In order to check authority using the ROLE service, the RESTful API have to be called or the client SDK have to be used.
AppKey and SecretKey are required to use RESTful API and Client SDK. You can check the key information issued at the top left of [CONSOLE].
It is a ROLE-only client SDK for easy calling of RESTful API. Since it has its own cache feature, it is possible to use the ROLE service more efficiently. Currently, we only support JAVA language.
JDK 11
or later version environments
In order to use the JAVA client SDK, it is necessary to set the mean repository and dependency in pom.xml.
[Maven Repository] It is stored in the Maven Central Repository, so no additional settings are required. If you use another storage or do not reference Maven Central environment, set it as follows.
[Maven Dependency]
To use the JAVA Client SDK, you first have to create an instance of the RoleClient object using the RoleClientFactory object. Once you have created a RoleClient object, you may call the method provided by the object and process various tasks.
Key | Type | Required | Description |
appKey | String | Yes | App key issued by the server |
secretKey | String | Yes | Secret key issued by the server |
domain | String | No | Domain Address It uses default values and do not need to be set separately |
connectTimeout | Integer | No | You can set the connection timeout, and the unit of time is millisecond. The default value is 10 seconds, which is the default value for okHttp |
readTimeout | Integer | No | You can set Read timeout, and the unit of time is millisecond. The default value is 10 seconds, which is the default value for okHttp |
String appKey = "appKey";
String secretKey = "secretKey";
// Correct way to create RoleClient objects
// Domain does not need to be set up separately.
RoleClient client = RoleClientFactory.getClient(RoleConfig.builder()
// You should not call the generator directly as below.
RoleClient client = new RoleClient(RoleConfig.builder()
Be careful not to call the RoleClient creator directly.
What is used as a common SDK feature
Key | Type | Required | Description |
page | Integer | No | Page number |
itemsPerPage | Integer | No | Number of items to be viewed per list |
sort | List<String> | No | Data Sorting Criteria |
Key | Type | Required | Description |
totalItems | Integer | Yes | Total number |
items | List |
Yes | List viewed |
Check user information Register, view, modify and delete and user role change history
Key | Type | Required | Description |
userId | String | Yes | User ID |
description | String | No | Description |
regYmdt | OffsetDateTime | No | User creatime time. Set on return |
roleCounts | List<UserRoleCount> | No | Number of roles assgined to users |
roleRelations | List |
No | An associated role |
Key | Type | Required | Description |
scopeId | String | No | Scope ID |
roleCount | Integer | No | Number of roles for each scope ID |
Key | Type | Required | Description |
scopeId | String | Yes | Applicable target ID |
roleId | String | Yes | Role ID |
roleApplyPolicyCode | RoleApplyPolicyCode | No | Role enabled or not: ALLOW, DENY |
conditions | List<Condition> | No | Role Condition attributes |
regYmdt | Date | Yes | Created date |
Key | Type | Required | Description |
attributeId | String | Yes | Condition Attribute ID |
attributeOperatorType | Required | Yes | Condition Attribute Operator Type |
attributeValues | List<String> | No | Condition Attribute value |
User user = User.builder()
Key | Type | Required | Description |
userId | String | Yes | User ID |
searchRoleOptionCode | SearchRoleOptionCode | No | Whether or not to search with associated permission: DIRECT_ROLE, INDIRRECT_ROLE |
roleIds | List<String> | No | List of Role IDs |
scopeIds | List<String> | No | List of Applicable target IDs |
GetUserRequest request = GetUserRequest.builder()
User user = client.getUser(request);
⚠️ See Common
for models used when in response
Key | Type | Required | Description |
userIds | List<String> | No | User ID list (Fully matched) |
userIdPreLike | String | No | User ID (Front matched) |
scopeIds | List<String> | No | Range ID list (Fully matched) |
scopeIdPreLike | String | No | Range ID (Front matched) |
roleIds | List<String> | No | Role ID list (fully matched) |
roleIdPreLike | String | No | Role ID (Front matched) |
descriptionLike | String | No | User Description (Partially matched) |
searchRoleOptionCode | SearchRoleOptionCode | No | Accessible Role List Search method |
needRoleRelations | Boolean | No | Whether or not to include role associations in response or not (default: true) |
needRoleTags | Boolean | No | When in response and include role associations, whether to include role tags or not (default: false) |
needRoleCount | Boolean | No | Whether or not to include the number of roles users have in responses (default: false) |
GetUserRequest request = GetUsersRequest.builder()
Pageable pageable = Pageable.builder()
Page<User> user = client.getUsers(request, pageable);
Key | Type | Required | Description |
user | User | Yes | ⚠️ Refer to User for the used model when requsted |
createUserIfNotExist | Boolean | No | Whether to create when the user does not exist when requested |
User user = User.builder()
PutUserRequest request = PutUserRequest.builder()
String userId = "";
Key | Type | Required | Description |
userIds | Set<String> | Yes | User IDs |
DeleteUsersRequest request = DeleteUsersRequest.builder()
Key | Type | Required | Description |
userId | String | No | User ID |
roleId | String | No | Role ID |
scopeId | String | No | Applicable target ID |
fromDateTime | OffsetDateTime | No | Start date and time of change |
toDateTime | OffsetDateTime | No | End date and time of change |
GetUserRoleHistoriesRequest request = GetUserRoleHistoriesRequest.builder()
Page<UserRoleHistory> userRoleHistories = client.getUserRoleHistories(request, Pageable.builder()
Key | Type | Required | Description |
userHistorySeq | long | Yes | Order |
userId | String | Yes | User ID |
roleId | String | No | Role ID |
scopeId | String | No | Applicable target ID |
roleApplyPolicyCode | RoleApplyPolicyCode | No | Role enabled or not: ALLOW, DENY |
conditions | List<ConditionBundle> | No | Role Condition attributes |
command | UserRoleHistoryCommandCode | Yes | Order |
executionTime | OffsetDateTime | Yes | Modification date |
operatorUuid | String | Yes | Operator UUID |
Key | Type | Required | Description |
userId | String | Yes | User ID |
scopeId | String | Yes | Applicable ID |
description | String | No | 설명 |
createUserIfNotExist | Boolean | No | Whether to create when the user does not exist when requested |
roleRelations | List<UserRoleRelation> | No | Related role |
PutUserRequest request = PutUserScopeRequest.builder()
Operation information Register, view, modify, and delete
Key | Type | Required | Description |
operationId | String | Yes | Operation ID |
description | String | No | Description |
Operation operation = Operation.builder()
⚠️ See Model
for models used when in response
String operationId = "";
Operation operation = client.getOperation(operationId);
⚠️ See Common
for models used when in response
Key | Type | Required | Description |
operationIds | List<String> | No | Operating ID list |
operationIdPreLike | String | No | Operation ID (Front matched) |
descriptionLike | String | No | Description (Partially matched) |
GetOperationsRequest request = GetOperationsRequest.builder()
Pageable pageable = Pageable.builder()
Page<Operation> operations = client.getOperations(request, pageable);
⚠️ See Operation
for models used when request
Operation operation = Operation.builder()
String operationId = "";
Key | Type | Required | Description |
operationIds | Set<String> | Yes | Operation IDs |
DeleteOperationsRequest request = DeleteOperationsRequest.builder()
Attribute register, view, modify, and delete
Key | Type | Required | Description |
attributeId | String | Yes | Condition Attribute ID |
attributeName | String | No | Condition attribute name |
description | String | No | Description |
attributeDataType | AttributeDataType | Yes | Condition attribute data type |
attributeCreationType | AttributeCreationType | No | Condition attribute creation type |
attributeTagIds | List<String> | No | Condition attribute tag list |
attributeRoleRelationIds | List<String> | No | List of associated roles |
Attribute attribute = Attribute.builder()
String attributeId = "";
Attribute attribute = client.getAttribute(attributeId);
⚠️ See Common
for models used when in response
Key | Type | Required | Description |
attributeIds | List<String> | No | Condition attribute ID list |
attributeIdPreLike | String | No | Condition attribute ID (Front matched) |
roleIds | List<String> | No | Converse ID List |
roleIdPreLike | String | No | Role ID (Front matched) |
attributeTagIds | List<String> | No | Condition attribute ID list |
descriptionLike | String | No | Description (Partially matched) |
attributeDataType | AttributeDataType | No | Condition attribute data type |
GetAttributesRequest request = GetAttributesRequest.builder()
Pageable pageable = Pageable.builder()
Page<GetAttributeResponse> attributes = client.getAttributes(request, pageable);
Key | Type | Required | Description |
attribute | Attribute | Yes | Condition attribute model |
attributeTagById | Map<String, AttributeTag> | No | Condition attribute tag information |
attributeRoleRelationByRoleId | Map<String, AttributeRoleRelation> | No | Roles associated with condition attribute |
attributeInUse | Boolean | Yes | Condition attribute data type |
⚠️ See Attribute
for models used when request
Attribute attribute =
Key | Type | Required | Description |
attributeId | String | Yes | Condition Attribute ID |
forceDelete | boolean | No | Whether or not forced to delete (default value: false) |
DeleteAttributeRequest request =
Key | Type | Required | Description |
attributeIds | Set<String> | Yes | Condition attribute IDs |
forceDelete | boolean | No | Whether to force delete (Default: false) |
DeleteAttributesRequest request = DeleteAttributesRequest.builder()
Scope register, view, modify and delete
Key | Type | Required | Description |
scopeId | String | Yes | Scope ID |
description | String | No | Description |
Scope scope = Scope.builder()
⚠️ See Model
for models used when in response
String scopeId = "";
Scope scope = client.getScope(scopeId);
⚠️ See Common
for models used when in response
Key | Type | Required | Description |
scopeIds | List<String> | No | Scope ID list |
scopeIdPreLike | String | No | Range ID (Front matched) |
descriptionLike | String | No | Description (Partially matched) |
GetScopesRequest request = GetScopesRequest.builder()
Pageable pageable = Pageable.builder()
Page<Scope> scopes = client.getScopes(request, pageable);
⚠️ See Scope
for models used when request
Scope scope = Scope.builder()
String scopeId = "";
Key | Type | Required | Description |
scopeIds | Set<String> | Yes | Scope IDs |
DeleteScopesRequest request = DeleteScopesRequest.builder()
Role information register, view, modify, and delete, and View list of configurable attributes of registered Role, Available to change to DENY (not used) or not
Key | Type | Required | Description |
roleMetaData | RoleMetaData | Yes | Role |
roleRelations | List |
No | Association Role ID List |
roleTags | List |
No | List of role tags |
Key | Type | Required | Description |
roleId | String | Yes | Role ID |
roleName | String | No | Role name |
roleGroup | String | No | Role Group |
description | String | No | Description |
exposureOrder | Integer | No | Exposure Order |
Key | Type | Required | Description |
relatedRoleId | String | Yes | Role Association ID |
roleApplyPolicyCode | RoleApplyPolicyCode | No | Role enabled or not: ALLOW, DENY |
conditions | List<Condition> | No | Role Condition attributes |
Key | Type | Required | Description |
attributeId | String | Yes | Condition attribute ID |
attributeOperatorType | Required | Yes | Condition attribute operator type |
attributeValues | List<String> | No | Condition attribute value |
Role role = Role.builder()
⚠️ See Model
for models used when in response
String roleId = "";
Role role = client.getRole(roleId);
Key | Type | Required | Description |
roleIds | List<String> | No | Role ID list (fully matched) |
roleIdPreLike | String | No | Range ID (Front matched) |
relatedRoleIds | List<String> | No | Association Role ID List (Fully matched) |
descriptionLike | String | No | Description (Partially matched) |
roleNameLike | String | No | Role name (Partially matched) |
roleGroupLike | String | No | Role group (Partially matched) |
roleGroupLike | String | No | Role group(Partially matched) |
roleTagIdExpr | String | No | Role tag condition (divider ';':OR, ',':AND) |
roleTagIds | List<String> | No | Role tag ID List (Fully matched) |
attributeIds | List<String> | No | Role tag ID List (Fully matched) |
attributeTagIds | List<String> | No | Condition attribute tag ID List (Fully matched) |
needAttributes | Boolean | No | Whether or not to include condition attribute information when in response |
needRoleTags | Boolean | No | Whether or not to include role tag ID list when in response |
needRoleRelations | Boolean | No | Whether or not to include association role ID list when in response |
searchRoleOptionCode | SearchRoleOptionCode | No | Whether to include subroles when searching for roles |
GetRoleRequest request = GetRoleRequest.builder()
Pageable pageable = Pageable.builder()
Page<Role> roles = client.getRoles(request, pageable);
⚠️ See Role
for models used when request
Role role = Role.builder()
String roleId = "";
Key | Type | Required | Description |
roleIds | Set<String> | Yes | Role IDs |
DeleteRolesRequest request = DeleteRolesRequest.builder()
Key | Type | Required | Description |
roleId | String | Yes | Role ID |
attributeIds | List<String> | No | Role tag ID List (Fully matched) |
attributeTagIds | List<String> | No | Condition attribute tag ID List (Fully matched) |
attributeNameLike | Boolean | No | Condition attribute name when in response (Partially matched) |
GetRoleAttributesRequest request = GetRoleAttributesRequest.builder()
Pageable pageable = Pageable.builder()
Page<Attribute> attributes = client.getRoleAttributes(request, pageable);
⚠️ See 3. Attribute
Model for models used when in response
String roleId = "";
boolean result = client.isDeniable(roleId);
Register, modify, and delete role-related relations
Key | Type | Required | Description |
roleId | String | Yes | Role ID |
roleRelations | List<RoleRelation> | No | ⚠️ Refer to RoleRelation Model for 5. ROle |
CreateRoleRelationRequest role = CreateRoleRelationRequest.builder()
Key | Type | Required | Description |
roleId | String | Yes | Role ID |
roleRelations | List<RoleRelation> | No | ⚠️ Refer to RoleRelation Model for 5.Role |
UpdateRoleRelationRequest role = UpdateRoleRelationRequest.builder()
Key | Type | Required | Description |
roleId | String | Yes | Role ID |
relatedRoleIds | List<String> | No | Role-relation IDs |
DeleteRoleRelationRequest role = DeleteRoleRelationRequest.builder()
Resource register, view, modify and delete
Key | Type | Required | Description |
resourceId | String | No | Resource ID |
description | String | No | Description |
name | String | No | Resource Name |
path | String | Yes | Resource path |
uiPath | String | Yes | Resource UI path |
priority | Integer | Yes | Priority |
metadata | String | No | Metadata |
newResourceId | String | No | Use only when you want to update existing created resource ID |
Resource resource = Resource.builder()
⚠️ See Model
for models used when in response
String resourceId = "";
Resource resource = client.getResource(resourceId);
⚠️ See Common
for models used when in response
Key | Type | Required | Description |
resourceIdPreLike | String | No | Resource ID (Front matched) |
resourcePath | String | No | Resource path (Fully matched) |
resourcePathLike | String | No | Resource path (Front matched) |
resourceUiPath | String | No | Resource UI path (Front matched) |
resourceIds | List<String> | No | Resource ID list |
resourcePaths | List<String> | No | Resource path list (Fully matched) |
resourceUiPaths | List<String> | No | Resource UI path list (Fully matched) |
userIds | List<String> | No | List of user IDs with access to resources |
scopeIds | List<String> | No | List of scope IDs with access to resources |
roleIds | List<String> | No | List of role IDs assigned to resources |
operationIds | List<String> | No | List of operation IDs assigned to resources |
searchRoleOptionCode | SearchRoleOptionCode | No | Include sub roles when searching for roles or not |
GetResourcesRequest request = GetResourcesRequest.builder()
Pageable pageable = Pageable.builder()
Page<Resource> resources = client.getResources(request, pageable);
⚠️ See Resource
for models used when request
Resource resource = Resource.builder()
String resourceId = "";
Key | Type | Required | Description |
resourceIds | Set<String> | Yes | Resource IDs |
DeleteResourcesRequest request = DeleteResourcesRequest.builder()
View hierarchy of resources. Hierarchy structure is formed based on uiPath (resourceUiPath), and is cached for user-defined cache time.
Key | Type | Required | Description |
userIds | List<String> | No | User ID list |
roleIds | List<String> | No | List of Role IDs |
operationIds | List<String> | No | Operating ID list |
scopeIds | List<String> | No | Scope ID list |
resourceIds | List<String> | No | Resource ID list |
resourcePath | String | No | Resource path |
resourceUiPath | String | No | Resource UI path |
GetResourceHierarchyRequest request = GetResourceHierarchyRequest.builder()
List<ResourceHierarchy> responses = client.getResourceHierarchy(request);
Key | Type | Required | Description |
resourceId | String | Yes | Resource ID |
description | String | No | Resource Description |
name | String | Yes | Resource Name |
path | String | Yes | Resource path |
uiPath | String | Yes | Resource UI path Hierarchy is built based on this path. |
priority | Integer | Yes | Priority |
Resources | List |
No | Sub-resources |
Verify that the user has a specific role or has access rights to the resource. In the case of resources, they are cached for a user-defined cache time.
Check authorization results for specific resource
You have to have either a resource ID or a resource path when requesting it.
Key | Type | Required | Description |
authRequestId | String | No | User-defined ID value Use if you need to be clear about which authentication conditions are in response |
operationId | String | Yes | Operation ID |
resourceId | String | No | Resource ID (required if resource path is not present) |
resourcePath | String | No | Resource path (required if resource ID is not present) |
scopeId | String | No | Scope ID |
attributes | List |
No | Condition attribute list |
Key | Type | Required | Description |
attributeId | String | Yes | Condition Attribute ID |
attributeValue | String | Yes | Condition Attribute value |
String userId = "userId";
GetResourceAuthorizationRequest request = GetResourceAuthorizationRequest.builder()
boolean response = client.hasAuthorizationByResource(userId, request);
String userId = "userId";
List<GetResourceAuthorizationRequest> requests = requests = List.of(GetResourceAuthorizationRequest.builder()
List<GetResourceAuthorizationResponse> responses = client.hasAuthorizationByResources(userId, requests);
Key | Type | Required | Description |
authRequestId | String | No | User-defined ID value The value sent upon request is returned as is |
operationId | String | Yes | Operation ID |
resourceId | String | Yes | Resource ID |
resourcePath | String | No | Resource path |
scopeId | String | Yes | Scope ID |
permission | Boolean | Yes | Authorization result true: permission present false: permission not present |
attributes | List |
No | Condition attribute list |
Key | Type | Required | Description |
authRequestId | String | No | User-defined ID value Use if you need to be clear about which authentication conditions are in response |
attributes | List |
No | Condition attribute list |
roleId | String | Yes | Role ID |
scopeId | String | No | Scope ID |
String userId = "userId";
GetRoleAuthorizationRequest getUserRequest = GetRoleAuthorizationRequest.builder()
boolean response = client.hasAuthorizationByRole(userId, request);
String userId = "userId";
GetRoleAuthorizationRequest requests = List.of(GetRoleAuthorizationRequest.builder()
List<GetRoleAuthorizationResponse> responses = client.hasAuthorizationByRoles(userId, requests);
Key | Type | Required | Description |
authRequestId | String | No | User-defined ID value The value sent upon request is returned as is |
roleId | String | Yes | Role ID |
scopeId | String | Yes | Scope ID |
permission | Boolean | Yes | Authorization result true: permission present false: permission not present |
attributes | List |
No | Condition attribute list |
Client SDK uses the client-level cache for each of the following three cases.
It is managed as an LRU, and default value for Cache is 300 seconds time to live (TTL) and 1,000,000 sizes. If you want to modify this value, you can access NHN Cloud Console and change it. Any changes made in NHN Cloud Console will be reflected immediately and all existing caches will be deleted upon the changes being made.
If you want to add, change, or delete the data in the ROLE atomically, you can get and use RoleSession object by calling BeginTransaction() of RoleClient object.
For example, if you register multiple Roles at the same time as below, some may be registered and some may not be registered in the event of an error in the middle.
RoleClient client = RoleClientFactory.getClient(RoleConfig.builder()
try {
User user =
Role role = Role.builder()
// If Exception occurs here
// U1 will be created but M1 will not be created.
} catch (Exception e) {
// When error occurred, you have to implement own Rollback logic.
By using RoleSession object, you can eliminate partial failures in the above situations.
RoleClient client = RoleClientFactory.getClient(RoleConfig.builder()
RoleSession session = client.beginTransaction();
try {
User user =
Role role = Role.builder()
// Even if Exception occurs here, partial failure will not happen.
// If no error occurred, the change items will be reflected on the server.
} catch (Exception e) {
// When an error occurs, the changes stored in the session are emptied through the rollback function
When using RoleSession object, be careful not to read the changed data before commit() because no additions/modifications/changes are reflected in the server until the commit() method is called.
You can commit() or rollback() the RoleSession object and then reuse it.
RoleSession is equally available for registration, modification, and deletion of services defined in
SDK User Guide
except for queries.