Game > Gamebase > User Guide for Unreal SDK > Authentication


Gamebase basically supports guest login.

  • To login to a provider other than guests, AuthAdapter for each provider is required.
  • Regarding setting for AuthAdapter and 3rd-Party Provider SDK, see the following:

Login Flow

Many games allow login execution on the title page.

  • On the initial execution after app is installed, game users are allowed to select IdP (Identity Provider) on the title page.
  • After initial login, the IdP option page does not show again and it is authenticated with the previous login IdP type.

The above login can be implemented in the following order:

last provider login flow idp login flow

1. Authenticate with Previous Login Type

  • If a previous record exists for authentication, authentication can be tried without ID or password.
  • Call LoginForLastLoggedInProvider API.

1-1. When Authentication is Successful

  • Congratulations! Successfully authenticated.
  • Get a user ID with GetUserID API and implement game logic.

1-2. When Authentication Fails

  • Network Error
    • When the error code is SOCKET_ERROR(110) or SOCKET_RESPONSE_TIMEOUT(101), authentication has failed due to temporary network issue, so call LoginForLastLoggedInProvider API again or try again in a moment.
  • Banned Game User
    • When the error code is BANNED_MEMBER(7), authentication has failed since the game user is banned.
    • Check information with FGamebaseBanInfo::From API to notify game user of why game play is unavailable.
    • For Gamebase initialization, set true for FGamebaseConfiguration.enablePopup and FGamebaseConfiguration.enableBanPopup, and Gamebase automatically loads the popup on the ban.
  • Other Errors
    • Authentication failed with the previous login type. Execute '2. Authenticate with Specified IdP'.

2. Authenticate with Specified IdP

  • Specify IdP type to authenticate.
    • Available types of authentication are declared in the GamebaseAuthProvider class.
  • Call Login(providerName, callback) API.

2-1. When Authentication is Successful

  • Congratulations! Successfully authenticated.
  • Get a user ID with GetUserID API and implement game logic.

2-2. When Authentication Fails

  • Network Error
    • When the error code is SOCKET_ERROR(110) or SOCKET_RESPONSE_TIMEOUT(101), authentication has failed due to temporary network, so call Login(providerName, callback) API again, or try again in a moment.
  • Banned Game User
    • When the error code is BANNED_MEMBER(7), authentication has failed since the game user is banned.
    • Check information with FGamebaseBanInfo::From API to notify game user of why game play is unavailable.
    • For Gamebase initialization, set True for FGamebaseConfiguration.enablePopup and FGamebaseConfiguration.enableBanPopup, and Gamebase automatically loads the popup on the ban.
  • Other Errors
    • Notify game users of the occurrence of error, and it is reverted to a status (mostly, title or login page) in which game user can select an IdP type of authentication.

Login with the Latest Login IdP

Attempt to log in with the most recent login IdP. When token for the login has expired, or if token verification has failed, return such failure.
To that end, it is required to implement Login for IdP.

  • Settings AdditionalInfo Parameters
keyname a use value type
GamebaseAuthProviderCredential::ShowLoadingAnimation Display loading animation until API call ends
Only for Android
default: true



void LoginForLastLoggedInProvider(const FGamebaseAuthTokenDelegate& Callback);
void LoginForLastLoggedInProvider(const UGamebaseJsonObject& AdditionalInfo, const FGamebaseAuthTokenDelegate& Callback);


void USample::LoginForLastLoggedInProvider()
    UGamebaseSubsystem* Subsystem = UGameInstance::GetSubsystem<UGamebaseSubsystem>(GetGameInstance());
    Subsystem->LoginForLastLoggedInProvider(FGamebaseAuthTokenDelegate::CreateLambda([=](const FGamebaseAuthToken* AuthToken, const FGamebaseError* Error)
        if (Gamebase::IsSuccess(Error))
            UE_LOG(GamebaseTestResults, Display, TEXT("LoginForLastLoggedInProvider succeeded."));
            if (Error->Code == GamebaseErrorCode::SOCKET_ERROR || Error->Code == GamebaseErrorCode::SOCKET_RESPONSE_TIMEOUT)
                UE_LOG(GamebaseTestResults, Display, TEXT("Retry LoginForLastLoggedInProvider or notify an Error message to the user. : %s"), *Error->Messsage);
            else if (Error->Code == GamebaseErrorCode::BANNED_MEMBER)
                auto BanInfo = FGamebaseBanInfo::From(Error);
                if (BanInfo.IsValid())
                    UE_LOG(GamebaseTestResults, Display, TEXT("This user has been banned. Gamebase userId is %s"), *BanInfo->UserId);
                UE_LOG(GamebaseTestResults, Display, TEXT("Try to login using a specifec IdP"));

Login with GUEST

Gamebase supports guest login.

  • Create a unique key of device to try a login to Gamebase.
  • With guest login, device key might be initialized, which may cause your account to be deleted; therefore, it is recommended to use IdP for a login.



void Login(const FString& ProviderName, const FGamebaseAuthTokenDelegate& Callback);


void USample::Login()
    UGamebaseSubsystem* Subsystem = UGameInstance::GetSubsystem<UGamebaseSubsystem>(GetGameInstance());
    Subsystem->Login(GamebaseAuthProvider::Guest, FGamebaseAuthTokenDelegate::CreateLambda([=](const FGamebaseAuthToken* AuthToken, const FGamebaseError* Error)
        if (Gamebase::IsSuccess(Error))
            UE_LOG(GamebaseTestResults, Display, TEXT("Login succeeded. Gamebase userId is %s"), *AuthToken->Member.UserId);
            UE_LOG(GamebaseTestResults, Display, TEXT("Login failed. (errorCode: %d, errorMessage: %s)"), Error->Code, *Error->Messsage);

            if (Error->Code == GamebaseErrorCode::SOCKET_ERROR || Error->Code == GamebaseErrorCode::SOCKET_RESPONSE_TIMEOUT)
                UE_LOG(GamebaseTestResults, Display, TEXT("Retry LoginForLastLoggedInProvider or notify an Error message to the user. : %s"), *Error->Messsage);
            else if (Error->Code == GamebaseErrorCode::BANNED_MEMBER)
                auto BanInfo = FGamebaseBanInfo::From(Error);
                if (BanInfo.IsValid())
                    UE_LOG(GamebaseTestResults, Display, TEXT("This user has been banned. Gamebase userId is %s"), *BanInfo->userId);

Login with IdP

Following codes are login examples with particular IdP. The types of IdPs that can be used for login can be found in the GamebaseAuthProvider class.


Some IdPs require additional information for login. To set these additional information, void Login(const FString& providerName, const UGamebaseJsonObject& additionalInfo, const FGamebaseAuthTokenDelegate& onCallback) API is provided. You can input required information in the additionalInfo parameter in the form of a dictionary. If additionalInfo is available, it is used. If it is null, the value registered in NHN Cloud Console is used.


LINE IdP can set a LINE service region from Gamebase SDK 2.43.0. The region can be set in AdditionalInfo.

  • Setting additionalInfo parameters
keyname a use Value type
GamebaseAuthProviderCredential::LineChannelRegion Set LINE service region "japan"


Supported Platforms


void Login(const FString& ProviderName, const FGamebaseAuthTokenDelegate& Callback);
void Login(const FString& ProviderName, const UGamebaseJsonObject& AdditionalInfo, const FGamebaseAuthTokenDelegate& Callback);


void USample::Login()
    UGamebaseSubsystem* Subsystem = UGameInstance::GetSubsystem<UGamebaseSubsystem>(GetGameInstance());
    Subsystem->Login(GamebaseAuthProvider::Facebook, FGamebaseAuthTokenDelegate::CreateLambda([=](const FGamebaseAuthToken* AuthToken, const FGamebaseError* Error)
        if (Gamebase::IsSuccess(Error))
            UE_LOG(GamebaseTestResults, Display, TEXT("Login succeeded. Gamebase userId is %s"), *AuthToken->Member.UserId);
            UE_LOG(GamebaseTestResults, Display, TEXT("Login failed. (errorCode: %d, errorMessage: %s)"), Error->Code, *Error->Messsage);

            if (Error->Code == GamebaseErrorCode::SOCKET_ERROR || Error->Code == GamebaseErrorCode::SOCKET_RESPONSE_TIMEOUT)
                UE_LOG(GamebaseTestResults, Display, TEXT("Retry LoginForLastLoggedInProvider or notify an Error message to the user. : %s"), *Error->Messsage);
            else if (Error->Code == GamebaseErrorCode::BANNED_MEMBER)
                auto BanInfo = FGamebaseBanInfo::From(Error);
                if (BanInfo.IsValid())
                    UE_LOG(GamebaseTestResults, Display, TEXT("This user has been banned. Gamebase userId is %s"), *BanInfo->UserId);

void USample::LoginWithAdditionalInfo()
    UGamebaseJsonObject* AdditionalInfo = NewObject<UGamebaseJsonObject>();
    AdditionalInfo->SetStringField(TEXT("Key"), TEXT("Value"));

    UGamebaseSubsystem* Subsystem = UGameInstance::GetSubsystem<UGamebaseSubsystem>(GetGameInstance());
    Subsystem->Login(GamebaseAuthProvider::Facebook, *AdditionalInfo, FGamebaseAuthTokenDelegate::CreateLambda([=](const FGamebaseAuthToken* AuthToken, const FGamebaseError* Error)
        if (Gamebase::IsSuccess(Error))
            UE_LOG(GamebaseTestResults, Display, TEXT("Login succeeded. Gamebase userId is %s"), *AuthToken->Member.UserId);
            UE_LOG(GamebaseTestResults, Display, TEXT("Login failed. (errorCode: %d, errorMessage: %s)"), Error->Code, *Error->Messsage);

Login with Credential

This interface allows login to Gamebase with SDKs provided by IdP and authenticated in each game, by using access token.

  • Setting Credential Parameters
Keyname Usage Value Type
GamebaseAuthProviderCredential::ProviderName Set IdP type google, facebook, payco, iosgamecenter, naver, twitter, line
GamebaseAuthProviderCredential::AccessToken Set authentication information (e.g. access token) given after IdP login
Disabled for Google authentication
GamebaseAuthProviderCredential::AuthorizationCode Set authorization code given after Google login
GamebaseAuthProviderCredential::GamebaseAccessToken Used when logging in with Gamebase Access Token instead of IdP authentication information
GamebaseAuthProviderCredential::IgnoreAlreadyLoggedIn Allow login attempts with another account without logging out while logged in to Gamebase bool
GamebaseAuthProviderCredential::LineChannelRegion Set LINE service region See Login with IdP


Might be required to use unique features of an external service (e.g. Facebook) for a game.


Development issues requiring the support of an external SDK must be implemented by using API of such SDK, which is not supported by Gamebase.


Supported Platforms


void Login(const UGamebaseJsonObject& CredentialInfo, const FGamebaseAuthTokenDelegate& Callback);


void USample::LoginWithCredential()
    UGamebaseJsonObject* CredentialInfo = NewObject<UGamebaseJsonObject>();

    // google
    //CredentialInfo->SetStringField(GamebaseAuthProviderCredential::ProviderName, GamebaseAuthProvider::Google);
    //CredentialInfo->SetStringField(GamebaseAuthProviderCredential::AuthorizationCode, TEXT("google auchorization code"));

    // facebook
    CredentialInfo->SetStringField(GamebaseAuthProviderCredential::ProviderName, GamebaseAuthProvider::Facebook);
    CredentialInfo->SetStringField(GamebaseAuthProviderCredential::AccessToken, TEXT("facebook access token"));

    UGamebaseSubsystem* Subsystem = UGameInstance::GetSubsystem<UGamebaseSubsystem>(GetGameInstance());
    Subsystem->Login(*CredentialInfo, FGamebaseAuthTokenDelegate::CreateLambda([=](const FGamebaseAuthToken* AuthToken, const FGamebaseError* Error)
        if (Gamebase::IsSuccess(Error))
            UE_LOG(GamebaseTestResults, Display, TEXT("Login succeeded. Gamebase userId is %s"), *AuthToken->Member.UserId);
            UE_LOG(GamebaseTestResults, Display, TEXT("Login failed. (errorCode: %d, errorMessage: %s)"), Error->Code, *Error->Messsage);


Attempt to log out from login IdP. In most cases, the logout button is located on the setting page of a game, to be clicked for execution. Even with a successful logout, game user's data remains. When it is successfully logged out, authentication records with IdP are removed, and therefore, popup will show to enter ID and password for the next login attempt.


Supported Platforms


void Logout(const FGamebaseErrorDelegate& Callback);


void USample::Logout()
    UGamebaseSubsystem* Subsystem = UGameInstance::GetSubsystem<UGamebaseSubsystem>(GetGameInstance());
    Subsystem->Logout(FGamebaseErrorDelegate::CreateLambda([=](const FGamebaseError* Error)
        if (Gamebase::IsSuccess(Error))
            UE_LOG(GamebaseTestResults, Display, TEXT("Logout succeeded."));
            UE_LOG(GamebaseTestResults, Display, TEXT("Logout failed. (errorCode: %d, errorMessage: %s)"), Error->Code, *Error->Messsage);


Attempts account withdrawal while logged in.

  • Upon successful withdrawal
  • The game user’s data of the IdP logged in will be deleted.
  • You can login again with the IdP. A new game user’s data will be created.
  • All linked IdPs will be logged out.
  • It means user's withdrawal from Gamebase, not from IdP account.


If multiple IdPs are linked, all IdP linkages will be unlinked and the user data in Gamebase will be deleted.


Supported Platforms


void Withdraw(const FGamebaseErrorDelegate& Callback);


void USample::Withdraw()
    UGamebaseSubsystem* Subsystem = UGameInstance::GetSubsystem<UGamebaseSubsystem>(GetGameInstance());
    Subsystem->Withdraw(FGamebaseErrorDelegate::CreateLambda([=](const FGamebaseError* Error)
        if (Gamebase::IsSuccess(Error))
            UE_LOG(GamebaseTestResults, Display, TEXT("Withdraw succeeded."));
            UE_LOG(GamebaseTestResults, Display, TEXT("Withdraw failed. (errorCode: %d, errorMessage: %s)"), Error->Code, *Error->Messsage);


Mapping refers to integrating or disintegrating other IdP accounts with a previously logged-in account.

In many games, one account is allowed to be mapped with many IdPs. With Mapping API of Gamebase, accounts of other IdP can be mapped/unmapped with previously logged-in account.

As such, one Gamebase user ID can be mapped with many IdP accounts. That is, to log in with mapped IdP account, it is logged in with same user ID at all times.

Note, however, that each IdP allows only one account for a mapping. See the following for example:

  • Gamebase User ID : 123bcabca
    • Google ID : aa
    • Facebook ID : bb
    • AppleGameCenter ID : cc
    • PAYCO ID : dd
  • Gamebase User ID : 456abcabc
    • Google ID : ee
    • Google ID : ff -> Unable to map further Google account, since the Google ee account is already mapped.

Regarding mapping, two APIs exist: Add/Cancel Mapping API.

Add Mapping Flow

Mapping can be implemented in the following order.

add mapping flow

1. Login

Since mapping refers to adding IdP account integration to a current account, login is required. Call login API first to log in.

2. Mapping

Call AddMapping API to attempt a mapping.

2-1. When Mapping is Successful

  • Congratulations! Just added an IdP account now mapped with the current account.
  • Even with a successful mapping, 'Currently logged IdP' does not change.
    For instance, if you've been logged with Google account, and even if an attempt of mapping with Facebook has been successful, the 'Currently logged IdP' does not change from Google to Facebook.
  • Mapping simply adds IdP integration.

2-2. When Mapping Fails

  • Network error
    • When the error code is SOCKET_ERROR(110) or SOCKET_RESPONSE_TIMEOUT(101), it means that the authentication failed due to temporary network issues, so call AddMapping API again or try again later.
  • Error that occurs when already linked to another account
    • When the error code is AUTH_ADD_MAPPING_ALREADY_MAPPED_TO_OTHER_MEMBER(3302), it means that the account of the IdP to map to is already linked to another account. To disintegrate such account, login to the account and call Withdraw API to withdraw, or call RemoveMapping API to cancel mapping and try a new mapping again.
  • Error that occurs when already linked to the same IdP account
    • When the error code is AUTH_ADD_MAPPING_ALREADY_HAS_SAME_IDP(3303), it means that an account of the same type as the IdP you want to map to is already linked.
    • Gamebase mapping allows linking of only one account per IdP. For example, if an account is already linked to a PAYCO account, no other PAYCO account can be added.
    • To link another account of the same IdP, call RemoveMapping API to remove the linking and try mapping again.
  • Other errors
    • The mapping attempt has failed.

Add Mapping

Attempt to map with another IdP while it is logged in to a specific IdP. If an account of IdP about to map to is already mapped to another account, return the error of AUTH_ADD_MAPPING_ALREADY_MAPPED_TO_OTHER_MEMBER(3302).

Even with a successful mapping, 'Currently logged IdP' does not change. For instance, if you've been logged with Google account, and even if an attempt of mapping with Facebook has been successful, the 'Currently logged IdP' does not change from Google to Facebook. Mapping simply adds IdP integration.


Supported Platforms


void AddMapping(const FString& ProviderName, const FGamebaseAuthTokenDelegate& Callback);
void AddMapping(const FString& ProviderName, const UGamebaseJsonObject& AdditionalInfo, const FGamebaseAuthTokenDelegate& Callback)


void USample::AddMapping(const FString& ProviderName)
    UGamebaseSubsystem* Subsystem = UGameInstance::GetSubsystem<UGamebaseSubsystem>(GetGameInstance());
    Subsystem->AddMapping(ProviderName, FGamebaseAuthTokenDelegate::CreateLambda([=](const FGamebaseAuthToken* AuthToken, const FGamebaseError* Error)
        if (Gamebase::IsSuccess(Error))
            UE_LOG(GamebaseTestResults, Display, TEXT("AddMapping succeeded."));
            UE_LOG(GamebaseTestResults, Display, TEXT("AddMapping failed. (errorCode: %d, errorMessage: %s)"), Error->Code, *Error->Messsage);

AddMapping with Credential

This interface allows to authenticate with SDK provided by IdP of a game to enable Gamebase AddMapping by using a given access token.

  • Setting Credential Parameters
Keyname Usage Value Type
GamebaseAuthProviderCredential::ProviderName Set IdP type GamebaseAuthProvider::Google
GamebaseAuthProviderCredential::AccessToken Set authentication information (Access Token) given after IdP login
Disabled for Google authentication
GamebaseAuthProviderCredential::AuthorizationCode Set authorization code given after Google login


Might be required to use unique features of an external service (e.g. Facebook) for a game.


Development issues requiring the support of an external SDK must be implemented by using API of such SDK, which is not supported by Gamebase.


Supported Platforms


void AddMapping(const UGamebaseJsonObject& CredentialInfo, const FGamebaseAuthTokenDelegate& Callback);


void USample::AddMappingWithCredential()
    UGamebaseJsonObject* CredentialInfo = NewObject<UGamebaseJsonObject>();

    // google
    //CredentialInfo->SetStringField(GamebaseAuthProviderCredential::ProviderName, GamebaseAuthProvider::Google);
    //CredentialInfo->SetStringField(GamebaseAuthProviderCredential::AuthorizationCode, TEXT("google auchorization code"));

    // facebook
    CredentialInfo->SetStringField(GamebaseAuthProviderCredential::ProviderName, GamebaseAuthProvider::Facebook);
    CredentialInfo->SetStringField(GamebaseAuthProviderCredential::AccessToken, TEXT("facebook access token"));

    UGamebaseSubsystem* Subsystem = UGameInstance::GetSubsystem<UGamebaseSubsystem>(GetGameInstance());
    Subsystem->AddMapping(*CredentialInfo, FGamebaseAuthTokenDelegate::CreateLambda([=](const FGamebaseAuthToken* AuthToken, const FGamebaseError* Error)
        if (Gamebase::IsSuccess(Error))
            UE_LOG(GamebaseTestResults, Display, TEXT("AddMapping succeeded."));
            UE_LOG(GamebaseTestResults, Display, TEXT("AddMapping failed. (errorCode: %d, errorMessage: %s)"), Error->Code, *Error->Messsage);

Add Mapping Forcibly

특정 IdP에 이미 매핑된 계정이 있을 때, 강제로 매핑을 시도합니다. 강제 매핑을 시도할 때는 AddMapping API에서 획득한 ForcingMappingTicket이 필요합니다.

다음은 Facebook에 강제 매핑을 시도하는 예시입니다.


void AddMappingForcibly(const FGamebaseForcingMappingTicket& ForcingMappingTicket, const FGamebaseAuthTokenDelegate& Callback);

// Legacy API
void AddMappingForcibly(const FString& ProviderName, const FString& ForcingMappingKey, const FGamebaseAuthTokenDelegate& Callback);
void AddMappingForcibly(const FString& ProviderName, const FString& ForcingMappingKey, const UGamebaseJsonObject& AdditionalInfo, const FGamebaseAuthTokenDelegate& Callback);
void AddMappingForcibly(const UGamebaseJsonObject& CredentialInfo, const FString& ForcingMappingKey, const FGamebaseAuthTokenDelegate& Callback);


void USample::AddMappingForcibly(const FString& ProviderName)
    UGamebaseSubsystem* Subsystem = UGameInstance::GetSubsystem<UGamebaseSubsystem>(GetGameInstance());
    Subsystem->AddMapping(ProviderName, FGamebaseAuthTokenDelegate::CreateLambda([=](const FGamebaseAuthToken* AuthToken, const FGamebaseError* Error)
        if (Gamebase::IsSuccess(Error))
            UE_LOG(GamebaseTestResults, Display, TEXT("AddMapping succeeded. Gamebase userId is %s"), *AuthToken->Member.UserId);
            // Call AddMapping API and map to an account already integrated, and get ForcingMappingTicket, like below.
            if (Error->Code == GamebaseErrorCode::AUTH_ADD_MAPPING_ALREADY_MAPPED_TO_OTHER_MEMBER)
                // Use the From() method of the ForcingMappingTicket class to get an ForcingMappingTicket instance. 
                auto ForcingMappingTicket = FGamebaseForcingMappingTicket::From(Error);
                if (ForcingMappingTicket.IsValid() == false)
                    // Unexpected Error occurred. Contact Administrator.

                // Attempt force mapping. 
                Subsystem->AddMappingForcibly(ForcingMappingTicket, ForcingMappingTicket->ForcingMappingKey,
                    FGamebaseAuthTokenDelegate::CreateLambda([](const FGamebaseAuthToken* innerAuthToken, const FGamebaseError* innerError)
                    if (Gamebase::IsSuccess(Error))
                        // Successfully added force mapping
                        UE_LOG(GamebaseTestResults, Display, TEXT("AddMappingForcibly succeeded."));
                        // Check error code and take an appropriate processing. 
                        UE_LOG(GamebaseTestResults, Display, TEXT("AddMappingForcibly failed. (errorCode: %d, errorMessage: %s)"), Error->Code, *Error->Messsage);
                // Check error code and take an appropriate processing. 
                UE_LOG(GamebaseTestResults, Display, TEXT("AddMapping failed."));

Change Login with ForcingMappingTicket

When there's an account which is already mapped to a particular IdP, log out from the current account and log in with the mapped account. In this case, ForcingMappingTicket acquired from AddMapping API is required.

If the Change Login API call fails, the Gamebase login status is maintained with the existing UserID.


void ChangeLogin(const FGamebaseForcingMappingTicket& ForcingMappingTicket, const FGamebaseAuthTokenDelegate& Callback);


The following example shows a situation where, after attempting to map to Facebook, an account already mapped to Facebook is found and the login is changed to the account.

void USample::ChangeLoginWithFacebook(const FString& ProviderName)
    UGamebaseSubsystem* Subsystem = UGameInstance::GetSubsystem<UGamebaseSubsystem>(GetGameInstance());
    Subsystem->AddMapping(GamebaseAuthProvider::Facebook, FGamebaseAuthTokenDelegate::CreateLambda([=](const FGamebaseAuthToken* AuthToken, const FGamebaseError* Error)
        if (Gamebase::IsSuccess(Error))
            UE_LOG(GamebaseTestResults, Display, TEXT("AddMapping succeeded. Gamebase userId is %s"), *AuthToken->Member.UserId);
            // Call AddMapping API and map to an account already integrated, and get ForcingMappingTicket, like below.
            if (Error->Code == GamebaseErrorCode::AUTH_ADD_MAPPING_ALREADY_MAPPED_TO_OTHER_MEMBER)
                // Use the From() method of the ForcingMappingTicket class to get an ForcingMappingTicket instance.
                auto ForcingMappingTicket = FGamebaseForcingMappingTicket::From(Error);
                if (ForcingMappingTicket.IsValid())
                    // Attempt force mapping.
                    Subsystem->ChangeLogin(ForcingMappingTicket, ForcingMappingTicket->ForcingMappingKey,
                        FGamebaseAuthTokenDelegate::CreateLambda([](const FGamebaseAuthToken* AuthTokenForcibly, const FGamebaseError* ChangeLoginError)
                        if (Gamebase::IsSuccess(ChangeLoginError))
                            // Successfully changed login
                            // Failed to change login
                            // Check the error code and resolve the error.
                    // Unexpected Error occurred. Contact Administrator.
                // Check the error code and resolve the error.
                UE_LOG(GamebaseTestResults, Display, TEXT("AddMapping failed."));

Remove Mapping

Remove mapping from a particular IdP. If there's only one IdP, return failure. After mapping is removed, log out from the IdP within Gamebase.


Supported Platforms


void RemoveMapping(const FString& ProviderName, const FGamebaseErrorDelegate& Callback);


void USample::RemoveMapping(const FString& ProviderName)
    UGamebaseSubsystem* Subsystem = UGameInstance::GetSubsystem<UGamebaseSubsystem>(GetGameInstance());
    Subsystem->RemoveMapping(ProviderName, FGamebaseErrorDelegate::CreateLambda([=](const FGamebaseError* Error)
        if (Gamebase::IsSuccess(Error))
            UE_LOG(GamebaseTestResults, Display, TEXT("RemoveMapping succeeded."));
            UE_LOG(GamebaseTestResults, Display, TEXT("RemoveMapping failed. (errorCode: %d, errorMessage: %s)"), Error->Code, *Error->Messsage);

Get Mapping List

Return the list of IdPs mapped with user ID.


Supported Platforms


TArray<FString> GetAuthMappingList() const;


void USample::GetAuthMappingList()
    auto MappingList = UGamebaseSubsystem* Subsystem = UGameInstance::GetSubsystem<UGamebaseSubsystem>(GetGameInstance());

    for (FString provider : MappingList)
        UE_LOG(GamebaseTestResults, Display, TEXT("GetAuthMappingList - %s"), *provider);

Gamebase User`s Information

Execute authentication via Gamebase, to obtain information required to produce an app.

Get Authentication Information for Gamebase


Get UserID issued from Gamebase. API

Supported Platforms


FString GetUserID() const;


void USample::GetUserID()
    UGamebaseSubsystem* Subsystem = UGameInstance::GetSubsystem<UGamebaseSubsystem>(GetGameInstance());
    FString UserID = Subsystem->GetUserID();


Get access token issued from Gamebase.


Supported Platforms


FString GetAccessToken() const;


void USample::GetAccessToken()
    UGamebaseSubsystem* Subsystem = UGameInstance::GetSubsystem<UGamebaseSubsystem>(GetGameInstance());
    FString AccessToken = Subsystem->GetAccessToken();

Last LoggedIn Provider Name

Get ProviderName that was successful with the last login from Gamebase.


Supported Platforms


FString GetLastLoggedInProvider() const;


void USample::GetLastLoggedInProvider()
    UGamebaseSubsystem* Subsystem = UGameInstance::GetSubsystem<UGamebaseSubsystem>(GetGameInstance());
    FString LastLoggedInProvider = Subsystem->GetLastLoggedInProvider();

Get Authentication Information for External IdP


  • For security reasons, it is recommended that you call the authentication information of an external IdP from the game server.
  • Access token may expire relatively sooner depending on the IdP.
    • For example, the access token of Google will expire within 2 hours from the time of login.
    • If you need user information, it is recommended that you call the Gamebase Server API immediately after login.
  • When logged in with the "Gamebase.LoginForLastLoggedInProvider()” API, the authentication info cannot be retrieved.
    • If you need the user info, instead of "Gamebase.LoginForLastLoggedInProvider()” , use the {IDP_CODE} identical to the IDPCode that you want to use as the parameter to log in as the "Gamebase.Login(IDP_CODE, callback)" API.

Get Banned User Information

When a user is registered as banned from Gamebase Console, with his login attempt, servic restriction code (BANNED_MEMBER(7)) may be displayed, and punishment information can be found by using the FGamebaseBanInfo::From API.


With this feature, key to transfer guest account onto another device can be issued.

The key is called TransferAccountInfo. The issued TransferAccountInfo enables account transfer by calling requestTransferAccount API from another device.

TransferAccountInfo can be issued only under guest login.
Account transfer by using TransferAccountInfo is available only with a guest login or logout. If a login guest account is already mapped with another external IdP (e.g. Google, Facebook, or PAYCO), account transfer is not supported.

Issue TransferAccount

Issue TransferAccountInfo to transfer account.


void IssueTransferAccount(const FGamebaseTransferAccountDelegate& Callback);


void USample::IssueTransferAccount()
    UGamebaseSubsystem* Subsystem = UGameInstance::GetSubsystem<UGamebaseSubsystem>(GetGameInstance());
    Subsystem->IssueTransferAccount(FGamebaseTransferAccountDelegate::CreateLambda([=](const FGamebaseTransferAccountInfo* TransferAccountInfo, const FGamebaseError* Error)
        if (Gamebase::IsSuccess(Error))
            // Issuing TransferAccount success.
            // Issuing TransferAccount failed.

Query TransferAccount

Query TransferAccountInfo, already issued for the transfer of guest account, to a Gamebase server.


void QueryTransferAccount(const FGamebaseTransferAccountDelegate& Callback);


void USample::QueryTransferAccount()
    UGamebaseSubsystem* Subsystem = UGameInstance::GetSubsystem<UGamebaseSubsystem>(GetGameInstance());
    Subsystem->IssueTransferAccount(FGamebaseTransferAccountDelegate::CreateLambda([=](const FGamebaseTransferAccountInfo* TransferAccountInfo, const FGamebaseError* Error)
        if (Gamebase::IsSuccess(Error))
            // Querying TransferAccount success.
            // Querying TransferAccount failed.

Renew TransferAccount

Renew TransferAccountInfo which has already been issued.
It is available either by "Auto Renewal", or "Manual Renewal", and TransferAccountInfo can be updated by setting "Renew Password Only", or "Renew Both ID and Password".

void RenewTransferAccount(const FGamebaseTransferAccountRenewConfiguration& Configuration, const FGamebaseTransferAccountDelegate& Callback);


void USample::RenewTransferAccount(const FString& AccountId, const FString& AccountPassword)
    // Manual Setting
    FGamebaseTransferAccountRenewConfiguration Configuration;
    Configuration.AccountId = AccountId;
    Configuration.AccountPassword = AccountPassword;
    //FGamebaseTransferAccountRenewConfiguration Configuration { AccountPassword };

    // Auto Setting
    //FGamebaseTransferAccountRenewConfiguration Configuration{ type };

    UGamebaseSubsystem* Subsystem = UGameInstance::GetSubsystem<UGamebaseSubsystem>(GetGameInstance());
    Subsystem->RenewTransferAccount(Configuration, FGamebaseTransferAccountDelegate::CreateLambda([=](const FGamebaseTransferAccountInfo* TransferAccountInfo, const FGamebaseError* Error)
        if (Gamebase::IsSuccess(Error))
            // Renewing TransferAccount success.
            // Renewing TransferAccount failed.

Transfer Guest Account to Another Device

Account can be transferred via TransferAccount with the issueTransfer API. When account transfer is successful, transfer completion message may be displayed on the device that issued TransferAccount, and a new account will be created with a guest login.
On a device with successful account transfer, you can continue to apply the guest account of device which issued TransferAccount.

If transfer is successful while guest is logged in, the guest account logged in the device will be lost.


void TransferAccountWithIdPLogin(const FString& AccountId, const FString& AccountPassword, const FGamebaseAuthTokenDelegate& Callback);


void USample::TransferAccountWithIdPLogin(const FString& AccountId, const FString& AccountPassword)
    UGamebaseSubsystem* Subsystem = UGameInstance::GetSubsystem<UGamebaseSubsystem>(GetGameInstance());
    Subsystem->TransferAccountWithIdPLogin(AccountId, AccountPassword, FGamebaseAuthTokenDelegate::CreateLambda([=](const FGamebaseAuthToken* AuthToken, const FGamebaseError* Error)
        if (Gamebase::IsSuccess(Error))
            // Transfering Account success.
            // TODO: implements post login process
            // Transfering Account failed.


'Suspension of Withdrawal' is available. At the request for a temporary withdrawal, user can withdraw after certain period of suspension. Suspension period can be changed from the console.


To suspend withdrawal, do not use Withdraw API. Withdraw API regards to immediate withdrawal from account.

When it is successfully logged in, the withdrawal status of a user can be found with AuthToken.member.temporaryWithdrawal.

Request TemporaryWithdrawal

Send a request for a temporary withdrawal. After a certain period specified on console, user withdrawal is automatically processed.


void RequestWithdrawal(const FGamebaseTemporaryWithdrawalDelegate& Callback);


void USample::RequestWithdrawal()
    UGamebaseSubsystem* Subsystem = UGameInstance::GetSubsystem<UGamebaseSubsystem>(GetGameInstance());
    Subsystem->GetTemporaryWithdrawal()->RequestWithdrawal(FGamebaseTemporaryWithdrawalDelegate::CreateLambda([=](const FGamebaseTemporaryWithdrawalInfo* Info, const FGamebaseError* Error)
        if (Gamebase::IsSuccess(Error))
            UE_LOG(GamebaseTestResults, Display, TEXT("RequestWithdrawal succeeded. The date when you can withdraw your withdrawal is %d"), Info->GracePeriodDate);
            UE_LOG(GamebaseTestResults, Display, TEXT("RequestWithdrawal failed. (errorCode: %d, errorMessage: %s)"), Error->Code, *Error->Messsage);

Check TemporaryWithdrawal User

Games enabling the suspension of withdrawal must always notify the user after login that withdrawal is underway, unless AuthToken.member.temporaryWithdrawal is null.


void USample::Login()
    UGamebaseSubsystem* Subsystem = UGameInstance::GetSubsystem<UGamebaseSubsystem>(GetGameInstance());
    Subsystem->Login(GamebaseAuthProvider::Guest, FGamebaseAuthTokenDelegate::CreateLambda([=](const FGamebaseAuthToken* AuthToken, const FGamebaseError* Error)
        if (Gamebase::IsSuccess(Error))
            if (AuthToken->Member.TemporaryWithdrawal.IsSet())
                const auto TemporaryWithdrawal = AuthToken->Member.TemporaryWithdrawal.GetValue();
                // GracePeriodDate: epoch time in milliseconds
                const FDateTime PeriodDate = FDateTime(1970, 1, 1) + FTimespan::FromMilliseconds(TemporaryWithdrawal.GracePeriodDate);
                UE_LOG(GamebaseTestResults, Display, TEXT("User is under temporary withdrawa. GracePeriodDate : %s"), *PeriodDate.ToString());
                UE_LOG(GamebaseTestResults, Display, TEXT("Login succeeded. Gamebase userId is %s"), *AuthToken->Member.UserId);
            UE_LOG(GamebaseTestResults, Display, TEXT("Login failed. (errorCode: %d, errorMessage: %s)"), Error->Code, *Error->Messsage);

Cancel TemporaryWithdrawal

Cancel request for a withdrawal. After withdrawal is completed and if the request has expired, withdrawal cannot be reverted.


void CancelWithdrawal(const FGamebaseErrorDelegate& Callback);


void USample::CancelTemporaryWithdrawal()
    UGamebaseSubsystem* Subsystem = UGameInstance::GetSubsystem<UGamebaseSubsystem>(GetGameInstance());
    Subsystem->GetTemporaryWithdrawal()->CancelTemporaryWithdrawal(FGamebaseErrorDelegate::CreateLambda([=](const FGamebaseError* Error)
        if (Gamebase::IsSuccess(Error))
            UE_LOG(GamebaseTestResults, Display, TEXT("CancelTemporaryWithdrawal succeeded."));
            UE_LOG(GamebaseTestResults, Display, TEXT("CancelTemporaryWithdrawal failed. (errorCode: %d, errorMessage: %s)"), Error->Code, *Error->Messsage);

Withdraw Immediately

Withdraw immediately without considering the suspension period. It runs the same as Withdraw API.

Since immediate withdrawal cannot be cancelled, it is recommended to be confirmed by the user several times.


void WithdrawImmediately(const FGamebaseErrorDelegate& Callback);


void USample::WithdrawImmediately()
    UGamebaseSubsystem* Subsystem = UGameInstance::GetSubsystem<UGamebaseSubsystem>(GetGameInstance());
    Subsystem->GetTemporaryWithdrawal()->WithdrawImmediately(FGamebaseErrorDelegate::CreateLambda([=](const FGamebaseError* Error)
        if (Gamebase::IsSuccess(Error))
            UE_LOG(GamebaseTestResults, Display, TEXT("WithdrawImmediately succeeded."));
            UE_LOG(GamebaseTestResults, Display, TEXT("WithdrawImmediately failed. (errorCode: %d, errorMessage: %s)"), Error->Code, *Error->Messsage);


  • This is a 'purchase abuse automatic release' function.
    • The purchase abuse automatic release function allows users who should be banned due to purchase abuse automatic lockdown to be banned after ban suspension status.
    • When a user is in ban suspension status, if the user satisfies all of the release conditions within the set period of time, the user will be able to play normally.
    • If the user does not satisfy the conditions within the period, the user is banned.
  • Games that use the purchase abuse automatic release function must always check the value of AuthToken.member.graceBanInfo API after login. If a valid GraceBanInfo object that is not null is returned, the user must be informed of the ban release conditions, period, etc.
    • In-game access control for users who are in ban suspension status must be handled by the game.


void USample::Login()
    UGamebaseSubsystem* Subsystem = UGameInstance::GetSubsystem<UGamebaseSubsystem>(GetGameInstance());
    Subsystem->Login(GamebaseAuthProvider::Guest, FGamebaseAuthTokenDelegate::CreateLambda([=](const FGamebaseAuthToken* AuthToken, const FGamebaseError* Error)
        if (Gamebase::IsSuccess(Error) == false)
            // Login failed

        if (AuthToken->Member.GraceBan.IsSet())
            const auto GraceBan = AuthToken->Member.raceBan.GetValue();

            // GracePeriodDate: epoch time in milliseconds
            const FDateTime PeriodDate = FDateTime(1970, 1, 1) + FTimespan::FromMilliseconds(GraceBan.GracePeriodDate);

            if (GraceBan.ReleaseRuleCondition.IsSet())
                const auto ReleaseRuleCondition = GraceBan.ReleaseRuleCondition.GetValue();

                // condition type: "AND", "OR"
                FString releaseRule = FString::Printf(TEXT("%lld%s %s %dtime(s)"), ReleaseRuleCondition.Amount,
                    *ReleaseRuleCondition.Currency, *ReleaseRuleCondition.ConditionType, ReleaseRuleCondition.Count);

            if (GraceBan.PaymentStatus.IsSet())
                const auto paymentStatus = GraceBan.PaymentStatus.GetValue();

                FString paidAmount = FString::Printf(TEXT("%lld%s"), PaymentStatus.Amount, *PaymentStatus.Currency);
                FString paidCount = PaymentStatus.count + "time(s)";
            UE_LOG(GamebaseTestResults, Display, TEXT("Login succeeded. Gamebase userId is %s"), *AuthToken->Member.UserId);

Error Handling

Category Error Error Code Description
-------------- ---------------------------------------- ---------- ----------------------------------------
Auth INVALID_MEMBER 6 A request for invalid member.
BANNED_MEMBER 7 The member has been banned.
AUTH_USER_CANCELED 3001 Tje login has been cancelled.
AUTH_NOT_SUPPORTED_PROVIDER 3002 The authentication method is not supported.
AUTH_NOT_EXIST_MEMBER 3003 The member does not exist or has withdrawn.
AUTH_EXTERNAL_LIBRARY_INITIALIZATION_ERROR 3006 Failed to initialize an external authentication library.
AUTH_EXTERNAL_LIBRARY_ERROR 3009 Error occurred in the external authentication library.
Check the error details.
AUTH_ALREADY_IN_PROGRESS_ERROR 3010 The previous authentication process has not been completed.
AUTH_INVALID_GAMEBASE_TOKEN 3011 Logged out because the Gamebase Access Token is not valid.
Please try logging in again.
TransferAccount SAME_REQUESTOR 8 Used TransferAccount on a same device.
NOT_GUEST_OR_HAS_OTHERS 9 Attempted to transfer on a non-guest account, or mapped a non-guest IdP to account.
AUTH_TRANSFERACCOUNT_EXPIRED 3041 TransferAccount has been expired.
AUTH_TRANSFERACCOUNT_BLOCK 3042 Account transfer is locked due to many inputs of invalid TransferAccount.
AUTH_TRANSFERACCOUNT_INVALID_ID 3043 TransferAccount ID is invalid.
AUTH_TRANSFERACCOUNT_INVALID_PASSWORD 3044 TransferAccount password is invalid.
Please enable it first on NHN Cloud Gamebase Console.
AUTH_TRANSFERACCOUNT_NOT_EXIST 3046 TransferAccount does not exist. Please get TransferAccount issued.
AUTH_TRANSFERACCOUNT_ALREADY_EXIST_ID 3047 TransferAccount already exists.
AUTH_TRANSFERACCOUNT_ALREADY_USED 3048 TransferAccount has already been used.
Auth (Login) AUTH_TOKEN_LOGIN_FAILED 3101 Token login failed.
AUTH_TOKEN_LOGIN_INVALID_TOKEN_INFO 3102 Token information is invalid.
AUTH_TOKEN_LOGIN_INVALID_LAST_LOGGED_IN_IDP 3103 There's no last login IdP information.
IdP Login AUTH_IDP_LOGIN_FAILED 3201 IdP login has failed.
AUTH_IDP_LOGIN_INVALID_IDP_INFO 3202 IdP information is invalid. (IdP information is unavialable on console.)
Add Mapping AUTH_ADD_MAPPING_FAILED 3301 Failed to add mapping.
AUTH_ADD_MAPPING_ALREADY_HAS_SAME_IDP 3303 Already mapped to same IdP.
AUTH_ADD_MAPPING_INVALID_IDP_INFO 3304 IdP information is invalid (IdP information is unavailable on console).
AUTH_ADD_MAPPING_CANNOT_ADD_GUEST_IDP 3305 AddMapping is unavailable with Guest IdP.
Add Mapping Forcibly AUTH_ADD_MAPPING_FORCIBLY_NOT_EXIST_KEY 3311 ForcingMappingKey does not exist.
Check ForcingMappingTicket again.
AUTH_ADD_MAPPING_FORCIBLY_ALREADY_USED_KEY 3312 ForcingMappingKey has already been used.
AUTH_ADD_MAPPING_FORCIBLY_EXPIRED_KEY 3313 ForcingMappingKey is expired.
AUTH_ADD_MAPPING_FORCIBLY_DIFFERENT_IDP 3314 ForcingMappingKey has been used for another IdP.
The ForcingMappingKey is applied for the attempt of force mapping to a same IdP.
AUTH_ADD_MAPPING_FORCIBLY_DIFFERENT_AUTHKEY 3315 ForcingMappingKey has been used for another account.
The ForcingMappingKey is applied for the attempt of force mapping to a same IdP and account.
Remove Mapping AUTH_REMOVE_MAPPING_FAILED 3401 Failed to delete mapping
AUTH_REMOVE_MAPPING_LAST_MAPPED_IDP 3402 Unable to delete the last mapped IdP.
AUTH_REMOVE_MAPPING_LOGGED_IN_IDP 3403 The IdP is currently logged-in.
Logout AUTH_LOGOUT_FAILED 3501 Failed to log out.
Withdrawal AUTH_WITHDRAW_FAILED 3601 Failed to withdraw.
AUTH_WITHDRAW_ALREADY_TEMPORARY_WITHDRAW 3602 The user is already under temporary withdrawal.
AUTH_WITHDRAW_NOT_TEMPORARY_WITHDRAW 3603 The user is not under temporary withdrawal.
Not Playable AUTH_NOT_PLAYABLE 3701 Unavailable to play game (e.g. due to maintenance or service closed.)
Auth(Unknown) AUTH_UNKNOWN_ERROR 3999 Unknown error (undefined error).
  • Please see the following document for the entire error codes.


  • The error is returned when an error occurs in external authentication library.
  • The information on the error in external authentication library is included in the error details, and you can find detailed error code and message as follows.
GamebaseError* gamebaseError = Error; // GamebaseError object via callback

if (Gamebase::IsSuccess(Error))
    // succeeded
    UE_LOG(GamebaseTestResults, Display, TEXT("code: %d, message: %s"), Error->Code, *Error->Messsage);

    if (Error->Code == GamebaseErrorCode::AUTH_EXTERNAL_LIBRARY_ERROR)
        FGamebaseErrorInner moduleError = Error->Error;
        if (moduleError.code != GamebaseErrorCode::SUCCESS)
            UE_LOG(GamebaseTestResults, Display, TEXT("moduleErrorCode: %d, moduleErrorMessage: %s"), moduleError.code, *moduleError.message);
  • For detailed error codes, see the Developer page on each external authentication library.