Application Service > Maps > API User Guide v3.0

This guide describes how to use features such as search, geocoding, reverse geocoding, route navigation (pathfinding), and Static Map API, which are based on iNavi's long-established navigation engine technology.

Common API Information


  • Appkey is required to use APIs.
  • To check your appkey, go to URL & Appkey on top of the NHN Cloud Console.

Common Request Information

URL Information

Environment Domain

Header Information

Header Name Value
User-Agent Windows, Android, Mac OS

Common Response Information

Search API

  • Respond with '200 OK' for all API requests. See header at the response body for more detail response results.
    "header": {
        "isSuccessful": true,
        "resultCode": 0,
        "resultMessage": ""
  • Search integrated information on keywords, such as business name, phone number, and address.



Method URI
GET /maps/v3.0/appkeys/{appkey}/searches?query={query}&coordtype={coordtype}&startposition={startposition}&reqcount={reqcount}&spopt={spopt}&radius={radius}&admcode={admcode}&depth={depth}&x1={x1}&y1={y1}&x2={x2}&y2={y2}&sortopt={sortopt}&catecode={catecode}&addrext={addrext}

[Path parameter]

Name Type Required Valid Range Description
appkey String Required Origin appkey

[Query Parameter]

Name Type Required Valid Range Description
query String Required Search word
coordtype String Optional Type of coordinates
0: TW coordinates
1: WGS84 coordinates
2: TM coordinates
startposition String Optional Start position of search
0: Initial location; query by 0, if left blank
reqcount String Optional Number of search requests
Return max count, if it is set with 0
spopt String Optional Optional space search
0: Disabled
1: Search of extent
2: Search of range
*Without spopt value setting, set 0.
radius String Optional Radius
Enabled when the spopt value is 2
Set by meter
admcode String Optional Administrative code
depth String Optional Requirements for sub-facilities
1: Request by depth 1 only (the highest depth)
2: Request by depth 2
3: Request by depth 3
Set 1, if depth value is not configured
With depth configuration, subpoi detail information is returned for the depth, like Response as below
x1 String Optional X1 coordinates
X coordinate of the control point, if spopt is 0
X coordinate on top left of Extent, if spopt is 1
X coordinate of the control point, if spopt is 2
y1 String Optional Y1 coordinates
Y coordinate of the control point, if spopt is 0
Y coordinate on top left of Extent, if spopt is 1
Y coordinate of the control point, if spopt is 2
x2 String Optional X2 coordinates
X coordinate on bottom right of Extent, if spopt is 1; disabled if spopt is 2
y2 String Optional Y2 coordinates
Y coordinate on bottom right of Extent, if spopt is 1; disabled if spopt is 2
sortopt String Optional Sorting option
1: Sort by name
2: Sort by distance (If coordinates are set)
3: Name match (Additionally sort by distance if coordinates are set)
4: Sort by search word weight (based on the engine)* Set to 4 if sortopt value is not set
catecode String Optional Preferred category
If a category name is entered in the search word when searching for a preferred category, the priority of search is on the search word rather than the entered preferred category according to the search word priority policy
For example, Search word: "beauty salon" , Preferred category: "100000 "(restaurant) -> search is performed based on beauty salon
addrext String Optional Broad match option for parcel/building numbers
0: Exact match
1: Sub parcel number match
2: Main parcel number match
* Defaults to 0 if no options are selected


    "header": {
        "isSuccessful": true,
        "resultCode": 0,
        "resultMessage": ""
    "search": {
        "result": true,
        "type": 0,
        "totalcount": 1,
        "count": 1,
        "poitotalcount": 1,
        "poicount": 1,
        "ucp_poitotalcount": 0,
        "ucp_poicount": 0,
        "tel_poitotalcount": 0,
        "tel_poicount": 0,
        "admtotalcount": 0,
        "admcount": 0,
        "reftotalcount": 0,
        "refcount": 0,
        "res_type": "YYYY",
        "poi": [
                "poiid": 4722977,
                "depth": 0,
                "dpx": "169031",
                "dpy": "517906",
                "rpx": "169039",
                "rpy": "517941",
                "name1": "Samhwan HIPEX",
                "name2": "HIPEX",
                "name3": "Samhwan HIPEX",
                "name4": "HIPEX",
                "admcode": "4113510900",
                "jibun": "678",
                "address": "Sampyeong-dong, Bundang-gu, Seongnam-si, Gyeonggi-do",
                "roadname": "Pangyoyeok-ro, Bundang-gu, Seongnam-si, Gyeonggi-do",
                "roadjibun": "240",
                "detailaddress": "",
                "catecode": "130301",
                "catename": "company",
                "dp_catecode": "150",
                "userid": "",
                "imagecount": 0,
                "userimagecount": 0,
                "badgeflag": false,
                "distance": 0,
                "tel": "",
                "islandmark": false,
                "updateTS": "2017-10-12 00:00:00",
                "data_source": "Thinkware",
                "hasoildata": false,
                "hasdetailinfo": false,
                "hassubpoi": true,
                "subpoi": {
                    "count": 5,
                    "poi": [
                            "poiid": 4828295,
                            "depth": 1,
                            "dpx": "169031",
                            "dpy": "517910",
                            "rpx": "169039",
                            "rpy": "517941",
                            "name1": "Builiding A",
                            "name2": "Samhwan HIPEX Building A",
                            "name3": "",
                            "name4": "",
                            "admcode": "4113510900",
                            "jibun": "678",
                            "address": "Sampyeong-dong, Bundang-gu, Seongnam-si, Gyeonggi-do",
                            "roadname": "Pangyoyeok-ro, Bundang-gu, Seongnam-si, Gyeonggi-do",
                            "roadjibun": "240",
                            "detailaddress": "",
                            "catecode": "130301",
                            "catename": "company",
                            "dp_catecode": "150",
                            "userid": "",
                            "imagecount": 0,
                            "userimagecount": 0,
                            "badgeflag": false,
                            "distance": 0,
                            "tel": "",
                            "islandmark": false,
                            "updateTS": "2017-10-13 00:00:00",
                            "hasoildata": false,
                            "hasdetailinfo": false,
                            "hassubpoi": true,
                            "subpoi": {
                                "count": 36,
                                "poi": [
                                        "poiid": 4722978,
                                        "depth": 2,
                                        "dpx": "169039",
                                        "dpy": "517941",
                                        "rpx": "169039",
                                        "rpy": "517941",
                                        "name1": "entrance",
                                        "name2": "",
                                        "name3": "",
                                        "name4": "",
                                        "admcode": "4113510900",
                                        "jibun": "678",
                                        "address": "Sampyeong-dong, Bundang-gu, Seongnam-si, Gyeonggi-do",
                                        "roadname": "",
                                        "roadjibun": "",
                                        "detailaddress": "",
                                        "catecode": "181100",
                                        "catename": "road facilities",
                                        "dp_catecode": "000",
                                        "userid": "",
                                        "imagecount": 0,
                                        "userimagecount": 0,
                                        "badgeflag": false,
                                        "distance": 0,
                                        "tel": "",
                                        "islandmark": false,
                                        "updateTS": "2017-10-13 00:00:00",
                                        "hasoildata": false,
                                        "hasdetailinfo": false,
                                        "hassubpoi": false
Name Type Description
header Object Header area
header.isSuccessful Boolean Successful or not
header.resultCode Integer Failure code
header.resultMessage String Failure message
search Object Body area
search.result Boolean Successful or not
search.type Integer 0: General search
1: Search for reference
search.totalcount Integer Total number of search results
search.count Integer Number of search results
search.poitotalcount Integer Total number of search results (Thinkware POI)
search.poicount Integer Number of search results (Thinkware POI)
search.tel_poitotalcount Integer Total number of search results (Tel POI)
search.tel_poicount Integer Number of search results (Tel POI)
search.ucp_poitotalcount Integer Total number of search results (User POI)
search.ucp_poicount Integer Number of search results (User POI)
search.admtotalcount Integer Total number of ADM search results
search.admcount Integer Number of ADM search results
search.reftotalcount Integer Total number of ref search results
search.refcount Integer Number of ref search results
search.res_type String Name of search result type
In the order of Name, Category, Address, and Phone Number
(e.g.) NYNN: No for name, Yes for category, No for address, and No for phone number
search.poi Array List of POI search results
search.poi[0].poiid Integer POI ID
search.poi[0].depth String POI depth
search.poi[0].dpx String X coordinates for display (longitude for WGS84)
search.poi[0].dpy String Y coordinates for display (latitude for WGS84)
search.poi[0].rpx String X coordinates for navigation (longitude for WGS84)
search.poi[0].rpy String Y coordinates for navigation (latitude for WGS84)
search.poi[0].name1 String Official name
search.poi[0].name2 String Short name
search.poi[0].name3 String Expanded name 1
search.poi[0].name4 String Expanded name 2
search.poi[0].admcode String Administrative code
search.poi[0].address String Address
search.poi[0].jibun String Land-lot number
search.poi[0].roadname String Road name for new address system
search.poi[0].roadjibun String Land-lot number for new address system
search.poi[0].detailaddress String Address details
search.poi[0].catecode String Classification code
search.poi[0].catename String Classification name
search.poi[0].dp_catecode String DP classification code
search.poi[0].distance Integer Distance from coordinates (if available)
search.poi[0].tel String Phone number
search.poi[0].hasoildata Boolean Availabilty of oil price data
search.poi[0].hasdetailinfo Boolean Availability of detail information
search.poi[0].hassubpoi Boolean Availabiliy of sub-facilities
search.poi[0].islandmark Boolean
search.poi[0].updateTS String Format of last updated date and time (Y4-MM-DD HH:mm:ss)
search.poi[0].imagecount Integer Number of POI images
search.poi[0].oildata Object Oil price data
search.poi[0].oildata.g_price Integer Gas price
search.poi[0].oildata.hg_price Integer Premium gas price
search.poi[0].oildata.d_price Integer Diesel price
search.poi[0].oildata.l_price Integer LPG price
search.poi[0].oildata.updatetime String Updated time
search.poi[0].oildata.priceinfo String Highest/Lowest oil price information
(H: Highest, L: Lowest, X: N/A)
In the order of gas, premium gas, diesel, and LPG
search.poi[0].oildata.wash Boolean Availability of a car wash
search.poi[0].oildata.fix Boolean Availability of a car repair shop
search.poi[0].oildata.mart Boolean Availability of a store
search.poi[0].subpoi Object Sub-facility information
search.poi[0].subpoi.count Integer Number of sub-facilities
search.poi[0].subpoi.poi Array Same as POI information Array List of TEL search results (same on POI information)
search.adm Array List of ADM search results
search.adm[0].type String Type of search
1: Search administrative system
2: Search land-lot number
3: Search new address
search.adm[0].posx String X coordinates (longitude for WGS84)
search.adm[0].posy String Y coordinates (latitude for WGS84)
search.adm[0].admcode String Administrative code
search.adm[0].address String Address
search.adm[0].jibun String Land-lot number
search.adm[0].roadname String Road name for new address system
search.adm[0].roadjibun String Land-lot number for new address system
search.adm[0].accuracy Integer Accuracy of land-lot numbers
0: Search accuracy
1: Extend the last digit of land-lot numbers
2: Extend the initial digit of land-lot numbers
search.hasgasstation Boolean Availability of oil price data
search.oilprice Object Oil price data
search.oilprice.max_g_price Integer Highest gas price
search.oilprice.min_g_price Integer Lowest gas price
search.oilprice.avg_g_price Integer Average gas price
search.oilprice.max_hg_price Integer Highest premium gas price
search.oilprice.min_hg_price Integer Lowest premium gas price
search.oilprice.avg_hg_price Integer Average premium gas price
search.oilprice.max_d_price Integer Highest diesel price
search.oilprice.min_d_price Integer Lowest diesel price
search.oilprice.avg_d_price Integer Average diesel price
search.oilprice.max_l_price Integer Highest LPG price
search.oilprice.min_l_price Integer Lowest LPG price
search.oilprice.avg_l_price Integer Average LPG price
  • Search recommended words of a search word.



Method URI
GET /maps/v3.0/appkeys/{appkey}/proposers?query={query}

[Path parameter]

Name Type Required Valid Range Description
appkey String Required Origin appkey

[Query Parameter]

Name Type Required Valid Range Description
query String Required 50 bytes 50 bytes of Korean/English/Numbers (25 Korean letters)


  "header": {
    "isSuccessful": true,
    "resultCode": 0,
    "resultMessage": ""
  "proposer": {
    "result": true,
    "count": 10,
    "keyword": [
        "keyword": "Pangyo Station",
        "frequency": 3729938
        "keyword": "Pangyo",
        "frequency": 3729326
        "keyword": "Pangyo IC",
        "frequency": 3729362
        "keyword": "Pangyo Library",
        "frequency": 3729514
        "keyword": "Pangyo One Village",
        "frequency": 3730051
        "keyword": "Pangyo Lottemart",
        "frequency": 3729602
        "keyword": "Pangyo Innovalley",
        "frequency": 3730186
        "keyword": "Pangyo Museum",
        "frequency": 3729654
        "keyword": "Pangyo Middle School",
        "frequency": 3730256
        "keyword": "Courtyard by Marriott Seoul Pangyo",
        "frequency": 3729626
Name Type Description
header Object Header area
header.isSuccessful Boolean Successful or not
header.resultCode Integer Failure code
header.resultMessage String Failure message
proposer Object Body area
proposer.result Boolean Successful or not
proposer.count Integer Number of recommended search words
proposer.keyword Array List of recommended search words
proposer.keyword[0].keyword String Recommended search words
proposer.keyword[0].frequency Integer Query frequency

3. Search of POI Details

  • Search details of POI.



Method URI
GET /maps/v3.0/appkeys/{appkey}/pois?poiid={poiid}

[Path parameter]

Name Type Required Valid Range Description
appkey String Required Origin appkey

[Query Parameter]

Name Type Required Valid Range Description
poiid String Required 186 POI ID
Enter poiid, along with the delimiter, ","
(multiple input is available up to 186)
e.g.) poiid=123,234,567


  "header": {
    "isSuccessful": true,
    "resultCode": 0,
    "resultMessage": ""
  "poi": {
    "result": true,
    "totalcount": 2,
    "count": 2,
    "poiinfo": [
                "poiid": 510835.0,
        "dpx": "127.059664",
        "dpy": "37.508629",
        "rpx": "127.059089",
        "rpy": "37.508779",
        "name1": "Hyundai Department Store(the Trade Center Store)",
        "name2": "Hyundai Department Store Trade Center",
        "name3": "Trade Center Hyundai Department Store",
        "name4": "",
        "admcode": "1168010500",
        "jibun": "159-7",
        "address": "Samseong-dong, Gangnam-gu, Seoul",
        "roadname": "Teheran-ro, Samseong 1-dong, Gangnam-gu, Seoul",
        "roadjibun": "517",
        "detailaddress": "",
        "fulladdress": "159-7 Samseong-dong, Gangnam-gu, Seoul",
        "zip": "",
        "homepage": "",
        "email": "",
        "howtogo": "",
        "tel1": "025522233",
        "tel2": "",
        "fax1": "",
        "fax2": "",
        "catecode": "110102",
        "catename": "shopping",
        "dp_catecode": "250",
        "icode": "493-070-3606",
        "externallink": [],
        "detail_count": 10,
        "etc_count": 2,
        "imagecount": 0,
        "badgeflag": false,
        "detailinfo": [
            "name": "Closed Day",
            "value": "Store closed twice a month"
            "name": "Business Hours",
            "value": "10:30~20:00"
            "name": "Parking lot",
            "value": "Holds around 1400 vehicles"
            "name": "Parking fee",
            "value": "1-hour free ticket for a purchase worth of 10 thousand won or more"
            "name": "Sub-facilities 1",
            "value": "Emerald Hall(Event Hall)"
            "name": "Sub-facilities 2",
            "value": "Terrace garden"
            "name": "Size",
            "value": "10-storey building with 4 underground floors"
            "name": "Floor Guide 1",
            "value": "1F Luxury Boutique/2F Fashion Accessories"
            "name": "Floor Guide 2",
            "value": "3F~4F Women's Fashion/6F Golf Fashion/Unisex Casual"
            "name": "Floor Guide 3",
            "value": "9F Restaurants/10F Cultural Space"
        "etcinfo": [
            "name": "Others 1",
            "value": "Located at the heart of the finanial hub of Teheran-ro"
            "name": "Others 2",
            "value": "The show window for the Korean commerce, satisfying global clients"
        "hasoildata": false
Name Type Description
header Object Header area
header.isSuccessful Boolean Successful or not
header.resultCode Integer Failure code
header.resultMessage String Failure message
poi Object Body area
poi.result Boolean Successful or not
poi.totalcount Integer Total number of search results
poi.count Integer Number of search results
poi.poiinfo Array List of POI search results
poi.poiinfo[0].poiid Integer POI ID
poi.poiinfo[0].dpx String X coordinates for display (longitude for WGS84)
poi.poiinfo[0].dpy String Y coordinates for display (latitude for WGS84)
poi.poiinfo[0].rpx String X coordinates for navigation (longitude for WGS84)
poi.poiinfo[0].rpy String Y coordinates for navigation (latitude for WGS84)
poi.poiinfo[0].name1 String Official name
poi.poiinfo[0].name2 String Short name
poi.poiinfo[0].name3 String Expanded name 1
poi.poiinfo[0].name4 String Expanded name 2
poi.poiinfo[0].admcode String Administrative code
poi.poiinfo[0].jibun String Land-lot number
poi.poiinfo[0].address String Address
poi.poiinfo[0].roadname String Road name for new address system
poi.poiinfo[0].roadjibun String Land-lot number for new address system
poi.poiinfo[0].detailaddress String Address details
poi.poiinfo[0].catecode String Classification code
poi.poiinfo[0].catename String Classification name
poi.poiinfo[0].fulladdress String Entire address (administrative address+ land-lot number+details)
poi.poiinfo[0].zip String Zip code
poi.poiinfo[0].homeage String URL for website
poi.poiinfo[0].email String Email
poi.poiinfo[0].howtogo String How to access
poi.poiinfo[0].tel1 String Phone number 1
poi.poiinfo[0].tel2 String Phone number 2
poi.poiinfo[0].fax1 String Fax number 1
poi.poiinfo[0].fax2 String Fax number 2
poi.poiinfo[0].icode String ICODE
poi.poiinfo[0].detail_count Integer Number of detail classification items
poi.poiinfo[0].etc_count Integer Number of other classification items
poi.poiinfo[0].imagecount Integer Number of POI images
poi.poiinfo[0].hasoildata Boolean Availability of oil data
poi.poiinfo[0].detailinfo Array Detail classification item
poi.poiinfo[0].detailinfo[0].name String Description of detail classification item
poi.poiinfo[0].detailinfo[0].value String Content of detail classification item
poi.poiinfo[0].etcinfo Array Other classification item
poi.poiinfo[0].etcinfo[0].name String Description of other classification item
poi.poiinfo[0].etcinfo[0].value String Content of other classification item
poi.poiinfo[0].oildata Object Oil price data
poi.poiinfo[0].oilda.tag_price Integer Gas price
poi.poiinfo[0].oilda.hg_price Integer Premium gas price
poi.poiinfo[0].oilda.d_price Integer Diesel price
poi.poiinfo[0].oilda.l_price Integer LPG price
poi.poiinfo[0].oilda.updatetime String Updated time
poi.poiinfo[0].oilda.priceinfo String Highest/Lowest oil price information
(H: Highest, L: Lowest, X: N/A)
In the order of gas, premium gas, diesel, and LPG
poi.poiinfo[0].oilda.wash Boolean Availability of a car wash
poi.poiinfo[0].oilda.fix Boolean Availability of a car repair shop
poi.poiinfo[0].oilda.mart Boolean Availability of a store

4. Search of POI Sub-Facilities

  • Search sub-facilities for a specific POI.



Method URI
GET /maps/v3.0/appkeys/{appkey}/sub-pois?poiid={poiid}&x1={x1}&y1={y1}

[Path parameter]

Name Type Required Valid Range Description
appkey String Required Origin appkey

[Query Parameter]

Name Type Required Valid Range Description
poiid String Required POI ID
Multiple number is not supported
x1 String Optional Current location or map center coordinates
If both X and Y coordinates are NULL or 0, distance is not calculated.
y1 String Optional Current location or map center coordinates
If both X and Y coordinates are NULL or 0, distance is not calculated.


  "header": {
    "isSuccessful": true,
    "resultCode": 0,
    "resultMessage": ""
    "subpoi": {
        "result": true,
        "totalcount": 1,
        "count": 1,
        "poi": [
                "poiid": 1415980,
                "depth": 1,
                "dpx": "127.110862",
                "dpy": "37.402334",
                "rpx": "127.110862",
                "rpy": "37.402334",
                "name1": "Main entrance",
                "name2": "Thinkware entrance",
                "name3": "",
                "name4": "",
                "admcode": "4113510900",
                "jibun": "678",
                "address": "Sampyeong-dong, Bundang-gu, Seongnam-si, Gyeonggi-do",
                "roadname": "Pangyoyeok-ro, Bundang-gu, Seongnam-si, Gyeonggi-do",
                "roadjibun": "240",
                "detailaddress": "",
                "catecode": "181100",
                "catename": "Road facilities",
                "dp_catecode": "000",
                "userid": "",
                "imagecount": 0,
                "userimagecount": 0,
                "badgeflag": false,
                "distance": 12164030,
                "tel": "",
                "islandmark": false,
                "visitscore": "0",
                "landmarkscore": "0",
                "popularity": false,
                "pop_tv": false,
                "pop_sns": false,
                "pop_hot": false,
                "pop_hit": false,
                "pop_top": "",
                "updateTS": "1970-01-01 09:00:00",
                "hasoildata": false,
                "hasdetailinfo": false,
                "hassubpoi": false
Name Type Description
header Object Header area
header.isSuccessful Boolean Successful or not
header.resultCode Integer Failure code
header.resultMessage String Failure message
subpoi Object Body area
subpoi.result Boolean Successful or not
subpoi.totalcount Integer Total number of search results
subpoi.count Integer Number of search results
subpoi.poi Array List of POI search results
subpoi.poi[0].poiid Integer POI ID
subpoi.poi[0].depth String POI depth
subpoi.poi[0].dpx String X coordinates for display (longtitude for WGS84)
subpoi.poi[0].dpy String Y coorinates for display (latitude for WGS84)
subpoi.poi[0].rpx String X coordinates for navigation (longtitude for WGS84)
subpoi.poi[0].rpy String Y coordinates for navigation (latitude for WGS84)
subpoi.poi[0].name1 String Official name
subpoi.poi[0].name2 String Short name
subpoi.poi[0].name3 String Expanded name 1
subpoi.poi[0].name4 String Expanded name 2
subpoi.poi[0].admcode String Administrative code
subpoi.poi[0].address String Address
subpoi.poi[0].jibun String Land-lot number
subpoi.poi[0].roadname String Road name for new address system
subpoi.poi[0].roadjibun String Land-lot number for new address system
subpoi.poi[0].detailaddress String Address details
subpoi.poi[0].catecode String Classification code
subpoi.poi[0].catename String Classfication name
subpoi.poi[0].dp_catecode String DP classification code
subpoi.poi[0].distance Integer Distance from coordinates (if available)
subpoi.poi[0].tel String Phone number
subpoi.poi[0].hasoildata Boolean Availability of oil price data
subpoi.poi[0].hasdetailinfo Boolean Availability of detail information
subpoi.poi[0].hassubpoi Boolean Availability of sub-facilities
subpoi.poi[0].adv_count Boolean Number of ad codes
subpoi.poi[0].islandmark Boolean Landmark or not
subpoi.poi[0].updateTS String Format of last updated date and time (Y4-MM-DD HH:mm:ss)
subpoi.poi[0].data_source String Category of POI creation data (Thinkware/Tel/User)
subpoi.poi[0].badgeflag Boolean Availability of badge (Not Yet: FALSE, Badged: TRUE)
subpoi.poi[0].userid String User ID for POI registration (only for UCP)
subpoi.poi[0].imagecount Integer Number of POI images
subpoi.poi[0].oildata Object Oil price data
subpoi.poi[0].oildata.g_price Integer Gas price
subpoi.poi[0].oildata.hg_price Integer Premium gas price
subpoi.poi[0].oildata.d_price Integer Diesel price
subpoi.poi[0].oildata.l_price Integer LPG price
subpoi.poi[0].oildata.updatetime String Updated time
subpoi.poi[0].oildata.priceinfo String Highest/Lowest oil price information
(H: Highest, L: Lowest, X: N/A)
In the order of gas, premium gas, diesel, and LPG
subpoi.poi[0].oildata.wash Boolean Availability of a car wash
subpoi.poi[0].oildata.fix Boolean Availability of a car repair shop
subpoi.poi[0].oildata.mart Boolean Availability of a store
subpoi.poi[0].AdInfo Array List of ad codes
subpoi.poi[0].AdInfo[0].ADCODE Integer Ad codes
Assignable from 1 to 99 (up to 99)
subpoi.poi[0].subpoi Object Sub-facility data
subpoi.poi[0].subpoi.count Integer Number of subpois
subpoi.poi[0].subpoi.poi Array Same as POI information

5. Conversion of Coordinates

  • Return conversion value between WGS84 <-> TM coordinates.



Method URI
GET /maps/v3.0/appkeys/{appkey}/trans-coordinates?coordtype={coordtype}&x={x}&y={y}

[Path parameter]

Name Type Required Valid Range Description
appkey String Required Origin appkey

[Query Parameter]

Name Type Required Valid Range Description
coordtype String Required 0 : WGS84 -> TM
1 : TM -> WGS84
x String Required Current location or map center coordinates
WGS84 or TM coordinates
y String Required Current location or map center coordinates
WGS84 or TM coordinates


  "header": {
    "isSuccessful": true,
    "resultCode": 0,
    "resultMessage": ""
  "coordinate": {
    "coordtype": "WGS84",
    "x": "128.662952",
    "y": "38.058678"
Name Type Description
header Object Header area
header.isSuccessful Boolean Successful or not
header.resultCode Integer Failure code
header.resultMessage String Failure message
coordinate Object Body area
coordinate.coordtype String Conversion type of coordinates
coordinate.x String X coordinates for conversion
coordinate.y String Y coordinates for conversion
  • Supports local category search based on the reference coordinates.



Method URI
GET /maps/v3.0/appkeys/{appkey}/nearby-category-searches?depth={depth}&x1={x1}&y1={y1}&x2={x2}&y2={y2}&radius={radius}&catecode={catecode}&coordtype={coordtype}&reqcount={reqcount}

[Path parameter]

Name Type Required Valid range Description
appkey String Required Unique app key

[Query Parameter]

Name Type Required Description
catecode String Required Category code
spopt Integer Required 1 : Extent(x1,y1,x2,y2)
2 : Radius search (x1,y1,radius)
x1 String Required (see spopt) Reference X1 coordinates
y1 String Required (see spopt) Reference Y1 coordinates
x2 String Required (see spopt) Reference X2 coordinates
y2 String Required (see spopt) Reference Y2 coordinates
radius String Required (see spopt) Radius (m)
depth String Optional 0: All depth
1: depth1
2: depth2
3: depth3
sortopt String Optional Sorting option
1: Distance
2: Name
3: Gas price (when searching for gas station)
4: Premium gasoline price (when searching for gas station)
5: Diesel price (when searching for gas station)
6: LPG price (when searching for gas station)
7: Ratings
reqcount String Optional Number of search result to display


Response Body
    "cate": {
            "result": true,
            "totalcount": 10,
            "count": 10,
            "poi": [
                            "poiid": 717788,
                            "depth": 0,
                            "dpx": "127.110762",
                            "dpy": "37.402184",
                            "rpx": "127.110862",
                            "rpy": "37.402334",
                            "name1": "Thinkware",
                            "name2": "iNavy (headquarter)",
                            "name3": "THINKWARE",
                            "name4": "INAVI",
                            "admcode": "4113510900",
                            "jibun": "678",
                            "address": "Sampyeong-dong, Bundang-gu, Seongnam-si, Gyeonggi-do",
                            "roadname": "Pangyoyeok-ro, Bundang-gu, Seongnam-si, Gyeonggi-do",
                            "roadjibun": "240",
                            "detailaddress": "Samhwan Hipex A building 8, 9F",
                            "catecode": "130600",
                            "catename": "Company",
                            "dp_catecode": "000",
                            "userid": "",
                            "imagecount": 0,
                            "userimagecount": 0,
                            "badgeflag": false,
                            "distance": 27,
                            "tel": "1577-4242",
                            "islandmark": true,
                            "visitscore": "35.74",
                            "landmarkscore": "10",
                            "popularity": false,
                            "pop_tv": false,
                            "pop_sns": false,
                            "pop_hot": false,
                            "pop_hit": false,
                            "pop_top": "Gyeonggi_1,Bundaing-gu_1",
                            "updateTS": "2019-12-12 00:00:00",
                            "hasoildata": false,
                            "hasdetailinfo": true,
                            "hassubpoi": true,
                            "subpoi": {
                                    "count": 1
        "hasgasstation": false
    "header": {
        "isSuccessful": true,
        "resultCode": 0,
        "resultMessage": ""
Name Type Description
header Object Header area
header.isSuccessful Boolean Success
header.resultCode Integer Failure code
header.resultMessage String Failure message
cate Object Body area
cate.result Boolean Success
cate.totalcount Integer Number of targets for all search results
cate.count Integer Number of search results
cate.poi Array POI search result list
cate.poi[0].poiid Integer POI ID
cate.poi[0].depth String POI sub-facilities depth
cate.poi[0].dpx String display X coordinates (longitude for WGS84)
cate.poi[0].dpy String display Y coordinates (latitude for WGS84)
cate.poi[0].rpx String Navigate X coordinates (longitude for WGS84)
cate.poi[0].rpy String display Y coordinates (latitude for WGS84)
cate.poi[0].name1 String Formal name
cate.poi[0].name2 String Abbreviated name
cate.poi[0].name3 String Extended name 1
cate.poi[0].name4 String Extended name 2
cate.poi[0].admcode String Administration code
cate.poi[0].jibun String Street address
cate.poi[0].address String Address
cate.poi[0].roadname String New address street name
cate.poi[0].roadjibun String New street address
cate.poi[0].detailaddress String Full address
cate.poi[0].catecode String Classification code
cate.poi[0].catename String Classification name
cate.poi[0].tel String Phone number 1
cate.poi[0].distance Integer Distance
cate.poi[0].imagecount Integer Number of POI images
cate.poi[0].hasoildata Boolean Oil price availability
cate.poi[0].oildata Object Oil price info
cate.poi[0].oilda.tag_price Integer Gasoline price
cate.poi[0].oilda.hg_price Integer Premium gasoline price
cate.poi[0].oilda.d_price Integer Diesel price
cate.poi[0].oilda.l_price Integer LPG price
cate.poi[0].oilda.updatetime String Update time
cate.poi[0].oilda.priceinfo String Highest/Lowest oil price information
(H : highest, L : lowest, X : n/a)
In order of gasoline, premium gasoline, diesel, and LPG
cate.poi[0].oilda.wash Boolean Car-wash facility availability
cate.poi[0].oilda.fix Boolean Maintenance service availability
cate.poi[0].oilda.mart Boolean Store availability
cate.poi[0].hassubpoi Boolean Sub-facility data availability
cate.poi[0].subpoi Object Sub-facility info
cate.poi[0].subpoi.count Integer Number of sub-facilities
cate.poi[0].subpoi.poi Array Same as POI info

7. Search for space

  • Returns the entered administration code and name as polygon coordinates.



Method URI
POST /maps/v3.0/appkeys/{appkey}/adminToPolygon

[Path parameter]

Name Type Required Valid range Description
appkey String Required Unique app key

[Query Parameter]

Name Type Required Description
coordtype Integer Required Coordinate type
Default: 1
0: TW
1: WGS84
mode Integer Required Range of viewed district
0: ALL
query String Required Administration codes and names


Response Body
    "polygon": {
        "result": true,
        "count": 1,
        "polygondata": [
                "admincode": "4136025921",
                "count": 1,
                "polygonlist": [
                        "count": 413,
                        "polygon": [
                                "x": 127.207296,
                                "y": 37.665605
                                "x": 127.208346,
                                "y": 37.665080
    "header": {
     "isSuccessful": true,
     "resultCode": 0,
     "resultMessage": ""
Name Type Description
header Object Header area
header.isSuccessful Boolean Success
header.resultCode Integer Failure code
header.resultMessage String Failure message
polygon Object Body area
polygon.result Boolean Success
polygon.count Integer Number of search results
polygon.polygondata Array Polygon data
polygon.polygondata[0].admincode String AdminCode values searched for (digits vary by the mode)
polygon.polygondata[0].count Integer Polygon count
polygon.polygondata[0].polygonlist Array Polygon
polygon.polygondata[0].polygonlist[0].count Integer Point count
polygon.polygondata[0].polygonlist[0].polygon Array List of polygon coordinates
polygon.polygondata[0].polygonlist[0].polygon[0].x Integer X-coordinate
polygon.polygondata[0].polygonlist[0].polygon[0].y Integer Y-coordinate

8. Search for administrative/legal-status neighborhood within polygons

  • Returns the administration code for input polygon coordinates.



Method URI
POST /maps/v3.0/appkeys/{appkey}/polygonToAdmin

[Path parameter]

Name Type Required Valid range Description
appkey String Required Unique app key

[Query Parameter]

Name Type Required Description
coordtype Integer Required Coordinate type
Default: 1
0: TW
1: WGS84
polygon Array Required List of polygon coordinates
polygon[0].x Integer Required X-coordinate
polygon[0].y Integer Required Y-coordinate


Response Body
    "header": {
            "isSuccessful": true,
            "resultCode": 0,
            "resultMessage": ""
    "adm": {
        "result": true,
        "admincodes": {
            "count": 3,
            "admincodelist": [
                    "AdminCode": "4136025921",
                    "Address": "Sareung-ri, Jingeon-eup, Namyangju-si, Gyeonggi-do"
                    "AdminCode": "4136025926",
                    "Address": "Songreung-ri, Jingeon-eup, Namyangju-si, Gyeonggi-do"
                    "AdminCode": "4136025900",
                    "Address": "Jingeon-eup, Namyangju-si, Gyeonggi-do"
Name Type Description
header Object Header area
header.isSuccessful Boolean Success
header.resultCode Integer Failure code
header.resultMessage String Failure message
adm Object Body area
adm.result Boolean Success
adm.count Integer Number of search results
adm.polygondata Array Polygon data
adm.polygondata[0].admincode String AdminCode values searched for (digits vary by the mode)
adm.polygondata[0].count Integer Polygon count
adm.polygondata[0].polygonlist Array Polygon
adm.polygondata[0].polygonlist[0].count Integer Point count
adm.polygondata[0].polygonlist[0].polygon Array List of polygon coordinates
adm.polygondata[0].polygonlist[0].polygon[0].x Integer X-coordinate
adm.polygondata[0].polygonlist[0].polygon[0].y Integer Y-coordinate

9. Query Building Group Entry Points

  • Returns the number and coordinates of entry points corresponding to the input polygon coordinates.



Method URI
POST /maps/v3.0/appkeys/{appkey}/searchEntryPoint

[Path parameter]

Name Type Required Valid range Description
appkey String Required Unique app key

[Query Parameter]

Name Type Required Description
coordtype Integer Optional Coordinate type
Default: 1
0: TW
1: WGS84
type Integer Optional Feature to be added
Currently, no effect on operation
posX String Required X-coordinate
posY String Required Y-coordinate


Response Body
    "data": {
        "result": true,
        "count": 5,
        "entrypoints": [
                "x": 126.936249,
                "y": 37.54713,
                "type": 0
                "x": 126.935912,
                "y": 37.547139,
                "type": 0
                "x": 126.936687,
                "y": 37.547097,
                "type": 0
                "x": 126.936674,
                "y": 37.546655,
                "type": 0
                "x": 126.936099,
                "y": 37.546389,
                "type": 0
    "header": {
        "isSuccessful": true,
        "resultCode": 0,
        "resultMessage": ""
Name Type Description
header Object Header area
header.isSuccessful Boolean Success
header.resultCode Integer Failure code
header.resultMessage String Failure message
data Object Body area
data.result Boolean Success
data.count Integer Number of queried building group entry points
data.entrypoints Object Coordinate list of queried building group entry points
data.entrypoints[0].x Double X-coordinate
data.entrypoints[0].y Double Y-coordinate
data.entrypoints[0].type Integer Feature to be added

10. Address Validation

  • Validates the entered address.



Method URI
GET /maps/v3.0/appkeys/{appkey}/addr-searches

[Path parameter]

Name Type Required Valid Range Description
appkey String Required Unique appkey

[Query Parameter]

Name Type Required Description
addr String Required Address to search
coordtype String Optional Coordinate type
Default: 1
0: TW
1: WGS84
startposition String Optional Position to start the search
0: First position. If not entered, search from 0
reqcount String Optional Number of search requests
When set to 0, returns the maximum number
posx String Optional X coordinates
posy String Optional Y coordinates


Response Body
    "search": {
        "data": [
                "posx": "127.110662",
                "posy": "37.402125",
                "address": "240, Pangyoyeok-ro, Bundang-gu, Seongnam-si, Gyeonggi-do",
                "admcode": "4113510900"
        "count": 1
    "header": {
        "isSuccessful": true,
        "resultCode": 0,
        "resultMessage": ""
Name Type Description
header Object Header area
header.isSuccessful Boolean Successful or not
header.resultCode Integer Failure code
header.resultMessage String Failure message
search Object Body area Array Search Results[0].posx String X coordinate[0].posy String Y coordinate[0].address String Address[0].admcode String Administrative code[0].distance Double Distance from the entered coordinates (unit: m)
(output when posx and posy are entered)
search.count Integer Number of search results

Geocoding API

1. Search of Address (Address -> Coordinates)

  • Search coordinates (TW/WGS84/TM) with address.



Method URI
GET /maps/v3.0/appkeys/{appkey}/coordinates?query={query}&coordtype={coordtype}&startposition={startposition}&reqcount={reqcount}&admcode={admcode}

[Path parameter]

Name Type Required Valid Range Description
appkey String Required Origin appkey

[Query Parameter]

Name Type Required Valid Range Description
query String Required Search word
coordtype String Optional Type of coordinates
0: TW coordinates
1: WGS84 coordinates
2: TM coordinates
startposition String Optional Start position of search
0: Initial location; query by 0, if left blank
reqcount String Optional Number of search requests
Return max count, if it is set with 0
admcode String Optional Administrative code


  "header": {
    "isSuccessful": true,
    "resultCode": 0,
    "resultMessage": ""
    "address": {
        "result": true,
        "totalcount": 6.0,
        "admtotalcount": 6.0,
        "admcount": 3.0,
        "res_type": "NNYN",
        "adm": [
                "type": 2.0,
                "posx": "126.689009",
                "posy": "36.157903",
                "admcode": "4477038000",
                "jibun": "",
                "address": "Pangyo-myeon, Seocheon-gun, Chungcheongnam-do",
                "roadname": "",
                "roadjibun": "",
                "accuracy": 3.0,
                "distance": 1.2081825E7
                "type": 2.0,
                "posx": "126.521977",
                "posy": "36.547422",
                "admcode": "4480037030",
                "jibun": "",
                "address": "Pangyo-ri,Seobu-myeon, Hongseong-gun, Chungcheongnam-do",
                "roadname": "",
                "roadjibun": "",
                "accuracy": 3.0,
                "distance": 1.2082085E7
                "type": 2.0,
                "posx": "126.699108",
                "posy": "36.167844",
                "admcode": "4477038021",
                "jibun": "",
                "address": "Pangyo-ri, Pangyo-myeon, Seocheon-gun, Chungcheongnam-do",
                "roadname": "",
                "roadjibun": "",
                "accuracy": 3.0,
                "distance": 1.2083048E7
Name Type Description
header Object Header area
header.isSuccessful Boolean Successful or not
header.resultCode Integer Failure code
header.resultMessage String Failure message
address Object Body area
address.result Boolean Successful or not
address.totalcount Integer Total number of search results
address.res_type String Name of search result type
In the order of Name, Category, Address, and Phone Number
(e.g.) NYNN: No for name, Yes for category, No for address, and No for phone number
address.adm Array Search results
address.adm[0].type String Type of search
1: Search administrative system
2: Search land-lot number
3: Search new address system
address.adm[0].posx String X coordinates
address.adm[0].posy String Y coordinates
address.adm[0].admcode String Administrative code
address.adm[0].address String Addresss
address.adm[0].roadname String Road name for new address system
address.adm[0].roadjibun String Land-lot number for new address system
address.adm[0].accuracy Integer Accuracy of land-lot numbers
0: Search accuracy
1: Extend the last digit of land-lot numbers
e.g.) For the search of 963-2, return the search result of 963-X.
2 : Extend the initial digit of land-lot numbers
e.g) For the search of 963-2, return the search result of 96X
3: Coordinates of Dong of legal-status neighborhood
e.g.) In case input is available only down to Sampyeong-dong
4: Coordinates of Dong or higher unit, or legal-status neighborhood
e.g.) In case input is available down to Bundang-gu only

Reverse Geocoding API

1. Search of Coordinates (Coordinates -> Address)

  • Search address with coordinates (TW/WGS84 coordinates).



Method URI
GET /maps/v3.0/appkeys/{appkey}/addresses?posX={posX}&posY={posY}&coordtype={coordtype}

[Path parameter]

Name Type Required Valid Range Description
appkey String Required Origin appkey

[Query Parameter]

Name Type Required Valid Range Description
posX String Required X coordinates
posY String Required Y coordinates
coordtype String Optional Requested type of coordinates
0: TW coordinates
1: WGS84 coordinates
Search by TW coordinates, if left blank


    "header": {
        "isSuccessful": true,
        "resultCode": 0,
        "resultMessage": ""
    "location": {
        "result": true,
        "hasAdmAddress": true,
        "adm": {
            "posx": "127.110425",
            "posy": "37.402109",
            "address": "Sampyeong-dong, Bundang-gu, Seongnam-si, Gyeonggi-do",
            "distance": 0,
            "bldname": ""Samhwan Hipex A building"",
            "admcode": "4113510900",
            "postcode": "13493",
            "jibun": "678",
            "roadname": "Pangyoyeok-ro, Bundang-gu, Seongnam-si, Gyeonggi-do",
            "roadjibun": "240"
        "adm_address": {
            "address": "Sampyeong-dong, Bundang-gu, Seongnam-si, Gyeonggi-do",
            "admcode": "4113565500",
            "address_category3": "Sampyeong-dong",
            "address_category4": "",
            "jibun": "678",
            "address_category1": "Gyeonggi-do",
            "address_category2": "Bundang-gu, Seongnam-si",
            "cut_address": "Sampyeong-dong, Bundang-gu, Seongnam-si, Gyeonggi-do"
        "legal_address": {
            "address": "Sampyeong-dong, Bundang-gu, Seongnam-si, Gyeonggi-do",
            "admcode": "4113510900",
            "address_category3": "Sampyeong-dong",
            "address_category4": "",
            "jibun": "678",
            "address_category1": "Gyeonggi-do",
            "address_category2": "Bundang-gu, Seongnam-si",
            "cut_address": "Sampyeong-dong, Bundang-gu, Seongnam-si, Gyeonggi-do"
Name Type Description
header Object Header area
header.isSuccessful Boolean Successful or not
header.resultCode Integer Failure code
header.resultMessage String Failure message
location Object Body area
location.result Boolean Successful or not
location.adm.posx String X-coordinate
location.adm.posy String Y-coordinate
location.adm.distance String Distance (m)
location.adm.bldname String Building name
location.adm.admcode String Administrative code
location.adm.postcode String Postal code
location.adm.jibun String Lot number address
location.adm.roadname String New road name address
location.adm.roadjibun String New lot number address
location.adm_address Object Administrative neighborhood address information
location.adm_address.admcode String Administrative code
location.adm_address.postcode String Postal code
location.adm_address.address String Address
location.adm_address.jibun String Lot number addres
location.adm_address.address_category1 String do/si
location.adm_address.address_category2 String si/gun/gu
location.adm_address.address_category3 String eup/myeon/dong
location.adm_address.address_category4 String ri
location.adm_address.cut_address String
location.legal_address Object Legal-status neighborhood address
location.legal_address.admcode String Administrative code
location.legal_address.address String Address
location.legal_address.jibun String Lot number addres
location.legal_address.address_category1 String do/si
location.legal_address.address_category2 String si/gun/gu
location.legal_address.address_category3 String eup/myeon/dong
location.legal_address.address_category4 String ri
location.legal_address.cut_address String

1. Route Navigation

  • Use departure and destination coordinates (including optional stopovers) to return navigated details and route information.



Method URI
GET,POST /maps/v3.0/appkeys/{appkey}/route-normal?option={option}&coordType={coordType}&carType={carType}&startX={startX}&startY={startY}&endX={endX}&endY={endY}&via1X={via1X}&via1Y={via1Y}&via2X={via2X}&via2Y={via2Y}&via3X={via3X}&via3Y={via3Y}&via4X={via4X}&via4Y={via4Y}&via5X={via5X}&via5Y={via5Y}&guideTop={guideTop}&groupByTrafficColor={groupByTrafficColor}&saveFile={saveFile}&useTaxifare={useTaxifare}&searchByAddress={searchByAddress}&usageType={usageType}&carHeight={carHeight}&carWeight={carWeight}&useStartDirection={useStartDirection}

[Path parameter]

Name Type Required Valid Range Description
appkey String Required Origin appkey

[Request Parameters]

Name Type Required Valid Range Description
startX String Required X coordinates at departure
startY String Required Y coordinates at departure
endX String Required X coordinates at destination
endY String Required Y coordinates at destination
via1X String Optional X coordinates at stopover 1
via1Y String Optional Y coordinates at stopover 1
via2X String Optional X coordinates at stopover 2
via2Y String Optional Y coordinates at stopover 2
via3X String Optional X coordinates at stopover 3
via3Y String Optional Y coordinates at stopover 3
via4X String Optional X coordinates at stopover 4
via4Y String Optional Y coordinates at stopover 4
via5X String Optional X coordinates at stopover 5
via5Y String Optional Y coordinates at stopover 5
option String Required Route navigation option
Only one option can be used
e.g.) option=real_traffic
real_traffic: Real-time recommendation1
real_traffic_freeroad: Real-time (free)
real_traffic2: Real-time recommendation 2
short_distance_priority: Short distance
motorcycle: Two-wheeler
recommendation: Recommendation
carType Integer Optional Vehicle types to calculate toll fees (1~6); default is 1
coordType String Required Only one is available out of Input/Output coordinate types (TW or WGS84)
guideTop Integer Optional Guide data count to expose
groupByTrafficColor Boolean Optional Return list of route details by each group of traffic color
saveFile Boolean Optional Save binary files to search POI around the route
useTaxifare Integer Optional Whether to see the expected amount of taxi fare
e.g. useTaxifare=1
0: Disabled
1: General taxi
2: Deluxe taxi
3: General & deluxe taxis
searchByAddress Boolean Optional Whether to use address-based route navigation
Default: false
usageType Integer Optional Vehicle usage type
Default: 0
Normal: 0
Taxi: 1
(Applied only when the route navigation option is recommendation)
carHeight Integer Optional Car height information
Default: 0
carWeight Integer Optional Car weight information
Default: 0
useStartDirection Boolean Optional Whether to specify navigation direction based on departure coordinates
Default: false


    "route": {
        "data": {
            "file_name": "",
            "toll_fee": 0.0,
            "taxiFare": 3500,
            "paths": [
                    "coords": [
                            "x": 127.5313243125899,
                            "y": 37.40142475251763
                            "x": 127.5313243125899,
                            "y": 37.40142475251763
                    "speed": -1.0,
                    "distance": 258.0,
                    "spend_time": 96.0,
                    "road_code": 5.0,
                    "traffic_color": "#d73a76"
            "guides": [
                    "name": "Subuchon-gil",
                    "distance": 440.0,
                    "speed": -1.0,
                    "road_code": 5.0,
                    "score": 880.0,
                    "type": "ROAD",
                    "coords": [
                            "x": 127.5313243125899,
                            "y": 37.40142475251763
                            "x": 127.5313243125899,
                            "y": 37.40142475251763
                    "traffic_color": ""
            "option": "real_traffic",
            "spend_time": 240.0,
            "distance": 858.0
    "header": {
        "isSuccessful": true,
        "resultCode": 0,
        "resultMessage": ""
Name Type Description
header Object Header area
header.isSuccessful Boolean Successful or not
header.resultCode Integer Failure code
header.resultMessage String Failure message
route Object Body area Object Route data String Binary file name to search POI around the route String Navigation option Integer Required time (second) Integer Distance (m) Integer Toll fee Integer Estimated taxi fare Array List of route details[0].coords Array List of coordinate details[0].coords[0].x Double X coordinates[0].coords[0].y Double Y coordinates[0].speed Integer Speed[0].spend_time Integer Required time (second)[0].distance Integer Distance (m)[0].road_code Integer Road type code[0].traffic_color String Road traffic color Array List of main road information[0].coords Array List of coordinate details[0].coords[0].x Array X coordinates[0].coords[0].y Array Y coordinates[0].distance Integer Distance (m)[0].name String Road name[0].road_code Integer Road type code[0].score Integer Weight[0].speed Integer Speed (km)[0].type String Road type[0].traffic_color String Road traffic color

2. Summary of Route Navigation

  • Use departure and destination coordinates (including optional stopovers) to return navigated summary data (e.g. distance, time, and, navigation options).



Method URI
GET,POST /maps/v3.0/appkeys/{appkey}/route-summary?option={option}&coordType={coordType}&startX={startX}&startY={startY}&endX={endX}&endY={endY}&via1X={via1X}&via1Y={via1Y}&via2X={via2X}&via2Y={via2Y}&via3X={via3X}&via3Y={via3Y}&via4X={via4X}&via4Y={via4Y}&via5X={via5X}&via5Y={via5Y}&carHeight={carHeight}&carWeight={carWeight}&useStartDirection={useStartDirection}

[Path parameter]

Name Type Required Valid Range Description
appkey String Required Origin appkey

[Request Parameters]

Name Type Required Valid Range Description
startX String Required X coordinates at departure
startY String Required Y coordinates at departure
endX String Required X coordinates at destination
endY String Required Y coordinates at destination
via1X String Optional X coordinates at stopover 1
via1Y String Optional Y coordinates at stopover 1
via2X String Optional X coordinates at stopover 2
via2Y String Optional Y coordinates at stopover 2
via3X String Optional X coordinates at stopover 3
via3Y String Optional Y coordinates at stopover 3
via4X String Optional X coordinates at stopover 4
via4Y String Optional Y coordinates at stopover 4
via5X String Optional X coordinates at stopover 5
via5Y String Optional Y coordinates at stopover 5
option String Required Route navigation option
Request with navigation options separated by ','
e.g.) option=real_traffic,real_traffic2
real_traffic: Real-time recommendation1
real_traffic_freeroad: Real-time (free of charge)
real_traffic2: Real-time recommendation 2
short_distance_priority: Short distance
motorcycle: Two-wheeler
coordType String Required Only one is available out of Input/Output coordinate types (TW or WGS84)
carHeight Integer Optional Car height information
Default: 0
carWeight Integer Optional Car weight information
Default: 0


    "route": {
        "data": [
                "option": "real_traffic",
                "spend_time": 240.0,
                "distance": 858.0
    "header": {
        "isSuccessful": true,
        "resultCode": 0,
        "resultMessage": ""
Name Type Description
header Object Header area
header.isSuccessful Boolean Successful or not
header.resultCode Integer Failure code
header.resultMessage String Failure message
route Object Body area Array Route data[0].option String Navigation option[0].spend_time Integer Required time (second)[0].distance Integer Distance (m)

3. Summary of Navigation Routes with Multiple Departures

  • Navigate coordinates of multiple departures and one departure, and return each time and distance data.



Method URI
POST /maps/v3.0/appkeys/{appkey}/route-start-multi-summary

[Path parameter]

Name Type Required Valid Range Description
appkey String Required Origin appkey

[Request Parameters]

Name Type Required Valid Range Description
data Array Array information at departure (Max : 50)
data[0].startX String Required X coordinates at departure
data[0].startY String Required Y coordinates at departure
data[0].startIdx String Required ID at departure
endX String Required X coordinates at destination
endY String Required Y coordinates at destination
orderby String Required Sorting criteria (
0 : distance_desc
1 : distance_asc
2 : time_desc
3 : time_asc
coordType String Required Type of coordinates (TW, or WGS84)
resultCount Integer Optional Number of exposed results


    "route": {
        "data": [
                "spend_time": 240.0,
                "distance": 858.0,
                "startX": "127.538593",
                "startY": "37.398322",
                "startIdx": "test"
                "spend_time": 960.0,
                "distance": 8289.0,
                "startX": "127.50940913221785",
                "startY": "37.44046992358892",
                "startIdx": "test2"
    "header": {
        "isSuccessful": true,
        "resultCode": 0,
        "resultMessage": ""
Name Type Description
header Object Header area
header.isSuccessful Boolean Successful or not
header.resultCode Integer Failure code
header.resultMessage String Failure message
route Object Body area Array Route data[0].spend_time Integer Required time (second)[0].distance Integer Distance (m)[0].startX String X coordinates at departure[0].startY String Y coordinates at departure[0].startIdx String ID at departure

4. Summary of Navigation Routes with Multiple Destinations

  • Navigate coordinates of one departure and multiple destinations, and return each time and distance data.



Method URI
POST /maps/v3.0/appkeys/{appkey}/route-end-multi-summary

[Path parameter]

Name Type Required Valid Range Description
appkey String Required Origin appkey

[Request Parameters]

Name Type Required Valid Range Description
data Array Array information at departure (Max : 50)
data[0].endX String Required X coordinates at destination
data[0].endY String Required Y coordinates at destination
data[0].endIdx String Required ID at destination
startX String Required X coordinates at departure
startY String Required Y coordinates at departure
orderby String Required Sorting criteria (
0 : distance_desc
1 : distance_asc
2 : time_desc
3 : time_asc
coordType String Required Type of coordinates (TW or WGS84)
resultCount Integer Optional Number of exposed results


    "route": {
        "data": [
                "spend_time": 240.0,
                "distance": 858.0,
                "endX": "127.538593",
                "endY": "37.398322",
                "endIdx": "test"
                "spend_time": 1020.0,
                "distance": 8303.0,
                "endX": "127.50940913221785",
                "endY": "37.44046992358892",
                "endIdx": "test2"
    "header": {
        "isSuccessful": true,
        "resultCode": 0,
        "resultMessage": ""
Name Type Description
header Object Header area
header.isSuccessful Boolean Successful or not
header.resultCode Integer Failure code
header.resultMessage String Failure message
route Object Body area Array Route data[0].spend_time Integer Required time (second)[0].distance Integer Distance (m)[0].endX String X coordinates at destination[0].endY String Y coordinates at destination[0].endIdx String ID at destination

5. Search of Estimated Routes

  • Use estimated arrival time based on estimated start and arrival time, as well as coordinates at departure and destination (including optional stopovers), and return navigated details and route information.



Method URI
GET /maps/v3.0/appkeys/{appkey}/route-time?startX={startX}&startY={startY}&endX={endX}&endY={endY}&type={type}&year={year}&month={month}&day={day}&hour={hour}&minutes={minutes}&via1X={via1X}&via1Y={via1Y}&via2X={via2X}&via2Y={via2Y}&via3X={via3X}&via3Y={via3Y}&via4X={via4X}&via4Y={via4Y}&via5X={via5X}&via5Y={via5Y}&coordType={coordType}&carType={carType}&useTrafficColor={useTrafficColor}&guideTop={guideTop}&groupByTrafficColor={groupByTrafficColor}&beforeCount={beforeCount}&afterCount={afterCount}&interval={interval}&useTaxifare={useTaxifare}&carHeight={carHeight}&carWeight={carWeight}&useStartDirection={useStartDirection}&usageType={usageType}

[Path parameter]

Name Type Required Valid Range Description
appkey String Required Origin appkey

[Request Parameters]

Name Type Required Valid Range Description
startX String Required X coordinates at departure
startY String Required Y coordinates at departure
endX String Required x coordinates at destination
endY String Required Y coordinates at destination
type String Required Base time (Departure, Arrival)
start: Based on departure time
end : Based on arrival time
year Integer Required Base year (ex.2019)
month Integer Required Base month
day Integer Required Base day
hour Integer Required Base time (hour)
minutes Integer Required Base time (minute)
via1X String Optional X coordinates at stopover 1
via1Y String Optional Y coordinates at stopover 1
via2X String Optional X coordinates at stopover 2
via2Y String Optional Y coordinates at stopover 2
via3X String Optional X coordinates at stopover 3
via3Y String Optional Y coordinates at stopover 3
via4X String Optional X coordinates at stopover 4
via4Y String Optional Y coordinates at stopover 4
via5X String Optional X coordinates at stopover 5
via5Y String Optional Y coordinates at stopover 5
coordType String Optional Type of coordinates (TW, WGS84)
default : wgs84
useTrafficColor Boolean Optional Return road traffic color (True, False)
defaut : false
guideTop Integer Optional Guide data count to expose
carType Integer Optional Vehicle type to calculate toll fees (1~6), default : 1
groupByTrafficColor Boolean Optional Return list of route details by each group of traffic color
beforeCount Integer Optional Navigation count before base time
afterCount Integer Optional Navigation count after base time
interval Integer Optional Inverval (minute) before/after base time
useTaxifare Integer Optional Whether to see the expected amount of taxi fare
e.g. useTaxifare=1
0: Disabled
1: General taxi
2: Deluxe taxi
3: General & deluxe taxis
carHeight Integer Optional Car height information
Default: 0
carWeight Integer Optional Car weight information
Default: 0
useStartDirection Boolean Optional Whether to specify navigation direction based on departure coordinates
Default: false
usageType Integer Optional Car usage
Default: 0
General: 0
Taxi: 1


    "route": {
        "data": {
            "distance": 22621.0,
            "spend_time": 1620.0,
            "toll_fee": 0.0,
            "taxiFare": 3900,
            "times": [
                    "index": -2.0,
                    "spend_time": 1620.0,
                    "distance": 0.0,
                    "start_time": {
                        "year": 2019.0,
                        "month": 11.0,
                        "day": 22.0,
                        "hour": 16.0,
                        "minutes": 0.0
                    "end_time": {
                        "year": 2019.0,
                        "month": 11.0,
                        "day": 22.0,
                        "hour": 16.0,
                        "minutes": 27.0
                    "index": -1.0,
                    "spend_time": 1620.0,
                    "distance": 0.0,
                    "start_time": {
                        "year": 2019.0,
                        "month": 11.0,
                        "day": 22.0,
                        "hour": 16.0,
                        "minutes": 30.0
                    "end_time": {
                        "year": 2019.0,
                        "month": 11.0,
                        "day": 22.0,
                        "hour": 16.0,
                        "minutes": 57.0
                    "index": 0.0,
                    "spend_time": 1620.0,
                    "distance": 0.0,
                    "start_time": {
                        "year": 2019.0,
                        "month": 11.0,
                        "day": 22.0,
                        "hour": 17.0,
                        "minutes": 0.0
                    "end_time": {
                        "year": 2019.0,
                        "month": 11.0,
                        "day": 22.0,
                        "hour": 17.0,
                        "minutes": 27.0
                    "index": 1.0,
                    "spend_time": 1620.0,
                    "distance": 0.0,
                    "start_time": {
                        "year": 2019.0,
                        "month": 11.0,
                        "day": 22.0,
                        "hour": 17.0,
                        "minutes": 30.0
                    "end_time": {
                        "year": 2019.0,
                        "month": 11.0,
                        "day": 22.0,
                        "hour": 17.0,
                        "minutes": 57.0
                    "index": 2.0,
                    "spend_time": 1620.0,
                    "distance": 0.0,
                    "start_time": {
                        "year": 2019.0,
                        "month": 11.0,
                        "day": 22.0,
                        "hour": 18.0,
                        "minutes": 0.0
                    "end_time": {
                        "year": 2019.0,
                        "month": 11.0,
                        "day": 22.0,
                        "hour": 18.0,
                        "minutes": 27.0
            "paths": [
                    "coords": [
                            "x": 126.94730280056565,
                            "y": 37.38419119654106
                            "x": 126.94700283437736,
                            "y": 37.38395788491522
                    "speed": -1.0,
                    "distance": 36.0,
                    "spend_time": 10.0,
                    "road_code": 5.0,
                    "traffic_color": "#989898"
                    "coords": [
                            "x": 126.94700283437736,
                            "y": 37.38395788491522
                            "x": 126.94650289104105,
                            "y": 37.383557922382955
                    "speed": -1.0,
                    "distance": 63.0,
                    "spend_time": 20.0,
                    "road_code": 5.0,
                    "traffic_color": "#989898"
            "guides": [
                    "name": "Gyeongsu-daero",
                    "distance": 2401.0,
                    "speed": 53.0,
                    "road_code": 3.0,
                    "score": 14406.0,
                    "type": "ROAD",
                    "coords": [
                            "x": 126.95508976578816,
                            "y": 37.37800871915593
                            "x": 126.95518976229994,
                            "y": 37.37780874413099
                    "traffic_color": "#00ff60"
                    "name": "Bongdam-Gwacheon Ro",
                    "distance": 13369.0,
                    "speed": 83.0,
                    "road_code": 2.0,
                    "score": 106952.0,
                    "type": "ROAD",
                    "coords": [
                            "x": 126.97727624066877,
                            "y": 37.34261321883654
                            "x": 126.97736373901714,
                            "y": 37.342388246474925
                    "traffic_color": "#00ff60"
    "header": {
        "isSuccessful": true,
        "resultCode": 0,
        "resultMessage": ""
Name Type Description
header Object Header area
header.isSuccessful Boolean Successful or not
header.resultCode Integer Failure code
header.resultMessage String Failure message
route Object Body area Object Route data String Binary file name to search POI around the route String Navigation option Integer Required time (second) Integer Distance (m) Integer Toll fee Integer Estimated taxi fare Array List of route details[0].index Integer Index as compared to base time (which is applied for 0)[0].spend_time Integer Required time (second)[0].start_time Object Start time[0].start_time.year Object Year[0].start_time.month Object Month[0] Object Day[0].start_time.hour Object Hour[0].start_time.minutes Object Minute[0].end_time Object Arrival time[0].end_time.year Object Year[0].end_time.month Object Month[0] Object Day[0].end_time.hour Object Hour[0].end_time.minutes Object Minute Array List of route details[0].coords Array List of coordinate details[0].coords[0].x Double X coordinates[0].coords[0].y Double Y coordinates[0].speed Integer Speed[0].spend_time Integer Required time (second)[0].distance Integer Distance (m)[0].road_code Integer Road type code[0].traffic_color String Road traffic color Array List of main road information[0].coords Array List of coordinate details[0].coords[0].x Array X coordinates[0].coords[0].y Array Y coordinates[0].distance Integer Distance (m)[0].name String Road name[0].road_code Integer Road type code[0].score Integer Weight[0].speed Integer Speed (km)[0].type String Road type[0].traffic_color String Road traffic color

6. Added multi-stops 100

  • Navigates the path from the starting point to the destination and returns the navigated path information.
  • Up to 100 stops can be added.
  • Recommended when at least 6 stops need to be designated.



Method URI
POST /maps/v3.0/appkeys/{appkey}/route-normal-via

[Path parameter]

Name Type Required Effective range Description
appkey String Required Unique Appkey

[Request Parameters]

Name Type Required Effective range Description
startX String Required Starting point X-coordinate
startY String Required Starting point Y-coordinate
endX String Required Destination X-coordinate
endY String Required Destination Y-coordinate
option String Required Route navigation option
Request with navigation options separated by ','
e.g. option=real_traffic,real_traffic2
real_traffic: Real-time recommendation 1
real_traffic_freeroad: Real-time (Free)
real_traffic2: Real-time recommendation 2
short_distance_priority: Short distance
motorcycle: Two-wheeler
recommendation: Recommendation
coordType String Required Coordinate type (TW, WGS84)
viaList Array Optional Stop information
via[0].viaX String Optional Stop X-coordinate
via[0].viaY String Optional Stop Y-coordinate
useAngle String Optional Option of the moving direction of the starting point
(Default: false, true: driving direction is prioritized, false: driving direction is not prioritized)
angle Integer Optional Result display count
carType Integer Optional Car type for tollgate calculation (1-6), default: 1
guideTop Integer Optional The number of information messages to expose
groupByTrafficColor Boolean Optional Whether to return detailed path list information coded and grouped with road traffic colors
useTaxifare Integer Optional Whether to check predicted taxi fare
e.g. useTaxifare=1
0: Disabled
1: General taxi
2: Deluxe taxi
3: General & deluxe taxis
useStartDirection Boolean Optional Result display count
searchByAddress Boolean Optional Whether to use address-based route navigation
Default: false
usageType Integer Optional Vehicle usage type
Default: 0
Normal: 0
Taxi: 1
(Applied only when the route navigation option is recommendation)
carHeight Integer Optional Car height information
Default: 0
carWeight Integer Optional Car weight information
Default: 0
useStartDirection Boolean Optional Whether to specify navigation direction based on departure coordinates
Default: false


Response Body
    "route": {
        "data": {
            "file_name": "",
            "toll_fee": 500,
            "taxiFare": 44100,
            "paths": [
                    "coords": [
                            "x": 126.98738167260602,
                            "y": 37.56100472071098
                            "x": 126.98745666577292,
                            "y": 37.561004722056495
                            "x": 126.98788162917526,
                            "y": 37.560929738395224
                            "x": 126.98810661103511,
                            "y": 37.56084641878082
                            "x": 126.98823160224156,
                            "y": 37.5607547650072
                            "x": 126.9882940996141,
                            "y": 37.56064644538208
                    "speed": 30,
                    "distance": 95,
                    "spend_time": 12,
                    "road_code": 5,
                    "traffic_color": "#00ff60"
                } ...
            "guides": [
                    "name": "Hannam IC",
                    "distance": 0,
                    "speed": 0,
                    "road_code": 0,
                    "score": 0,
                    "type": "IC",
                    "coords": [
                            "x": 127.01735503801878,
                            "y": 37.522301421437476
                    "traffic_color": ""
                "traffic_color": "#fff000"
            "option": "real_traffic",
            "spend_time": 5580,
            "distance": 45931
    "header": {
        "isSuccessful": true,
        "resultCode": 0,
        "resultMessage": ""
Name Type Description
header Object Header area
header.isSuccessful Boolean Success or not
header.resultCode Integer Failure code
header.resultMessage String Failure message
route Object Body area Object Path info String Binary filename to search for POI around the path String Search option Integer Elapsed time (seconds) Integer Distance (m) Integer Tollgate fee Integer Expected amount of taxi fare Array Detailed path list[0].coords Array Detailed coordinates list[0].coords[0].x Double X-coordinate[0].coords[0].y Double Y-coordinate[0].speed Integer speed[0].spend_time Integer Elapsed time (seconds)[0].distance Integer Distance (m)[0].road_code Integer Road type code[0].traffic_color String Road traffic color Array Major road information list[0].coords Array Detailed coordinates list[0].coords[0].x Array X-coordinate[0].coords[0].y Array Y-coordinate[0].distance Integer Distance (m)[0].name String Road name[0].road_code Integer Road type code[0].score Integer Importance[0].speed Integer Speed (km)[0].type String Road type[0].traffic_color String Road traffic color

7. Summarize path information between stopovers

  • Finds the path from the starting point to the destination and returns the information of the found path.



Method URI
GET,POST /maps/v3.0/appkeys/{appkey}/route-normal-summary?option={option}&coordType={coordType}&carType={carType}&startX={startX}&startY={startY}&endX={endX}&endY={endY}&via1X={via1X}&via1Y={via1Y}&via2X={via2X}&via2Y={via2Y}&via3X={via3X}&via3Y={via3Y}&via4X={via4X}&via4Y={via4Y}&via5X={via5X}&via5Y={via5Y}&guideTop={guideTop}&groupByTrafficColor={groupByTrafficColor}&saveFile={saveFile}&useTaxifare={useTaxifare}&searchByAddress={searchByAddress}&usageType={usageType}&carHeight={carHeight}&carWeight={carWeight}&useStartDirection={useStartDirection}

[Path parameter]

Name Type Required Valid range Description
appkey String Required Unique Appkey

[Request Parameters]

Name Type Required Valid range Description
startX String Required X-coordinate of starting point
startY String Required Y-coordinate of starting point
endX String Required X-coordinate of destination
endY String Required Y-coordinate of destination
via1X String Optional X-coordinate of stopover 1
via1Y String Optional Y-coordinate of stopover 1
via2X String Optional X-coordinate of stopover 2
via2Y String Optional Y-coordinate of stopover 2
via3X String Optional X-coordinate of stopover 3
via3Y String Optional Y-coordinate of stopover 3
via4X String Optional X-coordinate of stopover 4
via4Y String Optional Y-coordinate of stopover 4
via5X String Optional X-coordinate of stopover 5
via5Y String Optional Y-coordinate of stopover 5
option String Required Route navigation option
Only one option can be used
e.g. option=real_traffic
real_traffic: real-time recommendation 1
real_traffic_freeroad: real-time(free)
real_traffic2: real-time recommendation 2
short_distance_priority: short distance
motorcycle: two-wheeler
recommendation: Recommendation
carType Integer Optional Car type to calculate the toll gate charge (1 - 6), default: 1
coordType String Required input, output coordinate type, enter only one of these (TW, WGS84)
useTaxifare Integer Optional Whether to see the expected amount of taxi fare
e.g. useTaxifare=1
0: Disabled
1: General taxi
2: Deluxe taxi
3: General & deluxe taxis
searchByAddress Boolean Optional Whether to use address-based route navigation
Default: false
usageType Integer Optional Vehicle usage type
Default: 0
Normal: 0
Taxi: 1
(Applied only when the route navigation option is recommendation)
carHeight Integer Optional Car height information
Default: 0
carWeight Integer Optional Car weight information
Default: 0
useStartDirection Boolean Optional Whether to specify navigation direction based on departure coordinates
Default: false


Response Body
    "route": {
        "data": {
            "option": "real_traffic",
            "spend_time": 6420,
            "distance": 57726,
            "toll_fee": 0,
            "totalTaxiFare": "57420,83100",
            "detailDistance": [
                    "position": "0|1",
                    "distance": 31168
                    "position": "1|2",
                    "distance": 12934
                    "position": "2|3",
                    "distance": 13624
    "header": {
        "isSuccessful": true,
        "resultCode": 0,
        "resultMessage": ""
Name Type Description
header Object Header area
header.isSuccessful Boolean Success
header.resultCode Integer Failure code
header.resultMessage String Failure message
route Object Body area Array Route information[0].option String Path-finding option[0].spend_time Integer Time required (in sec)[0].distance Integer Distance (m)[0].toll_fee Integer Distance (m)[0].totalTaxiFare Integer Distance (m)[0].detailDistance Array Stopover summary[0].detailDistance[0].position String Location
If there is only one stopover, 0|1: Starting point -> Stopover 1, 1|2: Stopover 1 -> Destination[0].detailDistance[0].distance Integer Distance (m)

W3W Integration API

1. Search for W3W coordinates (Coordinates -> Address)



Method URI
GET /maps/v3.0/appkeys/{appkey}/w3w-addresses?posX={posX}&posY={posY}

[Path parameter]

Name Type Required Valid Range Description
appkey String Required Unique appkey

[Request Query Parameter]

Name Type Required Valid Range Description
posX String Required X coordinate
posY String Required Y coordinate


Response Body
    "search": {
        "data": [
                "posx": "127.110662",
                "posy": "37.402125",
                "address": "240, Pangyoyeok-ro, Bundang-gu, Seongnam-si, Gyeonggi-do",
                "admcode": "4113510900"
        "count": 1
    "header": {
        "isSuccessful": true,
        "resultCode": 0,
        "resultMessage": ""
Name Type Description
header Object Header area
header.isSuccessful Boolean Successful or not
header.resultCode Integer Failure code
header.resultMessage String Failure message
address Object Body area
address.result Boolean Successful or not
address.adm Array Basic information
address.adm[0].what3words String what3words address
address.adm[0].posx String X coordinate
address.adm[0].posy String Y coordinate
address.adm[0].address String Legal address
address.adm[0].roadname String Street address

2. Search for W3W Suggestions



Method URI
GET /maps/v3.0/appkeys/{appkey}/w3w-proposers?query={query}&posX={posX}&posY={posY}

[Path parameter]

Name Type Required Valid Range Description
appkey String Required Unique appkey

[Request Query Parameter]

Name Type Required Valid Range Description
query String Required what3words address
(2 words in the form of what3words, followed by the initial letter and word.
Example) sign.increase.decrease./shout.filial.cow)
posX String Optional X coordinate
posY String Optional Y coordinate


Response Body
    "proposer": {
        "result": true,
        "what3words": [
                "what3words": " far",
                "distance": 280,
                "address": "Haman-gun, Gyeongsangnam-do"
                "what3words": "Signature.Donggam.area",
                "distance": 56,
                "address": "Dongducheon-si, Gyeonggi-do"
                "what3words": "Signature.Jangdam.Yeotae",
                "distance": 89,
                "address": "Cheongju-si, Chungcheongbuk-do"
    "header": {
        "isSuccessful": true,
        "resultCode": 0,
        "resultMessage": ""
Name Type Description
header Object Header area
header.isSuccessful Boolean Successful or not
header.resultCode Integer Failure code
header.resultMessage String Failure message
proposer Object Body area
proposer.result Boolean Successful or not
proposer.what3words Array W3W suggestion information
proposer.what3words[0].what3words String what3words address
proposer.what3words[0].distance double Distance from those coordinates when posX, posY are entered
(expose on posX, posY input)
proposer.what3words[0].address String Abbreviated address

3. Search for W3W best point



Method URI
GET /maps/v3.0/appkeys/{appkey}/w3w-optposition-searches?query={query}

[Path parameter]

Name Type Required Valid Range Description
appkey String Required Unique appkey

[Request Query Parameter]

Name Type Required Valid Range Description
query String Required what3words address
(3 words required based on what3words form
Example) signature.increase.decrease.cherish


Response Body
    "search": {
        "result": true,
        "entrypoint": {
            "what3words": "signature.increment.cherished",
            "posx": "127.110876",
            "posy": "37.402324",
            "address": "678, Sampyeong-dong, Bundang-gu, Seongnam-si, Gyeonggi-do, Korea",
            "roadname": "240, Pangyo Station Road, Bundang-gu, Seongnam-si, Gyeonggi-do, Korea"
    "header": {
        "isSuccessful": true,
        "resultCode": 0,
        "resultMessage": ""
Name Type Description
header Object Header area
header.isSuccessful Boolean Successful or not
header.resultCode Integer Failure code
header.resultMessage String Failure message
search Object Body area
search.result Boolean Successful or not
search.entrypoint Array Best point information
search.entrypoint[0].what3words String what3words address
search.entrypoint[0].posx String X coordinate
search.entrypoint[0].posy String Y coordinate
search.entrypoint[0].address String Legal address
search.entrypoint[0].roadname String Street address

Static Map

1. Static Map

  • Return static map images within user-defined map range.



Method URI
GET /maps/v3.0/appkeys/{appkey}/static-maps?lon={lon}&lat{lat}&zoom={zoom}&bearing={bearing}&pitch={pitch}&width={width}&height={height}&x2={x2}&mx={mx}&my={my}&imgUrl={imgUrl}

[Path parameter]

Name Type Required Valid Range Description
appkey String Required Origin appkey

[Request Query Parameter]

Name Type Required Valid Range Description
lon String Required Longitude coordinates to be requested
lat String Required Latitude coordinates to be requested
zoom String Optional Zoom-in level of coordinates to be requested
bearing String Optional Rotation rate of coordinates to be requested
pitch String Optional Tilting level of coordinates to be requested (0~30)
width String Optional Width value of image to be requested
height String Optional Height value of image to be requested
x2 String Optional Return image size * 2
mx String Optional Coordinates (logitude) to represent a marker
my String Optional Coordinates (latitude) to represent a marker
imgUrl String Optional URL of image to represent a marker

