Application Service > ShortURL > API Guide

Basic information

API Endpoint:

Shortened URL

1. Create

  • Create a shortened URL.


POST /open-api/v1.0/appkeys/{appKey}/urls
Content-Type: application/json


[Path Variables]

Name Type Required Description
appKey String O Service Appkey (Can be found on the Manage Service tab)

[Request Body]

Name Type Required Description
url String O Full URL
domain String X The domain to use for shortened URL (created as if not specified)
backHalf String X Shortened URL ID (Refers to example in Created randomly if not specified)
description String X Description of shortened URL
campaigns List X List of campaign IDs to belong to
startDateTime String X Date and time to start using shortURL
endDateTime String X Date and time to end the use of shortUrl
  • When adding startDateTime and endDateTime, use the DateTimeFormatter.ISO_OFFSET_DATE_TIME format.
  • If startDateTime is not specified, it is set to the current time. If endDateTime is not specified, it is set to 3 months after startDateTime.
   "url": "",
   "domain": "",
   "campaigns": [1,2],
   "backHalf": "example",
   "description": "test",
   "startDateTime" : "2022-11-10T02:58Z",
   "endDateTime": "2100-02-10T02:58Z"


    "header": {
        "isSuccessful": true,
        "resultCode": 0,
        "resultMessage": "SUCCESS"
    "body": {
        "shortUrl": "",
        "originUrl": "",
        "status": "ACTIVE",
        "backHalfType": "CUSTOM",
        "description": "test",
        "startDateTime" : "2022-11-10T02:58Z",
        "endDateTime": "2100-02-10T02:58Z"
Name Type Description
header.isSuccessful Boolean Successful or not
header.resultCode Integer Result code
header.resultMessage String Failure message
body.shortUrl String Shortened URL
body.originUrl String Full URL
body.status String Shortened URL status
body.backHalfType String Method of creating the shortened URL
body.description String Description of shortened URL
body.startDateTime String Date and time to start using the shortened URL
body.endDateTime String Date and time to end the use of the shortened URL
  • When accessing the original URL through the shortened URL created, the original URL is converted into an ASCII (7) string and added to the Location header.
  • In this case, the character + is used without any additional encoding.
    • For example,안+녕 is converted to and the character + is not encoded separately as %2B.
  • Search for a shortened URL.


GET /open-api/v1.0/appkeys/{appKey}/domains/{domain}/urls/{backHalf}


[Path Variables]

Name Type Required Description
appKey String O Service Appkey (Can be found on the Manage Service tab)
domain String O Domain name
backHalf String O Shortened URL path ID


    "header": {
        "isSuccessful": true,
        "resultCode": 0,
        "resultMessage": "SUCCESS"
    "body": {
        "shortUrl": "",
        "originUrl": "",
        "status": "ACTIVE",
        "backHalfType": "AUTO",
        "description": "test",
        "startDateTime": "2021-03-26T03:35+0000",
        "endDateTime": "9999-12-31T00:00+0000"
Name Type Description
header.isSuccessful Boolean Successful or not
header.resultCode Integer Result code
header.resultMessage String Failure message
body.shortUrl String Shortened URL
body.originUrl String Full URL
body.status String Shortened URL status
body.backHalfType String Method of creating the shortened URL
body.description String Description of shortened URL
body.startDateTime String Date and time to start using the shortened URL
body.endDateTime String Date and time to end the use of the shortened URL

3. Search for a QR code

  • Search for the QR code of a shortened URL.


GET /open-api/v1.0/appkeys/{appKey}/domains/{domain}/urls/{backHalf}/qrcode


[Path Variables]

Name Type Required Description
appKey String O Service Appkey (Can be found on the Manage Service tab)
domain String O Domain name
backHalf String O Shortened URL path ID


    "header": {
        "isSuccessful": true,
        "resultCode": 0,
        "resultMessage": "SUCCESS"
    "body": "iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAAIIAAACCAQAAAACieC1QAAAA+0lEQVR4Xu3UsZHEIAwFUO0QkO024BnaIKMlbwNnuwHTkjO3wYwasDMCBp18wbHrxFJ6t4rMCzTigwE61QIf+ZOSAGizNILRCFIuj0yRPzQyeqoeZ9AKVjB6ScN66nMtlGmD0y4uhfPB2eN7Ypdy1JSPpUbSsHTPTNXqBEL6CtCDU8kdMC4urm0XAqGJuA+N9jcfiZS7L73FqaUqkfRcu4HMTk4jPHDpvdvbzCKpgcd2fIgq2Xx342w9aeSnlcWqk+OOcThzS1UifJ95aWpoO5UI/6ezB3h5E2TCb0J5vKQqExoD7rnNLBHK6ZaRUSNHPnExcVXJW33kX8g3k5xLHpTtgoMAAAAASUVORK5CYII="
Name Type Description
header.isSuccessful Boolean Successful or not
header.resultCode Integer Failure Code (0: Normal)
header.resultMessage String Failure message
body String Base64-encoded PNG image