As described in the Unity Basic Development Guide > Prevent Background Disconnection, your game may lose connection to the server when it goes into the background on a mobile device. To prevent this, you can pause the ability to check for connections to the server.
Here's an example of code that implements this
public class ConnectHandler : MonoBehaviour
private void OnApplicationPause(bool pause)
{ ...
if (pause)
{ ...
// If there's any work to be done before the app pauses, it's handled here.
// Suspend the server's clientStateCheck function for the entered number of seconds.
// After this time, the clientStateCheck function may be triggered and the connection may be disconnected.
// Just before the app pauses, call connector.Update() to process the messages that have accumulated on the connector.
// to process any messages that have accumulated in the connector and update the state.
} else
// Call connector.Update() immediately after the app resumes to process the messages that have been accumulated in the
// process the messages accumulated in the Connector and update the status.
// Reactivate the server's clientStateCheck function.
// Check the status of the connection as it may be disconnected if it is resumed after a long pause.
if (connector.IsConnected())
// If there's any work to be done after the app resumes, we'll do it here.