Added a notification to remind users to select either email or SMS when creating notification groups
Bug Fixes
Fixed a status phrase that appears when performing engine version upgrades
Fixed an announcement phrase that appears immediately after requesting engine version upgrades
Fixed an issue where some event phrases are not displayed in English and Japanese in the console
August 27, 2024
Added Features
Added the server dashboard page
Added the OS version upgrade feature
Added the feature to record event logs when notifications are sent
Feature Updates
Changed the default OS to Ubuntu
May 14, 2024
Bug Fixes
Fixed an issue where, when selecting a certificate, the certificate list cannot be extended above a certain height
April 9, 2024
Bug Fixes
Fixed an issue where abnormal replication group loading status lasts infinitely
March 12, 2024
Feature Updates
Added support for Redis 7.2.4
February 22, 2024
Feature Updates
Replaced internal library
Bug Fixes
Fixed an error where some metric conditions are not displayed correctly when viewing alarm details.
Fixed an issue where duplicate event conditions are exposed on the alarm rule creation screen
Fixed aexcessive alarm occurrence
Fixed master down judgment time error that occurred under certain conditions
December 19, 2023
Feature Updates
Ended service in Japan (Tokyo) region
November 14, 2023
Feature Udpates
Added a note that the service is scheduled for End of Life in Japan (Tokyo) region when creating replication groups
October 17, 2023
Bug Fixes
Fixed an issue where the time for deleting auto backups could differ from the expected time by up to 3 hours.
September 12, 2023
Feature Updates
Improved internal performance
Bug Fixes
Fixed an issue where the profile field appears as empty after Redis version upgrade
August 17, 2023
Feature Updates
Modified the access port information for replication groups using TLS certificate in accordance with TLS access port format.
Bug Fixes
Fixed an issue where HA reset fails under certain conditions
June 13, 2023
Feature Updates
Terminated the feature to create new replication groups in Redis 5.0.8
Added a feature to communicate using TLS certificates
April 11, 2023
Bug Fixes
Fixed an issue where alarms in some value ranges do not occur under system memory metrics conditions
March 14, 2023
Feature Updates
Improved internal performance
January 10, 2023
Feature Updates
Added support for Redis 7.0.7
Improved to display the protected-mode item in Profile
Bug Fixes
Fixed an issue where version upgrade retry fails under certain conditions
November 15, 2022
Bug Fixes
Fixed an issue where an error message occurs when registering connection information in bulk
Fixed an issue where HA restoration does not work properly when adding a node fails
October 11, 2022
Changed the domain for replication groups to connect from to
February 22, 2022
Feature Updates
Changed the default value of maxmemory-policy from volatile-lru to allkeys-lru
November 23, 2021
Added Features
Added a feature to upgrade a replication group from Redis version 5 to Redis version 6
October 26, 2021
Bug Fixes
Fixed an issue where configuration profiles could be modified while performing import, export, or manual backup of data.
September 28, 2021
Feature Updates
Improved alarm rule creation screen.
Improved service usage start processing.
Bug Fixes
Fixed an issue where node creation fails when adding a node to a replication group with a large amount of data.
Fixed an issue where, when restoring a backup file with version 5 to a new replication group, the version is displayed in the first replication group window, but the version is not displayed when the window is closed and reopened.
Fixed an issue where the replication group status is not displayed as normal even when a replication was deleted in the replication unavailable status.
Fixed an issue where selectable replication groups are not displayed when restoring a backup in which a replication group has been deleted in the replication group restore.
August 24, 2021
Feature Updates
Added support for Redis 6
Added a feature to restore a backup to the existing replication group
Added a feature to set the alarm trigger conditions using the alarm template when setting the alarm
Changed the UI so that default network of the Access Control Information is not deletable
July 27, 2021
Feature Updates
Add a feature to(Export) EasyCache data to Object Storage.
Modify Promote Master to Change Master and go to drop down menu.
Bug Fixes
Corrected the condition that CIDRs that failed to register are displayed as duplicates in the access control information
June 29, 2021
Feature Updates
Added a feature to choose between bytes, MB, or GB if the graph on the detailed screen of EasyCache monitoring is in a unit of bytes
Added a feature to choose the node to be displayed on the detailed screen of EasyCache monitoring
Added a feature to (import) data of Redis used externally to EasyCache
Added the Multi Replica feature to distribute read function
Added the current time to the screen to the right of the event search period calendar
Bug Fixes
Fixed to expose the name in the replication group profile modification failure popup
Fixed a bug where after deleting the replication group node and clicking the Delete button of another replication group node, the Delete button becomes inactive if no node is selected
May 25, 2021
Feature Updates
In monitoring, there was improvement by adjusting the size of each chart according to the size of the full screen.
The monitoring data storage period was changed from 1 month to 40 days
Bug Fixes
When setting the search period in the View Log, an error message that used to appear was fixed.
April 27, 2021
Feature Updates
Changed the system so that the nodes can only be deleted or restated when their status is 'unavailable'
Modified the system so that event categories and search time will be automatically searched when the respective button is selected
Modified the system so that the keyword will not remain when a notification event, replication group, or receiving group is searched for and its sub item list is selected in notification rules
March 23, 2021
Feature Updates
Added read-only domain event registration
Fixed the system to show an error message when the replication group is using a subnet without internet gateway when setting up a public domain
Bug Fixes
Fixed an issue where an error would occur when the user enters a blank space in the search field during log search
February 23, 2021
Feature Updates
Added read-only domain tooltip
Bug Fixes
Fixed an issue where no replicated group is created if the maximum value is entered for a profile.
January 26, 2021
Feature Updates
Changed Maxmemory default from 70% to 50% of available memory
Added activedefrag -related options in profile
View Log dialog box UI improved
Bug Fixes
Fixed a bug where the date changes to January 2 when the time is changed in monitoring
December 29, 2020
Added Features
Added read-only domain feature
Feature Updates
Improved the feature related to login control information
Improved to show guidance when mouse is hovered over the Change instance type button
Changed the dialog button name to OK.
Bug Fixes
Fixed an issue where the task of profile modification fails and made unavailable when changing the profile of a replication group if the profile before the change is modified
Fixed an issue of Korean filter option names were displayed when the website language is set to 'Japanese'
Nov 24, 2020
Feature Updates
View All Logs added
October 27, 2020
Bug Fixes
Modified node name to reflect changes in group name when changing name of replication group
Modified error message in cases where a quarter of CPU and RAM is exceeded
September 22, 2020
Feature Updates
Korea (Pyeongchon) region opened
Added log check feature
Sort and display VPC subnet list by name
Service use permissions response
Bug Fixes
Modified unit of monitoring graph
Input byte: byte -> bytes/1min
Output byte: byte -> bytes/1min
Processed commands per second: counts/seconds -> count/1sec
During profile modification, the bug where the status of a replication group using the profile currently being modified is displayed as normal rather than displaying modification in progress
August 25, 2020
Feature Updates
Changed the password setting for Redis access as optional
Bug Fixes
Fixed an issue where node promotion completion time and condition display does not accord when promoting replica nodes
July 28, 2020
Added Features
Instance type change feature added
Feature Updates
Deleted Compute Optimized type from supported instance type
Bug Fixes
Fixed an issue where clients connected from monitoring graph is displayed as an accumulation
Fixed a bug where, when restoring from Redis 3.2.12 replication group which used custom profile, the profile would be restored to Redis 3.2 default profile
June 23, 2020
Feature Updates
Registered events on CloudTrail service
Bug Fixes
Fixed an issue in which the operation duration (uptime_in_seconds) of INFO’s Redis server is displayed in values with additional 9 hours
Fixed an issue where, when users click the View button to check their passwords, nodes fail to acquire passwords during node failures
Fixed an issue where HA reset fails even after HA reset button is displayed and reset is executed
Fixed an issue where dates could not be selected freely from search period on the monitoring screen
May 26, 2020
Feature Updates
Redis 5.0 supported
Profile copying feature provided
Monitoring updated
Moved query tab from replication group details screen to a separate tab on top of the initial screen
Added Current Time button
Added Auto Renew checkbox
Added replication group selection drop-down menu
Updated single graph to be displayed additionally as a pop-up to allow users to select statistical entries and aggregation duration
Changed features to allow user to modify values through detailed settings when creating or modifying profiles
Bug Fixes
Fixed an issue where the modification button is disabled when trying to modify replication groups with no nodes added after modifying replication groups with added nodes
Fixed a bug where 「Number of Connected Clients」 and 「Number of Blocked Clients」 on the monitoring option is displayed as an accumulation value
Fixed an issue where the profile list is not fully displayed after modification
Fixed an issue where the screen does not reload after modifying profiles currently being used by replication groups
April 28, 2020
Feature Updates
Provided feature to allow users to enable health check response time on watch setting
Provided master manual promotion feature
Changed a monitoring field to display successful/failed query numbers as per time instead of an accumulation value
Changed alarm rules to allow changing memory usage in %
Bug Fixes
Fixed an issue where monitoring graphs are partially displayed every 10 minutes
Fixed an issue where replication group and node status is not properly reflected after failed nodes are restored within a few seconds after a failover
Made changes to allow password modification of warning replication groups
Modified a portion of menus and labels
March 24, 2020
Feature Updates
Changed default config value of EasyCache(tcp-keepalive [0→300])
February 25, 2020
Feature Updates
Modified feature to allow users to simultaneously add multiple connection information
Updated SMS content
Modified messages when entering duplicated CIDR
Bug Fixes
Fixed an issue where infinite loops of data synchronization occurs when replica node is added in presence of bulk data
Fixed an issue where node is displayed as creating on node alarm even after node creation failure within a replication group
February 11, 2020
Feature Updates
Upgraded version of NHN Cloud user authentication module
Bug Fixes
Fixed an issue where selection fails in cases of selecting VPC subnets of users that did not set up internet gateways when creating replication groups
January 21, 2020
Feature Updates
Japanese supported for console screen and event messages
Event registration added when domain change fails after failover
December 24, 2019
New service release
NHN Cloud EasyCache is a service that provides Redis (REmote DIctionary Server) in a cloud environment.