Added a feature to manage batch and scheduled deployment on the list page for services using Smart Downloader CDN.
Added a feature to manage scheduled deployment even for individual deployment for services using Smart Downloader CDN.
Modified to allow creating services without uploading a file from the file upload screen of the service creation wizard.
2020. 07. 14.
Feature Updates
Modified the build deployment feature.
Modified the feature to disallow deployment of services using Smart Downloader CDN of the same project for 5 minutes during build deployment.
Modified the feature to expose the name of the deployment button according to the service status.
2020. 06. 11.
Feature Updates
Modified the build deployment feature.
Modified the feature so that if build deployment is executed when Smart Downloader CDN is used, deployment is completed after comparing the original source file and the file deployed to the CDN.
Modified the feature to deactivate the build deployment button when build deployment is executed.
2020. 04. 14.
Feature Updates
Modified Smart Downloader CDN
Changed to not allow modification of the CDN to support migration work for changing the CDN vendor.
Modified the file upload feature
Changed the file upload limit from 5 GB or less for all files to 5 GB or less for a single file
March 24, 2020
Feature Updates
Integrated with Smart Downloader CDN
Removed the feature of selecting CDN service regions.
December 24, 2019
Feature Updates
Service Management
Added a feature of creating a new CDN, when it fails to create CDN, by deleting failed CDN.
January 29, 2019
Feature Updates
Supports multiple languages (English and Japanese) throughout the entire page.
December 27, 2018
Feature Updates
Applies inspection results throughout the whole page for standard language.
October 23, 2018
Bug Fixes
Service Management
Fixed an issue in which resource files cannot be properly uploaded when the number exceeds 10 thousand.
July 5, 2018
Feature Updates
The [Deploy Builds] button
Modified to enable the [Deploy Builds] button, when the recent build is Ready for Deployment or Deployment Failed.
Service List
Modified the recent build area.
Previously: Showed upload date and time, last uploader, and status data.
Now: Shows deployment date and time, resource upload date and time, and status data. The [Deploy Builds] button is available from the status area on the service list.
June 26, 2018
Feature Updates
Added pop-ups to notify users of network disconnection.
Edited phrases
URL for resource deployment -> URL for origin server
Internal CDN -> Smart Downloader CDN
External CDN -> Client CDN
Service Management
Separated Uploading Builds from Deployment
Previously: Deployed immediately uploaded resources to user, when a resource is uploaded.
Now: After resource is uploaded, click the [Deploy Builds] button on View Service Details to deploy uploaded resources.
Changed the order of execution of uploading resource files and CDN registration when they are executed within the service registration wizard.
Added the feature to disallow changes to service and integration CDN for service deployment.
Changed View Upload History to View Deployment History, within Show Service Details.
Bug Fixees
Service Management
Fixed some errors occurred while uploading resources.
Fixed some errors occurred while setting CDN.
Fixed an issue in which confirmation URL goes beyond the pop-up area when the URL for client's CDN is too long.
Fixed an issue in which the horizontal and vertical scroll bars move concurrently on Explorer's View Build Details.
April 24, 2018
Feature Updates
Allows to show error pop-ups on the service list page, not the error page, when error occurs within server.
Service Management
Smart Downloader CDN cannot be created in duplicates at one service.
Bug Fixes
Service Management.
Fixed error in which file uploading fails infrequently on Mac's Chrome.
Fixed failure of service disabling due to errors occurred at file repository or CDN.
Fixed error occurred on the monitoring page when service is not registered.
March 22, 2018
Feature Updates
Service Management
Updated to allow many kinds of domain information (including regex) for Referrers for CDN integration.
Bug Fixes
Fixed the exposure of an error page when another language is selected, other than Korean.
Fixed an issue in which a login page is redundantly created within the service area on web console, when it's been logged out on another tab.
Service Management.
Fixed the build status which constantly shows Registering when the browser is refreshed, or closed while uploading a build.
Fixed an issue in which the horizontal and vertical scroll bars move concurrently for View Build Details.
Fixed the unavailability of selecting the service list, for the search on the monitoring page, is hidden by the chart area.
Fixed the search condition field, which shows above the pop-up created on the monitoring page.
Fixed an issue in which tooltips for particular countries are created way below the mouse cursor on the map chart.
Fixed UI errors that occur on IE 10/11/Edge.
February 22, 2018
Feature Updates
Added Service an individual unit under Smart Downloader.
Enhanced user convenience
Added the feature of Upload/Deploy New Builds.
Allows to enable TOAST CDN to deploy builds.
Updated Real-time/Monitoring indicators.
Specify status indicators for download errors.
February 23, 2017
Feature Updates
Added tabs to access each page.
Modified the feature of resetting search items, when there's too much data to search for download details.
Updated to disallow the selection of 'Download Time/Speed' when download failure only is selected to search for download details.
January 19, 2017
New Releases
Released Smart Downloader
Smart Downloader supports efficient downloading of resources that are required for a game.
A variety of statistical data are provided on the basis of downloaded game data.