Network > DNS Plus > API Guide

The document describes API of the DNS Plus service.

Common Information of API


  • An appkey is required to use the API.
  • Your appkey can be found in the URL & Appkey menu on the top of the console.

Common Response Information

  • '200 OK' is returned for all API requests. For details on response results, refer to the header of each response.

[Success response body]

    "header": {
        "isSuccessful": true,
        "resultCode": 0,
        "resultMessage": "SUCCESS"

[Failure response body]

    "header": {
        "isSuccessful": false,
        "resultCode": 4010001,
        "resultMessage": "Invalid appKey. "


Query DNS Zone

  • Retrieves the list of DNS Zones.



Method URI

[Request body]

  • Change {appkey} to the value found in the console.
curl -X GET '{appkey}/zones'


Name Type Valid range Required Default Description
zoneIdList List Max. 3,000 Optional DNS Zone ID List
zoneStatusList List CREATING,
Optional DNS Zone status list
(CREATING: Creating,
DELETING: Deleting,
DELETING_FAIL: Failed to delete,
USE: Use)
searchZoneName String Optional DNS Zone name to search for
engineId String Optional DNS server ID
page int Min. 1 Optional 1 Page No.
limit int Min. 1, Max. 3,000 Optional 50 Query count
sortDirection String DESC, ASC Optional DESC Sort order (DESC: Descending, ASC: Ascending)
sortKey String CREATED_AT,
Optional CREATED_AT Sort criteria
(CREATED_AT: Created date,
UPDATED_AT: Modified date,
ZONE_NAME: DNS Zone name,
ZONE_STATUS: DNS Zone status,
RECORDSET_COUNT: Record set count)


[Response body]

    "header": {
        // Omitted
    "totalCount": 1,
    "zoneList": [
            "engineId": "e13a1bcf0aa8e07f6a4fae94ed869c39",
            "zoneId": "bff20a9a-24cf-4670-8b34-007622ec010e",
            "zoneName": "",
            "zoneStatus": "USE",
            "description": "Test",
            "createdAt": "2019-06-04T12:32:50.000+09:00",
            "updatedAt": "2019-06-04T12:32:50.000+09:00",
            "recordsetCount": 2


Name Type Description
totalCount long Total DNS Zone count
zoneList List DNS Zone list
zoneList[0].engineId boolean DNS server ID
zoneList[0].zoneId String DNS Zone ID
zoneList[0].zoneName String DNS Zone name
zoneList[0].zoneStatus String DNS Zone status
zoneList[0].description String Description
zoneList[0].createdAt DateTime Created date
zoneList[0].updatedAt DateTime Modified date
zoneList[0].recordsetCount long Record set count

Create DNS Zone

  • Creates a DNS Zone.
  • The DNS Zone name must be unique within the DNS server.
  • The same DNS Zone name can be created as many as the number of DNS servers. There are three DNS servers.



Method URI

[Request body]

  • Change {appkey} to the value found in the console.
curl -X POST '{appkey}/zones' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{ "zone": { "zoneName": "", "description": "test" }}'


Name Type Valid range Required Default Description
zone Object Required DNS Zone
zone.zoneName String Max. 254 characters
Lowercase characters and numbers, '.', '-', '_'
Last character '.'
Required DNS Zone name to create,
Enter the domain as FQDN
zone.description String Max. 255 characters Optional DNS Zone description


[Response body]

    "header": {
        "isSuccessful": true,
        "resultCode": 0,
        "resultMessage": "SUCCESS"
    "zone": {
        "engineId": "e13a1bcf0aa8e07f6a4fae94ed869c39",
        "zoneId": "bff20a9a-24cf-4670-8b34-007622ec010e",
        "zoneName": "",
        "zoneStatus": "USE",
        "description": "test",
        "createdAt": "2019-06-04T12:32:50.000+09:00",
        "updatedAt": "2019-06-04T12:32:50.000+09:00",
        "recordsetCount": 2

Update DNS Zone

  • Updates the DNS Zone.



Method URI

[Request body]

  • Change {appkey} to the value found in the console.
  • {zoneId} is the DNS Zone ID, which can be found by Query DNS Zone.
curl -X PUT '{appkey}/zones/{zoneId}' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{ "zone": { "description": "test" }}'


Name Type Valid range Required Default Description
zone Object Required DNS Zone
zone.description String Max. 255 characters Optional DNS Zone description


[Response body]

    "header": {
        "isSuccessful": true,
        "resultCode": 0,
        "resultMessage": "SUCCESS"
    "zone": {
        "engineId": "e13a1bcf0aa8e07f6a4fae94ed869c39",
        "zoneId": "bff20a9a-24cf-4670-8b34-007622ec010e",
        "zoneName": "",
        "zoneStatus": "USE",
        "description": "test",
        "createdAt": "2019-06-04T12:32:50.000+09:00",
        "updatedAt": "2019-06-04T12:42:00.000+09:00",
        "recordsetCount": 2

Delete DNS Zone (async)

  • Deletes multiple DNS Zones along with their record sets.
  • Actual deletion of data is processed asynchronously.



Method URI

[Request body]

  • Change {appkey} to the value found in the console.
  • DNS Zone ID can be found by Query DNS Zone.
curl -X DELETE '{appkey}/zones/async?


Name Type Valid range Required Default Description
zoneIdList List Min. 1, Max. 3,000 Required DNS Zone ID List


[Response body]

    "header": {
        "isSuccessful": true,
        "resultCode": 0,
        "resultMessage": "SUCCESS"

Record Set API

Query Record Set

  • Retrieves the list of record sets.



Method URI

[Request body]

  • Change {appkey} to the value found in the console.
  • {zoneId} is the DNS Zone ID, which can be found by Query DNS Zone.
curl -X GET '{appkey}/zones/{zoneId}/recordsets'


Name Type Valid range Required Default Description
recordsetIdList List Max. 3,000 Optional Record set list
recordsetTypeList List A, AAAA, CAA, CNAME, MX,
Optional Record set type list
searchRecordsetName String Optional Record set name to search for
page int Min. 1 Optional 1 Page No.
limit int Min. 1, Max. 3,000 Optional 50 Query count
sortDirection String DESC, ASC Optional DESC Sort order (DESC: Descending, ASC: Ascending)
sortKey String CREATED_AT,
Optional CREATED_AT Sort criteria
(CREATED_AT: Created date,
UPDATED_AT: Modified date,
RECORDSET_NAME: Record set name,
RECORDSET_TYPE: Record set type,


[Response body]

    "header": {
        // Omitted
    "totalCount": 2,
    "recordsetList": [
            "recordsetId": "9e92b547-e2c1-4398-8904-552e0ca465e2",
            "recordsetName": "",
            "recordsetType": "SOA",
            "recordsetTtl": 1500,
            "recordsetStatus": "USE",
            "createdAt": "2019-06-04T12:32:50.000+09:00",
            "updatedAt": "2019-06-04T12:32:50.000+09:00",
            "recordList": [
                    "recordDisabled": false,
                    "recordContent": " 2019060401 10800 3600 604800 1200",
                    // Omitted: Varies by record set type
            "recordsetId": "edb9512b-6e62-409c-99ee-092d340e0adf",
            "recordsetName": "",
            "recordsetType": "NS",
            "recordsetTtl": 1500,
            "recordsetStatus": "USE",
            "createdAt": "2019-06-04T12:32:50.000+09:00",
            "updatedAt": "2019-06-04T12:32:50.000+09:00",
            "recordList": [
                    "recordDisabled": false,
                    "recordContent": "",
                    // Omitted: Varies by record set type
                    "recordDisabled": false,
                    "recordContent": "",
                    // Omitted: Varies by record set type


Name Type Description
totalCount long Total record set count
recordsetList List Record set list
recordsetList[0].recordsetId String Record set ID
recordsetList[0].recordsetName String Record set name
recordsetList[0].recordsetType String Record set type
recordsetList[0].recordsetTtl int Update cycle of the record set data in the name server
recordsetList[0].recordsetStatus String Record set status
recordsetList[0].createdAt DateTime Created date
recordsetList[0].updatedAt DateTime Modified date
recordsetList[0].recordList List Record list
recordsetList[0].recordList[0].recordDisabled boolean Whether record is disabled or not
recordsetList[0].recordList[0].recordContent String A record value. It displays the detailed field by record set type in a line.

Create Record Set

  • Creates a record set.
  • The supported record set types are A, AAAA, CAA, CNAME, MX, NAPTR, PTR, TXT, SRV, NS, and SOA.
  • SOA record set cannot be created, modified, or deleted. NS record set cannot be created, modified, or deleted using the DNS Zone name.
  • The maximum length of the record list within the record set is 512 bytes.
  • Up to 5,000 record sets can be created per DNS Zone.
  • There is a limit to the maximum number of record sets that can be created. If you want to raise the limit, please contact us. 1:1 Inquiry



Method URI

[Request body]

  • Change {appkey} to the value found in the console.
  • {zoneId} is the DNS Zone ID, which can be found by Query DNS Zone.
  • Record value is required. You can enter the value by selecting either recordset.recordList[0].recordContent field or the detailed field.
  • The recordContent field displays the detailed field in one line separated by space. You can check the detailed field in [Detailed field by record set type].
  • If you enter values in both the detailed field and the recordContent field at the same time, the value in the recordContent field will take priority.
curl -X POST '{appkey}/zones/{zoneId}/recordsets' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{ "recordset": { "recordsetName": "", "recordsetType": "A", "recordsetTtl": 86400, "recordList": [{ "recordDisabled": false, "recordContent": "" }] }}'


Name Type Valid range Required Default Description
recordset Object Required Record set
recordset.recordsetName String Max. 254 characters
Lowercase characters and numbers, '.', '-', '_'
(including name of DNS Zone)
Required Name of the record set to create,
Enter the domain as FQDN
recordset.recordsetType String A, AAAA, CAA, CNAME, MX,
Required Record set type
recordset.recordsetTtl int Min. 1, Max. 2147483647 Required Update cycle of the record set data in the name server
recordset.recordList List Required Record list
recordset.recordList[0].recordDisabled boolean Optional false Whether record is disabled or not
recordset.recordList[0].recordContent String Required It displays the detailed field by record set type in a line.

[Detailed field by record set type]

  • A record set
    • Multiple records can be entered.
    • One domain name can be used for multiple IPv4 addresses.
Name Type Valid range Required Default Description
recordset.recordList[0].ipV4 String Required IPv4 type address
  • AAAA record set
    • Multiple records can be entered.
    • One domain name can be used for multiple IPv6 addresses.
Name Type Valid range Required Default Description
recordset.recordList[0].ipV6 String Required IPv6 type address
  • CAA record set
    • Multiple records can be entered.
    • Setting an authorized certificate authority (CA) to the domain allows you to prevent any unauthorized CA from issuing the certificate.
    • The issue tag is a certificate issuance permission for domain or sub-domain.
    • The issuewild tag is a wildcard certificate issuance permission for domain or sub-domain.
      • You can use the same setting method for the issue tag and the issuewild tag.
      • Allow the issuance of a certificate: Enter the address of the certificate authority. If additional settings are required, use semicolon (;) as a separator and set them in the 'name=value' pairs.
      • Do not allow the issuance of a certificate: Enter a semicolon (;)
    • The iodef tag is used for notifying via a specified email or URL address when an invalid request has been received by the CA.
      • Email address input format: "mailto:email-address"
      • URL address input format: "http://URL" or "https://URL"
    • A custom tag can be used when the CA supports additional features other than the RFC standard.
Name Type Valid range Required Default Description
recordset.recordList[0].flags int 0 or 128 Required 0 for a defined tag,
128 for a custom tag
recordset.recordList[0].tag String TAG_ISSUE,
Up to 15 custom tags
Required TAG_ISSUE: issue tag,
TAG_ISSUEWILD: issuewild tag,
TAG_IODEF: iodef tag,
custom tag
recordset.recordList[0].stringValue String Max. 512 characters (including quotation marks) Required Tag-dependent content
  • CNAME record set
    • A single record can be entered.
    • Define the record set name as an alias of a canonical name (canonical).
    • CNAME record set can be created if there is no other record set type for the same record set name.
Name Type Valid range Required Default Description
recordset.recordList[0].domainName String Max. 255 characters Required Enter the domain as FQDN
  • MX record set
    • Multiple records can be entered.
    • Specify the mail server for the domain.
Name Type Valid range Required Default Description
recordset.recordList[0].priority int Min. 0, Max. 65535 Required Priority
recordset.recordList[0].domainName String Max. 255 characters Required Enter the domain as FQDN
  • NAPTR record set
    • Multiple records can be entered.
    • In the Dynamic Delegation Discovery System (DDDS) application, it is used to convert or replace one value with another.
    • Order is the order of records evaluation by the DDDS application.
    • Preferred order is the order of records evaluation when there are more than two records with exactly the same order.
    • Separator, which is set in the DDDS application, uses space, 'S', 'A', 'U', and 'P'; the other characters are reserved for something else.
    • Service is set in the DDDS application. For more detailed definition, see the RFC document.
    • Regexp is used to convert an input value to an output value in the DDDS application. For detailed definition, see RFC 3402#section-3.2.
    • Replacement value replaces an input value with the name of a domain where the DDDS application will submit DNS queries. Set this as '.' if regexp is set.
Name Type Valid range Required Default Description
recordset.recordList[0].order int Min. 0, Max. 65535 Required Order
recordset.recordList[0].preference int Min. 0, Max. 65535 Required Preference
recordset.recordList[0].flags String Max. 3 characters (including quotation marks) Required Classification
recordset.recordList[0].service String Max. 257 characters (including quotation marks) Required Service
recordset.recordList[0].regexp String Max. 257 characters (including quotation marks) Required Regular expression
recordset.recordList[0].replacement String Max. 255 characters Required Enter '.' as a replacement value or enter the domain as FQDN
  • PTR record set
    • Multiple records can be entered.
    • This is a reverse query to perform lookup of the domain information with its IP address. You should set this by requesting to your ISP company.
    • The IP address must be entered in the record set name in the reverse order. (Example),
Name Type Valid range Required Default Description
recordset.recordList[0].domainName String Max. 255 characters Required Enter the domain as FQDN
  • TXT record set
    • Multiple records can be entered.
    • Enter the text for the record set name.
    • SPF records can be created with the TXT record set type.
      • This feature verifies whether the incoming email server has the same email address as the outgoing mail server by the email sender domain authentication method.
      • Enter as follows. For detailed definition, see RFC4408.
      • The default value of the qualifier is '+', and you can add IP or domain name depending on the mechanism.
        • Format: "v=spf1 {qualifier}{mechanism}{content} {modifier}={content}"
        • qualifier: '+'(Pass), '-'(Fail), '~'(Soft Fail), '?'(Neutral)
        • mechanism: all, include, a, mx, prt, ip4, ip6, exists
        • modifier: redirect, exp, custom
        • (Example)
          • "v=spf1 mx -all"
          • "v=spf1 ip4: -all"
          • "v=spf1 -all"
          • "v=spf1"
Name Type Valid range Required Default Description
recordset.recordList[0].stringValue String Max. 255 bytes (including quotation marks) Required Text
  • SRV record set
    • Multiple records can be entered.
    • Find multiple servers which provide similar TCP/IP-based services with a single DNS query operation.
Name Type Valid range Required Default Description
recordset.recordList[0].priority int Min. 0, Max. 65535 Required Priority
recordset.recordList[0].weight int Min. 0, Max. 65535 Required Weight
recordset.recordList[0].port int Min. 0, Max. 65535 Required Port
recordset.recordList[0].domainName String Max. 255 characters Required Enter the domain as FQDN
  • NS record set
    • Multiple records can be entered.
    • Enter the name server for the record set name.
    • The record set name can be created or modified only with the sub-domain of the DNS Zone name.
Name Type Valid range Required Default Description
recordset.recordList[0].domainName String Max. 255 characters Required Enter the domain as FQDN


[Response body]

    "header": {
        "isSuccessful": true,
        "resultCode": 0,
        "resultMessage": "SUCCESS"
    "recordset": {
        "recordsetId": "d0b7ee57-8e41-438f-ad04-d4b316793d42",
        "recordsetName": "",
        "recordsetType": "A",
        "recordsetTtl": 86400,
        "recordsetStatus": "USE",
        "createdAt": "2019-06-04T12:32:50.000+09:00",
        "updatedAt": "2019-06-04T12:32:50.000+09:00",
        "recordList": [
                "recordDisabled": false,
                "recordContent": "",
                "ipV4": ""

Bulk Create Record Sets

  • You can create multiple record sets, up to 2,000 sets per request.
  • The supported record set types are A, AAAA, CAA, CNAME, MX, NAPTR, PTR, TXT, SRV, NS, and SOA.
  • SOA record set cannot be created, modified, or deleted. NS record set cannot be created, modified, or deleted using the DNS Zone name.
  • The maximum length of the record list within the record set is 512 bytes.
  • Up to 5,000 record sets can be created per DNS Zone.
  • There is a limit to the maximum number of record sets that can be created. If you want to raise the limit, please contact us. 1:1 Inquiry



Method URI

[Request body]

  • Change {appkey} to the value found in the console.
  • {zoneId} is the DNS Zone ID, which can be found by Query DNS Zone.
  • Record value is required. You can enter the value by selecting either recordset.recordList[0].recordContent field or the detailed field.
  • The recordContent field displays the detailed field in one line separated by space. You can check the detailed field in the [Detailed field by record set type] section of Create Record Set.
  • If you enter values in both the detailed field and the recordContent field at the same time, the value in the recordContent field will take priority.
curl -X POST '{appkey}/zones/{zoneId}/recordsets/list' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{ "recordsetList": [{ "recordsetName": "", "recordsetType": "A", "recordsetTtl": 86400, "recordList": [{ "recordDisabled": false, "recordContent": "" }] }]}'


Name Type Valid range Required Default Description
recordsetList List Required Record set list
recordsetList[0].recordsetName String Max. 254 characters
Lowercase characters and numbers, '.', '-', '_'
(including name of DNS Zone)
Required Name of the record set to create,
Enter the domain as FQDN
recordsetList[0].recordsetType String A, AAAA, CAA, CNAME, MX,
Required Record set type
recordsetList[0].recordsetTtl int Min. 1, Max. 2147483647 Required Update cycle of the record set data in the name server
recordsetList[0].recordList List Required Record list
recordsetList[0].recordList[0].recordDisabled boolean Optional false Whether record is disabled or not
recordsetList[0].recordList[0].recordContent String Required It displays the detailed field by record set type in a line.


[Response body]

    "header": {
        "isSuccessful": true,
        "resultCode": 0,
        "resultMessage": "SUCCESS"

Modify Record Set

  • Modifies a record set.
  • Record set name cannot be modified. However, record set type, TTL (sec), and record value can be modified.
  • SOA record set cannot be created, modified, or deleted. NS record set cannot be created, modified, or deleted using the DNS Zone name.
  • The maximum length of the record list within the record set is 512 bytes.



Method URI

[Request body]

  • Change {appkey} to the value found in the console.
  • {zoneId} is the DNS Zone ID, which can be found by Query DNS Zone.
  • {recordsetId} is the record set ID and you can check this by performing Query Record Set.
  • Record value is required. You can enter the value by selecting either recordset.recordList[0].recordContent field or the detailed field.
  • The recordContent field displays the detailed field in one line separated by space. You can check the detailed field in the [Detailed field by record set type] section of Create Record Set.
  • If you enter values in both the detailed field and the recordContent field at the same time, the recordContent field will take priority.
curl -X PUT '{appkey}/zones/{zoneId}/recordsets/{recordsetId}' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{ "recordset": { "recordsetType": "A", "recordsetTtl": 86400, "recordList": [{ "recordDisabled": false, "recordContent": "" }] }}'


Name Type Valid range Required Default Description
recordset Object Required Record set
recordset.recordsetType String A, AAAA, CAA, CNAME, MX,
Required Record set type
recordset.recordsetTtl int Min. 1, Max. 2147483647 Required Update cycle of the record set data in the name server
recordset.recordList List Required Record list
recordset.recordList[0].recordDisabled boolean Required Whether record is disabled or not
recordset.recordList[0].recordContent String Required It displays the detailed field by record set type in a line.


[Response body]

    "header": {
        "isSuccessful": true,
        "resultCode": 0,
        "resultMessage": "SUCCESS"
    "recordset": {
        "recordsetId": "d0b7ee57-8e41-438f-ad04-d4b316793d42",
        "recordsetName": "",
        "recordsetType": "A",
        "recordsetTtl": 86400,
        "recordsetStatus": "USE",
        "createdAt": "2019-06-04T12:32:50.000+09:00",
        "updatedAt": "2019-06-04T12:42:00.000+09:00",
        "recordList": [
                "recordDisabled": false,
                "recordContent": "",
                "ipV4": ""

Delete Record Set

  • Deletes multiple record sets along with the records in the record sets.
  • SOA record set cannot be created, modified, or deleted. NS record set cannot be created, modified, or deleted using the DNS Zone name.



Method URI

[Request body]

  • Change {appkey} to the value found in the console.
  • {zoneId} is the DNS Zone ID, which can be found by Query DNS Zone.
  • You can check the record set ID by performing Query Record Set.
curl -X DELETE '{appkey}/zones/{zoneId}/recordsets?


Name Type Valid range Required Default Description
recordsetIdList List Min. 1, Max. 3,000 Required Record set ID list


[Response body]

    "header": {
        "isSuccessful": true,
        "resultCode": 0,
        "resultMessage": "SUCCESS"


Query GSLB

  • Retrieves the list of GSLBs.
  • When a health check is connected to pools, you can check the health status of GSLB, pools, and endpoints.



Method URI

[Request body]

  • Change {appkey} to the value found in the console.
curl -X GET '{appkey}/gslbs?showHealthy=true'


Name Type Valid range Required Default Description
gslbIdList List Max. 3,000 Optional GSLB ID list
searchGslbName String Optional Name of GSLB to search for
gslbDomain String Optional GSLB domain
showHealthy boolean Optional Whether to view the health check results
page int Min. 1 Optional 1 Page No.
limit int Min. 1, Max. 3,000 Optional 50 Query count
sortDirection String DESC, ASC Optional DESC Sort order (DESC: Descending, ASC: Ascending)
sortKey String CREATED_AT,
Optional CREATED_AT Sort criteria
(CREATED_AT: Created date,
UPDATED_AT: Modified date,
GSLB_TTL: GSLB domain update cycle,
GSLB_ROUTING_RULE: Routing rule,
GSLB_DISABLED: Whether GSLB is disabled or not)


[Response body]

    "header": {
        "isSuccessful": true,
        "resultCode": 0,
        "resultMessage": "SUCCESS"
    "totalCount": 1,
    "gslbList": [
            "gslbId": "91de0c6f-aeaa-44ec-b361-822acfcd5921",
            "gslbName": "GSLB-test",
            "gslbDomain": "",
            "gslbTtl": 300,
            "gslbRoutingRule": "GEOLOCATION",
            "gslbDisabled": false,
            "healthy": true,
            "connectedPoolList": [
                    "poolId": "8e4326d4-3862-4b46-819e-83a786add570",
                    "connectedPoolOrder": 1,
                    "pool": {
                        // Pool information omitted
                    "poolId": "2f89d3fe-03bc-4711-826e-db2c89c12818",
                    "connectedPoolOrder": 2,
                    "connectedPoolRegionContent": "NORTHEAST_ASIA,SOUTHEAST_ASIA",
                    "pool": {
                        // Pool information omitted
            "createdAt": "2019-12-18T20:44:02.000+09:00",
            "updatedAt": "2019-12-18T21:01:05.000+09:00"


Name Type Description
totalCount long Total number of GSLBs
gslbList List Pool list
gslbList[0].gslbId String GSLB ID
gslbList[0].gslbName String GSLB name
gslbList[0].gslbDomain String GSLB domain
gslbList[0].gslbTtl String GSLB domain update cycle
gslbList[0].gslbRoutingRule String Routing rule
gslbList[0].gslbDisabled boolean Whether GSLB is disabled or not
gslbList[0].healthy boolean Whether GSLB is healthy or not
gslbList[0].connectedPoolList List Connected pool list
gslbList[0].connectedPoolList[0].poolId String Connected pool ID
gslbList[0].connectedPoolList[0].pool Object Connected pool information
gslbList[0].connectedPoolList[0].connectedPoolOrder int Connected pool priority
gslbList[0].connectedPoolList[0].connectedPoolRegionContent String It displays the connected pool's regions in a line
gslbList[0].createdAt DateTime Created date
gslbList[0].updatedAt DateTime Modified date

Create GSLB

  • Creates GSLB and pool connection settings.
  • For routing rule, you can select FAILOVER, RANDOM, or GEOLOCATION as a load balancing method for GSLB domain.
    • FAILOVER: Performs routing based on the priorities of connected pools.
    • RANDOM: Performs routing by randomly selecting an available pool among connected pools.
    • GEOLOCATION: Routes the traffic of the configured region to the connected pool. When there is no configured region, performs routing based on the priorities of connected pools.
  • The smaller the priority of the connected pool, the higher the routing order, and it cannot be duplicated.
  • There are limits to the maximum number of GSLBs that can be created and to the maximum number of pools that can be connected. If you want to raise the limits, please contact us. 1:1 Inquiry



Method URI

[Request body]

  • Change {appkey} to the value found in the console.
  • For the connectedPoolRegionContent field, enter regions in one line with commas (,) as delimiters.
curl -X POST '{appkey}/gslbs' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{ "gslb": { "gslbName": "GSLB-test", "gslbTtl": 300, "gslbRoutingRule": "FAILOVER", "connectedPoolList": [ { "poolId": "8e4326d4-3862-4b46-819e-83a786add570", "connectedPoolOrder": 1 }, { "poolId": "2f89d3fe-03bc-4711-826e-db2c89c12818", "connectedPoolOrder": 2 } ] }}'


Name Type Valid range Required Default Description
gslb Object Required GSLB
gslb.gslbName String Max. 100 characters,
Uppercase and lowercase characters and numbers, '-', '_'
Required GSLB name
gslb.gslbTtl int Required false GSLB domain update cycle
gslb.gslbRoutingRule String FAILOVER, RANDOM, GEOLOCATION Required Routing rule
gslb.gslbDisabled boolean Optional false Whether GSLB is disabled or not
gslb.connectedPoolList List Optional Connected pool list
gslb.connectedPoolList[0].poolId String Required Connected pool ID
gslb.connectedPoolList[0].connectedPoolOrder int Min. 1, Max. 2,147,483,647 Required Connected pool priority
gslb.connectedPoolList[0].connectedPoolRegionContent String WESTERN_NORTH_AMERICA,
Optional Connected pool region settings


[Response body]

    "header": {
        "isSuccessful": true,
        "resultCode": 0,
        "resultMessage": "SUCCESS"
    "gslb": {
        "gslbId": "91de0c6f-aeaa-44ec-b361-822acfcd5921",
        "gslbName": "GSLB-test",
        "gslbDomain": "",
        "gslbTtl": 300,
        "gslbRoutingRule": "FAILOVER",
        "gslbDisabled": false,
        "connectedPoolList": [
                "poolId": "8e4326d4-3862-4b46-819e-83a786add570",
                "connectedPoolOrder": 1,
                "pool": {
                    // Pool information omitted
                "poolId": "2f89d3fe-03bc-4711-826e-db2c89c12818",
                "connectedPoolOrder": 2,
                "pool": {
                    // Pool information omitted
        "createdAt": "2019-12-18T20:44:02.000+09:00",
        "updatedAt": "2019-12-18T20:44:03.000+09:00"

Update GSLB

  • Updates GSLB and pool connection settings.
  • Updates the items entered in Create GSLB.



Method URI

[Request body]

  • Change {appkey} to the value found in the console.
  • {gslbId} is a GSLB ID and can be found by Query GSLB.
  • For the connectedPoolRegionContent field, enter regions in one line with commas (,) as delimiters.
curl -X PUT '{appkey}/gslbs/{gslbId}' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{ "gslb": { "gslbName": "GSLB-test", "gslbTtl": 300, "gslbDisabled": true, "gslbRoutingRule": "GEOLOCATION", "connectedPoolList": [ { "poolId": "8e4326d4-3862-4b46-819e-83a786add570", "connectedPoolOrder": 1 }, { "poolId": "2f89d3fe-03bc-4711-826e-db2c89c12818", "connectedPoolOrder": 2, "connectedPoolRegionContent": "NORTHEAST_ASIA,SOUTHEAST_ASIA" } ] }}'


Name Type Valid range Required Default Description
gslb Object Required GSLB
gslb.gslbName String Max. 100 characters,
Uppercase and lowercase characters and numbers, '-', '_'
Required GSLB name
gslb.gslbTtl int Required false GSLB domain update cycle
gslb.gslbRoutingRule String FAILOVER, RANDOM, GEOLOCATION Required Routing rule
gslb.gslbDisabled boolean Optional false Whether GSLB is disabled or not
gslb.connectedPoolList List Optional Connected pool list
gslb.connectedPoolList[0].poolId String Required Connected pool ID
gslb.connectedPoolList[0].connectedPoolOrder int Min. 1, Max. 2,147,483,647 Required Connected pool priority
gslb.connectedPoolList[0].connectedPoolRegionContent String WESTERN_NORTH_AMERICA,
Optional Connected pool region settings


[Response body]

    "header": {
        "isSuccessful": true,
        "resultCode": 0,
        "resultMessage": "SUCCESS"
    "gslb": {
        "gslbId": "91de0c6f-aeaa-44ec-b361-822acfcd5921",
        "gslbName": "GSLB-test",
        "gslbDomain": "",
        "gslbTtl": 300,
        "gslbRoutingRule": "GEOLOCATION",
        "gslbDisabled": true,
        "connectedPoolList": [
                "poolId": "8e4326d4-3862-4b46-819e-83a786add570",
                "connectedPoolOrder": 1,
                "pool": {
                    // Pool information omitted
                "poolId": "2f89d3fe-03bc-4711-826e-db2c89c12818",
                "connectedPoolOrder": 2,
                "connectedPoolRegionContent": "NORTHEAST_ASIA,SOUTHEAST_ASIA",
                "pool": {
                    // Pool information omitted
        "createdAt": "2019-12-18T20:44:02.000+09:00",
        "updatedAt": "2019-12-18T20:59:49.000+09:00"

Delete GSLB

  • Deletes multiple GSLBs.



Method URI

[Request body]

  • Change {appkey} to the value found in the console.
curl -X DELETE '{appkey}/gslbs?


Name Type Valid range Required Default Description
gslbIdList List Min. 1, Max. 3,000 Required GSLB ID list


[Response body]

    "header": {
        "isSuccessful": true,
        "resultCode": 0,
        "resultMessage": "SUCCESS"

Connect Pool

  • Connects a pool to GSLB.
  • The smaller the priority of the connected pool, the higher the routing order. If you enter the same priority as the previously connected pool, the routing order for the existing pool gets lower.
  • There is a limit to the maximum number of pools that can be connected. If you want to raise the limit, please contact us. 1:1 Inquiry



Method URI

[Request body]

  • Change {appkey} to the value found in the console.
  • {gslbId} is a GSLB ID and can be found by Query GSLB.
  • {poolId} is a pool ID, which can be found by Query Pool.
  • For the connectedPoolRegionContent field, enter regions in one line with commas (,) as delimiters.
curl -X POST '{appkey}/gslbs/{gslbId}/connected-pools/{poolId}' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{ "connectedPool": { "connectedPoolOrder": 1 } }'


Name Type Valid range Required Default Description
connectedPool Object Required Connected pool
connectedPool.connectedPoolOrder int Min. 1, Max. 2,147,483,647 Required Connected pool priority
connectedPool.connectedPoolRegionContent String WESTERN_NORTH_AMERICA,
Optional Connected pool region settings


[Response body]

    "header": {
        "isSuccessful": true,
        "resultCode": 0,
        "resultMessage": "SUCCESS"
    "connectedPoolList": [
            "poolId": "52da0e48-9062-43f7-bef8-8aec4b795bfe",
            "connectedPoolOrder": 1,
            "pool": {
                // Pool information omitted
            "poolId": "8e4326d4-3862-4b46-819e-83a786add570",
            "connectedPoolOrder": 2,
            "pool": {
                // Pool information omitted
            "poolId": "2f89d3fe-03bc-4711-826e-db2c89c12818",
            "connectedPoolOrder": 3,
            "connectedPoolRegionContent": "NORTHEAST_ASIA,SOUTHEAST_ASIA",
            "pool": {
                // Pool information omitted

Update Pool Connection

  • Updates the settings of a pool connected to GSLB.
  • Updates the items entered in pool settings of Create GSLB or Connect Pool.



Method URI

[Request body]

  • Change {appkey} to the value found in the console.
  • {gslbId} is a GSLB ID and can be found by Query GSLB.
  • {poolId} is a pool ID, which can be found by Query Pool.
  • For the connectedPoolRegionContent field, enter regions in one line with commas (,) as delimiters.
curl -X PUT '{appkey}/gslbs/{gslbId}/connected-pools/{poolId}' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{ "connectedPool": { "connectedPoolOrder": 1, "connectedPoolRegionContent": "WESTERN_NORTH_AMERICA" } }'


Name Type Valid range Required Default Description
connectedPool Object Required Connected pool
connectedPool.connectedPoolOrder int Min. 1, Max. 2,147,483,647 Required Connected pool priority
connectedPool.connectedPoolRegionContent String WESTERN_NORTH_AMERICA,
Optional Connected pool region settings


[Response body]

    "header": {
        "isSuccessful": true,
        "resultCode": 0,
        "resultMessage": "SUCCESS"
    "connectedPoolList": [
            "poolId": "52da0e48-9062-43f7-bef8-8aec4b795bfe",
            "connectedPoolOrder": 1,
            "connectedPoolRegionContent": "WESTERN_NORTH_AMERICA",
            "pool": {
                // Pool information omitted
            "poolId": "8e4326d4-3862-4b46-819e-83a786add570",
            "connectedPoolOrder": 2,
            "pool": {
                // Pool information omitted
            "poolId": "2f89d3fe-03bc-4711-826e-db2c89c12818",
            "connectedPoolOrder": 3,
            "connectedPoolRegionContent": "NORTHEAST_ASIA,SOUTHEAST_ASIA",
            "pool": {
                // Pool information omitted

Detach Pool

  • Detaches multiple pools connected to GSLB.



Method URI

[Request body]

  • Change {appkey} to the value found in the console.
  • {gslbId} is a GSLB ID and can be found by Query GSLB.
curl -X DELETE '{appkey}/gslbs/{gslbId}/connected-pools?


Name Type Valid range Required Default Description
poolIdList List Min. 1, Max. 3,000 Required Pool ID list


[Response body]

    "header": {
        "isSuccessful": true,
        "resultCode": 0,
        "resultMessage": "SUCCESS"
    "connectedPoolList": [
            "poolId": "8e4326d4-3862-4b46-819e-83a786add570",
            "connectedPoolOrder": 2,
            "pool": {
                // Pool information omitted
            "poolId": "2f89d3fe-03bc-4711-826e-db2c89c12818",
            "connectedPoolOrder": 3,
            "connectedPoolRegionContent": "NORTHEAST_ASIA,SOUTHEAST_ASIA",
            "pool": {
                // Pool information omitted

Pool API

Query Pool

  • Retrieves the list of pools.
  • When a health check is connected, you can check the health status of pools and endpoints.



Method URI

[Request body]

  • Change {appkey} to the value found in the console.
curl -X GET '{appkey}/pools?showHealthy=true'


Name Type Valid range Required Default Description
poolIdList List Max. 3,000 Optional Pool ID list
searchPoolName String Optional Pool name to search for
healthCheckId String Optional Connected health check ID
showHealthy boolean Optional Whether to view the health check results
page int Min. 1 Optional 1 Page No.
limit int Min. 1, Max. 3,000 Optional 50 Query count
sortDirection String DESC, ASC Optional DESC Sort order (DESC: Descending, ASC: Ascending)
sortKey String CREATED_AT,
Optional CREATED_AT Sort criteria
(CREATED_AT: Created date,
UPDATED_AT: Modified date,
POOL_NAME: Pool name,
POOL_DISABLED: Whether a pool is disabled or not,
HEALTH_CHECK_ID: Connected health check ID)


[Response body]

    "header": {
        "isSuccessful": true,
        "resultCode": 0,
        "resultMessage": "SUCCESS"
    "totalCount": 1,
    "poolList": [
            "poolId": "8e4326d4-3862-4b46-819e-83a786add570",
            "poolName": "POOL-test",
            "poolDisabled": false,
            "healthy": true,
            "healthCheckId": "b9165853-7859-4309-8059-48f12ebdbc17",
            "healthCheck": {
                // Health check information omitted
            "endpointList": [
                    "endpointAddress": "",
                    "endpointWeight": 1.0,
                    "endpointDisabled": false,
                    "healthy": true,
                    "failureReason": "No failures"
                    "endpointAddress": "",
                    "endpointWeight": 1.0,
                    "endpointDisabled": false,
                    "healthy": false,
                    "failureReason": "HTTP timeout occurred"
                    "endpointAddress": "",
                    "endpointWeight": 1.0,
                    "endpointDisabled": true
            "createdAt": "2019-12-18T18:36:02.000+09:00",
            "updatedAt": "2019-12-18T18:43:31.000+09:00"


Name Type Description
totalCount long Total number of pools
poolList List Pool list
poolList[0].poolId String Pool ID
poolList[0].poolName String Pool name
poolList[0].poolDisabled boolean Whether a pool is disabled or not
poolList[0].healthy boolean Whether a pool is healthy or not
poolList[0].healthCheckId String Connected health check ID
poolList[0].healthCheck Object Connected health check information
poolList[0].endpointList List Endpoint list
poolList[0].endpointList[0].endpointAddress String Endpoint address
poolList[0].endpointList[0].endpointWeight double Endpoint weight
poolList[0].endpointList[0].healthy boolean Whether an endpoint is healthy or not
poolList[0].endpointList[0].failureReason String Reason for an unhealthy endpoint
poolList[0].createdAt DateTime Created date
poolList[0].updatedAt DateTime Modified date

Create Pool

  • Creates a pool and an endpoint in the pool.
  • You can set a health check to check the accessibility of endpoints in the pool.
  • The endpoint address can be entered as a domain address or IPv4 and has a limit to the input field.
    • The endpoint address cannot start with a hyphen and a period, and cannot end with a hyphen. You cannot enter periods and hyphens consecutively.
    • You cannot enter a reserved IP address
    • The endpoint addresses cannot be duplicated in the pool.
  • The weight for an endpoint is applied relative to the weights for other endpoints. Equal weights have the same priority in the pool.
  • There are limits to the maximum number of pools that can be created, the maximum number of endpoints in a pool, and the maximum total number of endpoints. If you want to raise the limits, please contact us. 1:1 inquiry



Method URI

[Request body]

  • Change {appkey} to the value found in the console.
curl -X POST '{appkey}/pools' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{ "pool": { "poolName": "POOL-test", "endpointList": [ { "endpointAddress": "" }, { "endpointAddress": "" } ] }}'


Name Type Valid range Required Default Description
pool Object Required Pool
pool.poolName String Max. 100 characters,
Uppercase and lowercase characters and numbers, '-', '_'
Required Pool name
pool.poolDisabled boolean Optional false Whether a pool is disabled or not
pool.healthCheckId String Optional Health check ID
pool.endpointList List Required Endpoint list
pool.endpointList[0].endpointAddress String Max. 254 characters,
Lowercase characters and numbers, '.', '-', '_'
Required Endpoint address
pool.endpointList[0].endpointWeight double Min. 0, Max. 1.00 Optional 1.00 Endpoint weight
pool.endpointList[0].endpointDisabled boolean Optional false Whether an endpoint is disabled or not


[Response body]

    "header": {
        "isSuccessful": true,
        "resultCode": 0,
        "resultMessage": "SUCCESS"
    "pool": {
        "poolId": "8e4326d4-3862-4b46-819e-83a786add570",
        "poolName": "POOL-test",
        "poolDisabled": false,
        "healthCheckId": "",
        "endpointList": [
                "endpointAddress": "",
                "endpointWeight": 1.0,
                "endpointDisabled": false
                "endpointAddress": "",
                "endpointWeight": 1.0,
                "endpointDisabled": false
        "createdAt": "2019-12-18T18:36:02.000+09:00",
        "updatedAt": "2019-12-18T18:36:02.000+09:00"

Update Pool

  • Updates pools and endpoints in the pools.
  • Updates the items entered in Create Pool.



Method URI

[Request body]

  • Change {appkey} to the value found in the console.
  • {poolId} is a pool ID, which can be found by Query Pool.
curl -X PUT '{appkey}/pools/{poolId}' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{ "pool": { "poolName": "POOL-test", "poolDisabled": true, "healthCheckId": "b9165853-7859-4309-8059-48f12ebdbc17", "endpointList": [ { "endpointAddress": "", "endpointWeight": 1.00, "endpointDisabled": true }, { "endpointAddress": "", "endpointWeight": 0.5, "endpointDisabled": true } ] }}'


Name Type Valid range Required Default Description
pool Object Required Pool
pool.poolName String Max. 100 characters,
Uppercase and lowercase characters and numbers, '-', '_'
Required Pool name
pool.poolDisabled boolean Optional false Whether a pool is disabled or not
pool.healthCheckId String Optional Health check ID
pool.endpointList List Required Endpoint list
pool.endpointList[0].endpointAddress String Max. 254 characters,
Lowercase characters and numbers, '.', '-', '_'
Required Endpoint address
pool.endpointList[0].endpointWeight double Min. 0, Max. 1.00 Optional 1.00 Endpoint weight
pool.endpointList[0].endpointDisabled boolean Optional false Whether an endpoint is disabled or not


[Response body]

    "header": {
        "isSuccessful": true,
        "resultCode": 0,
        "resultMessage": "SUCCESS"
    "pool": {
        "poolId": "8e4326d4-3862-4b46-819e-83a786add570",
        "poolName": "POOL-test",
        "poolDisabled": true,
        "healthCheckId": "b9165853-7859-4309-8059-48f12ebdbc17",
        "healthCheck": {
            // Health check information omitted
        "endpointList": [
                "endpointAddress": "",
                "endpointWeight": 1.0,
                "endpointDisabled": true
                "endpointAddress": "",
                "endpointWeight": 0.5,
                "endpointDisabled": true
        "createdAt": "2019-12-18T18:36:02.000+09:00",
        "updatedAt": "2019-12-18T18:37:45.000+09:00"

Delete Pool

  • Deletes multiple pools along with the endpoints in the pools.
  • You cannot delete the pools connected to GSLB.



Method URI

[Request body]

  • Change {appkey} to the value found in the console.
curl -X DELETE '{appkey}/pools?


Name Type Valid range Required Default Description
poolIdList List Min. 1, Max. 3,000 Required Pool ID list


[Response body]

    "header": {
        "isSuccessful": true,
        "resultCode": 0,
        "resultMessage": "SUCCESS"

Health Check API

Query Health Check

  • Retrieves the list of health checks.



Method URI

[Request body]

  • Change {appkey} to the value found in the console.
curl -X GET '{appkey}/health-checks'


Name Type Valid range Required Default Description
healthCheckIdList List Max. 3,000 Optional Health check ID list
searchHealthCheckName String Optional Health check name to search for
page int Min. 1 Optional 1 Page No.
limit int Min. 1, Max. 3,000 Optional 50 Query count
sortDirection String DESC, ASC Optional DESC Sort order (DESC: Descending, ASC: Ascending)
sortKey String CREATED_AT,
Optional CREATED_AT Sort criteria
(CREATED_AT: Created date,
UPDATED_AT: Modified date,
HEALTH_CHECK_NAME: Health check name,
PROTOCOL: Protocol,
PORT: Port)


[Response body]

    "header": {
        "isSuccessful": true,
        "resultCode": 0,
        "resultMessage": "SUCCESS"
    "totalCount": 1,
    "healthCheckList": [
            "healthCheckId": "b9165853-7859-4309-8059-48f12ebdbc17",
            "healthCheckName": "HTTPS-443",
            "protocol": "HTTPS",
            "interval": 60,
            "timeout": 5,
            "retries": 2,
            "path": "/",
            "expectedCodes": "2xx",
            "expectedBody": "OK",
            "allowInsecure": false,
            "requestHeaderList": [
                { "Host": "" }
            "createdAt": "2019-12-18T12:31:34.000+09:00",
            "updatedAt": "2019-12-18T14:19:20.000+09:00"


Name Type Description
totalCount long Total number of health checks
healthCheckList List Health check list
healthCheckList[0].healthCheckId String Health check ID
healthCheckList[0].healthCheckName String Health check name
healthCheckList[0].protocol String Protocol
healthCheckList[0].port int Port
healthCheckList[0].interval int Health check interval
healthCheckList[0].timeout int Maximum response latency (timeout)
healthCheckList[0].retries int Maximum number of retries
healthCheckList[0].path String Path
healthCheckList[0].expectedCodes String Expected status code
healthCheckList[0].expectedBody String Expected response body
healthCheckList[0].allowInsecure boolean Disable certificate validation
healthCheckList[0].requestHeaderList List List of request headers
healthCheckList[0].requestHeaderList[0] Object Request header name, value object
healthCheckList[0].createdAt DateTime Created date
healthCheckList[0].updatedAt DateTime Modified date

Create Health Check

  • Creates a health check.
  • For the health check protocol, HTTPS, HTTP, and TPC are supported, and the information that can be entered differs depending on the selected protocol.
    • HTTPS input items: No certificate verification, port, health check interval, Maximum response latency (timeout), maximum retries, path, expected status code, expected response body, and request header
    • HTTP input items: Port, health check interval, Maximum response latency (timeout), maximum retries, path, expected status code, expected response body, and request header
    • TCP input items: Port, health check interval, Maximum response latency (timeout), maximum retry count
  • Using Disable certificate validation allows you to ignore the TLS/SSL certificate of an endpoint being invalid when a health check is performed.
  • Does not support a page redirected from an endpoint when determining Expected status code and Expected response body.
  • There is a limit to the maximum number of health checks that can be created. If you want to raise the limit, please contact us. 1:1 Inquiry



Method URI

[Request body]

  • Change {appkey} to the value found in the console.
curl -X POST '{appkey}/health-checks' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{ "healthCheck": { "healthCheckName": "HTTPS-443", "protocol": "HTTPS", "port": 443, "interval": 60, "timeout": 5, "retries": 2, "path": "/", "expectedCodes": "2xx", "allowInsecure": false, "requestHeaderList": [{ "Host": "" }] }}'


Name Type Valid range Required Default Description
healthCheck Object Required Health check
healthCheck.healthCheckName String Max. 100 characters,
Uppercase and lowercase characters and numbers, '-', '_'
Required Health check name
healthCheck.protocol String HTTPS, HTTP, TCP Required Protocol to use when performing health checks
healthCheck.port int Min. 1, Max. 65535 Required Port to use when performing health checks
healthCheck.interval int Min. 10 or (retries+1)*timeout, Max. 3600 Optional 60 Health check interval
healthCheck.timeout int Min. 1, Max. 10 Optional 5 Maximum response latency (timeout)
healthCheck.retries int Min. 0, Max. 5 Optional 2 Maximum number of retries
healthCheck.path String Max. 254 characters,
Start character '/'
Optional Path to use when performing health checks,
used for HTTPS and HTTP
healthCheck.expectedCodes String Numbers and a wildcard 'x' Optional Expected status code for health checks,
used for HTTPS and HTTP
(Example) 2xx, 20x, 200
healthCheck.expectedBody String Max. 10KB Optional Expected response body for health checks,
used for HTTPS and HTTP
healthCheck.allowInsecure boolean Optional Disable certificate validation for health checks,
used for HTTPS
healthCheck.requestHeaderList List Optional A list of request headers,
used for HTTPS and HTTP
Items in the list are requested in the form { "Header Name": "Header Value" }


[Response body]

    "header": {
        "isSuccessful": true,
        "resultCode": 0,
        "resultMessage": "SUCCESS"
    "healthCheck": {
        "healthCheckId": "b9165853-7859-4309-8059-48f12ebdbc17",
        "healthCheckName": "HTTPS-443",
        "protocol": "HTTPS",
        "port": 443,
        "interval": 60,
        "timeout": 5,
        "retries": 2,
        "path": "/",
        "expectedCodes": "2xx",
        "allowInsecure": false,
        "requestHeaderList": [
            { "Host": "" }
        "createdAt": "2019-12-18T12:31:34.000+09:00",
        "updatedAt": "2019-12-18T12:31:34.000+09:00"

Update Health Check



Method URI

[Request body]

  • Change {appkey} to the value found in the console.
  • {healthCheckId} is a health check ID and can be found by Query Health Check.
curl -X PUT '{appkey}/health-checks/{healthCheckId}' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{ "healthCheck": { "healthCheckName": "HTTPS-443", "protocol": "HTTPS", "port": 443, "interval": 60, "timeout": 5, "retries": 2, "path": "/", "expectedCodes": "3xx", "allowInsecure": false }}'


Name Type Valid range Required Default Description
healthCheck Object Required Health check
healthCheck.healthCheckName String Max. 100 characters,
Uppercase and lowercase characters and numbers, '-', '_'
Required Health check name
healthCheck.protocol String HTTPS, HTTP, TCP Required Protocol to use when performing health checks
healthCheck.port int Min. 1, Max. 65535 Required Port to use when performing health checks
healthCheck.interval int Min. 10 or (retries+1)*timeout, Max. 3600 Optional Health check interval
healthCheck.timeout int Min. 1, Max. 10 Optional Maximum response latency (timeout)
healthCheck.retries int Min. 0, Max. 5 Optional Maximum number of retries
healthCheck.path String Max. 254 characters,
Start character '/'
Optional Path to use when performing health checks,
used for HTTPS and HTTP
healthCheck.expectedCodes String Numbers and a wildcard 'x' Optional Expected status code for health checks,
used for HTTPS and HTTP
(Example) 2xx, 20x, 200
healthCheck.expectedBody String Max. 10KB Optional Expected response body for health checks,
used for HTTPS and HTTP
healthCheck.allowInsecure boolean Optional Disable certificate validation for health checks,
used for HTTPS
healthCheck.requestHeaderList List Optional A list of request headers,
used for HTTPS and HTTP
Items in the list are requested in the form { "Header Name": "Header Value" }


[Response body]

    "header": {
        "isSuccessful": true,
        "resultCode": 0,
        "resultMessage": "SUCCESS"
    "healthCheck": {
        "healthCheckId": "b9165853-7859-4309-8059-48f12ebdbc17",
        "healthCheckName": "HTTPS-443",
        "protocol": "HTTPS",
        "port": 443,
        "interval": 60,
        "timeout": 5,
        "retries": 2,
        "path": "/",
        "expectedCodes": "3xx",
        "allowInsecure": false,
        "requestHeaderList": [
            { "Host": "" }
        "createdAt": "2019-12-18T12:31:34.000+09:00",
        "updatedAt": "2019-12-18T12:36:20.000+09:00"

Delete Health Check

  • Deletes multiple health checks.
  • You cannot delete the health checks connected to the pool.



Method URI

[Request body]

  • Change {appkey} to the value found in the console.
curl -X DELETE '{appkey}/health-checks?


Name Type Valid range Required Default Description
healthCheckIdList List Min. 1, Max. 3,000 Required Health check ID list


[Response body]

    "header": {
        "isSuccessful": true,
        "resultCode": 0,
        "resultMessage": "SUCCESS"