 |
Empty text message |
42031 |
Missing richcard |
42032 |
Ambiguous richcard |
42033 |
Too many richcards |
42034 |
Missing richcard layout |
42035 |
Missing richcard content |
42036 |
Invalid cardOrientation |
42037 |
Missing image alignment |
42038 |
Invalid image alignment |
42039 |
Redundant image alignment |
42040 |
Invalid richcard carousel cardWidth |
42041 |
Mismatched media height |
42042 |
Invalid richcard content |
42043 |
Invalid suggestions |
42044 |
Too many suggestions in chiplist (max 11) |
42045 |
Invalid suggestion |
42046 |
Ambiguous suggestion |
42047 |
Ambiguous suggested action |
42048 |
Too many suggestions in richcard (max 4) |
42049 |
Too many suggestion data (max 2048) |
42050 |
Invalid Action |
42051 |
Invalid location |
42052 |
Ambiguous location |
42053 |
Invalid mapAction |
42054 |
Ambiguous mapAction |
42055 |
Invalid dialerAction |
42056 |
Ambiguous dialerAction |
42057 |
Invalid composeAction |
42058 |
Ambiguous composeAction |
42059 |
Invalid settingsAction |
42060 |
Ambiguous settingsAction |
42061 |
Invalid ClipboardAction |
42062 |
Missing localBrowserAction |
42063 |
Invalid ShareAction |
42064 |
Missing CalendarAction |
42065 |
Invalid CalendarAction |
42066 |
Invalid CalendarAction title (min1 max100) |
42067 |
Invalid CalendarAction description (min1 max500) |
42068 |
Invalid ComposeAction composeTextMessage (missing phone number) or (text min 1 max 100) |
42069 |
Invalid ComposeAction composeRecodingMessage (missing phone number) or (type 'AUDIO' or 'VIDEO') |
42070 |
Missing DeviceAction |
42071 |
Invalid dialerAction (missing phone number) or (subject max 60) |
42072 |
Missing mapAction showLocation location |
42073 |
Missing urlAction openUrl |
42100 |
Invalid thumbnail |
42101 |
Missing fileUrl |
42102 |
Missing audio fileUrl |
42103 |
Missing pos |
42104 |
Missing Media information |
42105 |
Missing Media information |
42106 |
Missing Media information |
42107 |
Missing Media information |
42108 |
Missing postback data |
42200 |
Invalid URI format |
42201 |
Invalid Location |
42202 |
Invalid media content description |
42203 |
Invalid media title |
42204 |
Invalid media description |
42205 |
Too many contents in richard carous el |
42206 |
Invalid media file size |
42207 |
Invalid expiry time format |
42208 |
Invalid expiry time |
42301 |
Ambiguous Openrichcard |
42302 |
Missing Openrichcard |
42303 |
Missing Openrichcard Layout Widget |
42304 |
Missing Openrichcard View Content |
42305 |
Missing Openrichcard LinearLayout C ontent |
42306 |
Missing Openrichcard Textview Conte nt |
42307 |
Invalid Contents In Openrichcard Tex tview |
42308 |
Invalid Text Length In Openrichcard Textview |
42309 |
Missing Openrichcard Imageview Con tent |
42310 |
Too Small Media In Openrichcard Im ageview |
42311 |
Invalid Openrichcard Imageview Scal etype |
42312 |
Missing Openrichcard width or height |
42313 |
Invalid Openrichcard width or height |
42314 |
Invalid Openrichcard Common Conte nts |
42315 |
Too many child in open rich card |
42401 |
Invalid file type |
42402 |
Download failure |
42501 |
Missing contact |
42502 |
Missing content |
42503 |
Missing title |
42504 |
Missing description |
42505 |
Missing image url |
42506 |
Missing image type |
42507 |
Missing button link |
42508 |
Missing button text |
42509 |
Invalid title |
42510 |
Invalid description |
42511 |
Invalid image url address |
42512 |
Invalid button url address |
42513 |
Invalid button text |
42514 |
Duplicated message ID |
42601 |
Too Many Request |
42602 |
message filtered |
45000 |
Internal Server Error |
45001 |
Handle bot data error |
45002 |
Handle capability data error |
45003 |
Handle xml data error |
45004 |
Access MessageInfo Cache Failed |
45005 |
Access ChatInfo Cache Failed |
45006 |
Create Http client for maap registry |
45007 |
Create Http client for bot |