
When a specific event occurs in the SMS service, a Post request is created to the URL defined in the webhook settings.
This is a document for the API for the created POST request.

Webhook Delivery


Http method URI
POST Target URL defined in the webhook settings


Value Type Description
X-Toast-Webhook-Signature String Signature entered when setting webhook

[Request body]

  "hooksId": "202007271010101010sadasdavas",
  "webhookConfigId": "String",
  "productName": "SMS",
  "appKey": "akb3dukdmdjsdSvgk",
  "event": "UNSUBSCRIBE",
  "hooks": [
Value Type Description
hooksId String Unique ID created whenever a POST request is made to the URL defined in the webhook settings
webhookConfigId String Webhook configuration ID
productName String Service name to which webhook events occur
appKey String Service appkey to which webhook events occur
event String Webhook event name
* UNSUBSCRIBE: Registration of recipient number for ad messages
hooks List Data when Webhook event occurs
* For more details, see Hooks Definitions by Event Type.


curl -X POST \
    '{TargetUrl}' \
    -H 'Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8' \
    -H 'X-Toast-Webhook-Signature: application/json;charset=UTF-8' \
    -d '{
        "hooksId": "202007271010101010sadasdavas",
        "webhookConfigId": "String",
        "productName": "Sms",
        "appKey": "akb3dukdmdjsdSvgk",
        "event": "UNSUBSCRIBE",
        "hooks": [
                "hookId": "202007271010101010sadasdavas",
                "recipientNo": "01012341234",
                "unsubscribeNo": "08012341234",
                "enterpriseName": "NHN Cloud",
                "createdDateTime": "2020-09-09T11:25:10.000+09:00"

Hooks Definitions by Event Type

Hook data per event type when generating a POST request to the URL defined in the webhook settings.

Registration of recipient number for ad messages

Value Type Description
hooks[].hookId String Unique ID created when an event occurs in the service
hooks[].recipientNo String Unsubscribed mobile phone number
hooks[].unsubscribeNo String 080 numbers registered in unsubscription service
hooks[].enterpriseName String Enterprise names registered in unsubscription service
hooks[].createdDateTime String Date and time of unsubscription request
* yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSXXX
"hooks": [
    "hookId": "202007271010101010sadasdavas",
    "recipientNo": "01012341234",
    "unsubscribeNo": "08012341234",
    "enterpriseName": "NHN Cloud",
    "createdDateTime": "2020-09-09T11:25:10.000+09:00"