python -m pip install easymaker
You can find AppKey and Secret key in the URL & Appkey menu at the right top on the console. Enter the AppKey, SecretKey, and region information of enabled AI EasyMaker. Intialization code is required to use the AI EasyMaker SDK.
import easymaker
experiment_id="EXPERIMENT_ID", # Optional
If you know the app key, secret key, and region information, you can check various information through Python CLI without accessing the console.
Feature | Command |
Query instance type list | python -m easymaker --region kr1 --appkey EM_APPKEY --secret_key EM_SECRET_KEY -instance |
Query image list | python -m easymaker --region kr1 --appkey EM_APPKEY --secret_key EM_SECRET_KEY -image |
Query algorithm list | python -m easymaker --region kr1 --appkey EM_APPKEY --secret_key EM_SECRET_KEY -algorithm |
Query experiment list | python -m easymaker --region kr1 --appkey EM_APPKEY --secret_key EM_SECRET_KEY -experiment |
Query training list | python -m easymaker --region kr1 --appkey EM_APPKEY --secret_key EM_SECRET_KEY -training |
Query hyperparameter tuning list | python -m easymaker --region kr1 --appkey EM_APPKEY --secret_key EM_SECRET_KEY -tuning |
Query model list | python -m easymaker --region kr1 --appkey EM_APPKEY --secret_key EM_SECRET_KEY -model |
Query endpoint list | python -m easymaker --region kr1 --appkey EM_APPKEY --secret_key EM_SECRET_KEY -endpoint |
Before creating a training, you must create an experiment to sort trainings.
Name | Type | Required | Default value | Valid range | Description |
experiment_name | String | Required | None | Up to 50 characters | Experiment name |
description | String | Optional | None | Up to 255 characters | Description for experiment |
wait | Boolean | Optional | True | True, False | True: return after creation is complete, False: return upon creation request |
experiment = easymaker.Experiment().create(
# wait=False,
Name | Type | Required | Default value | Valid range | Description |
experiment_id | String | Required | None | Up to 36 characters | Experiment ID |
Name | Type | Required | Default value | Valid range | Description |
experiment_id | String | Required if not entered in easymaker.init | None | None | Experiment ID |
training_name | String | Required | None | Up to 50 characters | Training name |
description | String | Optional | None | Up to 255 characters | Description for training |
image_name | String | Required | None | None | Image name to be used for training (Inquiry available with CLI) |
instance_name | String | Required | None | None | Instance flavor name (Inquiry available with CLI) |
distributed_node_count | Integer | Required | None | 1~10 | Number of nodes to apply distributed training to |
use_torchrun | Boolean | Optional | False | True, False | Whether torchrun is enabled, only available for Pytorch images |
nproc_per_node | Integer | Required when use_torchrun is True | 1 | 1 to (number of CPUs or number of GPUs) | Number of processes per node, value that must be set if use_torchrun is enabled |
data_storage_size | Integer | Required when using Object Storage | None | 300~10000 | Storage size to download data for training (unit: GB), unnecessary when using NAS |
algorithm_name | String | Required when using algorithms provided by NHN Cloud | None | Up to 64 characters | Algorithm name (Inquiry available with CLI) |
source_dir_uri | String | Required when using own algorithm | None | Up to 255 characters | Path of files required for training (NHN Cloud Object Storage or NHN Cloud NAS) |
entry_point | String | Required when using own algorithm | None | Up to 255 characters | Information of Python files to be executed initially in source_dir_uri |
model_upload_uri | String | Required | None | Up to 255 characters | Path to upload the model completed with training (NHN Cloud Object Storage or NHN Cloud NAS) |
check_point_input_uri | String | Optional | None | Up to 255 characters | Input checkpoint file path (NHN Cloud Object Storage or NHN Cloud NAS) |
check_point_upload_uri | String | Optional | None | Up to 255 characters | The path where the checkpoint file will be uploaded (NHN Cloud Object Storage or NHN Cloud NAS) |
timeout_hours | Integer | Optional | 720 | 1~720 | Max training time (unit: hour) |
hyperparameter_list | Array | Optional | None | Max 100 | Information of hyperparameters (consists of parameterName/parameterValue) |
hyperparameter_list[0].parameterName | String | Optional | None | Up to 255 characters | Parameter name |
hyperparameter_list[0].parameterValue | String | Optional | None | Up to 1000 characters | Parameter value |
dataset_list | Array | Optional | None | Max 10 | Information of dataset to be used for training (consists of datasetName/dataUri) |
dataset_list[0].datasetName | String | Optional | None | Up to 36 characters | Data name |
dataset_list[0].datasetUri | String | Optional | None | Up to 255 characters | Data pah |
tag_list | Array | Optional | None | Max 10 | Tag information |
tag_list[0].tagKey | String | Optional | None | Up to 64 characters | Tag key |
tag_list[0].tagValue | String | Optional | None | Up to 255 characters | Tag value |
use_log | Boolean | Optional | False | True, False | Whether to leave logs in the Log & Crash Search service |
wait | Boolean | Optional | True | True, False | True: return after creation is complete, False: return upon creation request |
training = easymaker.Training().run(
experiment_id=experiment.experiment_id, # Optional if already set in init
image_name='Ubuntu 18.04 CPU TensorFlow Training',
data_storage_size=300, # minimum size : 300GB
"parameterName": "epochs",
"parameterValue": "10",
"parameterName": "batch-size",
"parameterValue": "30",
"datasetName": "train",
"dataUri": "obs://{tenant_id}/{container_name}/{train_data_download_path}"
"datasetName": "test",
"dataUri": "obs://{tenant_id}/{container_name}/{test_data_download_path}"
"tagKey": "tag1",
"tagValue": "test_tag_1",
"tagKey": "tag2",
"tagValue": "test_tag_2",
# wait=False,
Name | Type | Required | Default value | Valid range | Description |
training_id | String | Required | None | Up to 36 characters | Training ID |
Name | Type | Required | Default value | Valid range | Description |
experiment_id | String | easymaker.init에서 미입력 시 Required | None | None | Experiment ID |
hyperparameter_tuning_name | String | Required | None | Up to 50 characters | Hyperparameter Tuning Name |
description | String | Optional | None | Up to 255 characters | Description of hyperparameter tuning |
image_name | String | Required | None | None | Image name to be used for hyperparameter tuning (can be queried with CLI) |
instance_name | String | Required | None | None | Instance flavor name (Inquiry available with CLI) |
distributed_node_count | Integer | Required | 1 | The product of distributed_node_count and parallel_trial_count is 10 or less. | Number of distributed training to apply for each learning in hyperparameter tuning |
parallel_trial_count | Integer | Required | 1 | The product of distributed_node_count and parallel_trial_count is 10 or less. | Number of trainings to run in parallel in hyperparameter tuning |
use_torchrun | Boolean | Optioanl | False | True, False | Use torchrun or not, Only available in Pytorch images |
nproc_per_node | Integer | Required when use_torchrun is True | 1 | 1~(Number of CPUs or GPUs) | Number of processes per node, Required when use_torchrun is used |
data_storage_size | Integer | Required when using Object Storage | None | 300~10000 | Size of storage space to download data required for hyperparameter tuning (unit: GB), not required when using NAS |
algorithm_name | String | Required when using algorithms provided by NHN Cloud | None | Up to 64 characters | Algorithm name (Inquiry available with CLI) |
source_dir_uri | String | Required when using own algorithm | None | Up to 255 characters | Path containing files required for hyperparameter tuning (NHN Cloud Object Storage or NHN Cloud NAS) |
entry_point | String | Required when using own algorithm | None | Up to 255 characters | Information of Python files to be executed initially in source_dir_uri |
model_upload_uri | String | Required | None | Up to 255 characters | The path where the trained model in hyperparameter tuning will be uploaded (NHN Cloud Object Storage or NHN Cloud NAS) |
check_point_input_uri | String | Optional | None | Up to 255 characters | Input checkpoint file path (NHN Cloud Object Storage or NHN Cloud NAS) |
check_point_upload_uri | String | Optional | None | Up to 255 characters | The path where the checkpoint file will be uploaded (NHN Cloud Object Storage or NHN Cloud NAS) |
timeout_hours | Integer | Optional | 720 | 1~720 | Maximum hyperparameter tuning time (unit: hours) |
hyperparameter_spec_list | Array | Optional | None | Up to 100 | Hyperparameter specification information |
hyperparameter_spec_list[0]. hyperparameterName |
String | Optional | None | Up to 255 characters | Hyperparameter name |
hyperparameter_spec_list[0]. hyperparameterTypeCode |
String | Optional | None | INT, DOUBLE, DISCRETE, CATEGORICAL | Hyperparameter Type |
hyperparameter_spec_list[0]. hyperparameterMinValue |
Integer/Double | Required if hyperparameterTypeCode is INT, DOUBLE | None | None | Hyperparameter minimum value |
hyperparameter_spec_list[0]. hyperparameterMaxValue |
Integer/Double | Required if hyperparameterTypeCode is INT, DOUBLE | None | None | Hyperparameter maximum value |
hyperparameter_spec_list[0]. hyperparameterStep |
Integer/Double | Required if hyperparameterTypeCode is INT, DOUBLE and GRID strategy | None | None | Magnitude of change in hyperparameter values when using the "Grid" tuning strategy |
hyperparameter_spec_list[0]. hyperparameterSpecifiedValues |
String | Required if hyperparameterTypeCode is DISCRETE or CATEGORICAL | None | Up to 3000 characters | A list of defined hyperparameters (strings or numbers separated by ,) |
dataset_list | Array | Optional | None | Max 10 | Dataset information to be used for hyperparameter tuning (configured as datasetName/dataUri) |
dataset_list[0].datasetName | String | Optional | None | Up to 36 characters | Data name |
dataset_list[0].datasetUri | String | Optional | None | Up to 255 characters | Data pah |
metric_list | Array | Required when using own algorithm | None | Up to 10 (string list of indicator names) | Define which metrics to collect from logs output by the training code. |
metric_regex | String | Select when using own algorithm | ([\w\ | -]+)\s*=\s([+-]?\d(.\d+)?([Ee][+-]?\d+)?) | Up to 255 characters |
objective_metric_name | String | Required when using own algorithm | None | Up to 36 characters, one of metric_list | Choose which metrics you want to optimize for. |
objective_type_code | String | Required when using own algorithm | None | MINIMIZE, MAXIMIZE | Choose a target metric optimization type. |
objective_goal | Double | Optional | None | None | The tuning job ends when the target metric reaches this value. |
max_failed_trial_count | Integer | Optional | None | None | Define the maximum number of failed lessons. When the number of failed trainings reaches this value, tuning ends in failure. |
max_trial_count | Integer | Optional | None | None | Defines the maximum number of lessons. Tuning runs until the number of auto-run training reaches this value. |
tuning_strategy_name | String | Required | None | None | Choose which strategy to use to find the optimal hyperparameters. |
tuning_strategy_random_state | Integer | Optional | None | None | Determine random number generation. Specify a fixed value for reproducible results. |
early_stopping_algorithm | String | Required | None | EARLY_STOPPING_ALGORITHM. MEDIAN |
Stop training early if the model is no longer good even though training continues. |
early_stopping_min_trial_count | Integer | Required | 3 | None | Define how many trainings the target metric value will be taken from when calculating the median. |
early_stopping_start_step | Integer | Required | 4 | None | Set the training step from which to apply early stop. |
tag_list | Array | Optional | None | Max 10 | Tag information |
tag_list[0].tagKey | String | Optional | None | Up to 64 characters | Tag key |
tag_list[0].tagValue | String | Optional | None | Up to 255 characters | Tag value |
use_log | Boolean | Optional | False | True, False | Whether to leave logs in the Log & Crash Search service |
wait | Boolean | Optional | True | True, False | True: return after creation is complete, False: return upon creation request |
hyperparameter_tuning = easymaker.HyperparameterTuning().run(
experiment_id=experiment.experiment_id, # Optional if already set in init
image_name='Ubuntu 18.04 CPU TensorFlow Training',
"hyperparameterName": "learning_rate",
"hyperparameterTypeCode": easymaker.HYPERPARAMETER_TYPE_CODE.DOUBLE,
"hyperparameterMinValue": "0.01",
"hyperparameterMaxValue": "0.05",
"hyperparameterName": "epochs",
"hyperparameterTypeCode": easymaker.HYPERPARAMETER_TYPE_CODE.INT,
"hyperparameterMinValue": "100",
"hyperparameterMaxValue": "1000",
"datasetName": "train",
"dataUri": "obs://{tenant_id}/{container_name}/{train_data_download_path}"
"datasetName": "test",
"dataUri": "obs://{tenant_id}/{container_name}/{test_data_download_path}"
metric_list=["val_loss", "loss", "accuracy"],
"tagKey": "tag1",
"tagValue": "test_tag_1",
# wait=False,
Name | Type | Required | Default value | Valid range | Description |
hyperparameter_tuning_id | String | Required | None | Up to 36 characters | Hyperparameter Tuning ID |
Request to create a model with the training ID. The model is used when creating endpoints.
Name | Type | Required | Default value | Valid range | Description |
training_id | String | Required if hyperparameter_tuning_id does not exist | None | None | Training ID to create a model |
hyperparameter_tuning_id | String | Required if training_id is not present | None | None | Hyperparameter tuning ID to be created by model (created by best learning) |
model_name | String | Required | None | Up to 50 characters | Model name |
description | String | Optional | None | Up to 255 characters | Description for model |
tag_list | Array | Optional | None | Max 10 | Tag information |
tag_list[0].tagKey | String | Optional | None | Up to 64 characters | Tag key |
tag_list[0].tagValue | String | Optional | None | Up to 255 characters | Tag value |
model = easymaker.Model().create(
training_id=training.training_id, # or hyperparameter_tuning_id=hyperparameter_tuning.hyperparameter_tuning_id,
Even if there is no training ID, you can create a model by entering the path information for the model and framework type.
Name | Type | Required | Default value | Valid range | Description |
model_type_code | Enum | Required | None | easymaker.TENSORFLOW, easymaker.PYTORCH | Framework information used for training |
model_upload_uri | String | Required | None | Up to 255 characters | Path for model file (NHN Cloud Object Storage or NHN Cloud NAS) |
model_name | String | Required | None | Up to 50 characters | Model name |
description | String | Optional | None | Up to 255 characters | Description for model |
parameter_list | Array | Optional | None | Max 10 | Information of parameters (consists of parameterName/parameterValue) |
parameter_list[0].parameterName | String | Optional | None | Up to 64 characters | Parameter name |
parameter_list[0].parameterValue | String | Optional | None | Up to 255 characters | Parameter value |
tag_list | Array | Optional | None | Max 10 | Tag information |
tag_list[0].tagKey | String | Optional | None | Up to 64 characters | Tag key |
tag_list[0].tagValue | String | Optional | None | Up to 255 characters | Tag value |
# TensorFlow Model
model = easymaker.Model().create_by_model_upload_uri(
# HuggingFace Model
model = easymaker.Model().create_hugging_face_model(
'parameterName': 'model_id',
'parameterValue': 'huggingface_model_id',
Name | Type | Required | Default value | Valid range | Description |
model_id | String | Required | None | Up to 36 characters | Model ID |
When creating an endpoint, the default stage is created.
Name | Type | Required | Default value | Valid range | Description |
endpoint_name | String | Required | None | Up to 50 characters | Endpoint name |
description | String | Optional | None | Up to 255 characters | Description for endpoint |
instance_name | String | Required | None | None | Instance flavor name to be used for endpoint |
instance_count | Integer | Optional | 1 | 1~10 | Instance count to be used for endpoint |
endpoint_model_resource_list | Array | Required | None | Max 10 | Resource information to be used on the stage |
endpoint_model_resource_list[0].modelId | String | Required | None | None | Model ID to be created as a stage resource |
endpoint_model_resource_list[0].resourceOptionDetail | Object | Required | None | Details of stage resource | |
endpoint_model_resource_list[0].resourceOptionDetail.cpu | Double | Required | None | 0.0~ | CPU to be used for stage resource |
endpoint_model_resource_list[0].resourceOptionDetail.memory | Object | Required | None | 1Mi~ | Memory to be used for stage resource |
endpoint_model_resource_list[0].podAutoScaleEnable | Boolean | Optional | False | True, False | Pod autoscaler to be used for stage resource |
endpoint_model_resource_list[0].scaleMetricCode | String | Optional | None | CONCURRENCY, REQUESTS_PER_SECOND | Scaling unit to be used for stage resource |
endpoint_model_resource_list[0].scaleMetricTarget | Integer | Optional | None | 1~ | Scaling threshold to be used for stage resource |
endpoint_model_resource_list[0].description | String | Optional | None | Up to 255 characters | Description of stage resource |
tag_list | Array | Optional | None | Max 10 | Tag information |
tag_list[0].tagKey | String | Optional | None | Up to 64 characters | Tag key |
tag_list[0].tagValue | String | Optional | None | Up to 255 characters | Tag value |
use_log | Boolean | Optional | False | True, False | Whether to leave logs in the Log & Crash Search service |
wait | Boolean | Optional | True | True, False | True: return after creation is complete, False: return upon creation request |
endpoint = easymaker.Endpoint().create(
'modelId': model.model_id,
'resourceOptionDetail': {
'cpu': '15',
'memory': '15Gi'
'description': 'stage_resource_description'
# wait=False,
Use the created endpoint
endpoint = easymaker.Endpoint(endpoint_id)
You can add a new stage to existing endpoints.
Name | Type | Required | Default value | Valid range | Description |
endpoint_id | String | Required | None | Up to 36 characters | Endpoint ID |
stage_name | String | Required | None | Up to 50 characters | Stage name |
description | String | Optional | None | Up to 255 characters | Description for stage |
instance_name | String | Required | None | None | Instance flavor name to be used for endpoint |
instance_count | Integer | Optional | 1 | 1~10 | Instance count to be used for endpoint |
endpoint_model_resource_list | Array | Required | None | Max 10 | Resource information to be used on the stage |
endpoint_model_resource_list[0].modelId | String | Required | None | None | Model ID to be created as a stage resource |
endpoint_model_resource_list[0].podCount | Integer | Required | None | 1~100 | Number of pods to be used for stage resources |
endpoint_model_resource_list[0].resourceOptionDetail | Object | Required | None | Details of stage resource | |
endpoint_model_resource_list[0].resourceOptionDetail.cpu | Double | Required | None | 0.0~ | CPU to be used for stage resource |
endpoint_model_resource_list[0].resourceOptionDetail.memory | Object | Required | None | 1Mi~ | Memory to be used for stage resource |
endpoint_model_resource_list[0].podAutoScaleEnable | Boolean | Optional | False | True, False | Pod autoscaler to be used for stage resource |
endpoint_model_resource_list[0].scaleMetricCode | String | Optional | None | CONCURRENCY, REQUESTS_PER_SECOND | Scaling unit to be used for stage resource |
endpoint_model_resource_list[0].scaleMetricTarget | Integer | Optional | None | 1~ | Scaling threshold to be used for stage resource |
endpoint_model_resource_list[0].description | String | Optional | None | Up to 255 characters | Description of stage resource |
tag_list | Array | Optional | None | Max 10 | Tag information |
tag_list[0].tagKey | String | Optional | None | Up to 64 characters | Tag key |
tag_list[0].tagValue | String | Optional | None | Up to 255 characters | Tag value |
use_log | Boolean | Optional | False | True, False | Whether to leave logs in the Log & Crash Search service |
wait | Boolean | Optional | True | True, False | True: return after creation is complete, False: return upon creation request |
endpoint_stage = easymaker.EndpointStage().create(
stage_name='stage01', # lowercase/number within 30 characters
description='test endpoint',
'modelId': model.model_id,
'resourceOptionDetail': {
'cpu': '15',
'memory': '15Gi'
'description': 'stage_resource_description'
# wait=False,
Retrieves endpoint stages.
endpoint_stage_list = easymaker.Endpoint(endpoint_id).get_stage_list()
Inference to the default stage
input_data = [6.0, 3.4, 4.5, 1.6]
json={'instances': [input_data]},
Inference by specifying a specific stage
input_data = [6.0, 3.4, 4.5, 1.6]
json={'instances': [input_data]},
Name | Type | Required | Default value | Valid range | Description |
endpoint_id | String | Required | None | Up to 36 characters | Endpoint ID |
Name | Type | Required | Default value | Valid range | Description |
stage_id | String | Required | None | Up to 36 characters | Stage ID |
Name | Type | Required | Default value | Valid range | Description |
batch_inference_name | String | Required | None | Up to 50 characters | Batch inference name |
instance_count | Integer | Required | None | 1~10 | Number of instances to use for batch inference |
timeout_hours | Integer | Optional | 720 | 1~720 | Maximum batch inference time (in hours) |
instance_name | String | Required | None | None | Instance flavor name (Inquiry available with CLI) |
model_name | String | Required | None | None | Model name (can be viewed with the CLI) |
pod_count | Integer | Required | None | 1~100 | Number of nodes to apply distributed learning to |
batch_size | Integer | Required | None | 1 to 1000 | Number of data samples processed simultaneously |
inference_timeout_seconds | Integer | Required | None | 1 to 1200 | Maximum allowable time for a single inference request |
input_data_uri | String | Required | None | Up to 255 characters | Path for input data file (NHN Cloud Object Storage or NHN Cloud NAS) |
input_data_type | String | Required | None | JSON, JSONL | Input data type |
include_glob_pattern | String | Optional | None | Up to 255 characters | Glob pattern to include a set of files in the input data |
exclude_glob_pattern | String | Optional | None | Up to 255 characters | Glob pattern to exclude a set of files in the input data |
output_upload_uri | String | Required | None | Up to 255 characters | The path where the batch inference result file will be uploaded (NHN Cloud Object Storage or NHN Cloud NAS) |
data_storage_size | Integer | Required | None | 300~10000 | Storage size to download data for batch inference (unit: GB) |
description | String | Optional | None | Up to 255 characters | Explanation of batch inference |
tag_list | Array | Optional | None | Max 10 | Tag information |
tag_list[0].tagKey | String | Optional | None | Up to 64 characters | Tag key |
tag_list[0].tagValue | String | Optional | None | Up to 255 characters | Tag value |
use_log | Boolean | Optional | False | True, False | Whether to leave logs with the Log & Crash Search service |
wait | Boolean | Optional | True | True, False | True: return after creation is complete, False: return upon creation request |
batch_inference = easymaker.BatchInference().run(
data_storage_size=300, # minimum size : 300GB
"tagKey": "tag1",
"tagValue": "test_tag_1",
"tagKey": "tag2",
"tagValue": "test_tag_2",
# wait=False,
Name | Type | Required | Default value | Valid range | Description |
batch_inference_id | String | Required | None | Up to 36 characters | Batch Inference ID |
Name | Type | Required | Default value | Valid range | Description |
pipeline_name | String | Required | None | Max 50 characters | Pipeline name |
pipeline_spec_manifest_path | String | Required | None | 1~10 | Pipeline file path to upload |
description | String | Optional | None | Max 255 characters | Description for pipeline |
tag_list | Array | Optional | None | Max 10 characters | Tag Information |
tag_list[0].tagKey | String | Optional | None | Max 64 characters | Tag key |
tag_list[0].tagValue | String | Optional | None | Max 255 characters | Tag value |
wait | Boolean | Optional | True | True, False | True: return after creation is complete, False: return immediately after creation request |
pipeline = easymaker.Pipeline().upload(
# wait=False,
Name | Type | Required | Default value | Valid range | Description |
pipeline_id | String | Required | None | Up to 36 characters | Pipeline ID |
Name | Type | Required | Default value | Valid range | Description |
pipeline_run_name | String | Required | None | Max 50 Characters | Pipeline run name |
pipeline_id | String | Required | None | Max 36 Characters | Pipeline schedule name |
experiment_id | String | Required if not entered in easymaker.init | None | Max 36 Characters | Experiment ID |
description | String | Optional | None | Max 255 Characters | Description of pipeline execution |
instance_name | String | Required | None | None | Instance type name (lookupable with the CLI) |
instance_count | Integer | Required | None | 1~10 | Number of instances to use |
boot_storage_size | Integer | Required | None | 50~ | The boot storage size (in GB) of the instance that will run the pipeline. |
parameter_list | Array | Optional | None | None | About parameters to pass to the pipeline |
parameter_list[0].parameterKey | String | Optional | None | Max 255 Characters | Parameter key |
parameter_list[0].parameterValue | String | Optional | None | Max 1000 Characters | Parameter value |
nas_list | Array | Optional | None | Max 10 Characters | NAS information |
nas_list[0].mountDirName | String | Optional | None | Max 64 Characters | Directory name to be mounted on instances |
nas_list[0].nasUri | String | Optional | None | Max 255 Characters | The path to the NAS in the format nas://{NAS ID}:/{path} . |
tag_list | Array | Optional | None | Max 10 Characters | Tag Information |
tag_list[0].tagKey | String | Optional | None | Max 64 Characters | Tag key |
tag_list[0].tagValue | String | Optional | None | Max 255 Characters | Tag value |
wait | Boolean | Optional | True | True, False | True: return after creation is complete, False: return immediately after creation request |
pipeline_run = easymaker.PipelineRun().create(
experiment_id=experiment.experiment_id, # Optional if already set in init
# wait=False,
Name | Type | Required | Default value | Valid range | Description |
pipeline_run_id | String | Required | None | Max 36 characters | Pipeline run ID |
Name | Type | Required | Default value | Valid range | Description |
pipeline_recurring_run_name | String | Required | None | Max 50 characters | Pipeline schedule name |
pipeline_id | String | Required | None | Max 36 character | Pipeline schedule name |
experiment_id | String | Required if not entered in easymaker.init | None | Max 36 character | Experiment ID |
description | String | Optional | None | Max 255 character | Description of pipeline schedules |
instance_name | String | Required | None | None | Instance type name (lookupable with the CLI) |
instance_count | Integer | Required | None | 1~10 | Number of instances to use |
boot_storage_size | Integer | Required | None | 50~ | The boot storage size (in GB) of the instance that will run the pipeline. |
schedule_periodic_minutes | String | schedule_cron_expression 미입력시 Required | None | None | Set a time interval to run the pipeline repeatedly |
schedule_cron_expression | String | schedule_periodic_minutes 미입력시 Required | None | None | Set up a Cron expression to run the pipeline repeatedly |
max_concurrency_count | String | Optional | None | None | Limit the number of concurrent runs by specifying a maximum number of parallel runs |
schedule_start_datetime | String | Optional | None | None | Set a start time for the pipeline schedule, which will run the pipeline at the set interval if not entered. |
schedule_end_datetime | String | Optional | None | None | Set an end time for a pipeline schedule, creating a pipeline run until it stops if no input is received. |
use_catchup | Boolean | Optional | None | None | Missed run catch-up: Whether to catch up when pipeline runs fall behind schedule. |
parameter_list | Array | Optional | None | None | About parameters to pass to the pipeline |
parameter_list[0].parameterKey | String | Optional | None | Max 255 character | Parameter key |
parameter_list[0].parameterValue | String | Optional | None | Max 1000 character | Parameter value |
nas_list | Array | Optional | None | Max 10 character | NAS information |
nas_list[0].mountDirName | String | Optional | None | Max 64 character | Directory name to be mounted on instances |
nas_list[0].nasUri | String | Optional | None | Max 255 character | The path to the NAS in the format nas://{NAS ID}:/{path} . |
tag_list | Array | Optional | None | Max 10 character | Tag information |
tag_list[0].tagKey | String | Optional | None | Max 64 character | Tag key |
tag_list[0].tagValue | String | Optional | None | Max 255 character | Tag value |
wait | Boolean | Optional | True | True, False | True: return after creation is complete, False: return immediately after creation request |
pipeline_recurring_run = easymaker.PipelineRecurringRun().create(
experiment_id=experiment.experiment_id, # Optional if already set in init
schedule_cron_expression='0 0 * * * ?',
# wait=False,
Name | Type | Required | Default value | Valid range | Description |
pipeline_recurring_run_id | String | Required | None | Max 36 characters | Pipeline Schedule ID |
Name | Type | Required | Default value | Valid range | Description |
pipeline_recurring_run_id | String | Required | None | Max 36 characters | Pipeline Schedule ID |
easymaker_logger = easymaker.logger(logncrash_appkey='log&crash_product_app_key')
easymaker_logger.send('test log meassage') # Output to stdout & send log to log&crash product
easymaker_logger.send(log_message='log meassage',
log_level='ERROR', # default: INFO
project_version='2.0.0', # default: 1.0.0
parameters={'serviceType': 'EasyMakerSample'}) # Add custom parameters
Provide a feature to upload and download files with Object Storage.