Data & Analytics > DataFlow > Node Type Guide

  • Node types are pre-defined templates for easy flow creation.
  • Types of node types are Source, Filter, Branch, and Sink.
  • It is recommended that Source, Sink Node type have to be tested to ensure that Endpoint information is valid.
  • You must use the DataFlow IP fixation feature when connecting to data sources with access control enabled.
  • To enable the DataFlow IP fixation feature, contact the Customer Center.

Domain Specific Language(DSL) Definition

  • DSL definition is required to execute flow.


  • {{ executionTime }}
    • Flow execution time
  • Time unit
    • MINUTE - {{ MINUTE }}
    • HOUR - {{ HOUR }}
    • DAY - {{ DAY }}
    • MONTH - {{ MONTH }}
    • YEAR - {{ YEAR }}


  • {{ time | startOf: unit }}
    • Returns the start time of time zone defined by unit from the given time.
    • Calculate based on Korean time.
    • ex) {{ executionTime | startOf: MINUTE }}
    • ex) {{ "2022-11-04T13:31:28Z" | startOf: MINUTE }}
      • → 2022-11-04T13:31:00Z
    • ex) {{ "2022-11-04T13:31:28Z" | startOf: HOUR }}
      • → 2022-11-04T13:00:00Z
    • ex) {{ "2022-11-04T13:31:28Z" | startOf: DAY }}
      • → 2022-11-04T00:00:00Z
    • ex) {{ "2022-11-04T13:31:28Z" | startOf: MONTH }}
      • → 2022-11-01T00:00:00Z
    • ex) {{ "2022-11-04T13:31:28Z" | startOf: YEAR }}
      • → 2022-01-01T00:00:00Z
  • {{ time | endOf: unit }}
    • Returns the last time of time zone defined by unit from the given time.
    • Calculate based on Korean time.
    • ex) {{ executionTime | endOf: MINUTE }}
    • ex) {{ "2022-11-04T13:31:28Z" | endOf: MINUTE }}
      • → 2022-11-04T13:31:59.999999999Z
    • ex) {{ "2022-11-04T13:31:28Z" | endOf: HOUR }}
      • → 2022-11-04T13:59:59.999999999Z
    • ex) {{ "2022-11-04T13:31:28Z" | endOf: DAY }}
      • → 2022-11-04T23:59:59.999999999Z
    • ex) {{ "2022-11-04T13:31:28Z" | endOf: MONTH }}
      • → 2022-11-30T23:59:59.999999999Z
    • ex) {{ "2022-11-04T13:31:28Z" | endOf: YEAR }}
      • → 2022-12-31T23:59:59.999999999Z
  • {{ time | subTime: delta, unit }}
    • Returns the time subtracted by delta in the time zone defined by unit from the given time.
    • ex) {{ executionTime | subTime: 10, MINUTE }}
    • ex) {{ "2022-11-04T13:31:28Z" | subTime: 10, MINUTE }}
      • → 2022-11-04T13:21:28Z
  • {{ time | addTime: delta, unit }}
    • Returns the time added by delta in the time zone defined by unit from the given time.
    • ex) {{ executionTime | addTime: 10, MINUTE }}
    • ex) {{ "2022-11-04T13:31:28Z" | addTime: 10, MINUTE }}
      • → 2022-11-04T13:41:28Z
  • {{ time | format: formatStr }}
    • Returns the given time in the form formatStr.
      • ios8601
      • yyyy
      • yy
      • MM
      • M
      • dd
      • d
      • mm
      • m
      • ss
      • s
    • ex) {{ executionTime | format: 'yyyy' }}
    • ex) {{ "2022-11-04T13:31:28Z" | format: 'yyyy' }}
      • → 2022
  • nested filter example
    • DSL expression at 03:00 hour on the day the flow started
      • → {{ executionTime | startOf: DAY | addTime: 3, HOUR }}

Input by Data Type


  • Enter a string.


  • Enter a number greater or equal to 0.
  • Use the arrow to the right of the input box to adjust the value by 1.


  • Select TRUE or FALSE from the drop-down menu.


  • Select an item from the drop-down menu.

array of strings

  • Enter the strings that will go into the array one by one.
  • After entering the string, click + to insert the string into the array.
  • ex) If you want to enter ["message" , "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ssZ", "ISO8601"], insert the string into the array in the following order: message, yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ssZ, ISO8601.


  • Enter a string in JSON format.


  • Node type that defines an endpoint that imports data to the flow.

Common Settings on Source Node

Property name Default value Data type Description Others
Type - string Create type field with the value given in each message.
ID - string Sets Node ID
Mark the Node name on the chart board with values defined in this property.
Tag - array of strings Add the tag of given value to each message.
Add Field - Hash You can add a custom field
You can add fields by calling in the value of each field with %{[depth1_field]}.

Example of adding fields

    "my_custom_field": "%{[json_body][logType]}" 

Node Description

  • (NHN Cloud) Log&Crash Search Node is node that reads logs from Log&Crash Search.
  • You can set the log query start time for a node. If not set, the log is read from the start of the flow.
  • If no end time is entered in the node, logs are read in streaming format. If an end time is entered, logs are read up to the end time and the flow ends.
  • Currently, session logs and crash logs are not supported.
  • Affected by tokens from Log&Crash Search's Log Search API.
  • If you don't have enough tokens, you need to contact Log&Crash Search.

Property Description

Property name Default value Data type Description Others
Appkey - string Enter the app key for Log&Crash Search.
SecretKey - string Enter the secret key for Log & Crash Search.
Query Start time - string Enter the start time of log query. Note
Query End time - string Enter the end time of log query.
Number of retries - number Enter the maximum number of times to retry when a log query fails.
  • Set the query start and end time
    • Even if the query end time is later than the flow execution time, the flow does not wait until the query end time and ends after querying only the currently available data.
  • Set the number of retries
    • If the number of retries fails, no more log queries are attempted, and the flow ends.

Message imported by codec

  • Log&Crash Search covers data in format JSON by default.
  • If no codec is selected or Plain, JSON string for the Log&Crash Search Log will be included in the field message.
  • If you want to use each field in Log&Crash Search log, we recommend using json Codec.

Not selected or plain

    "message":"{\\\"log\\\":\\\"&\\\", \\\"Crash\\\": \\\"Search\\\", \\\"Result\\\": \\\"Data\\\"}" 


{"log":"&", "Crash": "Search", "Result": "Data"}

(NHN Cloud) CloudTrail

Node Description

  • (NHN Cloud) CloudTrail is a node that reads data from CloudTrail.
  • You can set the data query start time for a node. If not set, data is read from the start of the flow.
  • If no end time is entered in the node, data is read in streaming format. If an end time is entered, the data up to the end time is read and the flow ends.

Property Description

Property name Default value Data type Description Others
Appkey - string Enter the app key for CloudTrail.
Query Start time - string Enter the start time of data Query. Note
Log End time - string Enter the end time of data Query.
Number of retries - number Enter the maximum number of times to retry when data query fails.
  • Set the query start and end time
    • Even if the query end time is later than the flow execution time, the flow does not wait until the query end time and ends after querying only the currently available data.
  • Set the number of retries
    • If the number of retries fails, no more data queries are attempted, and the flow ends.

Message imported by codec

  • CloudTrail covers data in the format JSON by default.
  • If no codec is selected or Plain, JSON string for CloudTrail data will be included as field called message.
  • If you want to use each field in CloudTrail data, we recommend using json Codec.

Not selected or Plain

    "message":"{\\\"log\\\":\\\"CloudTrail\\\", \\\"Result\\\": \\\"Data\\\", \\\"@timestamp\\\": \\\"2023-12-06T08:09:24.887Z\\\", \\\"@version\\\": \\\"1\\\"}" 


{"log":"CloudTrail", "Result": "Data", "@timestamp": "2023-12-06T08:09:24.887Z", "@version":"1"}

Source > (NHN Cloud) Object Storage

Node Description

  • Node that receives data from Object Storage of NHN Cloud.
  • Based on the object creation time, data is read from the object created the earliest.

Property Description

Property name Default value Data type Description Note
Bucket - string Enter a bucket name to read data.
Region - string Enter region information configured in the storage.
Secret Key - string Enter the credential secret key issued by S3.
Access key - string Enter the credential access key issued by S3.
List update cycle - number Enter the object list update cycle included in the bucket.
Metadata included or not - boolean Determine whether to include metadata from the S3 object as a key. In order to expose metadata fields to the Sink plugin, you need to combine filter node types (see guide below). fields to be created are as follows.
last_modified: The last time the object was modified
content_length: Object size
key: Object name
content_type: Object type
metadata: Metadata
etag: etag
Prefix - string Enter a prefix of an object to read.
Key pattern to exclude - string Enter the pattern of an object not to be read.
Delete processed objects false boolean If the property value is true, delete the object read.

Metadata Field Usage

  • When Metadata included or not is enabled, the metadata field is created, but is not exposed by the Sink plugin without injecting it as a regular field.
  • Example message after (NHN Cloud) Object Storage plugin when activating settings
    // General field
    "@version": "1",
    "@timestamp": "2022-04-11T00:01:23Z"
    "message": "Object contents..."

    // Metadata fields
    // Cannot be exposed to the Sink plugin until the user injects it as a regular field
    // "[@metadata][s3][last_modified]": 2024-01-05T01:35:50.000Z
    // "[@metadata][s3][content_length]": 220
    // "[@metadata][s3][key]": "{filename}"
    // "[@metadata][s3][content_type]": "text/plain"
    // "[@metadata][s3][metadata]": {}
    // "[@metadata][s3][etag]": "\"56ad65461e0abb907465bacf6e4f96cf\""
  • Although the option to add fields exists in this (NHN Cloud) Object Storage Source plugin, it fails to add fields simultaneously with data import.
  • Add it as a regular field via the Add field option in the common settings of any Filter plugin.
  • Example of field additional options
    "last_modified": "%{[@metadata][s3][last_modified]}"
    "content_length": "%{[@metadata][s3][content_length]}"
    "key": "%{[@metadata][s3][key]}"
    "content_type": "%{[@metadata][s3][content_type]}"
    "metadata": "%{[@metadata][s3][metadata]}"
    "etag": "%{[@metadata][s3][etag]}"
  • Example message after the alter (add field option) plugin
    // General field
    "@version": "1",
    "@timestamp": "2022-04-11T00:01:23Z"
    "message": "Object contents..."
    "last_modified": 2024-01-05T01:35:50.000Z
    "content_length": 220
    "key": "{filename}"
    "content_type": "text/plain"
    "metadata": {}
    "etag": "\"56ad65461e0abb907465bacf6e4f96cf\""

    // Metadata field
    // "[@metadata][s3][last_modified]": 2024-01-05T01:35:50.000Z
    // "[@metadata][s3][content_length]": 220
    // "[@metadata][s3][key]": "{filename}"
    // "[@metadata][s3][content_type]": "text/plain"
    // "[@metadata][s3][metadata]": {}
    // "[@metadata][s3][etag]": "\"56ad65461e0abb907465bacf6e4f96cf\""

Message imported by codec

Unselected or plain

    "message":"{\\\"S3\\\":\\\"Storage\\\", \\\"Read\\\": \\\"Object\\\", \\\"Result\\\": \\\"Data\\\"}"


{"S3":"Storage", "Read": "Object", "Result": "Data"}

Source > (Amazon) S3

Node Description

  • Node for uploading data to Amazon S3.
  • Based on the object creation time, data is read from the object created the earliest.

Property Description

Property name Default value Data type Description Note
Endpoint - string Enter endpoint for S3 storage. Only HTTP and HTTPS URL types can be entered.
Bucket - string Enter a bucket name to read data.
Region - string Enter region information configured in the storage.
Session token - string Enter AWS session token.
Secret Key - string Enter the credential secret key issued by S3.
Access key - string Enter the credential access key issued by S3.
List update cycle - number Enter the object list update cycle included in the bucket.
Metadata included or not - boolean Determine whether to include metadata from the S3 object as a key. In order to expose metadata fields to the Sink plugin, you need to combine filter node types (see guide below). fields to be created are as follows.
last_modified: The last time the object was modified
content_length: Object size
key: Object name
content_type: Object type
metadata: Metadata
etag: etag
Prefix - string Enter a prefix of an object to read.
Key pattern to exclude - string Enter the pattern of an object not to be read.
Delete false boolean If the property value is true, delete the object read.
Additional settings - hash Enter additional settings to use when connecting to the S3 server. See the following link for a full list of available settings.
"force_path_style": true

Metadata Field Usage

  • When Metadata included or not is enabled, the metadata field is created, but is not exposed by the Sink plugin without injecting it as a regular field.
  • Example message after (Amazon) S3 plugin when activating settings
    // General field
    "@version": "1",
    "@timestamp": "2022-04-11T00:01:23Z"
    "message": "Object contents..."

    // Metadata fields
    // Cannot be exposed to the Sink plugin until the user injects it as a regular field
    // "[@metadata][s3][server_side_encryption]": "AES256"
    // "[@metadata][s3][etag]": "\"56ad65461e0abb907465bacf6e4f96cf\""
    // "[@metadata][s3][content_type]": "text/plain"
    // "[@metadata][s3][key]": "{filename}"
    // "[@metadata][s3][last_modified]": 2024-01-05T02:27:26.000Z
    // "[@metadata][s3][content_length]": 220
    // "[@metadata][s3][metadata]": {}
  • The option to add fields exists in this (Amazon) S3 Source plugin, but it fails to do so at the same time as the data is being imported.
  • Add it as a regular field via the Add field option in the common settings of any Filter plugin.
  • Example of field additional options
    "server_side_encryption": "%{[@metadata][s3][server_side_encryption]}"
    "etag": "%{[@metadata][s3][etag]}"
    "content_type": "%{[@metadata][s3][content_type]}"
    "key": "%{[@metadata][s3][key]}"
    "last_modified": "%{[@metadata][s3][last_modified]}"
    "content_length": "%{[@metadata][s3][content_length]}"
    "metadata": "%{[@metadata][s3][metadata]}"
  • Example message after the alter (add field option) plugin
    // General field
    "@version": "1",
    "@timestamp": "2022-04-11T00:01:23Z"
    "message": "파일 내용..."
    "server_side_encryption": "AES256"
    "etag": "\"56ad65461e0abb907465bacf6e4f96cf\""
    "content_type": "text/plain"
    "key": "{filename}"
    "last_modified": 2024-01-05T01:35:50.000Z
    "content_length": 220
    "metadata": {}

    // Metadata field
    // "[@metadata][s3][server_side_encryption]": "AES256"
    // "[@metadata][s3][etag]": "\"56ad65461e0abb907465bacf6e4f96cf\""
    // "[@metadata][s3][content_type]": "text/plain"
    // "[@metadata][s3][key]": "{filename}"
    // "[@metadata][s3][last_modified]": 2024-01-05T02:27:26.000Z
    // "[@metadata][s3][content_length]": 220
    // "[@metadata][s3][metadata]": {}

Message imported by codec

Unselected or plain

    "message":"{\\\"S3\\\":\\\"Storage\\\", \\\"Read\\\": \\\"Object\\\", \\\"Result\\\": \\\"Data\\\"}"


{"S3":"Storage", "Read": "Object", "Result": "Data"}

Source > (Apache) Kafka

Node Description

  • Node that receives data from Kafka.

Property Description

Property name Default value Data type Description Note
Broker server list localhost:9092 string Enter the Kafka broker server. Separate multiple servers with commas ( , ). bootstrap.servers
Consumer group ID dataflow string Enter an ID that identifies the Kafka Consumer Group.
Internal topic excluded or not true boolean exclude.internal.topics
Exclude internal topics such as __consumer_offsets from recipients.
Topic pattern - string Enter a Kafka topic patter to receive messages. ex) *-messages
Client ID dataflow string Enter an ID to identify Kafka Consumer.
Partition allocation policy - string Determines how Kafka assigns partitions to consumer groups when receiving messages. partition.assignment.strategy
Offset settings none enum Enter auto.offset.reset
All of the settings below preserve the existing offset if the consumer group already exists.
none: Return an error when there is no consumer group.
earliest: Initialize to the partition’s oldest offset if there is no consumer group.
latest: Initialize to the partition’s most recent offset if there is no consumer group.
Offset commit cycle 5000 number Enter a cycle to update the consumer group offset.
Offset auto commit or not true boolean
Key deserialization type org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.StringDeserializer string Enter how to serialize the keys of incoming messages. key.deserializer
Message deserialization type org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.StringDeserializer string Enter how to serialize the values of incoming messages. value.deserializer
Metadata created or not false boolean If the property value is true, creates a metadata field for the message. You need to combine filter node types to expose metadata fields to the Sink plugin (see the guide below). fields to be created are as follows.
topic: Topic that receives message
consumer_group: Consumer group ID used to receive messages
partition: Topic partition number that receives messages
offset: Partition offset that receives messages
key: ByteBuffer that includes message keys
Minimum Fetch size - number Enter the minimum size of data to be imported in one fetch request. fetch.min.bytes
Transfer buffer size - number Enter size (byte) of TCP send buffer used to transfer data. send.buffer.bytes
Retry request cycle 100 number Enter the retry cycle (ms) when a transfer request fails.
Cyclic redundancy check true enum Check the message CRC. check.crcs
Server reconnection cycle 50 number Enter a retry cycle when connecting to broker server fails.
Poll timeout 100 number Enter the timeout (ms) for requests to fetch new messages from the topic.
Maximum fetch size per partition - number Enter the maximum size to be imported in one fetch request per partition. max.partition.fetch.bytes
Server request timeout 30000 number Enter the timeout (ms) for sent request.
TCP receive buffer size - number Enter the size in bytes of the TCP receive buffer used to read data. receive.buffer.bytes
session_timeout_ms - number Enter a session timeout (ms) of consumer.
If a consumer fails to send a heartbeat within that time, it is excluded from the consumer group.
Maximum poll message count - number Enter the maximum number of messages to retrieve in one poll request. max.poll.records
Maximum poll cycle - number Enter the maximum cycle (ms) between poll requests.
Maximum Fetch size - number Enter the maximum size to be imported in one fetch request. fetch.max.bytes
Maximum Fetch wait time - number Enter the wait time (ms) to send a fetch request when data is not gathered as much as the minimum fetch size setting.
Consumer health check cycle - number Enter a cycle of consumer sending heartbeat.
Metadata update cycle - number Enter the cycle (ms) to update the partition, broker server status, etc.
IDLE timeout - number Enter the wait time (ms) to close a connection without data transmission.

Metadata Field Usage

  • When Metadata created or not is enabled, the metadata field is created, but is not exposed by the Sink plugin without injecting it as a regular field.
  • Message examples after Kafka plugin when the setting is enabled
    // normal fields
    "@version": "1",
    "@timestamp": "2022-04-11T00:01:23Z"
    "message": "kafka topic message..."

    // metadata field
    // Cannot be exposed to the Sink plugin until user input data into normal fields
    // "[@metadata][kafka][topic]": "my-topic"
    // "[@metadata][kafka][consumer_group]": "my_consumer_group"
    // "[@metadata][kafka][partition]": "1"
    // "[@metadata][kafka][offset]": "123"
    // "[@metadata][kafka][key]": "my_key"
    // "[@metadata][kafka][timestamp]": "-1"
  • There is an option to add fields in this Kafka Source plug-in, but adding fields cannot be performed at the same time as data is imported.
  • Add as a general field through the additional field options among the common settings of any Filter plug-in.
  • Example of field additional options
    "kafka_topic": "%{[@metadata][kafka][topic]}"
    "kafka_consumer_group": "%{[@metadata][kafka][consumer_group]}"
    "kafka_partition": "%{[@metadata][kafka][partition]}"
    "kafka_offset": "%{[@metadata][kafka][offset]}"
    "kafka_key": "%{[@metadata][kafka][key]}"
    "kafka_timestamp": "%{[@metadata][kafka][timestamp]}"
  • Message examples after alter (additional field option) plugin
    // normal field
    "@version": "1",
    "@timestamp": "2022-04-11T00:01:23Z"
    "message": "kafka topic message..."
    "kafka_topic": "my-topic"
    "kafka_consumer_group": "my_consumer_group"
    "kafka_partition": "1"
    "kafka_offset": "123"
    "kafka_key": "my_key"
    "kafka_timestamp": "-1"

    // metadata field
    // "[@metadata][kafka][topic]": "my-topic"
    // "[@metadata][kafka][consumer_group]": "my_consumer_group"
    // "[@metadata][kafka][partition]": "1"
    // "[@metadata][kafka][offset]": "123"
    // "[@metadata][kafka][key]": "my_key"
    // "[@metadata][kafka][timestamp]": "-1"

plain codec examples

Input message

    "hello": "world!",
    "hey": "foo"

Output message

    "message": "{\"hello\":\"world\",\"hey\":\"foo\"}"

json codec examples

Input messages

    "hello": "world!",
    "hey": "foo"

Output message

    "hello": "world!",
    "hey": "foo"

Source > JDBC

Node Description

  • JDBC is a node that executes queries to the DB at a given interval to retrieve results.
  • Supports MySQL, MS-SQL, PostgreSQL, MariaDB, and Oracle drivers.

Property Description

Property name Default value Data type Description Note
User - string Enter a DB user.
Connection String - string Enter the DB connection information. Example) jdbc:mysql://my.sql.endpoint:3306/my_db_name
Password - string Enter the user password.
Query - string Write a query to create a message.
Whether to convert columns to lowercase true boolean Determine whether to lowercase the column names you get as a result of the query.
Query execute frequency * * * * * string Enter the execute frequency of the query in a cron-like expression.
Tracking Columns - string Select the columns you want to track. The predefined parameter :SQL_LAST_VALUEallows you to use a value corresponding to the column you want to track in the last query result.
See how to write a query below.
Tracking column type array of strings string Select the type of data in the column you want to track. Example) numeric or timestamp
Time zone - string Define the time zone to use when converting a column of type timestamp to a human-readable string. Example) Asia/Seoul
Whether to apply paging true boolean Determines whether to apply paging to the query. When paging is applied, the query is split into multiple executions, the order of which is not guaranteed.
Page size - number In a paged query, it determines how many pages to query at once.

How to write a query

  • :sql_last_valu allows you to use the value corresponding to the tracking columnin the result of the last executed query (the default value is 0, if the tracking column typeis numeric, or 1970-01-01 00:00:00 , if it is timestamp).
SELECT * FROM MY_TABLE WHERE id > :sql_last_value
  • If you want to add a specific condition, add :sql_last_valuein addition to the condition.
SELECT * FROM MY_TABLE WHERE id > :sql_last_value and id > custom_value order by id ASC

Message imported by codec

Unselected or plain

    "id": 1,
    "name": "dataflow",
    "deleted": false


  • Node type that defines how to handle imported data.

Common Settings on Filter Node

Property name Default value Data type Description Others
ID - string Sets Node ID
Mark node name on chart board with values defined in this property.
Add Tag - array of strings Add Tag of each message
Delete Tag - array of strings Delete Tag that was given to each message
Delete Field - array of strings Delete Field of each message
Add Field - Hash You can add a custom field
You can add fields by calling in the value of each Field with %{[depth1_field]}.

Filter > Alter

Node Description

  • Node that changes message field values to another values.
  • You can only change the top-level fields.

Property Description

Property name Default value Data type Description Others
Overwrite Field - array of strings Compare the field value to a given value, if they are equal, modify other field value to the given value.
Modify Field - array of strings Compare the field value to a given value, if they are equal, modify the field value to the given value.
Coalesce - array of strings Assign a non-null value to the first of the fields that follow one field.

Example of Overwrite Field


  • Overwrite Field → ["logType", "ERROR", "isBillingTarget", "false"]

Input message

    "logType": "ERROR"

Output message

    "logType": "ERROR",
    "isBillingTarget": "false"

Example of Modify Field



Input message

    "reason": "CONNECTION_TIMEOUT"

Output message


Coalesce Example


  • Coalesce → ["reason", "%{webClientReason}", "%{mongoReason}", "%{redisReason}"]

Input message

    "mongoReason": "COLLECTION_NOT_FOUND"

Output message

    "reason": "COLLECTION_NOT_FOUND",
    "mongoReason": "COLLECTION_NOT_FOUND"

Filter > Cipher

Node Description

  • Node for decrypting message field values.
  • Encryption key refers to the SKM.
    • For more information on registering SKM keys, refer to SKM Guide Document.
    • Even if flow contains multiple Cipher Nodes, all Cipher nodes must refer to only one SKM key reference.

Property Description

Property name Default value Data type Description Others
Mode - enum Choose between encryption mode and decryption mode. Select one from the list.
Appkey - string Enter SKM app key that saves the key for encryption/decryption.
Key ID - string Enter SKM ID that saves the key for encryption/decryption.
Key Version - string Enter SKM key version that saves the key for encryption/decryption.
Encryption/decryption key length 16 number Enter encryption/decryption key length
IV Random Length - number Enter random bytes length of Initial Vector.
Source Field - string Enter Field name for encryption/decryption.
Field to be stored - string Enter Field name to save encryption/decryption result.

Encrypt example exercise


  • mode → encrypt
  • Appkey → SKM appkey
  • Key ID → SKM Symmetric key ID
  • Key Version → 1
  • IV Random Length → 16
  • Source Field → message
  • Field to be stored → encrypted_message

Input message

    "message": "this is plain message" 

Output message

    "message": "this is plain message", 
    "encrypted_message": "oZA6CHd4OwjPuS+MW0ydCU9NqbPQHGbPf4rll2ELzB8y5pyhxF6UhWZq5fxrt0/e" 

decrypt example


  • mode → decrypt
  • Appkey → SKM appkey
  • Key ID → SKM Symmetric key ID
  • Key Version → 1
  • IV Random Length → 16
  • Source Field → message
  • Field to be stored → decrypted_message

Input message

    "message": "oZA6CHd4OwjPuS+MW0ydCU9NqbPQHGbPf4rll2ELzB8y5pyhxF6UhWZq5fxrt0/e" 

Output message

    "decrypted_message": "this is plain message", 
    "message": "oZA6CHd4OwjPuS+MW0ydCU9NqbPQHGbPf4rll2ELzB8y5pyhxF6UhWZq5fxrt0/e" 

Filter > (Logstash) Grok

Node Description

  • Node that parses a string according to a set rule and stores it in each set field.

Property Description

Property name Default value Data type Description Note
Match - hash Enter the information of the string to be parsed.
Pattern definition - hash Enter a custom pattern as a regular expression for the rule of tokens to be parsed. Check the link below for system defined patterns.
Failure tag - array of strings Enter the tag name to define if string parsing fails.
Timeout 30000 number Enter the amount of time to wait for string parsing.
Overwrite - array of strings When writing a value to a designated field after parsing, if a value is already defined in the field, enter the field names to be overwritten.
Store only values with specified names true boolean If the property value is true, do not store unnamed parting results.
Capture empty string false boolean If the property value is true, store empty strings in fields.
Close or not when match true boolean If the property value is true, the grok match result will terminate the plugin.

Grok parsing examples


  • Match → { "message": "%{IP:clientip} %{HYPHEN} %{USER} [%{HTTPDATE:timestamp}] "%{WORD:verb} %{NOTSPACE:request} HTTP/%{NUMBER:httpversion}" %{NUMBER:response} %{NUMBER:bytes}" }
  • Pattern definition → { "HYPHEN": "-*" }

Input messages

    "message": " - frank [10/Oct/2000:13:55:36 -0700] \\\"GET /apache_pb.gif HTTP/1.0\\\" 200 2326"

Output message

    "message": " - frank [10/Oct/2000:13:55:36 -0700] \\\"GET /apache_pb.gif HTTP/1.0\\\" 200 2326",
    "timestamp": "10/Oct/2000:13:55:36 -0700",
    "clientip": "",
    "verb": "GET",
    "httpversion": "1.0",
    "response": "200",
    "bytes": "2326",
    "request": "/apache_pb.gif"

Filter > CSV

Node Description

  • Node that parses a message in CSV format and stores it in a field.

Property Description

Property name Default value Data type Description Note
Field to save - string Enter the field name to save the CSV parsing result.
Quote " string Enter the character that divides the column fields.
First line ignored or not false boolean If the property value is true, the column name entered in the first row of the read data is ignored.
Column - array of strings Enter the column name.
Separator , string Enter a string to separate columns.
Source field message string Enter the field name to parse CSV.
Schema - hash Enter the name and data type of each column in the form of a dictionary. Register separately from the fields defined in the column.
The data type is basically a string, and if you need to convert to another data type, use the schema setting.
Possible data types are as follows.
integer, float, date, date_time, boolean

Examples of CSV parsing without data type


  • Source field → message
  • Column → ["one", "two", "t hree"]

Input messages

    "message": "hey,foo,\\\"bar baz\\\""

Output message

    "message": "hey,foo,\"bar baz\"",
    "one": "hey",
    "t hree": "bar baz",
    "two": "foo"

Examples of CSV parsing without data type


  • Source field → message
  • Column → ["one", "two", "t hree"]

Input messages

    "message": "hey,foo,\\\"bar baz\\\""

Output message

    "message": "hey,foo,\"bar baz\"",
    "one": "hey",
    "t hree": "bar baz",
    "two": "foo"

Examples of CSV parsing that requires data type conversion


  • Source field → message
  • Column → ["one", "two", "t hree"]
  • Schema →{"two": "integer", "t hree": "boolean"}

Input messages

    "message": "\\\"wow hello world!\\\", 2, false"

Output message

    "message": "\\\"wow hello world!\\\", 2, false",
    "one": "wow hello world!",
    "t hree": false,
    "two": 2

Filter > JSON

Node Description

  • Node that parses a JSON string and stores it in a specified field.

Property Description

Property name Default value Data type Description Note
Source field message string Enter a field name to parse JSON strings.
Field to save - string Enter the field name to save the JSON parsing result.
If no property value is specified, the result is stored in the root field.



  • Source field → message
  • Field to store → json_parsed_messsage

Input messages

    "message": "{\\\"json\\\": \\\"parse\\\", \\\"example\\\": \\\"string\\\"}"

Output message

    "json_parsed_message": {
        "json": "parse",
        "example": "string"
    "message": "uuid test message"

Filter > (Logstash) Grok

Node Description

  • This is a node that parses a string according to defined rules and stores it in each set field.

Property Description

Property name Default value Data type Description Others
Match - json Enter the information of the string to be parsed.
Pattern definition - json Enter a custom pattern as a regular expression for the rule of tokens to be parsed. Check the link below for system defined patterns.
Failure tag - array of strings Enter the tag name to define if string parsing fails.
Timeout 30000 number Enter the amount of time to wait for string parsing.
Overwrite - array of strings When writing a value to a designated field after parsing, if a value is already defined in the field, enter the field names to be overwritten.
Store only values with specified names - boolean Select whether to store unnamed parsing results.
Capture empty string - boolean Select whether to store empty strings in fields.

Grok Parsing Examples


  • Match → { "message": "%{IP:clientip} %{HYPHEN} %{USER} [%{HTTPDATE:timestamp}] "%{WORD:verb} %{NOTSPACE:request} HTTP/%{NUMBER:httpversion}" %{NUMBER:response} %{NUMBER:bytes}" }
  • Pattern definition → { "HYPHEN": "-*" }

Input message

    "message": " - frank [10/Oct/2000:13:55:36 -0700] \\\"GET /apache_pb.gif HTTP/1.0\\\" 200 2326"

Output message

    "message": " - frank [10/Oct/2000:13:55:36 -0700] \\\"GET /apache_pb.gif HTTP/1.0\\\" 200 2326",
    "timestamp": "10/Oct/2000:13:55:36 -0700",
    "clientip": "",
    "verb": "GET",
    "httpversion": "1.0",
    "response": "200",
    "bytes": "2326",
    "request": "/apache_pb.gif"

Filter > Date

Node Description

  • A node that parses a data string and stores it in timestamp format.

Property Description

Property name Default value Data type Description Others
Source Field - string Enter a field name to get strings.
Formats - array of strings Enter formats to get strings. The pre-defined formats are as follows.
Locale - Enter a locale to use for string analysis. ex) en, en-US, ko-kr
Field to be stored - string Enter a field name to store the result of parsing data strings.
Failure tag - array of strings Enter the tag name to define if data string parsing fails.
Time zone - string Enter the time zone for the date.

Examples of Date String Parsing


  • Match → ["message" , "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ssZ", "ISO8601"]
  • Field to be stored → time
  • Time zone → Asia/Seoul

Input message

    "message": "2017-03-16T17:40:00"

Output message

    "message": "2017-03-16T17:40:00",
    "time": 2022-04-04T09:08:01.222Z

Filter > UUID

Node Description

  • A node that creates UUIDs and stores them in a field.

Property Description

Property name Default value Data type Description Others
Field to store UUID - string Enter a field name to store UUID creation result.
Overwrite - boolean Select whether to overwrite the value if it exists in the specified field name.

Example of UUID Creation


  • Field to store UUID → userId

Input message

    "message": "uuid test message"

Output message

    "userId": "70186b1e-bdec-43d6-8086-ed0481b59370",
    "message": "uuid test message"

Filter > Split

Node Description

  • A node that splits a single message into multiple messages.
  • Splits the message based on the result of parsing according to the settings.

Property Description

Property name Default value Data type Description Others
Source field - string Enter a field name to separate messages.
Field to be stored - string Enter a field name to store separated messages.
Separator \n string

Example of Default Message Split


  • Source field → message

Input message

    "message": [
        {"number": 1},
        {"number": 2}

Output message

    "message": [
        {"number": 1},
        {"number": 2}
    "number": 1
    "message": [
        {"number": 1},
        {"number": 2}
    "number": 2

Example of Split after String Parsing


  • Source field → message
  • Separator → ,

Input message

    "message": "1,2"

Output message

    "message": "1"
    "message": "2"

Example of String Parsing and Splitting Into Different Fields


  • Source field → message
  • Field to be stored → target
  • Separator → ,

Input message

    "message": "1,2"

Output message

    "message": "1,2",
    "target": "1"
    "message": "1,2",
    "target": "2"

Filter > Truncate

Node Description

  • A node that parses JSON strings and stores it in a specified field.

Property Description

Property name Default value Data type Description Others
Byte length - number Enter the maximum byte length to represent a string.
Source field - string Enter a field name for truncate.

JSON Parsing Example


  • Byte length → 10
  • Source field → message

Input message

    "message": "This message is too long."

Output message

    "message": "This messa"


  • Type of node that defines an endpoint to load data that has completed filter operation.

Common Settings on Sink Node

Property name Default value Data type Description Others
ID - string Sets Node ID
Mark node name on the chart board with values defined in this property.

(NHN Cloud) Object Storage

Node Description

  • Node for uploading data to Object Storage in NHN Cloud.
  • Object created on OBS is output in the following path format by default.
    • /{container_name}/year={yyyy}/month={MM}/day={dd}/hour={HH}/ls.s3.{uuid}.{yyyy}-{MM}-{dd}T{HH}.{mm}.part{seq_id}.txt

Property Description

Property name Default value Data type Description Others
region - enum Enter the region of Object Storage product OBS Region in Detail
Bucket - string Enter bucket name
Secret Key - string Enter S3 API Credential Secret Key.
Access Key - string Enter S3 API Credential Access Key.
Prefix /year=%{+YYYY}/month=%{+MM}/day=%{+dd}/hour=%{+HH} string Enter a prefix to prefix the name when uploading the object.
You can enter a field or time format.
Available Time Format
Prefix Time Field @timestamp string Enter a time field to apply to the prefix.
Prefix Time Field Type DATE_FILTER_RESULT enum Enter a time field type to apply to the prefix.
Prefix Time Zone UTC string Enter a time zone for the Time field to apply to the prefix.
Prefix Time Application fallback _prefix_datetime_parse_failure string Enter a prefix to replace if the prefix time application fails.
Encoding none enum Enter whether to encode or not . gzip encoding is available.
Object Rotation Policy size_and_time enum Determines object creation rules. size_and_time – Use object size and time to decide
size – Use object size to decide
Time – Use time to decide
Reference Time 15 number Set the time to be the basis for object splitting. Set if object rotation policy is size_and_time or time
Object size 5242880 number Set the size to be the basis for object splitting. Set when object rotation policy is size_and_time or size

Json Codec Output example exercise


  • Region → KR1
  • Bucket → obs-test-container
  • Access Key → ******
  • Secret Key → ******

Input message

{"hidden":"Hello Dataflow!","message":"Hello World", "@timestamp": "2022-11-21T07:49:20Z"}

Output Value

  • Path
  • Output message
{"@timestamp":"2022-11-21T07:49:20.000Z","host":"755b65d82bd0","hidden":"Hello Dataflow!","@version":"1","sequence":0,"message":"Hello World"}

plain Codec Output example exercise – when message field exists


  • Region → KR1
  • Bucket → obs-test-container
  • Access Key → ******
  • Secret Key → ******

Input message

    "message": "Hello World!", 
    "hidden": "Hello Dataflow!", 
    "@timestamp": "2022-11-21T07:49:20Z" 

Output Value

  • Path
  • Output message
2022-11-21T07:49:20.000Z e0e40e03dd94 Hello World

plain Codec Output example exercise – when message field doesn’t exist


  • Region → KR1
  • Bucket → obs-test-container
  • Access Key → ******
  • Secret Key → ******

Input message

    "hidden": "Hello Dataflow!", 
    "@timestamp": "2022-11-21T07:49:20Z" 

Output Value

  • Path
  • Output message
2022-11-21T07:49:20.000Z f207c24a122e %{message}

Parquet Codec Property Description

Property name Default value Data type Description Note
parquet compression codec SNAPPY enum Enter the compression codec to use when converting PARQUET files. Reference

Prefix Example - Field


  • Bucket → obs-test-container
  • Prefix → /dataflow/%{deployment}

Input Message

    "deployment": "production",
    "message": "example",
    "logTime": "2022-11-21T07:49:20Z"

Output Path


Prefix Example - Hour


  • Bucket → obs-test-container
  • Prefix → /dataflow/year=%{+YYYY}/month=%{+MM}/day=%{+dd}/hour=%{+HH}
  • Prefix Time Field → logTime
  • Prefix Time Field Type → ISO8601
  • Prefix Time Zone → Asia/Seoul

Input Message

    "deployment": "production",
    "message": "example",
    "logTime": "2022-11-21T07:49:20Z"

Output Path


Prefix Example - When failed to apply time


  • Bucket → obs-test-container
  • Prefix → /dataflow/year=%{+YYYY}/month=%{+MM}/day=%{+dd}/hour=%{+HH}
  • Prefix Time Field → logTime
  • Prefix Time Field Type → TIMESTAMP_SEC
  • Prefix Time Zone → Asia/Seoul
  • Prefix Time Application fallback → _failure

Input Message

    "deployment": "production",
    "message": "example",
    "logTime": "2022-11-21T07:49:20Z"

Output Path


Sink > (NHN Cloud) Object Storage - Parquet

Node Description

  • This node converts data to parquet type and uploads it to NHN Cloud's Object Storage.
  • Objects written to OBS are output in the following path format by default.
    • /{container_name}/year={yyyy}/month={MM}/day={dd}/hour={HH}/ls.s3.{uuid}.{yyyy}-{MM}-{dd}T{HH}.{mm}.part{seq_id}.parquet
  • (NHN Cloud) Same as Object Storage node, but some values are changed as below to support parquet type.
  • Codec fixed to parquet
  • When the object rotation policy is not entered, the default policy is applied as follows.
    • Object size: 128 MB (134,217,728 bytes)
    • Base time: 60 min
  • Encoding fixed to none

Sink > (Amazon) S3

Node Description

  • Node for uploading data to Amazon S3.

Property Description

Property name Default value Data type Description Others
region - enum Enter Region of S3 product. s3 region
Bucket - string Enter bucket name
Access Key - string Enter S3 API Credential Access Key.
Secret Key - string Enter S3 API Credential Secret Key.
Signature Version - enum Enter the version to use when signing AWS requests.
Session Token - string Enter the Session Token for AWS temporary Credentials. Session Token Guide
Prefix - string Enter a prefix to prefix the name when uploading the object.
You can enter a field or time format.
Available Time Format
Prefix Time Field @timestamp string Enter a time field to apply to the prefix.
Prefix Time Field Type DATE_FILTER_RESULT enum Enter a time field type to apply to the prefix.
Prefix Time Zone UTC string Enter a time zone for the Time field to apply to the prefix.
Prefix Time Application fallback _prefix_datetime_parse_failure string Enter a prefix to replace if the prefix time application fails.
Storage Class STANDARD enum Set Storage Class when object is uploaded. Storage Class Guide
Encoding none enum Enter whether to encode or not . gzip encoding is available.
Object Rotation Policy size_and_time enum Determine object creation rules. size_and_time – Use object size and time to decide
size – Use object size to decide
Time – Use time to decide
Reference Time 15 number Set the time to be the basis for object splitting. Set when the object rotation policy is size_and_time or time
Object size 5242880 number Set the size to be the basis for object splitting. Set when the object rotation policy is size_and_time or size
ACL private enum Enter ACL policy to set when object is uploaded.
Additional Settings { } Hash Enter additional settings to connect to S3. Guide

Output example exercise

  • Same with OBS.

Parquet Codec Property Description

Property name Default value Data type Description Note
parquet compression codec SNAPPY enum Enter the compression codec to use when converting PARQUET files. Reference

Additional Settings example

follow redirects

  • Track the redirect path, when set to true and when AWS S3 returns 307 response
    follow_redirects → true 

retry limit

  • Maximum times of retries for 4xx, 5xx responses
    retry_limit → 5 


  • For true, the URL must be path-style, not virtual-hosted-style. Reference
    force_path_style → true 

Sink > (Apache) Kafka

Node Description

  • Node for sending data to Kafka.

Property Description

Property name Default value Data type Description Others
Topic - string Type the name of Kafka topic to which want to send message.
Broker Server List localhost:9092 string Enter Kafka Broker server. Separate multiple servers with commas (,). bootstrap.servers
Client ID dataflow string Enter ID that identifies Kafka Producer.
Message Serialization Type org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.StringSerializer string Enter how to serialize message value to send. value.serializer
Compression type none enum Enter how to compress data to send. compression.type
Select out of none, gzip, snappy, lz4
Key Serialization Type org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.StringSerializer string Enter how to serialize message key to send. key.serializer
Meta data upload cycle 300000 number Enter the interval (ms) at which want to update partition, broker server status, etc.
Maximum Request Size 1048576 number Enter maximum size (byte) per transfer request. max.request.size
Server Reconnection Cycle 50 number Enter how often to retry when Connection to broker server fails.
Batch Size 16384 number Enter size (byte) to send to Batch Request. batch.size
Buffer Memory 33554432 number Enter size (byte) of buffer used to transfer Kafka. buffer.memory
Receiving Buffer Size 32768 number Enter size (byte) of TCP receive buffer used to read data. receive.buffer.bytes
Transfer Delay Time 0 number Enter delay time for message sending. Delayed messages are sent as batch requests at once.
Server Request Timeout 40000 number Enter timeout (ms) for Transfer Request.
Meta data Query Timeout number
Transfer Buffer Size 131072 number Enter size (byte) of TCP send buffer used to transfer data. send.buffer.bytes
Ack Property 1 enum Enter settings to verify that messages have been received from Broker server. acks
0 - Does not check if 6543eyu0=message is received.
1 - Leader of topic responds that the message was received without waiting for follower to copy data.
all - Leader of topic waits for follower to copy the data before responding that they have received the message.
Request Reconnection Cycle 100 number Enter the interval (ms) to retry when transfer request fails.
Retry times - number Enter the maximum times (ms) to retry when transfer request fails. retries
Retrying exceeding the set value may result in data loss.

Json Codec Output example exercise

Input message

    "message": "Hello World!", 
    "hidden": "Hello Dataflow!", 
    "@timestamp": "2022-11-21T07:49:20Z" 

Output message

{"host":"0bc501d89f8c","message":"Hello World","hidden":"Hello Dataflow!","sequence":0,"@timestamp":"2022-11-21T07:49:20.000Z","@version":"1"}

plain Codec Output example exercise

Input message

    "message": "Hello World!", 
    "hidden": "Hello Dataflow!", 
    "@timestamp": "2022-11-21T07:49:20Z" 

Output message

2022-11-21T07:49:20.000Z 2898d492114d Hello World

plain Codec Output example exercise – when message field doesn’t exist

Input message

    "hidden": "Hello Dataflow!", 
    "@timestamp": "2022-11-21T07:49:20Z" 

Output message

2022-11-21T07:49:20.000Z e5ef7ece9bb0 %{message}


  • Node type that defines flow Quarter in accordance with imported data value.


Node Description

  • Node for filtering messages through conditional sentence.

Property Description

Property name Default value Data type Description Others
conditional sentence. - string Enter the conditions for message filtering.

Filtering example exercise - first depth field reference


  • conditional sentence → [logLevel] == "ERROR"

Pass message

       "logLevel": "ERROR" 

Missed message

   "logLevel": "INFO" 

Filtering example exercise - second depth field reference


  • conditional sentence → [response][status] == 200

Passed message

    "resposne": { 
        "status": 200 

Missed message

    "resposne": { 
        "status": 404 
Table of Contents