NHN Cloud > SDK User Guide > IAP > Android


  1. Install NHN Cloud SDK.
  2. Enable IAP service in NHN Cloud console.
  3. Check AppKey in IAP console.

Console Guide for Stores

When selling subscription products from Google Play, must set up google notifications to receive real-time subscription status.

In-App Purchase Guide for Each Store Type

Library Setting

Google Play Store

  • To use in-app purchase of Google Play Store, add dependency to build.gradle as below:
repositories {

dependencies {
    implementation 'com.nhncloud.android:nhncloud-iap-google:1.9.5'

Google Play in-app purchase functions in Android 5.0 (API level 21) or higher.

ONE store

  • To use in-app purchase of ONE store, add dependency to build.gradle as below:
  • For ONE store v19, Download the V19 IAP SDK and copy to the libs directory and add dependency.
repositories {
    // ONE store V21
    maven { url 'https://repo.onestore.co.kr/repository/onestore-sdk-public' }

dependencies {
    // ONE store V17
    implementation 'com.nhncloud.android:nhncloud-iap-onestore:1.9.5'
    // ONE store V19
    implementation files('libs/iap_sdk-v19.01.00.aar')
    implementation 'com.nhncloud.android:nhncloud-iap-onestore-v19:1.9.5'
    // ONE store V21
    implementation 'com.onestorecorp.sdk:sdk-iap:21.00.01'
    implementation 'com.onestorecorp.sdk:sdk-configuration-kr:1.0.0'
    implementation 'com.nhncloud.android:nhncloud-iap-onestore-v21:1.9.5'

ONE store v21 In-app purchase functions in Android (API level 23) 6.0 or higher.

Galaxy Store

  • To use in-app purchase of Galaxy Store, add dependency to build.gradle as below:
repositories {

dependencies {
    implementation 'com.nhncloud.android:nhncloud-iap-galaxy:1.9.5'

Galaxy Store in-app purchase works on Android 4.3 (API level 18) or higher.

Amazon Appstore

  • To use in-app purchase of Amazon Appstore, add dependency to build.gradle as follows:
repositories {

dependencies {
    implementation 'com.nhncloud.android:nhncloud-iap-amazon:1.9.5'
  • Add the AppGallery Connection configuration file (agconnect-service.json).

    • Log in to AppGallery Connect and then click My Projects.
    • Select an app from your project.
    • Go to Project settings > General information.
    • Download the agconnect-service.json file from App information.
    • Copy the agconnect-service.json file to the root directory of your app.
  • Add the App Gallery Connect plugin to the root level build.gradle as follows.

buildscript {
    repositories {
        // Configure the Maven repository address for the HMS Core SDK.
        maven {url 'https://developer.huawei.com/repo/'}
    dependencies {
        // Add the AppGallery Connect plugin configuration. You are advised to use the latest plugin version.
        classpath 'com.huawei.agconnect:agcp:'
  • Add dependency to the app level build.gradle as follows.
apply plugin: 'com.huawei.agconnect'

repositories {
    maven {url 'https://developer.huawei.com/repo/'}

dependencies {
    implementation 'com.nhncloud.android:nhncloud-iap-huawei:1.9.5'

Huawei App Gallery's in-app purchase works on Android 4.4 (API level 19) or higher.


  • To use in-app purchase of MyCard, add dependency to build.gradle as below.
repositories {

dependencies {
    implementation 'com.nhncloud.android:nhncloud-iap-mycard:1.9.5'

AndroidManifest Setting

ONE store purchase screen setting (optional)

ONE store supports full purchase screen and pop-up purchase screen. You can add metadata to AndroidManifest.xml to select the full purchase screen ("full") or pop-up purchase screen ("popup"). If metadata is not set, the default value ("full") is applied.

  <meta-data android:name="iap:view_option" android:value="popup | full"/>
Purchase Screen Setting Value
Full Purchase Screen "full"
Pop-up Purchase Screen "popup"

For more information, see ONE store Purchase Screen Setting.

App targeting Android 11 or higher (ONE store, Galaxy Store, Amazon Appstore)

In Android 11, an app queries other apps that the user installed on the device and changes the way to interact with the apps. To use ONE store, Galaxy Store, or Amazon Appstore purchase in apps targeting Android 11 or higher, you need to define a 'queries' element or permission in AndroidManifest.xml as shown below.

ONE store

        <action android:name="com.onestore.ipc.iap.IapService.ACTION" />
        <action android:name="android.intent.action.VIEW" />
        <data android:scheme="onestore" />

Galaxy Store

    <package android:name="com.sec.android.app.samsungapps" />

Amazon Appstore

For Amazon Appstore, add a permission instead of the 'queries' element.

    tools:ignore="QueryAllPackagesPermission" />

The 'queries' element works in Android Gradle Plugin 4.1 or higher. To use a lower version of Android Gradle Plugin, see Preparing your Gradle build for package visibility in Android 11.

Caution!) Be careful not to apply the QUERY_ALL_PACKAGES permission to the Google Play Store.


android:name Setting

Add android:name as follows if it is not defined.


When the android:name is defined, inherits the NhnCloudMyCardApplication class instead of the Application class.

class MyApplication extends NhnCloudMyCardApplication {

Test Payment Mode (Option)

Add 'test_mode' to perform payment test. If 'test_mode' is not set, the default value is false.

  <meta-data android:name="iap:test_mode" android:value="true | false"/>

Store Codes

Store Code
Google Play Store "GG"
Galaxy store "GALAXY"
Amazon Appstore "AMAZON"
Huawei App Gallery "HUAWEI"

[Note] Store codes are defined in the IapStoreCode class.

Product Types

  • Three types of products are currently supported: consumable products, subscription products, and consumable subscription products.
Product Name Product Type Description
Consumable products "CONSUMABLE" Examples of Consumable Products: consumable one-time products, in-game goods, and media files.
Subscription products "AUTO_RENEWABLE" Examples of Subscription products: products that are automatically purchased at specific interval and price,
and online magazines and music streaming services.
Consumable subscription products "CONSUMABLE_AUTO_RENEWABLE" A subscription product that can be consumed
This is a payment method that provides in-game goods and items periodically.

[Note] Subscription products and consumable subscription products are supported by Google Play Store only.

In-App Purchase (IAP) Setting

Example of IAP Setting

NhnCloudIapConfiguration configuration =

Initialize IAP

  • Call the NhnCloudIap.initialize() method to initialize NHN Cloud IAP.

Specification for IAP Initialization API

/* NhnCloudIap.java */
public static void initialize(NhnCloudIapConfiguration configuration)
configuration NhnCloudIapConfiguration: Information for IAP setting

Example of IAP Initialization

  • Initialize NhnCloudIap.

[Note] Initialization must be performed in Application#onCreate.

public class MainApplication extends Application {
    public void onCreate() {

     * Initialize NhnCloudIap.
    private void initializeNhnCloudIap() {
        NhnCloudIapConfiguration configuration = NhnCloudIapConfiguration.newBuilder(getApplicationContext())

Service Login

  • All products provided by NHN Cloud SDK, such as IAP and Log & Crash, use the same user ID.
  • It is recommended to implement the following features in service login step: user ID setting, querying unconsumed purchase history, and querying active subscription products.


// Login.


// Logout.

[Note] When the service is logged out, user ID must be set to null. Otherwise, promotion codes might be redeemed or purchase with wrong user ID might occur in purchase reprocessing operation.

Register Purchases Update Listener

  • When promotion redemption or subscription status change (recovery, resubscription, etc.) occurs on in-app purchases or Google Play Store app, the purchase result is notified via IapService.PurchasesUpdatedListener set in NhnCloudIap.
  • Purchases update listener can be registered by using the NhnCloudIap.registerPurchasesUpdatedListener method.
  • Purchase information is available on the list of IapPurchaseResult delivered by IapService.PurchasesUpdatedListener.

Note: Purchases update listener must be registered in Activity.onCreate() and unregistered in Activity.onDestroy().

Specification for Registering Purchases Update Listener API

/* NhnCloudIap.java */
public static void registerPurchasesUpdatedListener(IapService.PurchasesUpdatedListener listener)
public static void unregisterPurchasesUpdatedListener(IapService.PurchasesUpdatedListener listener)
Method Parameters Description
registerPurchasesUpdatedListener listener IapService.
Listener for update on purchases
Registers purchases update listener.
unregisterPurchasesUpdatedListener listener IapService.
Listener to unregister
Unregisters purchases update listener.

Example of Registering Purchases Update Listener

public class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity {
     * Notifies the result of purchasing consumable products, subscription products, or promotion products in the app.
    private IapService.PurchasesUpdatedListener mPurchaseUpdatedListener =
            new IapService.PurchasesUpdatedListener() {
                public void onPurchasesUpdated(@NonNull List<IapPurchaseResult> purchaseResults) {
                    for (IapPurchaseResult purchaseResult : purchaseResults) {
                        if (purchaseResult.isSuccess()) {
                            // Succeeded
                            IapPurchase purchase = purchaseResult.getPurchase();
                        } else {
                            // Failed

    protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

        // Register the listener when onCreate is called.

    protected void onDestroy() {
        // Must remove the listener when onDestroy() is called.

[Note] If the activity is terminated before the purchase result is notified to IapService.PurchasesUpdatedListener, the purchase data can be lost. To process the purchase safely, users must be restricted from terminating the activity (clicking Back or Quit button) until they get the purchase result.

Query Product List

  • Query the list of available products among the ones registered in IAP console.
  • Products that can be purchased among those registered in IAP console are returned in IapProductDetails list (Product Details List).
  • Products unregistered in the store among those registered in IAP console are returned as the IapProduct list (Invalid Product List).

Specification for Product List Query API

/* NhnCloudIap.java */
public static void queryProductDetails(Activity activity,
                                       IapService.ProductDetailsResponseListener listener)
Method Parameters
queryProductDetails activity Activity: Currently active activity
listener IapService.
Listener for product query result

Example of Product List Query

 * Query the products available for purchase.
 * <p>
 * productDetails: List of products available for purchase
 * invalidProducts: Products registered in NHN Cloud IAP console but not in a store
void queryProductDetails() {
    IapService.ProductDetailsResponseListener responseListener =
            new IapService.ProductDetailsResponseListener() {
                public void onProductDetailsResponse(@NonNull IapResult result,
                                                     @Nullable List<IapProductDetails> productDetails,
                                                     @Nullable List<IapProduct> invalidProducts) {
                    if (result.isSuccess()) {
                        // Query Succeeded
                    } else {
                        // Query Failed

    NhnCloudIap.queryProductDetails(MainActivity.this, responseListener);

Purchase Products

Specification for Product Purchase IAP

/* NhnCloudIap.java */
public static void launchPurchaseFlow(Activity activity,
                                      IapPurchaseFlowParams params)
Method Parameters
launchPurchaseFlow activity Activity: Currently active activity
params IapPurchaseFlowParams: Parameter for purchase information

Example of Product Purchase

 * Purchase a product.
void launchPurchaseFlow(Activity activity, String productId) {
    IapPurchaseFlowParams params = IapPurchaseFlowParams.newBuilder()
    NhnCloudIap.launchPurchaseFlow(activity, params);

Set User Data

  • NHN Cloud IAP can add user information when requesting purchase.
  • User information is set with the setDeveloperPayload() method of IapPurchaseFlowParams.Builder.
  • You can check the configured user information with the getDeveloperPayload() method of IapPurchase, which is returned when you query unconsumed purchase and activated subscription.
String userData = "User Data"
IapPurchaseFlowParams params = IapPurchaseFlowParams.newBuilder()
NhnCloudIap.launchPurchaseFlow(activity, params);

If a user purchased a product with a promotion code from the Google Play Store, the user data cannot be used.

Query Unconsumed Purchases

  • Query the information of unconsumed one-time products (CONSUMABLE) and consumable subscription products (CONSUMABLE_AUTO_RENEWABLE).
  • After a product is provided to a user, the product can be consumed by using Consume API.
  • Unconsumed purchase can be queried by using the NhnCloudIap.queryConsumablePurchases() method.
  • Unconsumed purchases for the current store or all stores can be queried by using IapQueryPurchasesParams.
  • Query results are returned as the IapPurchase object list via IapService.PurchasesResponseListener.

Specification for Unconsumed Purchases Query API

/* NhnCloudIap.java */
public static void queryConsumablePurchases(Activity activity,
                                            IapQueryPurchasesParams params,
                                            IapService.PurchasesResponseListener listener)
Method Parameters
queryConsumablePurchases activity Activity: Currently active activity
params IapQueryPurchasesParams: Parameter for unconsumed purchase query
listener IapService.PurchasesResponseListener:
Listener for query result of unconsumed purchase details

Example of Unconsumed Purchases Query

 * Query the list of unconsumed purchases.
void queryConsumablePurchases(boolean isQueryAllStores) {
    IapQueryPurchasesParams params = IapQueryPurchasesParams.newBuilder()
        .setQueryAllStores(isQueryAllStores) // Query all stores: true, Query the current store: false
    PurchasesResponseListener responseListenr =
            new IapService.PurchasesResponseListener() {
                public void onPurchasesResponse(@NonNull IapResult result,
                                                @Nullable List<IapPurchase> purchases) {
                    if (result.isSuccess()) {
                        // Succeeded
                    } else {
                        // Failed
    NhnCloudIap.queryConsumablePurchases(MainActivity.this, params, responseListenr);

Query Activated Subscription

  • You can query activated subscription products (AUTO_RENEWABLE & CONSUMABLE_AUTO_RENEWABLE) by user ID.
  • Subscription products for which purchase has been completed can be queried as long as usage period remains.
  • Activated subscription can be queried by using the NhnCloudIap.queryActivatedPurchases() method.
  • Activated subscription for the current store or all stores can be queried by using IapQueryPurchasesParams.
  • Query results are returned as the IapPurchase object list via IapService.PurchasesResponseListener.
  • Products subscribed in iOS can be queried in Android as well.

Subscription products are currently supported by Google Play Store only.

Specification for Activated Subscription Query API

/* NhnCloudIap.java */
public static void queryActivatedPurchases(Activity activity,
                                           IapQueryPurchasesParams params,
                                           PurchasesResponseListener listener)
Method Parameters
queryActivatedPurchases activity Activity: Currently active activity
params IapQueryPurchasesParams: Parameter for activated subscription query
listener IapService.PurchasesResponseListener:
Listener for query result of activated subscription

Example of Activated Subscription Query

 * Query activated subscription products
void queryActivatedPurchases(boolean isQueryAllStores) {
    IapQueryPurchasesParams params = IapQueryPurchasesParams.newBuilder()
        .setQueryAllStores(isQueryAllStores) // Query all stores: true, Query the current store: false
    PurchasesResponseListener responseListener =
            new IapService.PurchasesResponseListener() {
                public void onPurchasesResponse(@NonNull IapResult result,
                                                @Nullable List<IapPurchase> purchases) {
                    if (result.isSuccess()) {
                        // Succeeded
                    } else {
                        // Failed
    NhnCloudIap.queryActivatedPurchases(MainActivity.this, params, responseListener);

Query Subscription Status

Subscription products are currently supported by Google Play Store only.

Specification for Subscription Status Query API

/* NhnCloudIap.java */
public static void querySubscriptionsStatus(Activity activity,
                                            boolean includeExpiredSubscriptions,
                                            IapService.SubscriptionsStatusResponseListener listener)
Method Parameters
querySubscriptionsStatus activity Activity: Currently active activity
includeExpiredSubscriptions boolean:
whether or not to include the status of expired subscription products
listener IapService.SubscriptionsStatusResponseListener:
Listener for query result of subscription status

Example of Subscription Status Query

 * Subscription Status Query
private void querySubscriptionsStatus() {
    SubscriptionsStatusResponseListener listener =
            new SubscriptionsStatusResponseListener() {
                public void onSubscriptionsStatusResponse(@NonNull String storeCode,
                                                          @Nullable List<IapSubscriptionStatus> subscriptionsStatus) {
                    if (result.isSuccess()) {
                        // Succeeded
                    } else {
                        // Failed
    NhnCloudIap.querySubscriptionsStatus(MainActivity.this, false, listener);

Google Store Subscription Feature

This section explains how to handle subscription lifecycle events in Google Store, such as renewals and expirations. For further details, refer to Add Features For Each Subscription.

Subscription Lifecycle Handling

Subscriptions on the Google Store go through various status changes throughout their lifecycle and an app must respond to each status.

  • Active: A state where subscription content can be accessed and auto-renewal is enabled
  • Cancelled: A state where subscription content can be accessed, but the user has cancelled the subscription product and auto-renewal has been stopped
  • In grace period: A state where subscription has failed due to a payment method problem but subscription content can still be accessed (waiting for the user to change the payment method)
  • On hold: A state where a payment method problem has caused subscription to fail, placing the account on hold (If grace period is enabled, the payment method was not changed during grace period and payment has been placed on hold)
  • Pause: A state where a subscription product has been put on pause
  • Expired: A state where a subscription product has expired
Status Query unconsumed purchases
Query activated subscriptions
Expiry time Auto-renewal
Active Yes Yes Future time Yes
Cancelled Yes Yes Future time No
In grace period No Yes Future time Yes
On hold No No Past time Yes
Pause No No Past time Yes
Expired No No Past time No

Grace period

If grace period is enabled, subscriptions transition to grace period if there are issues in the payment method at the end of a billing cycle. During grace period, the user should be able to access subscription content. For further details, refer to Grace period.

Warning!) If a user recovers subscription by fixing the payment method, etc. during the grace period, auto-renewal is resumed. NHN Cloud IAP notifies of the payment results regarding the renewed purchase through the purchase update listener (IapService.PurchaseUpdatedListener). The game or app must make sure that an unnecessary pop-up isn't exposed to the user by the purchase update listener during an important action.

Ordinary subscription product (AUTO_RENEWABLE))

  • During grace period, ordinary subscription products must be able to access subscription content.
  • During grace period, they can be queried with NhnCloudIap.queryActivatedPurchases().

Consumable subscription product (CONSUMABLE_AUTO_RENEWABLE)

  • Once grace period begins, Google issues a new receipt. However, if a user does not fix the payment method, the payment is placed on hold or cancelled.
  • Consumable subscription products cannot be queried with NhnCloudIap.queryConsumablePurchases() to prevent consumption of the products during grace period.

Account hold

Account hold refers to a user's state when renewal failed due to a payment method issue. If payment fails, more attempts will be made during grace period. If payment fails even during the grace period, the subscription is placed on hold. Users placed on hold cannot access subscription content. Account hold period is up to 30 days. If the payment method is not fixed before the account hold period ends, the subscription will be cancelled. For further details, refer to Account hold.

Warning!) If a user recovers subscription by fixing the payment method, etc. during the account hold period, auto-renewal is resumed. NHN Cloud IAP notifies of the payment results regarding the renewed purchase through the purchase update listener (IapService.PurchaseUpdatedListener). The game or app must make sure that an unnecessary pop-up isn't exposed to the user by the purchase update listener during an important action.

Ordinary subscription product (AUTO_RENEWABLE))

  • During account hold period, ordinary subscription products cannot access subscription content.
  • During account hold period, they cannot be queried with NhnCloudIap.queryActivatedPurchases().

Consumable subscription product (CONSUMABLE_AUTO_RENEWABLE)

  • During account hold period, consumable subscription products do not create new purchases.
  • During account hold period, new purchases cannot be queried using NhnCloudIap.queryConsumablePurchases().


Setting the pause feature allows the user to pause the subscription for a time period from 1 week to 3 months. The pause of subscription will take effect after the current subscription period ends. When the pause period ends, subscription will automatically resume. For further details, refer to Pause.

Warning!) When the pause period is over, auto-renewal is resumed. NHN Cloud IAP notifies of the payment results regarding the renewed purchase through the purchase update listener (IapService.PurchaseUpdatedListener). The game or app must make sure that an unnecessary pop-up isn't exposed to the user by the purchase update listener during an important action.

Ordinary subscription product (AUTO_RENEWABLE))

  • During pause period, ordinary subscription products cannot access subscription content.
  • During pause period, they cannot be queried with NhnCloudIap.queryActivatedPurchases().

Consumable subscription product (CONSUMABLE_AUTO_RENEWABLE)

  • During pause period, consumable subscription products do not create new purchases.
  • During pause period, new purchases cannot be queried with NhnCloudIap.queryConsumablePurchases().


Setting the resubscription feature will allow the user to reapply for subscription that has been cancelled within 12 months of the expiry of the subscription. Resubscription will create a new subscription and purchase token. After a subscription has expired, the user can use the Google Play Subscription Center to repurchase the same product for up to 1 year after expiry. For further details, refer to Resubscribe.

Warning!) User data (IapPurchase.getDeveloperPayload()) cannot be used because purchases are not carried out in an in-app or game screen. Warning!) If resubscription was used to purchase a subscription product from the Google Play Store, the NHN Cloud IAP notifies of the payment results regarding the purchase through the purchase update listener (IapService.PurchaseUpdatedListener). The game or app must make sure that an unnecessary pop-up isn't exposed to the user by the purchase update listener during an important action.

NHN Cloud IAP Class Reference


IAP configuration information which is used as a parameter for the NHN Cloud IAP initialization method.

/* NhnCloudIapConfiguration.java */
public String getAppKey();
public String getStoreCode();
Method Returns
getAppKey String IAP service Appkey
getStoreCode String Store code information ("GG" or "ONESTORE", "GALAXY", ...)


Accepts IAP service Appkey and store type as inputs and creates an NhnCloudIapConfiguration object.

/* NhnCloudIapConfiguration.java */
public void setAppKey(String appKey)
public void setStoreCode(String storeCode)
Method Parameters Description
setAppKey appKey String: IAP service Appkey Set Appkey created in TOAST IAP console.
setStoreCode storeCode String: Store code information Set store code.
("GG" or "ONESTORE", "GALAXY", ...)


/* IapStoreCode.java */
    Uses Google Play Store in-app purchase.
    Constant Value: "GG"
    Uses ONE store in-app purchase.
    Constant Value: "ONESTORE"
    Uses Galaxy store in-app purchase.
    Constant Value: "GALAXY"
    Uses Amazon Appstore in-app purchase.
    Constant Value: "AMAZON"
    Uses Huawei App Gallery in-app purchase.
    Constant Value: "HUAWEI"
    Uses MyCard in-app purchase.
    Constant Value: "MYCARD"


  • An object that includes purchase results and purchase information.
/* IapPurchaseResult.java */
public IapPurchase getPurchase()
public boolean isSuccess()
public boolean isFailure()
public int getCode()
public String getMessage()
public Throwable getCause()
Method Returns
getPurchase IapPurchase Returns the IaPPurchase object that contains purchase information.
getCode int Returns a purchase result code.
getMessage String Returns a purchase result message.
getCause Throwable Returns cause of failed purchase.
isSuccess boolean Returns whether the purchase succeeded.
isFailure boolean Returns whether the purchase failed.


/* IapResult.java */
public boolean isSuccess()
public boolean isFailure()
public int getCode()
public String getMessage()
public Throwable getCause()
Method Returns
getCode int Returns a result code.
getMessage String Returns a result message.
getCause Throwable Returns cause of failure.
isSuccess boolean Returns whether it succeeded.
isFailure boolean Returns whether it failed.


  • An IapPurchase object lets you check the purchase information.
/* IapPurchase.java */
public String getPaymentId()
public String getOriginalPaymentId()
public String getPaymentSequence()
public String getProductId()
public String getProductType()
public String getUserId()
public float getPrice()
public String getPriceCurrencyCode()
public String getAccessToken()
public String getPurchaseType()
public String getPurchaseTime()
public String getExpiryTime()
public String getDeveloperPayload()
Method Returns
getPaymentId String Returns payment ID.
getOriginalPaymentId String Returns original payment ID.
getPaymentSequence String Returns payment sequence number.
getProductId String Returns product ID.
getProductType String Returns product type.
getUserId String Returns user ID.
getPrice float Returns price information.
getPriceCurrencyCode String Returns currency information.
getAccessToken String Returns token used for consumption.
getPurchaseType String Returns product purchase type.
getPurchaseTime long Returns product purchase time.
getExpiryTime long Returns remaining time of subscription product.
getDeveloperPayload String Returns user data.


  • An lapProductDetails object lets you check detailed product information.
  • This object includes detailed information registered in NHN Cloud IAP console and Google Play Console or ONE store Developer.
/* IapProductDetails.java */
public String getProductId()
public String getProductSequence()
public float getPrice()
public String getLocalizedPrice()
public String getPriceCurrencyCode()
public long getPriceAmountMicros()
public String getFreeTrialPeriod()
public String getSubscriptionPeriod()
public String getProductType()
public String getProductTitle()
public String getProductDescription()
public boolean isActivated()
Method Returns
getProductId String Product ID
getProductSequence String Product sequence number
getPrice float Price
getLocalizedPrice String Local price
getPriceCurrencyCode String Currency
getPriceAmountMicros long Price by 1,000,000 unit
getFreeTrialPeriod String Free trial period
getSubscriptionPeriod String Subscription period
getProductType String Product type
getProductTitle String Product title
getProductDescription String Product description
isActivated boolean Whether the product is activated


  • Lets you check brief information registered in NHN Cloud IAP console.
/* IapProduct.java */
public String getProductId()
public String getProductSequence()
public String getProductType()
public String getProductTitle()
public String getProductDescription()
public boolean isActivated()
Method Returns
getProductId String Product ID
getProductSequence String Product sequence number
getProductType String Product type
getProductTitle String Product title
getProductDescription String Product description
isActivated boolean Whether the product is activated


  • IapPurchaseFlowParams includes information of a product to purchase.
/* IapPurchaseFlowParams.java */
public String getProductId()
Method Returns
getProductId String Product ID


  • Creates IapPurchaseFlowParams.
/* IapPurchaseFlowParams.java */
public void setProductId(String productId)
Method Parameters Description
setProductId productId String: Product ID Set the Product ID.


  • IapQueryPurchasesParams set up the conditions for query.
/* IapQueryPurchasesParams.java */
public String isQueryAllStores()
Method Returns
isQueryAllStores boolean Query all stores


  • Create an IapQueryPurchasesParams object.
/* IapQueryPurchasesParams.java */
public void setQueryAllStores(boolean isQueryAllStores)
Method Parameters Description
setQueryAllStores isQueryAllStores boolean: Query all stores Set the query scope.


  • An IapSubscriptionStatus object lets you check the subscription status.
  • Subscription status codes are defined in IapSubscriptionStatus.StatusCode.
/* IapSubscriptionStatus.java */
public String getStoreCode()
public String getPaymentId()
public String getOriginalPaymentId()
public String getPaymentSequence()
public String getProductId()
public String getProductType()
public String getProductSequence()
public String getUserId()
public float getPrice()
public String getPriceCurrencyCode()
public String getAccessToken()
public String getPurchaseType()
public String getPurchaseTime()
public String getExpiryTime()
public String getDeveloperPayload()
public int getStatusCode()
public String getStatusDescription()
Method Returns
getStoreCode String Returns store code.
getPaymentId String Returns payment ID.
getOriginalPaymentId String Returns original payment ID.
getPaymentSequence String Returns payment sequence number.
getProductId String Returns product ID.
getProductType String Returns product type.
getProductSeq String Returns payment sequence number.
getUserId String Returns user ID.
getPrice float Returns price information.
getPriceCurrencyCode String Returns currency information.
getAccessToken String Returns token used for consumption.
getPurchaseType String Returns purchase type.
"Test" or "Promo" or null
getPurchaseTime long Returns product purchase time.
getExpiryTime long Returns remaining time of subscription product.
getDeveloperPayload String Returns user data.
getStatusCode int Returns subscription status code.
getStatusDescription String Returns description for subscription status code.


  • Codes representing the subscription status.
/* IapSubscriptionStatus.java */
Name Code Status Description
ACTIVE 0 Active Subscription is active.
CANCELED 3 Canceled Subscription has been canceled.
ON_HOLD 5 Account hold Subscription was put on hold (if enabled).
IN_GRACE_PERIOD 6 Grace period Subscription entered grace period (if enabled).
PAUSED 10 Paused Subscription was paused.
REVOKED 12 Revoked Subscription was canceled by the user before expiry time.
EXPIRED 13 Expired Subscription has expired.
UNKNOWN 9999 Undefined Undefined status.


  • When payment information is updated, it is notified through the onPurchasesUpdated method of the object that inherits and implements IapService.PurchasesUpdatedListener.
void onPurchasesUpdated(List<IapPurchaseResult> purchaseResults)


  • When a query for unconsumed purchase or activated subscription occurs, it is notified through the onPurchasesResponse method of the object that inherits and implements IapService.PurchasesResponseListener.
void onPurchasesResponse(IapResult result,
                         List<IapPurchase> purchaseList)


  • When a query for subscription status occurs, it is notified through the onSubscriptionsStatusResponse method of the object that inherits and implements SubscriptionsStatusResponseListener.
void onSubscriptionsStatusResponse(IapResult result,
                                   List<IapSubscriptionStatus> subscriptionsStatus);

Error Codes

Common Error Codes

FEATURE_NOT_SUPPORTED -2 Requested feature is not supported.
SERVICE_DISCONNECTED -1 Store service is not connected.
OK 0 Success.
USER_CANCELED 1 User canceled.
SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE 2 Network connection is down.
BILLING_UNAVAILABLE 3 API version is not supported for the requested type.
PRODUCT_UNAVAILABLE 4 Requested product is not available.
DEVELOPER_ERROR 5 Invalid argument provided for API, which is a common error in development phase.
ERROR 6 Fatal error occurred during API action.
PRODUCT_ALREADY_OWNED 7 Failed to purchase an item as it is already owned.
PRODUCT_NOT_OWNED 8 Cannot consume an item as it is not owned.
USER_ID_NOT_REGISTERED 9 User ID is not registered.
NETWORK_ERROR 12 A network error occurred during the operation.
UNDEFINED_ERROR 9999 Undefined error.

Server Error Codes

INACTIVATED_APP 101 App is not activated.
VERIFY_PURCHASE_FAILED 103 Failed to verify purchase.
PURCHASE_ALREADY_CONSUMED 104 Purchase is already consumed.
PURCHASE_ALREADY_REFUNDED 105 Purchase is already refunded.
PURCHASE_LIMIT_EXCEEDED 106 Purchase limit was exceeded.

ONE store Error Codes

ONESTORE_NEED_LOGIN 301 ONE store service is not logged in.
ONESTORE_NEED_UPDATE 302 ONE store service is not updated or installed.
ONESTORE_SECURITY_ERROR 303 Purchase requested from an abnormal app.
ONESTORE_PURCHASE_FAILED 304 Purchase request failed.

Galaxy Store Error Codes

GALAXY_NOT_LOGGED_IN 501 Galaxy service is not logged in.
GALAXY_NOT_UPDATED 502 Galaxy service is not updated or installed.
GALAXY_PURCHASE_FAILED 503 Purchase requested from an abnormal app.
GALAXY_SERVICE_DENIED 504 Purchase request failed.
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