Game > GameAnvil > Server Development Guide > Use IDs

Identity (ID)

GameAnvil uses many different IDs. Some of them are issued by the server and the rest are configured by the user in GameAnvilConfig. The account information needed to connect passes the information received from the client to the server. Following is the description of the popular ID used by GameAnvil.

Name Description Data type Range
ServiceId The ID to distinguish each service you set up - one service ID can consist of multiple nodes int 0<id< 100
HostId The unique ID of the host - if you are running multiple GameAnvil processes on one host, set separate vmIds in GameAnvilConfig long -
NodeId The unique ID of the node - consisting of HostId + ServiceId + internal counter value long -
AccountId Enter when the client connects - one account ID maps per connection string -
UserId The unique ID of the game user object - issued by the server when the game user object is created - a new ID is issued when a new game user object is created, even if the same user reconnects. int -
RoomId The unique ID of the room - issued by the server when the room object is created. int -
SubId A unique secondary ID within a single account (AccountId) that clients pass when they connect.
Used to distinguish between multiple sessions within a single connection. The session's unique ID is a combination of AccountId and SubId.
int 0 < id

ID Support API

Some of the features related to the ID mentioned above are provided to engine users as shown in the list below. To obtain or confirm the ID, the API below must be used.

ServiceId API

Method Description
boolean isValid(int serviceId) Checks if serviceId is valid
int findServiceId(String serviceName) Obtains the ServiceId corresponding to the ServiceName
String findServiceName(int serviceId) Obtains the ServiceName corresponding to the ServiceId

HostId API

Method Description
boolean isValid(long hostId) Checks for a valid hostId
long get() Obtains the hostId of the process

NodeId API

Method Name
boolean isValid(long nodeId) Checks for a valid nodeId
long getHostId(long nodeId) Obtains hostId from nodeId
int getServiceId(long nodeId) Obtains serviceId from nodeId
int getNodeNum(long nodeId) Obtains nodeNum from nodeId

UserId API

Method Description
boolean isValid(int userId) Checks for a valid userId

RoomId API

Method Description
boolean isValid(int roomId) Checks for a valid roomId


Method Description
boolean isValid(int subId) Checks for a valid subId