The document describes API of the DNS Plus service.
[Success response body]
"header": {
"isSuccessful": true,
"resultCode": 0,
"resultMessage": "SUCCESS"
[Failure response body]
"header": {
"isSuccessful": false,
"resultCode": 4010001,
"resultMessage": "Invalid appKey. "
Method | URI |
GET |{appkey}/zones |
[Request body]
curl -X GET '{appkey}/zones'
Name | Type | Valid range | Required | Default | Description |
zoneIdList | List | Max. 3,000 | Optional | DNS Zone ID List | |
Optional | DNS Zone status list (CREATING: Creating, DELETING: Deleting, DELETING_FAIL: Failed to delete, USE: Use) |
searchZoneName | String | Optional | DNS Zone name to search for | ||
engineId | String | Optional | DNS server ID | ||
page | int | Min. 1 | Optional | 1 | Page No. |
limit | int | Min. 1, Max. 3,000 | Optional | 50 | Query count |
sortDirection | String | DESC, ASC | Optional | DESC | Sort order (DESC: Descending, ASC: Ascending) |
Optional | CREATED_AT | Sort criteria (CREATED_AT: Created date, UPDATED_AT: Modified date, ZONE_NAME: DNS Zone name, ZONE_STATUS: DNS Zone status, RECORDSET_COUNT: Record set count) |
[Response body]
"header": {
// Omitted
"totalCount": 1,
"zoneList": [
"engineId": "e13a1bcf0aa8e07f6a4fae94ed869c39",
"zoneId": "bff20a9a-24cf-4670-8b34-007622ec010e",
"zoneName": "",
"zoneStatus": "USE",
"description": "Test",
"createdAt": "2019-06-04T12:32:50.000+09:00",
"updatedAt": "2019-06-04T12:32:50.000+09:00",
"recordsetCount": 2
Name | Type | Description |
totalCount | long | Total DNS Zone count |
zoneList | List | DNS Zone list |
zoneList[0].engineId | boolean | DNS server ID |
zoneList[0].zoneId | String | DNS Zone ID |
zoneList[0].zoneName | String | DNS Zone name |
zoneList[0].zoneStatus | String | DNS Zone status |
zoneList[0].description | String | Description |
zoneList[0].createdAt | DateTime | Created date |
zoneList[0].updatedAt | DateTime | Modified date |
zoneList[0].recordsetCount | long | Record set count |
Method | URI |
POST |{appkey}/zones |
[Request body]
curl -X POST '{appkey}/zones' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{ "zone": { "zoneName": "", "description": "test" }}'
Name | Type | Valid range | Required | Default | Description |
zone | Object | Required | DNS Zone | ||
zone.zoneName | String | Max. 254 characters Lowercase characters and numbers, '.', '-', '_' Last character '.' |
Required | DNS Zone name to create, Enter the domain as FQDN |
zone.description | String | Max. 255 characters | Optional | DNS Zone description |
[Response body]
"header": {
"isSuccessful": true,
"resultCode": 0,
"resultMessage": "SUCCESS"
"zone": {
"engineId": "e13a1bcf0aa8e07f6a4fae94ed869c39",
"zoneId": "bff20a9a-24cf-4670-8b34-007622ec010e",
"zoneName": "",
"zoneStatus": "USE",
"description": "test",
"createdAt": "2019-06-04T12:32:50.000+09:00",
"updatedAt": "2019-06-04T12:32:50.000+09:00",
"recordsetCount": 2
Method | URI |
PUT |{appkey}/zones/{zoneId} |
[Request body]
curl -X PUT '{appkey}/zones/{zoneId}' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{ "zone": { "description": "test" }}'
Name | Type | Valid range | Required | Default | Description |
zone | Object | Required | DNS Zone | ||
zone.description | String | Max. 255 characters | Optional | DNS Zone description |
[Response body]
"header": {
"isSuccessful": true,
"resultCode": 0,
"resultMessage": "SUCCESS"
"zone": {
"engineId": "e13a1bcf0aa8e07f6a4fae94ed869c39",
"zoneId": "bff20a9a-24cf-4670-8b34-007622ec010e",
"zoneName": "",
"zoneStatus": "USE",
"description": "test",
"createdAt": "2019-06-04T12:32:50.000+09:00",
"updatedAt": "2019-06-04T12:42:00.000+09:00",
"recordsetCount": 2
Method | URI |
DELETE |{appkey}/zones/async |
[Request body]
curl -X DELETE '{appkey}/zones/async?
Name | Type | Valid range | Required | Default | Description |
zoneIdList | List | Min. 1, Max. 3,000 | Required | DNS Zone ID List |
[Response body]
"header": {
"isSuccessful": true,
"resultCode": 0,
"resultMessage": "SUCCESS"
Method | URI |
GET |{appkey}/zones/{zoneId}/recordsets |
[Request body]
curl -X GET '{appkey}/zones/{zoneId}/recordsets'
Name | Type | Valid range | Required | Default | Description |
recordsetIdList | List | Max. 3,000 | Optional | Record set list | |
recordsetTypeList | List | A, AAAA, CAA, CNAME, MX, NAPTR, PTR, TXT, SRV, NS, SOA |
Optional | Record set type list | |
searchRecordsetName | String | Optional | Record set name to search for | ||
page | int | Min. 1 | Optional | 1 | Page No. |
limit | int | Min. 1, Max. 3,000 | Optional | 50 | Query count |
sortDirection | String | DESC, ASC | Optional | DESC | Sort order (DESC: Descending, ASC: Ascending) |
Optional | CREATED_AT | Sort criteria (CREATED_AT: Created date, UPDATED_AT: Modified date, RECORDSET_NAME: Record set name, RECORDSET_TYPE: Record set type, RECORDSET_TTL: TTL (sec)) |
[Response body]
"header": {
// Omitted
"totalCount": 2,
"recordsetList": [
"recordsetId": "9e92b547-e2c1-4398-8904-552e0ca465e2",
"recordsetName": "",
"recordsetType": "SOA",
"recordsetTtl": 1500,
"recordsetStatus": "USE",
"createdAt": "2019-06-04T12:32:50.000+09:00",
"updatedAt": "2019-06-04T12:32:50.000+09:00",
"recordList": [
"recordDisabled": false,
"recordContent": " 2019060401 10800 3600 604800 1200",
// Omitted: Varies by record set type
"recordsetId": "edb9512b-6e62-409c-99ee-092d340e0adf",
"recordsetName": "",
"recordsetType": "NS",
"recordsetTtl": 1500,
"recordsetStatus": "USE",
"createdAt": "2019-06-04T12:32:50.000+09:00",
"updatedAt": "2019-06-04T12:32:50.000+09:00",
"recordList": [
"recordDisabled": false,
"recordContent": "",
// Omitted: Varies by record set type
"recordDisabled": false,
"recordContent": "",
// Omitted: Varies by record set type
Name | Type | Description |
totalCount | long | Total record set count |
recordsetList | List | Record set list |
recordsetList[0].recordsetId | String | Record set ID |
recordsetList[0].recordsetName | String | Record set name |
recordsetList[0].recordsetType | String | Record set type |
recordsetList[0].recordsetTtl | int | Update cycle of the record set data in the name server |
recordsetList[0].recordsetStatus | String | Record set status |
recordsetList[0].createdAt | DateTime | Created date |
recordsetList[0].updatedAt | DateTime | Modified date |
recordsetList[0].recordList | List | Record list |
recordsetList[0].recordList[0].recordDisabled | boolean | Whether record is disabled or not |
recordsetList[0].recordList[0].recordContent | String | A record value. It displays the detailed field by record set type in a line. |
Method | URI |
POST |{appkey}/zones/{zoneId}/recordsets |
[Request body]
curl -X POST '{appkey}/zones/{zoneId}/recordsets' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{ "recordset": { "recordsetName": "", "recordsetType": "A", "recordsetTtl": 86400, "recordList": [{ "recordDisabled": false, "recordContent": "" }] }}'
Name | Type | Valid range | Required | Default | Description |
recordset | Object | Required | Record set | ||
recordset.recordsetName | String | Max. 254 characters Lowercase characters and numbers, '.', '-', '_' (including name of DNS Zone) |
Required | Name of the record set to create, Enter the domain as FQDN |
recordset.recordsetType | String | A, AAAA, CAA, CNAME, MX, NAPTR, PTR, TXT, SRV, NS |
Required | Record set type | |
recordset.recordsetTtl | int | Min. 1, Max. 2147483647 | Required | Update cycle of the record set data in the name server | |
recordset.recordList | List | Required | Record list | ||
recordset.recordList[0].recordDisabled | boolean | Optional | false | Whether record is disabled or not | |
recordset.recordList[0].recordContent | String | Required | It displays the detailed field by record set type in a line. |
[Detailed field by record set type]
Name | Type | Valid range | Required | Default | Description |
recordset.recordList[0].ipV4 | String | Required | IPv4 type address |
Name | Type | Valid range | Required | Default | Description |
recordset.recordList[0].ipV6 | String | Required | IPv6 type address |
Name | Type | Valid range | Required | Default | Description |
recordset.recordList[0].flags | int | 0 or 128 | Required | 0 for a defined tag, 128 for a custom tag |
recordset.recordList[0].tag | String | TAG_ISSUE, TAG_ISSUEWILD, TAG_IODEF, Up to 15 custom tags |
Required | TAG_ISSUE: issue tag, TAG_ISSUEWILD: issuewild tag, TAG_IODEF: iodef tag, custom tag |
recordset.recordList[0].stringValue | String | Max. 512 characters (including quotation marks) | Required | Tag-dependent content |
Name | Type | Valid range | Required | Default | Description |
recordset.recordList[0].domainName | String | Max. 255 characters | Required | Enter the domain as FQDN |
Name | Type | Valid range | Required | Default | Description |
recordset.recordList[0].priority | int | Min. 0, Max. 65535 | Required | Priority | |
recordset.recordList[0].domainName | String | Max. 255 characters | Required | Enter the domain as FQDN |
Name | Type | Valid range | Required | Default | Description |
recordset.recordList[0].order | int | Min. 0, Max. 65535 | Required | Order | |
recordset.recordList[0].preference | int | Min. 0, Max. 65535 | Required | Preference | |
recordset.recordList[0].flags | String | Max. 3 characters (including quotation marks) | Required | Classification | |
recordset.recordList[0].service | String | Max. 257 characters (including quotation marks) | Required | Service | |
recordset.recordList[0].regexp | String | Max. 257 characters (including quotation marks) | Required | Regular expression | |
recordset.recordList[0].replacement | String | Max. 255 characters | Required | Enter '.' as a replacement value or enter the domain as FQDN |
Name | Type | Valid range | Required | Default | Description |
recordset.recordList[0].domainName | String | Max. 255 characters | Required | Enter the domain as FQDN |
Name | Type | Valid range | Required | Default | Description |
recordset.recordList[0].stringValue | String | Max. 255 bytes (including quotation marks) | Required | Text |
Name | Type | Valid range | Required | Default | Description |
recordset.recordList[0].priority | int | Min. 0, Max. 65535 | Required | Priority | |
recordset.recordList[0].weight | int | Min. 0, Max. 65535 | Required | Weight | |
recordset.recordList[0].port | int | Min. 0, Max. 65535 | Required | Port | |
recordset.recordList[0].domainName | String | Max. 255 characters | Required | Enter the domain as FQDN |
Name | Type | Valid range | Required | Default | Description |
recordset.recordList[0].domainName | String | Max. 255 characters | Required | Enter the domain as FQDN |
[Response body]
"header": {
"isSuccessful": true,
"resultCode": 0,
"resultMessage": "SUCCESS"
"recordset": {
"recordsetId": "d0b7ee57-8e41-438f-ad04-d4b316793d42",
"recordsetName": "",
"recordsetType": "A",
"recordsetTtl": 86400,
"recordsetStatus": "USE",
"createdAt": "2019-06-04T12:32:50.000+09:00",
"updatedAt": "2019-06-04T12:32:50.000+09:00",
"recordList": [
"recordDisabled": false,
"recordContent": "",
"ipV4": ""
Method | URI |
POST |{appkey}/zones/{zoneId}/recordsets/list |
[Request body]
curl -X POST '{appkey}/zones/{zoneId}/recordsets/list' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{ "recordsetList": [{ "recordsetName": "", "recordsetType": "A", "recordsetTtl": 86400, "recordList": [{ "recordDisabled": false, "recordContent": "" }] }]}'
Name | Type | Valid range | Required | Default | Description |
recordsetList | List | Required | Record set list | ||
recordsetList[0].recordsetName | String | Max. 254 characters Lowercase characters and numbers, '.', '-', '_' (including name of DNS Zone) |
Required | Name of the record set to create, Enter the domain as FQDN |
recordsetList[0].recordsetType | String | A, AAAA, CAA, CNAME, MX, NAPTR, PTR, TXT, SRV, NS |
Required | Record set type | |
recordsetList[0].recordsetTtl | int | Min. 1, Max. 2147483647 | Required | Update cycle of the record set data in the name server | |
recordsetList[0].recordList | List | Required | Record list | ||
recordsetList[0].recordList[0].recordDisabled | boolean | Optional | false | Whether record is disabled or not | |
recordsetList[0].recordList[0].recordContent | String | Required | It displays the detailed field by record set type in a line. |
[Response body]
"header": {
"isSuccessful": true,
"resultCode": 0,
"resultMessage": "SUCCESS"
Method | URI |
PUT |{appkey}/zones/{zoneId}/recordsets/{recordsetId} |
[Request body]
curl -X PUT '{appkey}/zones/{zoneId}/recordsets/{recordsetId}' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{ "recordset": { "recordsetType": "A", "recordsetTtl": 86400, "recordList": [{ "recordDisabled": false, "recordContent": "" }] }}'
Name | Type | Valid range | Required | Default | Description |
recordset | Object | Required | Record set | ||
recordset.recordsetType | String | A, AAAA, CAA, CNAME, MX, NAPTR, PTR, TXT, SRV, NS |
Required | Record set type | |
recordset.recordsetTtl | int | Min. 1, Max. 2147483647 | Required | Update cycle of the record set data in the name server | |
recordset.recordList | List | Required | Record list | ||
recordset.recordList[0].recordDisabled | boolean | Required | Whether record is disabled or not | ||
recordset.recordList[0].recordContent | String | Required | It displays the detailed field by record set type in a line. |
[Response body]
"header": {
"isSuccessful": true,
"resultCode": 0,
"resultMessage": "SUCCESS"
"recordset": {
"recordsetId": "d0b7ee57-8e41-438f-ad04-d4b316793d42",
"recordsetName": "",
"recordsetType": "A",
"recordsetTtl": 86400,
"recordsetStatus": "USE",
"createdAt": "2019-06-04T12:32:50.000+09:00",
"updatedAt": "2019-06-04T12:42:00.000+09:00",
"recordList": [
"recordDisabled": false,
"recordContent": "",
"ipV4": ""
Method | URI |
DELETE |{appkey}/zones/{zoneId}/recordsets |
[Request body]
curl -X DELETE '{appkey}/zones/{zoneId}/recordsets?
Name | Type | Valid range | Required | Default | Description |
recordsetIdList | List | Min. 1, Max. 3,000 | Required | Record set ID list |
[Response body]
"header": {
"isSuccessful": true,
"resultCode": 0,
"resultMessage": "SUCCESS"
Method | URI |
GET |{appkey}/gslbs |
[Request body]
curl -X GET '{appkey}/gslbs?showHealthy=true'
Name | Type | Valid range | Required | Default | Description |
gslbIdList | List | Max. 3,000 | Optional | GSLB ID list | |
searchGslbName | String | Optional | Name of GSLB to search for | ||
gslbDomain | String | Optional | GSLB domain | ||
showHealthy | boolean | Optional | Whether to view the health check results | ||
page | int | Min. 1 | Optional | 1 | Page No. |
limit | int | Min. 1, Max. 3,000 | Optional | 50 | Query count |
sortDirection | String | DESC, ASC | Optional | DESC | Sort order (DESC: Descending, ASC: Ascending) |
Optional | CREATED_AT | Sort criteria (CREATED_AT: Created date, UPDATED_AT: Modified date, GSLB_NAME: GSLB name, GSLB_DOMAIN: GSLB domain, GSLB_TTL: GSLB domain update cycle, GSLB_ROUTING_RULE: Routing rule, GSLB_DISABLED: Whether GSLB is disabled or not) |
[Response body]
"header": {
"isSuccessful": true,
"resultCode": 0,
"resultMessage": "SUCCESS"
"totalCount": 1,
"gslbList": [
"gslbId": "91de0c6f-aeaa-44ec-b361-822acfcd5921",
"gslbName": "GSLB-test",
"gslbDomain": "",
"gslbTtl": 300,
"gslbRoutingRule": "GEOLOCATION",
"gslbDisabled": false,
"healthy": true,
"connectedPoolList": [
"poolId": "8e4326d4-3862-4b46-819e-83a786add570",
"connectedPoolOrder": 1,
"pool": {
// Pool information omitted
"poolId": "2f89d3fe-03bc-4711-826e-db2c89c12818",
"connectedPoolOrder": 2,
"connectedPoolRegionContent": "NORTHEAST_ASIA,SOUTHEAST_ASIA",
"pool": {
// Pool information omitted
"createdAt": "2019-12-18T20:44:02.000+09:00",
"updatedAt": "2019-12-18T21:01:05.000+09:00"
Name | Type | Description |
totalCount | long | Total number of GSLBs |
gslbList | List | Pool list |
gslbList[0].gslbId | String | GSLB ID |
gslbList[0].gslbName | String | GSLB name |
gslbList[0].gslbDomain | String | GSLB domain |
gslbList[0].gslbTtl | String | GSLB domain update cycle |
gslbList[0].gslbRoutingRule | String | Routing rule |
gslbList[0].gslbDisabled | boolean | Whether GSLB is disabled or not |
gslbList[0].healthy | boolean | Whether GSLB is healthy or not |
gslbList[0].connectedPoolList | List | Connected pool list |
gslbList[0].connectedPoolList[0].poolId | String | Connected pool ID |
gslbList[0].connectedPoolList[0].pool | Object | Connected pool information |
gslbList[0].connectedPoolList[0].connectedPoolOrder | int | Connected pool priority |
gslbList[0].connectedPoolList[0].connectedPoolRegionContent | String | It displays the connected pool's regions in a line |
gslbList[0].createdAt | DateTime | Created date |
gslbList[0].updatedAt | DateTime | Modified date |
Method | URI |
POST |{appkey}/gslbs |
[Request body]
curl -X POST '{appkey}/gslbs' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{ "gslb": { "gslbName": "GSLB-test", "gslbTtl": 300, "gslbRoutingRule": "FAILOVER", "connectedPoolList": [ { "poolId": "8e4326d4-3862-4b46-819e-83a786add570", "connectedPoolOrder": 1 }, { "poolId": "2f89d3fe-03bc-4711-826e-db2c89c12818", "connectedPoolOrder": 2 } ] }}'
Name | Type | Valid range | Required | Default | Description |
gslb | Object | Required | GSLB | ||
gslb.gslbName | String | Max. 100 characters, Uppercase and lowercase characters and numbers, '-', '_' |
Required | GSLB name | |
gslb.gslbTtl | int | Required | false | GSLB domain update cycle | |
gslb.gslbRoutingRule | String | FAILOVER, RANDOM, GEOLOCATION | Required | Routing rule | |
gslb.gslbDisabled | boolean | Optional | false | Whether GSLB is disabled or not | |
gslb.connectedPoolList | List | Optional | Connected pool list | ||
gslb.connectedPoolList[0].poolId | String | Required | Connected pool ID | ||
gslb.connectedPoolList[0].connectedPoolOrder | int | Min. 1, Max. 2,147,483,647 | Required | Connected pool priority | |
Optional | Connected pool region settings |
[Response body]
"header": {
"isSuccessful": true,
"resultCode": 0,
"resultMessage": "SUCCESS"
"gslb": {
"gslbId": "91de0c6f-aeaa-44ec-b361-822acfcd5921",
"gslbName": "GSLB-test",
"gslbDomain": "",
"gslbTtl": 300,
"gslbRoutingRule": "FAILOVER",
"gslbDisabled": false,
"connectedPoolList": [
"poolId": "8e4326d4-3862-4b46-819e-83a786add570",
"connectedPoolOrder": 1,
"pool": {
// Pool information omitted
"poolId": "2f89d3fe-03bc-4711-826e-db2c89c12818",
"connectedPoolOrder": 2,
"pool": {
// Pool information omitted
"createdAt": "2019-12-18T20:44:02.000+09:00",
"updatedAt": "2019-12-18T20:44:03.000+09:00"
Method | URI |
PUT |{appkey}/gslbs/{gslbId} |
[Request body]
curl -X PUT '{appkey}/gslbs/{gslbId}' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{ "gslb": { "gslbName": "GSLB-test", "gslbTtl": 300, "gslbDisabled": true, "gslbRoutingRule": "GEOLOCATION", "connectedPoolList": [ { "poolId": "8e4326d4-3862-4b46-819e-83a786add570", "connectedPoolOrder": 1 }, { "poolId": "2f89d3fe-03bc-4711-826e-db2c89c12818", "connectedPoolOrder": 2, "connectedPoolRegionContent": "NORTHEAST_ASIA,SOUTHEAST_ASIA" } ] }}'
Name | Type | Valid range | Required | Default | Description |
gslb | Object | Required | GSLB | ||
gslb.gslbName | String | Max. 100 characters, Uppercase and lowercase characters and numbers, '-', '_' |
Required | GSLB name | |
gslb.gslbTtl | int | Required | false | GSLB domain update cycle | |
gslb.gslbRoutingRule | String | FAILOVER, RANDOM, GEOLOCATION | Required | Routing rule | |
gslb.gslbDisabled | boolean | Optional | false | Whether GSLB is disabled or not | |
gslb.connectedPoolList | List | Optional | Connected pool list | ||
gslb.connectedPoolList[0].poolId | String | Required | Connected pool ID | ||
gslb.connectedPoolList[0].connectedPoolOrder | int | Min. 1, Max. 2,147,483,647 | Required | Connected pool priority | |
Optional | Connected pool region settings |
[Response body]
"header": {
"isSuccessful": true,
"resultCode": 0,
"resultMessage": "SUCCESS"
"gslb": {
"gslbId": "91de0c6f-aeaa-44ec-b361-822acfcd5921",
"gslbName": "GSLB-test",
"gslbDomain": "",
"gslbTtl": 300,
"gslbRoutingRule": "GEOLOCATION",
"gslbDisabled": true,
"connectedPoolList": [
"poolId": "8e4326d4-3862-4b46-819e-83a786add570",
"connectedPoolOrder": 1,
"pool": {
// Pool information omitted
"poolId": "2f89d3fe-03bc-4711-826e-db2c89c12818",
"connectedPoolOrder": 2,
"connectedPoolRegionContent": "NORTHEAST_ASIA,SOUTHEAST_ASIA",
"pool": {
// Pool information omitted
"createdAt": "2019-12-18T20:44:02.000+09:00",
"updatedAt": "2019-12-18T20:59:49.000+09:00"
Method | URI |
DELETE |{appkey}/gslbs |
[Request body]
curl -X DELETE '{appkey}/gslbs?
Name | Type | Valid range | Required | Default | Description |
gslbIdList | List | Min. 1, Max. 3,000 | Required | GSLB ID list |
[Response body]
"header": {
"isSuccessful": true,
"resultCode": 0,
"resultMessage": "SUCCESS"
Method | URI |
POST |{appkey}/gslbs/{gslbId}/connected-pools/{poolId} |
[Request body]
curl -X POST '{appkey}/gslbs/{gslbId}/connected-pools/{poolId}' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{ "connectedPool": { "connectedPoolOrder": 1 } }'
Name | Type | Valid range | Required | Default | Description |
connectedPool | Object | Required | Connected pool | ||
connectedPool.connectedPoolOrder | int | Min. 1, Max. 2,147,483,647 | Required | Connected pool priority | |
Optional | Connected pool region settings |
[Response body]
"header": {
"isSuccessful": true,
"resultCode": 0,
"resultMessage": "SUCCESS"
"connectedPoolList": [
"poolId": "52da0e48-9062-43f7-bef8-8aec4b795bfe",
"connectedPoolOrder": 1,
"pool": {
// Pool information omitted
"poolId": "8e4326d4-3862-4b46-819e-83a786add570",
"connectedPoolOrder": 2,
"pool": {
// Pool information omitted
"poolId": "2f89d3fe-03bc-4711-826e-db2c89c12818",
"connectedPoolOrder": 3,
"connectedPoolRegionContent": "NORTHEAST_ASIA,SOUTHEAST_ASIA",
"pool": {
// Pool information omitted
Method | URI |
PUT |{appkey}/gslbs/{gslbId}/connected-pools/{poolId} |
[Request body]
curl -X PUT '{appkey}/gslbs/{gslbId}/connected-pools/{poolId}' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{ "connectedPool": { "connectedPoolOrder": 1, "connectedPoolRegionContent": "WESTERN_NORTH_AMERICA" } }'
Name | Type | Valid range | Required | Default | Description |
connectedPool | Object | Required | Connected pool | ||
connectedPool.connectedPoolOrder | int | Min. 1, Max. 2,147,483,647 | Required | Connected pool priority | |
Optional | Connected pool region settings |
[Response body]
"header": {
"isSuccessful": true,
"resultCode": 0,
"resultMessage": "SUCCESS"
"connectedPoolList": [
"poolId": "52da0e48-9062-43f7-bef8-8aec4b795bfe",
"connectedPoolOrder": 1,
"connectedPoolRegionContent": "WESTERN_NORTH_AMERICA",
"pool": {
// Pool information omitted
"poolId": "8e4326d4-3862-4b46-819e-83a786add570",
"connectedPoolOrder": 2,
"pool": {
// Pool information omitted
"poolId": "2f89d3fe-03bc-4711-826e-db2c89c12818",
"connectedPoolOrder": 3,
"connectedPoolRegionContent": "NORTHEAST_ASIA,SOUTHEAST_ASIA",
"pool": {
// Pool information omitted
Method | URI |
DELETE |{appkey}/gslbs/{gslbId}/connected-pools |
[Request body]
curl -X DELETE '{appkey}/gslbs/{gslbId}/connected-pools?
Name | Type | Valid range | Required | Default | Description |
poolIdList | List | Min. 1, Max. 3,000 | Required | Pool ID list |
[Response body]
"header": {
"isSuccessful": true,
"resultCode": 0,
"resultMessage": "SUCCESS"
"connectedPoolList": [
"poolId": "8e4326d4-3862-4b46-819e-83a786add570",
"connectedPoolOrder": 2,
"pool": {
// Pool information omitted
"poolId": "2f89d3fe-03bc-4711-826e-db2c89c12818",
"connectedPoolOrder": 3,
"connectedPoolRegionContent": "NORTHEAST_ASIA,SOUTHEAST_ASIA",
"pool": {
// Pool information omitted
Method | URI |
GET |{appkey}/pools |
[Request body]
curl -X GET '{appkey}/pools?showHealthy=true'
Name | Type | Valid range | Required | Default | Description |
poolIdList | List | Max. 3,000 | Optional | Pool ID list | |
searchPoolName | String | Optional | Pool name to search for | ||
healthCheckId | String | Optional | Connected health check ID | ||
showHealthy | boolean | Optional | Whether to view the health check results | ||
page | int | Min. 1 | Optional | 1 | Page No. |
limit | int | Min. 1, Max. 3,000 | Optional | 50 | Query count |
sortDirection | String | DESC, ASC | Optional | DESC | Sort order (DESC: Descending, ASC: Ascending) |
Optional | CREATED_AT | Sort criteria (CREATED_AT: Created date, UPDATED_AT: Modified date, POOL_NAME: Pool name, POOL_DISABLED: Whether a pool is disabled or not, HEALTH_CHECK_ID: Connected health check ID) |
[Response body]
"header": {
"isSuccessful": true,
"resultCode": 0,
"resultMessage": "SUCCESS"
"totalCount": 1,
"poolList": [
"poolId": "8e4326d4-3862-4b46-819e-83a786add570",
"poolName": "POOL-test",
"poolDisabled": false,
"healthy": true,
"healthCheckId": "b9165853-7859-4309-8059-48f12ebdbc17",
"healthCheck": {
// Health check information omitted
"endpointList": [
"endpointAddress": "",
"endpointWeight": 1.0,
"endpointDisabled": false,
"healthy": true,
"failureReason": "No failures"
"endpointAddress": "",
"endpointWeight": 1.0,
"endpointDisabled": false,
"healthy": false,
"failureReason": "HTTP timeout occurred"
"endpointAddress": "",
"endpointWeight": 1.0,
"endpointDisabled": true
"createdAt": "2019-12-18T18:36:02.000+09:00",
"updatedAt": "2019-12-18T18:43:31.000+09:00"
Name | Type | Description |
totalCount | long | Total number of pools |
poolList | List | Pool list |
poolList[0].poolId | String | Pool ID |
poolList[0].poolName | String | Pool name |
poolList[0].poolDisabled | boolean | Whether a pool is disabled or not |
poolList[0].healthy | boolean | Whether a pool is healthy or not |
poolList[0].healthCheckId | String | Connected health check ID |
poolList[0].healthCheck | Object | Connected health check information |
poolList[0].endpointList | List | Endpoint list |
poolList[0].endpointList[0].endpointAddress | String | Endpoint address |
poolList[0].endpointList[0].endpointWeight | double | Endpoint weight |
poolList[0].endpointList[0].healthy | boolean | Whether an endpoint is healthy or not |
poolList[0].endpointList[0].failureReason | String | Reason for an unhealthy endpoint |
poolList[0].createdAt | DateTime | Created date |
poolList[0].updatedAt | DateTime | Modified date |
Method | URI |
POST |{appkey}/pools |
[Request body]
curl -X POST '{appkey}/pools' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{ "pool": { "poolName": "POOL-test", "endpointList": [ { "endpointAddress": "" }, { "endpointAddress": "" } ] }}'
Name | Type | Valid range | Required | Default | Description |
pool | Object | Required | Pool | ||
pool.poolName | String | Max. 100 characters, Uppercase and lowercase characters and numbers, '-', '_' |
Required | Pool name | |
pool.poolDisabled | boolean | Optional | false | Whether a pool is disabled or not | |
pool.healthCheckId | String | Optional | Health check ID | ||
pool.endpointList | List | Required | Endpoint list | ||
pool.endpointList[0].endpointAddress | String | Max. 254 characters, Lowercase characters and numbers, '.', '-', '_' |
Required | Endpoint address | |
pool.endpointList[0].endpointWeight | double | Min. 0, Max. 1.00 | Optional | 1.00 | Endpoint weight |
pool.endpointList[0].endpointDisabled | boolean | Optional | false | Whether an endpoint is disabled or not |
[Response body]
"header": {
"isSuccessful": true,
"resultCode": 0,
"resultMessage": "SUCCESS"
"pool": {
"poolId": "8e4326d4-3862-4b46-819e-83a786add570",
"poolName": "POOL-test",
"poolDisabled": false,
"healthCheckId": "",
"endpointList": [
"endpointAddress": "",
"endpointWeight": 1.0,
"endpointDisabled": false
"endpointAddress": "",
"endpointWeight": 1.0,
"endpointDisabled": false
"createdAt": "2019-12-18T18:36:02.000+09:00",
"updatedAt": "2019-12-18T18:36:02.000+09:00"
Method | URI |
PUT |{appkey}/pools/{poolId} |
[Request body]
curl -X PUT '{appkey}/pools/{poolId}' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{ "pool": { "poolName": "POOL-test", "poolDisabled": true, "healthCheckId": "b9165853-7859-4309-8059-48f12ebdbc17", "endpointList": [ { "endpointAddress": "", "endpointWeight": 1.00, "endpointDisabled": true }, { "endpointAddress": "", "endpointWeight": 0.5, "endpointDisabled": true } ] }}'
Name | Type | Valid range | Required | Default | Description |
pool | Object | Required | Pool | ||
pool.poolName | String | Max. 100 characters, Uppercase and lowercase characters and numbers, '-', '_' |
Required | Pool name | |
pool.poolDisabled | boolean | Optional | false | Whether a pool is disabled or not | |
pool.healthCheckId | String | Optional | Health check ID | ||
pool.endpointList | List | Required | Endpoint list | ||
pool.endpointList[0].endpointAddress | String | Max. 254 characters, Lowercase characters and numbers, '.', '-', '_' |
Required | Endpoint address | |
pool.endpointList[0].endpointWeight | double | Min. 0, Max. 1.00 | Optional | 1.00 | Endpoint weight |
pool.endpointList[0].endpointDisabled | boolean | Optional | false | Whether an endpoint is disabled or not |
[Response body]
"header": {
"isSuccessful": true,
"resultCode": 0,
"resultMessage": "SUCCESS"
"pool": {
"poolId": "8e4326d4-3862-4b46-819e-83a786add570",
"poolName": "POOL-test",
"poolDisabled": true,
"healthCheckId": "b9165853-7859-4309-8059-48f12ebdbc17",
"healthCheck": {
// Health check information omitted
"endpointList": [
"endpointAddress": "",
"endpointWeight": 1.0,
"endpointDisabled": true
"endpointAddress": "",
"endpointWeight": 0.5,
"endpointDisabled": true
"createdAt": "2019-12-18T18:36:02.000+09:00",
"updatedAt": "2019-12-18T18:37:45.000+09:00"
Method | URI |
DELETE |{appkey}/pools |
[Request body]
curl -X DELETE '{appkey}/pools?
Name | Type | Valid range | Required | Default | Description |
poolIdList | List | Min. 1, Max. 3,000 | Required | Pool ID list |
[Response body]
"header": {
"isSuccessful": true,
"resultCode": 0,
"resultMessage": "SUCCESS"
Method | URI |
GET |{appkey}/health-checks |
[Request body]
curl -X GET '{appkey}/health-checks'
Name | Type | Valid range | Required | Default | Description |
healthCheckIdList | List | Max. 3,000 | Optional | Health check ID list | |
searchHealthCheckName | String | Optional | Health check name to search for | ||
page | int | Min. 1 | Optional | 1 | Page No. |
limit | int | Min. 1, Max. 3,000 | Optional | 50 | Query count |
sortDirection | String | DESC, ASC | Optional | DESC | Sort order (DESC: Descending, ASC: Ascending) |
Optional | CREATED_AT | Sort criteria (CREATED_AT: Created date, UPDATED_AT: Modified date, HEALTH_CHECK_NAME: Health check name, PROTOCOL: Protocol, PORT: Port) |
[Response body]
"header": {
"isSuccessful": true,
"resultCode": 0,
"resultMessage": "SUCCESS"
"totalCount": 1,
"healthCheckList": [
"healthCheckId": "b9165853-7859-4309-8059-48f12ebdbc17",
"healthCheckName": "HTTPS-443",
"protocol": "HTTPS",
"interval": 60,
"timeout": 5,
"retries": 2,
"path": "/",
"expectedCodes": "2xx",
"expectedBody": "OK",
"allowInsecure": false,
"requestHeaderList": [
{ "Host": "" }
"createdAt": "2019-12-18T12:31:34.000+09:00",
"updatedAt": "2019-12-18T14:19:20.000+09:00"
Name | Type | Description |
totalCount | long | Total number of health checks |
healthCheckList | List | Health check list |
healthCheckList[0].healthCheckId | String | Health check ID |
healthCheckList[0].healthCheckName | String | Health check name |
healthCheckList[0].protocol | String | Protocol |
healthCheckList[0].port | int | Port |
healthCheckList[0].interval | int | Health check interval |
healthCheckList[0].timeout | int | Maximum response latency (timeout) |
healthCheckList[0].retries | int | Maximum number of retries |
healthCheckList[0].path | String | Path |
healthCheckList[0].expectedCodes | String | Expected status code |
healthCheckList[0].expectedBody | String | Expected response body |
healthCheckList[0].allowInsecure | boolean | Disable certificate validation |
healthCheckList[0].requestHeaderList | List | List of request headers |
healthCheckList[0].requestHeaderList[0] | Object | Request header name, value object |
healthCheckList[0].createdAt | DateTime | Created date |
healthCheckList[0].updatedAt | DateTime | Modified date |
Method | URI |
POST |{appkey}/health-checks |
[Request body]
curl -X POST '{appkey}/health-checks' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{ "healthCheck": { "healthCheckName": "HTTPS-443", "protocol": "HTTPS", "port": 443, "interval": 60, "timeout": 5, "retries": 2, "path": "/", "expectedCodes": "2xx", "allowInsecure": false, "requestHeaderList": [{ "Host": "" }] }}'
Name | Type | Valid range | Required | Default | Description |
healthCheck | Object | Required | Health check | ||
healthCheck.healthCheckName | String | Max. 100 characters, Uppercase and lowercase characters and numbers, '-', '_' |
Required | Health check name | |
healthCheck.protocol | String | HTTPS, HTTP, TCP | Required | Protocol to use when performing health checks | |
healthCheck.port | int | Min. 1, Max. 65535 | Required | Port to use when performing health checks | |
healthCheck.interval | int | Min. 10 or (retries+1)*timeout, Max. 3600 | Optional | 60 | Health check interval |
healthCheck.timeout | int | Min. 1, Max. 10 | Optional | 5 | Maximum response latency (timeout) |
healthCheck.retries | int | Min. 0, Max. 5 | Optional | 2 | Maximum number of retries |
healthCheck.path | String | Max. 254 characters, Start character '/' |
Optional | Path to use when performing health checks, used for HTTPS and HTTP |
healthCheck.expectedCodes | String | Numbers and a wildcard 'x' | Optional | Expected status code for health checks, used for HTTPS and HTTP (Example) 2xx, 20x, 200 |
healthCheck.expectedBody | String | Max. 10KB | Optional | Expected response body for health checks, used for HTTPS and HTTP |
healthCheck.allowInsecure | boolean | Optional | Disable certificate validation for health checks, used for HTTPS |
healthCheck.requestHeaderList | List | Optional | A list of request headers, used for HTTPS and HTTP Items in the list are requested in the form { "Header Name": "Header Value" } |
[Response body]
"header": {
"isSuccessful": true,
"resultCode": 0,
"resultMessage": "SUCCESS"
"healthCheck": {
"healthCheckId": "b9165853-7859-4309-8059-48f12ebdbc17",
"healthCheckName": "HTTPS-443",
"protocol": "HTTPS",
"port": 443,
"interval": 60,
"timeout": 5,
"retries": 2,
"path": "/",
"expectedCodes": "2xx",
"allowInsecure": false,
"requestHeaderList": [
{ "Host": "" }
"createdAt": "2019-12-18T12:31:34.000+09:00",
"updatedAt": "2019-12-18T12:31:34.000+09:00"
Method | URI |
PUT |{appkey}/health-checks/{healthCheckId} |
[Request body]
curl -X PUT '{appkey}/health-checks/{healthCheckId}' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{ "healthCheck": { "healthCheckName": "HTTPS-443", "protocol": "HTTPS", "port": 443, "interval": 60, "timeout": 5, "retries": 2, "path": "/", "expectedCodes": "3xx", "allowInsecure": false }}'
Name | Type | Valid range | Required | Default | Description |
healthCheck | Object | Required | Health check | ||
healthCheck.healthCheckName | String | Max. 100 characters, Uppercase and lowercase characters and numbers, '-', '_' |
Required | Health check name | |
healthCheck.protocol | String | HTTPS, HTTP, TCP | Required | Protocol to use when performing health checks | |
healthCheck.port | int | Min. 1, Max. 65535 | Required | Port to use when performing health checks | |
healthCheck.interval | int | Min. 10 or (retries+1)*timeout, Max. 3600 | Optional | Health check interval | |
healthCheck.timeout | int | Min. 1, Max. 10 | Optional | Maximum response latency (timeout) | |
healthCheck.retries | int | Min. 0, Max. 5 | Optional | Maximum number of retries | |
healthCheck.path | String | Max. 254 characters, Start character '/' |
Optional | Path to use when performing health checks, used for HTTPS and HTTP |
healthCheck.expectedCodes | String | Numbers and a wildcard 'x' | Optional | Expected status code for health checks, used for HTTPS and HTTP (Example) 2xx, 20x, 200 |
healthCheck.expectedBody | String | Max. 10KB | Optional | Expected response body for health checks, used for HTTPS and HTTP |
healthCheck.allowInsecure | boolean | Optional | Disable certificate validation for health checks, used for HTTPS |
healthCheck.requestHeaderList | List | Optional | A list of request headers, used for HTTPS and HTTP Items in the list are requested in the form { "Header Name": "Header Value" } |
[Response body]
"header": {
"isSuccessful": true,
"resultCode": 0,
"resultMessage": "SUCCESS"
"healthCheck": {
"healthCheckId": "b9165853-7859-4309-8059-48f12ebdbc17",
"healthCheckName": "HTTPS-443",
"protocol": "HTTPS",
"port": 443,
"interval": 60,
"timeout": 5,
"retries": 2,
"path": "/",
"expectedCodes": "3xx",
"allowInsecure": false,
"requestHeaderList": [
{ "Host": "" }
"createdAt": "2019-12-18T12:31:34.000+09:00",
"updatedAt": "2019-12-18T12:36:20.000+09:00"
Method | URI |
DELETE |{appkey}/health-checks |
[Request body]
curl -X DELETE '{appkey}/health-checks?
Name | Type | Valid range | Required | Default | Description |
healthCheckIdList | List | Min. 1, Max. 3,000 | Required | Health check ID list |
[Response body]
"header": {
"isSuccessful": true,
"resultCode": 0,
"resultMessage": "SUCCESS"