Game > GameAnvil > Unity Advanced Development Guide > Message Handling

Message handling

In addition to the basic functionality of ConnectionAgent and UserAgent, you can send messages to the server using Request() and Send().

Sending messages

When you send a message to Request(), you wait for a server response. There are two ways to receive and process the server response: first, you can pass callback parameters, as introduced in the Unity Fundamentals Development Guide > Message Handling.

Another way is to register a listener. If you don't apply either method, when you receive a server response, you'll process the next message without any notification.

Let's look at an example of registering a listener to receive a response from Request().

This section introduces examples of using Request() and Send() through ConnectionAgents that were not covered in the Unity Basic Development Guide > Message Handling.

Connector connector = new Connector();
ConnectionAgent connection = connector.GetConnectionAgent();
// Register a listener to receive server notifications delivered to the ConnectionAgent
connection.AddListener((ConnectionAgent connection, Messages.SampleReceive msg)=> { });

// ConnectionAgent Send
Messages.SampleSend sampleSend= new Messages.SampleSend(); 

// ConnectionAgent Request
Messages.SampleRequest sampleRequest = new Messages.SampleRequest();
connection.Request(sampleRequest, (ConnectionAgent connection, Packet packet)=> { });

Custom packets

You can use the Packet class to serialize arbitrary data other than a ProtocolBuffer into a byte stream. For more information about Packets, see Unity Advanced Development Guide > Packets.

This section introduces examples of using Request() and Send() through ConnectionAgents that were not covered in the Unity Basic Development Guide > Message Handling.

Connector connector = new Connector();
ConnectionAgent connection = connector.GetConnectionAgent();
int reqMsgId = 1;
int resMsgId = 2;

connection.AddListener(resMsgId, (ConnectionAgent connection, Packet packet)=> { });

Messages.SampleSend sampleSend = new Messages.SampleSend(); 
// using the packet class
Packet sampleSendPacket = new Packet(reqMsgId, sampleSend.ToByteArray())

Messages.SampleRequest sampleRequest = new Messages.SampleRequest();
// using the packet class
Packet sampleRequestPacket = new Packet(reqMsgId, sampleRequest.ToByteArray())
connection.Request(sampleRequestPacket, (ConnectionAgent connection, Packet packet)=> { });