By calling RESTful API to Cloud Trail, events can be queried by user-defined conditions.
AppKey is required to use RESTful API.
Check your key information on top right of the [CONSOLE].
Starting with the 2.0 version of the API, user authentication is added to check authorization based on the user's permissions. Therefore, you need to add a User Access Key ID and Secret Access Key. You can create a User Access Key ID and Secret Access Key by clicking the Account area on the top right of the console, selecting API Security Settingsfrom the drop-down menu, and clicking + Create User Access Key ID, When making API calls, you need to add them to the HTTP HEADER as shown below.
To all API requests, HTTP sends 200 for response code. Read the header at Response Body for more details of the response result.
"header" : {
"isSuccessful" : true,
"resultCode": 0,
"resultMessage" : "Success."
Key | Type | Description |
header | Object | Response header |
header.isSuccessful | boolean | Successful or not |
header.resultCode | int | Response code: 0 for successful; error code returned if it fails |
header.resultMessage | String | Response message: "SUCCESS" if successful; or, error code returned if it fails. |
[Method, URL]
Method | URI |
POST | /cloud-trail/v1.0/appkeys/{appKey}/events/search |
[Path Variable]
Key | Value |
appKey | Appkey issued on [CONSOLE] |
[Request Body]
"idNo" : "string",
"member" : {
"memberType" : "string", /* TOAST / IAM */
"userCode" : "string", /* In Case IAM member type */
"emailAddress" : "string", /* In Case TOAST member type */
"idNo" : "string"
"eventId" : "string",
"startDate": "2019-09-01T02:00:00.000Z",
"endDate": "2019-09-12T03:13:00.000Z",
"page": {
"sortBy": "string",
"limit": 20,
"page": 0
Key | Type | Required | Description |
idNo | String | X | ID of the member incurring an event (uuid) |
eventId | String | O | ID of an event to query |
startDate | Date | O | Start date of query period |
endDate | Date | O | End date of query period |
page | Object | O | Page conditions of query result |
page.sortBy | String | X | Size sorting conditions of query result (ex. eventTime:desc, idNo:asc) |
page.limit | Integer | O | Size conditions of query result (default: 20, max: 1000)) | | Integer | O | Page conditions to query among result pages |
[Response Body]
"header": {
"resultCode": 0,
"resultMessage": "SUCCESS",
"isSuccessful": true
"page": {
"content": [
"eventTime": "2019-09-04T10:31:49.348+0000",
"userIdNo": "24bfb870-46da-11e9-aafd-005056ac7022",
"userName": "Hong kildong",
"userId": "",
"eventSourceType": "API",
"productId": "M0XnzOFE",
"region": "string",
"orgId": "Y4PbNFUlBsRgAxcU",
"projectId": "string",
"projectName": "string",
"appKey": "string",
"tenantId": "string",
"eventId": "event_id.iam.member.role.update",
"eventLogUuid": "17278c08-8338-4fd9-9693-931290adb9ec",
"request": "{\n\t\"id\" : \"2\",\n\t\"productId\" : \"M0XnzOFE\",\n\t\"uuid\" : \"24bfb870-46da-11e9-aafd-005056ac7022\"\n\t\n}",
"response": "{\"header\":{\"resultCode\":0,\"resultMessage\":\"SUCCESS\",\"isSuccessful\":true}}",
"eventTarget": {
"targetMembers": [
"idNo": "9c30dff8-53ba-4f18-8b44-22ab3b1678d7",
"name": "Lim kkukjeong",
"userCode": "test_user",
"emailAddress": ""
"pageable": "INSTANCE",
"totalPages": 1,
"totalElements": 1,
"last": true,
"size": 0,
"number": 0,
"numberOfElements": 1,
"first": true,
"sort": {
"sorted": false,
"unsorted": true,
"empty": true
"empty": false
Key | Type | Description |
eventTime | Date | Time when event is incurred |
userIdNo | Object | UUID of event-incurring member |
userName | String | Name of event-incurring member |
UserId | String | ID of event-incurring member (email format for NHN Cloud account) |
userIp | String | IP of event-incurring member |
userAgent | String | Agent of event-incurring member |
eventSourceType | String | Type of event-incurring subject |
productId | String | ID of product in which event is incurred |
region | String | Region where event is incurred |
orgId | String | ID of organization where event is incurred |
projectId | String | ID of project in which event is incurred |
projectName | String | Name of project in which event is incurred |
appKey | String | Appkey in which event is incurred |
tenantId | String | ID of tenant where event is incurred |
eventId | String | ID of event |
eventLogUuid | String | Event log serial number (identification key) |
request | String | Request of incurred event |
response | String | Response of incurred event |
eventTarget | Object | Target of incurred event |
eventTarget.targetMembers | Object | Target member of incurred event |
targetMembers.idNo | String | UUID of target member incurred with event | | String | Name of target member incurred with event |
targetMembers.userCode | Integer | ID of target member incurred with event (for IAM members) |
targetMembers.emailAddress | String | Email address of target member incurred with event (for NHN Cloud members) |
[Required Permissions]
* CloudTrail:EventLog.List
[Method, URL]
Method | URI |
POST | /cloud-trail/v2.0/appkeys/{appKey}/events/search |
Key | Value |
X-TC-AUTHENTICATION-ID | User Access Key ID issued by the console |
X-TC-AUTHENTICATION-SECRET | Secret Access Key issued by the console |
[Path Variable]
Key | Value |
appKey | Appkey issued on [CONSOLE] |
[Request Body]
"idNo" : "string",
"member" : {
"memberType" : "string", /* TOAST / IAM */
"userCode" : "string", /* In Case IAM member type */
"emailAddress" : "string", /* In Case TOAST member type */
"idNo" : "string"
"eventId" : "string",
"startDate": "2019-09-01T02:00:00.000Z",
"endDate": "2019-09-12T03:13:00.000Z",
"page": {
"sortBy": "string",
"limit": 20,
"page": 0
Key | Type | Required | Description |
idNo | String | X | ID of the member incurring an event (uuid) |
eventId | String | O | ID of an event to query |
startDate | Date | O | Start date of query period |
endDate | Date | O | End date of query period |
page | Object | O | Page conditions of query result |
page.sortBy | String | X | Size sorting conditions of query result (ex. eventTime:desc, idNo:asc) |
page.limit | Integer | O | Size conditions of query result (default: 20, max: 1000)) | | Integer | O | Page conditions to query among result pages |
[Response Body]
"header": {
"resultCode": 0,
"resultMessage": "SUCCESS",
"isSuccessful": true
"page": {
"content": [
"eventTime": "2019-09-04T10:31:49.348+0000",
"userIdNo": "24bfb870-46da-11e9-aafd-005056ac7022",
"userName": "Hong kildong",
"userId": "",
"eventSourceType": "API",
"productId": "M0XnzOFE",
"region": "string",
"orgId": "Y4PbNFUlBsRgAxcU",
"projectId": "string",
"projectName": "string",
"appKey": "string",
"tenantId": "string",
"eventId": "event_id.iam.member.role.update",
"eventLogUuid": "17278c08-8338-4fd9-9693-931290adb9ec",
"request": "{\n\t\"id\" : \"2\",\n\t\"productId\" : \"M0XnzOFE\",\n\t\"uuid\" : \"24bfb870-46da-11e9-aafd-005056ac7022\"\n\t\n}",
"response": "{\"header\":{\"resultCode\":0,\"resultMessage\":\"SUCCESS\",\"isSuccessful\":true}}",
"eventTarget": {
"targetMembers": [
"idNo": "9c30dff8-53ba-4f18-8b44-22ab3b1678d7",
"name": "Lim kkukjeong",
"userCode": "test_user",
"emailAddress": ""
"pageable": "INSTANCE",
"totalPages": 1,
"totalElements": 1,
"last": true,
"size": 0,
"number": 0,
"numberOfElements": 1,
"first": true,
"sort": {
"sorted": false,
"unsorted": true,
"empty": true
"empty": false
Key | Type | Description |
eventTime | Date | Time when event is incurred |
userIdNo | Object | UUID of event-incurring member |
userName | String | Name of event-incurring member |
UserId | String | ID of event-incurring member (email format for NHN Cloud account) |
userIp | String | IP of event-incurring member |
userAgent | String | Agent of event-incurring member |
eventSourceType | String | Type of event-incurring subject |
productId | String | ID of product in which event is incurred |
region | String | Region where event is incurred |
orgId | String | ID of organization where event is incurred |
projectId | String | ID of project in which event is incurred |
projectName | String | Name of project in which event is incurred |
appKey | String | Appkey in which event is incurred |
tenantId | String | ID of tenant where event is incurred |
eventId | String | ID of event |
eventLogUuid | String | Event log serial number (identification key) |
request | String | Request of incurred event |
response | String | Response of incurred event |
eventTarget | Object | Target of incurred event |
eventTarget.targetMembers | Object | Target member of incurred event |
targetMembers.idNo | String | UUID of target member incurred with event | | String | Name of target member incurred with event |
targetMembers.userCode | Integer | ID of target member incurred with event (for IAM members) |
targetMembers.emailAddress | String | Email address of target member incurred with event (for NHN Cloud members) |